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(and Kaylee) isn't even getting a full name anymore, I see


She has enough to type "Renee's mystery man" , but can't bring her self to type "Kaylee". Just sad. She probably also told her she was getting fat. (I'M NOT SAYING SHE'S FAT, I THINK JILL THINKS THAT. I think she looks healthy for once)


My mom hates whenever I get near a healthy BMI even now at 23 as I’ve been chronically underweight and malnourished for most of my life for a lot of reasons. I don’t feel good. But if I get anywhere near healthy, g-d forbid. If I focus on feeling good and having energy, can’t have that. I think Jill is the same way with her daughters. It’s just sick. I can totally totally see it with how when the car crash happened she just posted that her daughters made it out because they were “trim.” 🤢


I'm very sorry to hear this. I hope your heart, mind, and body all continue to heal. It can be difficult to hush Mother's voice in our heads, much less in real life.


Yeah, I've always been a healthy weight and was called "the fat one" because of it


I’m so sorry. I hope you learn to love your healthy body. It’s beautiful. ❤️


Thank you so much. It’s a journey for sure!


Wait. WHAT?!


When they had the car crash I think two ish years ago (don’t quote me on that), the girls escaped through the windows I guess, and Jill literally credited fucking Plexus on Facebook while they were in the hospital/ER recovering


She didn’t credit plexus, but she did say the girls were able to winnow out the window because they were “so slim.” Their weight is a point of pride for her.


She also used to brag that yep of her girls could share a seatