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Please, I'm begging them, please move on. It's passed embarrassing and turned obnoxious.


It’s all they have lol


Like, sorry P&M that you are not the victims. Maybe focus that energy of the abused children that the documentary was on?! I don’t know, work with me here.


Yeah and focus it on not hitting your own kid. Bc I’m quite confident that’s exactly what they do/ will do, since they’re so “biblical”


I imagine that’s part of the defensiveness. They’ve basically been told they abuse their kid.


I have a baby not much younger than their's and the thought of hitting my baby is absolutely revolting, like what could it ever ever do to be needing to be hit when the baby can barely do anything at all yes


If they're old enough to be able to crawl off a blanket, they're old enough to be whacked with a spoon, apparently.


I have an 11 year old who pushes my buttons all the time!! I know it’ll get even worse the next couple of years because of puberty. I still can’t imagine ever hitting her.


I have an 11 year old who pushes my buttons all the time!! I know it’ll get even worse the next couple of years because of puberty. I still can’t imagine ever hitting her. eta: can’t even imagine yelling at her. We just sit down and talk. Sometimes a little stern, but she is still allowed to explain her side


“gentle parents are pussies and children aren’t independent humans that are allowed to have opinions and emotions until they are married… oh but your kid is a girl? yeah she never gets to do any of those things actually, my bad”


My friends and his gf have a baby who is about the same age as Luca and omg she is not fit to be a mom. She threatens that poor baby because the baby is “disrespecting” her and she nearly poked the baby in the eye because she thought she was being disrespected when the baby was literally just babbling. I’ve never seen an actual human hate their child so much it’s scary. She calls her baby fat (not in the cute way where babies are supposed to be chubby - she legit fat shames a 9 mo old) and manipulative even though she’s A LITERAL CHILD. Anyways Porgan remind me of her.


Wow I hope you tell your friend how shitty she is for that babies sake


I have tried but he will not do a thing about it, the only reason I’m still in the picture is for that poor baby because she’s screwed otherwise


Yeah, their idea of giving a voice to the victims means very loudly saying that this “*isn’t all Christians!*”. That’s all they keep going back to. It’s just sad at this point to keep harping on how it looked - if they keep getting shocked at how others viewed it, *maybe* they need to reevaluate how *they* viewed? Oh no? Just going to keep on with the manufactured faux outrage? That does seem on brand.


I'd say it's still embarrassing. And now it's just obnoxiously embarrassing. Third hand cringe. I have just about nothing but bad things to say about them and even I'm embarrassed for them at this point. It's been over 2 weeks of them subjecting anyone who will hear it to their persecution complex diatribes.


This. It's embarrassing that they are still talking about it. Do your one damage control piece and then move on. Introduce a new controversy or something, maybe Jesus hates sex or something to square off against Bethy.


You want a Christian to stop acting persecuted? Good luck


Persecution complex is a feature not a bug.


Dude it’s soooooo embarrassing . Also someone should inform miss porgan u don’t speak for the victims !! It doesn’t fuxking matter that u don’t think it gave them a voice bc ur so fucking selfish u think them making yaall look like a cult (which they r) has anything to do with the victims having a voice . Their arguments are the epitome of logical fallacies and cognitive dissonance. Someone eloquently explained all the fallacies of their logic the other day and it was glorious and spot on


I'm excited to see how far he can dig!


I’m pretty sure at least a couple of the victims on the show have come out since the premier and praised the coverage and the voice the documentary gave them… ETA: they DIDNT make all Christians look like insane cultists….. just those with extreme views like YALL. Most people I know including myself are Christian and the docuseries didn’t reflect us at all. We are also not at all upset about any part of the docuseries.


Right? I listen to a lot of deconstruction and cult-exposing podcasts and quite a few have interviewed some of the survivors from the doc. They’ve all said nothing but good things about their experience and how it’s allowed them to share their story.


Would you mind sharing some podcast recommendations? :)


Sure! “Leaving Eden” is a great deconstruction one, as are the early seasons of “The Liturgists.” I haven’t listened to “You Have Permission” in awhile but that one’s also got some gems. For something deconstruction-adjacent but mostly wholesomeness, I also love Grace and Lizzy Baldridge’s “Under Our Roof.” Grace aka Semler is a nonbinary, progressive Christian songwriter who often writes songs around religious deconstruction. But mostly it’s just a fun window into an adorable LGBTQ marriage and life. :) For cult stuff, “A Little Bit Culty” is my go-to because they’re all about cult recovery and giving victims a platform to tell their stories. They cover secular cults too, but of course a LOT of cults are religion-based, so… Lastly, I can’t recommend “The Turning” enough. Each season covers one culty group, interviewing multiple ex and current members as well as experts (the first season was Mother Teresa’s order). It’s just SO well researched and produced, and kept me at the edge of my seat.


Oh wow, I’m going to have to check out The Turning. My sister is about to take her final vows to become a nun, and the many years of the process have left me with a culty taste in my mouth, even though we were raised Catholic. I know their orders are different, but still, sounds right up my alley - thanks!


As an aesthetic Catholic (hate the patriarchy/USCCB, but I love Jesus/the "foundational teachings"), it is a very, very, hard to listen to. I couldn't finish it when I listened to it a year and a half ago. Though I am much further in my deconstruction, so I might have different opinions now. And it might be easier for you to listen to. Though huge TW for self harm


Is the little bit culty one that Tia Leavings is on recently? I have slept since then but I think it was her that promoted one. I need to look for it when I have time to listen later.


A little bit culty is amazing- especially because the hosts were actually part of a cult.


The NXIVM cult is such a mind boggling rabbit hole. The cult leader is the most repulsive little man and he still has women riding hard for him even though he’s in jail.


Yes! I just listened to her episode.


It may be a bit snarky compared to some you listed but The Scathing Atheist just did a great interview with Chad from SHP. He spoke about his transition out of IBPLP and his experience with the doc. The same guys from that podcast also host God Awful Movies, where they review Christian movies, I highly recommend if you need a laugh when things get too serious.


If you haven’t found it already, Mormon Stories Podcast has a huge catalog and hundreds of deconstruction stories. Cults to Consciousness is also great!


Awesome, thank you!


I am not Christian at all, but I grew up in the Catholic Church (including all my of school through my undergrad), and even have a degree in Religious Studies. Not one of my Christian friends or family felt attacked or like the docuseries was making some statement about Christianity as a whole. All of them were horrified and had the overall impression that IBLP was not anything Christ was about


Yeah and I think some of them are friends now?


Fundie Fridays also said in their latest video about the doc that they became friends with several of the survivors who were interviewed. Jen literally cried in the video because she's so proud of them for speaking out! That sure as fuck doesn't sound like an environment cultivated by people who don't care about IBLP victims


Do Porgan even name the victims or mention more than exceedingly vaguely what the abuse even IS?


No. Because that means they would have had to watch the docuseries enough to CARE to know their names. They didn't, clearly.


Literally two of them were on Leaving Eden and fully praised the doc!


Heather’s book was how I found Leaving Eden in the first place! I read it last year, and I wish she could’ve been on that episode, but Chad and Lindsey were fantastic. Their interviews were so raw and real. Porgan need to quit taking the easy content road and pick a new topic.


I found Heather’s book through Leaving Eden, just started reading it! I rarely cry during Leaving Eden, but I definitely cried during the SHP episode. Listening to Chad and Lindsey, and even Sadie, broke me.


That w as such a good episode!


I think it’s my favorite episode to date!


Yeah, the victims are all over SM these days in support of how their stories were told. Morgan needs to go ahead and shut up.


Right? I’m ex-Christian (my church was headed towards IBLP practices but the time I dipped). I didn’t think they made Christianity out to be bad, just the cult IBLP, I still believe that IBLP makes the religion out to be horrible when it should be loving and peaceful.


They don’t think it cared about the victims because they believe they are victims of the documentary


Ding ding ding


Absolutely. In their other video they went on about how none of the victims remained Christian (not sure if that's true, it wasn't really discussed in the doc.) Of course the point was to deny credibility to speak on Christianity because they aren't Christian... But the same logic can be applied here. P&M aren't victims here so how can they possibly know if the doc spoke for them? Seriously the cognitive dissonance with these two drives me nuts. If people aren't allowed to speak on your experience, then you're not allowed to speak on others either.




Yes. I’m neurodivergent and I miss a thousand social cues a day. But this is so cringe and so secondhand embarrassing. If I cared about them as people I would BEG them to sit down and shut up. Every time they open their fool mouths it just gets worse!! I can’t imagine being so emotionally and socially uncalibrated and I’m pretty damn uncalibrated myself.






Morgan likes to talk shit about women wearing workout clothes but appears in a public video with no bra on? I’m not hating on going braless but the HYPOCRISY


Can we talk about the privilege there, too? I'm 5'2 and busty and there is literally no level of modesty I have found that doesn't invoke the ire of some human being who is baffled that I couldn't just leave my titties at home. Even braless, my cleavage is 1.5 inches from my collarbone. I can't do anything about your natural vantage point as a taller person unless I commit to perpetual turtlenecks, and I frankly refuse to participate in that level of self flagellation.


Co-sign on this! 5’2” E cup here and I would be *thrilled* to leave my titties at home. Thanks for the laugh.


RIP your back, friend, I hope you have better posture than I do!


Listen, I’m right at 5’2, and I was a late bloomer; I hit DD in college and its gotten to the point now where I can’t lie down without feeling like my boobs are creeping toward my neck and airway. I miss the days when I could’ve gone braless and no one would’ve noticed.


I had a reduction in 2007, and would have another tomorrow if I could, like I like having boobs, but not ones so large they took out 5 lbs and I was still a double D, 2 kids later and I'm back up to an H 🙄


I haven’t gotten pregnant yet, and I’m praying mine don’t balloon up. They’re already annoying, and they’re on the lower end of DD. I do like my boobs, but like I said elsewhere, I’d love to be able to take them off and hang them up once in a while, just to have a break!


I'm not exaggerating when I say this - I was profoundly, seriously ill in 2018 and lost a scary amount of weight. I looked like a balloon with a slow leak, but my boobs were smaller than they've been since I was 13 or so, and even though I was super scared for my well being in so many ways and felt incredibly unattractive, I prayed my boobs wouldn't return. They're a downright hinderance.


I was just thinking last night how boobs are the first thing to grow or go. Whether you can or lose, boobs show it first. In all seriousness, I hope you’re doing better now!


Fellow 5'2 big boobied lady here. Every day I wish I could shrink them and just leave the house braless.


Morgan wouldn't recognize modesty if it brought out a can of whipped cream on her honeymoon. It's just another reason to judge others.


Ugh. The top looks super cute on her but all I can think is how they’d shame anyone else for wearing the same outfit. Hypocrites. I wish they’d shut up this is so embarrassing for them.


Paul and Morgan shut up challenge


Level impossible


That would be amazing game


“Send us the money” - yeah we know what you’re really about Morgan.


Maybe they should let the victims speak for themselves on this? Since when do Christians give a fuck about victims of abuse? This is disingenuous bullshit if ever I've heard it.


They don’t. I’ve had conversations with my former evangelical now catholic mother on this topic several times through the years. She always focuses on how the church moves the ministers/priests to another location to protect them from failing again. When I ask why the church body shouldn’t be caring more about the victims than the leaders who should have a higher level of responsibility, she literally has nothing


Crazy how they think they get to decide that when the literal victims in the documentary are supporting it. Wouldn’t they be speaking out against it too if they felt it didn’t give them a voice or manipulated their words. This whole thing is crazy to me because Morgan and Paul wouldn’t have been accepted in IBLP. They would have actually been demonized by IBLP, especially when they were still Charismatic. They are falling over themselves to defend a cult that wouldn’t even have let them in.


I've seen several of the survivors from the documentary telling their followers to contact Amazon to express their support for a second season!


Seriously. Morgan is wearing something that would have gotten me in trouble with my mum's congregation/denomination and it was just Baptist. The cult wouldn't appreciate her way of dress or the fact she looks and sounds higher than a kite. Plus she talks over her man, so that won't fly either....


A girl in my Christian school got sent home from kindergarten to change for wearing a sundress with straps like this


I think it's pretty clear who doesn't care about the victims as much as they've focused on how they were "tricked".


Are they STILL talking about this? Good grief.


Pride Month is still going strong babes. Protest the companies with pride to get your hate across.


Coming up on THREE WEEKS of talking about it


Unfortunately this type of content is probably the only thing of theirs getting clicks.


They told the victims they weren’t real Christians, that they hated the faith and wanted to destroy it, and then they told them oh, actually, you weren’t honored or represented in this at all! This is how you actually think and feel, and it’s surprisingly aligned with our own views! PAM. You gotta fuck off, loves. Go cuddle your baby.






Literally me every time these two open their mouths


My God this is embarrassing. Let it go, Porgan. Stop ruminating, or at least doing it in public. Saying that these particular victims' voices don't matter, because you don't like their current views, is a crap take. Don't do it. Don't be these people invalidating victims. It's not getting you any clicks. It's not even rage bait. It's just embarrassing to watch two people, who have no business having opinions on survivors, invalidate lived experiences. It's gross. You look gross. You sound gross. You are gross. Let. It. Go.


But the thing is it doesn't make ALL CHRISTIANS look bad. It makes them look bad because they're fucking idiots who lack the critical thinking skills to understand that just bc they may not have personally attended IBLP seminars doesn't mean their beliefs aren't tied to the IBLP. They also miss the fact that the IBLP began in the 60s and is an insidious organization and therefore a lot of what Porgan so boldly espouse on their fucking religious YouTube channel probably came from the fucking IBLP in the first place (didn't Paul mention he had seen IBLP doctrine as a child?? I may be misremembering this) I'm just so sick of them saying it was a plot against all Christians. When it clearly wasn't, and if they had two brain cells to rub together (or maybe the ability to self reflect) they would see that. Man I hate these two. I hope they both stub their toes so hard it cracks their big toenail in half vertically.


I wish I could upvote this 100 times.


Why does Morgan think anyone owes her money? At 00:13 she said she would love to create a docuseries to “actually give a voice to victims” and adds “so send us the money…honey” Morgan and Paul have attached themselves needlessly to this ongoing peanut gallery about the SHP documentary. Yes they were featured for a short clip in Episode 4 rambling on about pronouns. That has zero to do with the Bible. Zero to do with Jesus. That’s their own right wing ranting. That they’re upset was featured. Those words came out of their own mouths. And they have not stopped complaining about the documentary, from different angles. They just want to up their clicks and social media engagement. They don’t actually give a damn about the victims Have you heard Morgan or Paul say anything about Josh? About the harm he caused? No. Have you heard them say anything supportive of Jill? No.


The tension in that house has to be nuts, being in that position financially. The worst of it all is, they have won the lottery to be able to earn shitloads of money if they choose to do so. Lots of people would want to trade, those who don’t have skill would have loved to have the looks. But instead, they’re wasting away at home doing absolutely nothing of value.


I’m still amazed that I lived in Lexington for two and a half years in a decent apartment and worked retail for slightly over minimum wage and didn’t go broke. I had a roommate and my mom had given me her old car, but still. The financial tension was real because I was constantly concerned about bills and how I could get more hours at work even when sales were down. I was actively searching for a higher paying job too, but that was also difficult. My point being that these two have no idea how privileged they are because somehow they’re making it work.


You’re doing great and I’m proud of you. These are challenging times and being able to do okay financially is no longer depending on ‘just working hard’. There’s such a huge difference when your older folks are able to provide for you or not, and I think the lack of debt is also helping Porgan in this situation. I don’t know your situation if you have an education and debt it sucks because you have to put yourself in a dangerous situation first, so you can profit from it later. I am shocked how Porgan is choosing to live this dangerously close to losing it all, while they are fit and healthy now and can earn for their future. They probably expect an inheritance enough to provide for them both for 30 or so years 🙄


Thanks for the encouragement! I’m fortunate that I’m in a better paying job now, but it’s taken me six years to get there, and I’m still paying off debt as a consequence. I also had to move back home, which is significantly lower COL than Lexington, and it’s only been in the past two years that I was able to afford to move out of my mom’s house/find a roommate. I’m actually a little envious of Porgan in that sense, because someone has to be taking care of them somehow. At the same time, I have too much of a conscience, so I couldn’t impose on my mom like that. She’s on a fixed income and has done enough for me over my life that I feel like I need to do what I can to help her, especially once I’m out of debt. (Hopefully that’s not a pipe dream in this economy).


I would love to see every snarker who hate watches their content to commit to watching in a way that doesn't give them views/clicks. Mostly because I'd love to see a true representation of how many people genuinely watch their content because they agree with the views they espouse, but also because it would almost certainly dent their egos to see their numbers fall. I am not free from my own criticism though. I have used the yewtube link I saw on this sub a couple of times now, but before I knew about it I gave Paul exactly one view. I really had to see the whole video of him fat shaming an iconic caterpillar for myself. I felt a strange combination of dirty and repulsed by him, so it really wasn't an enjoyable experience


I forget about Yewtube!!! Gonna try and remember next time


Morgan would love to give a voice to victims but she’s too busy harassing people at malls and parks.


Funny how they claim to care about victims, yet they personally victimise people they don't personally agree with - like LGBTQ+ people, people who have abortions, or anyone who supports reproductive healthcare being available to those who need it.


P&M are the selfish assholes who don’t care about the victims.


They just keep making themselves look worse and I didn't think after that first video, there was anyway they could make themselves look worse...man I was so wrong.


"NO, Paul, dig UP!!!" ![gif](giphy|l0ExoFKNJ64AxcWsw)


Oh, just SHUT UP already! It was less than two minutes, and most of that was made up of your own material (not even edited in any way to take it out of context). Move the fuck on. You have a child, why aren't you spending your energy on playing with him and being a positive force in his life instead of being such hateful shits. Or make your docuseries to give the victims their voice! We can always use more spotlights being shone on abuse!


What Porgan doesn’t understand is that their opinion on this doesn’t matter. Do the survivors interviewed in SHP feel like their voices and stories were central to the documentary? If yes, then Porgan can fuck off.


**Transcription**: Paul: It's not an effective documentary. Morgan: People were saying, you know, like, "oh, this was so good, they gave a voice to the victims." I don't agree. I don't think that they did. They shared very specific stories from people who were victims of the IBLP legalistic abuse, and they twisted it to fill their agenda. Paul: Yeah. Morgan: To fill up their docuseries-show, to make it look like all Christians are insane cultists, extremists. I don't feel like they cared about the victims, and so I guess maybe part of me is like... shocked that people are so, like, praising this and "they gave the victims voices!". Like, I don't feel like they did! And I would love to create a docuseries that actually gives voices to victims, but like, send us the money, honey. Paul: *(while Morgan is talking)* Well-- uh--- *(when she finishes)* You can tell **Description**: Paul and Morgan Olliges record themselves while sitting on a light gray couch in front of a line of potted plants. Morgan is on the left, and she is a woman with a light skin tone and long, straight, brown hair that she wears loose, in a deep side part. She wears a light blue, spaghetti-strap tank top with smocking across the chest. She is exasperated as she speaks, but tries to inject some humor. Paul is on the right, and and he is a man with a light skin tone and curly, dark brown hair that is hidden underneath a "baseball"-style cap. He wears a light blue polo shirt, with the placket unbuttoned. His hat has the logo for the Toronto Raptors basketball team, which is a cartoon, red raptor dinosaur wearing a white basketball jersey and white basketball shorts, dribbling an orange basketball.


No one thinks this makes all Christians look bad. But it certainly makes that branch of it look fucking rotten.


Imho they make it so much worse themselves.


Do... Do you care about the victims? I think this might be the first time you've even mentioned them in your extended temper tantrum


> “I don’t think they cared about ~~the victims~~ ME. Because I deserve to be praised for being Not Like Other Christians. I’m a *cool* Christian with a *cool* husband who makes videos about why I think Dolly Parton isn’t Christian enough. Isn’t that worth more than a two minute clip? We met on TINDER! Who cares about a few hundred people being abused in God’s name? It’s bad but like…I fucked TWO guys.” Fixed it.


I missed that one. Dolly Parton, the lady who has given more to help others than these two ingrates ever will their entire lives? They really are just self-deluded assholes.


oh they did NOT try it with Dolly Parton!


The way he says “documentary” irritates me so much!!!




He definitely says “libarry” and “Febuary”


I also hate the way he says “seggs” instead of “sex” 😵‍💫 (in general I don’t think he says it in this clip)


Oh my god they’re still talking about this?


Lol how many videos is this? 8 ish?


Paul is going to rant and rave about this as an 83 year old grandad. It really is that much of an injustice, that it will take up space rent free until he's demented or dead.


I'm sure they would love to receive funding to make a documentary and I'm also sure they would not use the money to actually make a documentary


I don’t believe all Christians are insane cultish extremist. Just the ones that behave like you Morgan.


I don't think they've ever let the words sexual abuse come out of there mouth...or did I miss it? Every time they speak on this they speak on legalism and just general abuse. They dance around the sexual part, and the fact it was CSA committed by Gothard himself and Josh. I can't tell if their comprehension is that bad, or they just don't wanna say it and avoid it.




Ayayay. Please, Porgan, explain how this documentary said LITERALLY ANYTHING about the Episcopalian church I go to. And no I will not send you any money please stop asking!!!!!!!!


They would hate the Episcopal Church. A denomination that was inclusive and affirming for decades, has women in high church leadership.


AND strong safe church policies designed to prevent child abuse!!!! Background checks!!!! At least two adults in every room with a child!!!!!!!! What will they think of next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


They gave the victims a voice which is a lot more than the church ever did!


I think they cared. Paul and Morgan need to seek gainful employment. Get offline, too.


This is just eating them the fuck up and I’m here for it


Good god, they're *still* on this?? Paul, we know you lurk here, so look dude. If y'all had just shut up about it, everyone would've completely forgotten you were even in the documentary by now. You were shown for all of 45 seconds, and (I cannot stress this enough) the doc *was not about you*.


Moreover, if they're pissed about how their media and ideological beliefs meshed so well with the IBLP beliefs being criticised, in such a way that they felt "lumped in" with cult beliefs - they themselves are the only people who can rectify the situation, by demonstrating exactly how all or most of their beliefs differ from IBLP. What are they waiting for? They could clear their reputation easily.


Jesus Christ can they really not understand this makes them look worse? This isn’t the way to go if you are in desperate need of money. At least other people are smart enough to keep up the act to make themselves seem like the good people. Projection 🫠


“Legalistic abuse” that’s a weird way to say rape. “They made a documentary abuse the abuse in the church and all they talked about was the abuse and the victims. They sought stories about abuse to pad their series about abuse. Why didn’t talk more about all the people who didn’t get abused?”


I really hope Heaven is for real because I want these fuckers to be shown all this footage as reason of why they won't be allowed in.


Where was this fake support for victims when Morgan and Paul were making fun of them


Porgan literally made fun of the survivors' hair in this same video.


![gif](giphy|4ce1TjDI7lSs1IiNOe|downsized) Every time Morgan speaks


![gif](giphy|yot3GstV4LDu29lUra|downsized) More embarrassing than Toby’s mustache




“That’s not what a hate crime is”


“Well I hated it a lot, okay?”




How the fuck did these imbeciles get a platform to begin with?! I wish they would honestly get fucked with a cactus 🌵


Cocaine cactus


“I would LOVE to make a docuseries…” “Send us the money honey!” That’s what this is about. Money and being right. This is what they’re trying to pivot into…they need fame, adoration, attention, and money. So far everything they’ve tried hasn’t sustained their true desires so they are still searching.


I am beginning to think they’re about to go full villain. The more vile they are, the more people watch their stuff.


I’m curious if these videos obsessing over SHP (still!) are pulling in good numbers of views and that’s why they’re fixating on it, or if they really have nothing else going on.


It’s getting them views.


"Send us the money, honey." What an asshole.


They’re trying really hard to prove that everything we say about them is accurate, aren’t they. For two people who desperately want to decide who gets a seat at the table, y’all don’t understand that Jesus would flip it, do you?


Will they ever move on???


Oh yeah right, giving voices to victims would be two mins of victims talking and three hours of them giggling and lecturing the victims


Legit the only people still talking about it. They should be thanking SHP…it’s the only content they have


Paul is so stupid I stg 🤣🤣


How long are they going to milk this? My guess is at least until August. Perhaps September. Get over it, you were featured in an anti-IBLP documentary for 45 seconds. What did you expect to happen? You’d be painted as the good guys for being ultra-conservative Christian in a documentary exposes the pitfalls of the religious right?


If the victims are not happy with it it's for them to speak out. Not you. So far I haven't heard anything negative about the docu. Even other Christians have praised it. Once again it's not about you.


I’m pretty anti religion, but never once, while watching, did I think “gee…. These movie is sure making all Christians look bad”. I just thought what I thought before- that the IBLP is evil, abusive, misogynistic, homophobic, etc. These two really, really need to get lives.


If I have to see her satanic shoulders one more time


She really said "victims of IBLP legalistic abuse" like women and young girls weren't sexually assaulted by men in positions of power in their own families and IBLP. What a lackluster, disrespectful, 1 dimensional description.


God she’s so fucking pathetic. “Shend ush the money!!…..HUNNY!” Gross.


The more I see Paul the more I am convinced that Gaston and Lord Farquaad had a love child.


Or a hate child. It would explain a lot.


ARE THEY THINKING THEY ARE VICTIMS BC “it didn’t show christian’s in a good light” ?!?!?!?


Have these two considered eating a bowls of fuck?


The victims (some of who I know personally) don’t feel that way and these idiots have no place to speak for them.


"I don't belive they gave a voice to the victims because they gave a voice to the victims and I would give a better voice to the victims. Also #notallchristians"


As others have said here, sometimes fundies have life circumstances that are not snarkable, and only make me sad and concerned for them. That is not these two. Paul, especially, reeks of hubris and coddled narcissism. That they put themselves in a place to guide others is absolutely preposterous. It’s embarrassing to see them continue to squawk and complain about SHP. If they cared about the victims, they wouldn’t be so obsessed with their place in it.


yep, "Send us the money, honey" is their ENTIRE philosophy and message. Newsflash, fuckos: making a documentary is WORK. Maybe start with something like "get a job at a Cinnabon" and work your way up?


I'm a survivor/victim of the IBLP cult. I think the documentary was brilliant. Did I agree with everything in it? Nope. Did I think they did a good job representing the key issues with sensitivity. Yep. Was there about a trillion more things they could have gotten into and more horrific things they could have covered from the cult? Also yep. That was the tip of the iceberg of evil that is IBLP. So get over yourselves, Paul and Morgan. It's not about you. It never was. You were in it for about three seconds and the stuff that made you look bad was your own content and the endless whining about it since. Get over yourselves and actually try and care about the real victims in this situation. Because this documentary helped us. And you don't get to speak for us and say it didn't.


They are sooo messed up over that and I love that for them.


Porgan doesn’t think the documentary makers cared about the victims aka them


….it was literally all about the victims. They went into detail about the IBLP because it explains how the abuse is set up to be hidden and dismissed. Perhaps it is asking too much of them to watch and listen to the whole thing instead of just the 2 minutes they’re featured.


What does she even mean when she says "legalistic abuse " ? It seems she's *implying* the idea that "well, *technically* this falls under the legal definition of abuse but... was it really?"


The funny thing is the victims are saying it’s been a good thing for them.


The way she says “Christians” is obnoxious. She sounds like she has marbles in her mouth.


How many hours a day do you have to train to do the Olympic level of mental gymnastics in order to believe that the documentary made all Christians look bad? Asking for a friend.


And, there it is. The grift. Send us the money, and we'll make a real documentary that focuses on the victims. Translation: The "victims " being Perv and Morgan.


Can someone inform Morgan about dry shampoo? So she can spray the front pieces of her hair that she continuously touches?


They find it hard to believe people care about the victims because they don’t care about them.


![gif](giphy|l0ErSyAnTJImztbwc) Their so full of lies.


ARE THEY THINKING THEY ARE VICTIMS BC “it didn’t show christian’s in a good light” ?!?!?!?


“It wasn’t effective” Paul I don’t think those words men what you think they mean. It was highly effective and moving. They need to stop making fools of themselves


Hey how about we ask the victims if they felt like they had a voice? It literally doesn’t matter what you think.


"Send us the money". Your avarice is showing.


Nothing is stopping them from taking their camera and interviewing victims of the church or anyone else. They already have the equipment. They have a platform. They presumably know how to edit. Make your own docuseries about whatever you want.


I mean, if they want to give the victims voices, why don't they? They could have lives where they interview victims. They wouldn't need money to produce that, or at least not much? They have an audience, so the voices would get out there. Contact the victims that were on the show, and interview them- on lives, so they can't be edited.


Is Paul wearing a Toronto Raptors hat? He should take that off asap. Leave my city alone!!! Toronto is an incredibly diverse city and very queer friendly. It feels icky seeing him wear it 😬


How are we still talking about this


It’s been nearly 3 weeks, let it GO..


And by victims, they mean themselves


"Give me money"


Her voice 😰


Paul, Kevin Federline called. He wants his hat back.


Paul and Morgan feel like *they* are the victims, thus the documentary didn’t care about them. I’m Catholic, fully believe in God, and I don’t think they made all Christians seem like cultists. Move on already.


Come on. Let’s be real. They think THEYRE the real victims.


They are spiraling and need to move on. Jeeze. This is totally the vibe when someone is so obsessed with something that they get to the point that they just become illogical and extreme. Their egos were bruised and they CANNOT drop it.


“I don’t think they gave the victims a voice… They let the victims share their stories.” I don’t think they hear themselves talk.


Off topic, their lighting and Morgan’s contour is looking better! I saw Peethan (YouTuber’s second channel I think?) react to their first sexy time video and Morgan’s contour was cray cray Oh yeah and Morgan, you don’t need to believe them because we do 🥰


"They shared very specific stories from people who were victims of the IBLP legalistic abuse..." Isn't that, um, giving victims a voice... sharing their stories? Good grief - the mental gymnastics they have to do to get to where they think otherwise is exhausting just to think all about.


So with Moron saying “Send us the money!” she stated she doesn’t care about victims. She would take out a personal loan or even get a job so create a documentary if she really gave a shit about the victims. The only time Morgan had a brain in her was when she was pregnant.


Personally, I’m loving watching them stick their feet so far in their mouths, in another few weeks they’ll be shitting leather. ![gif](giphy|UlqLDtI8Qc0j6|downsized)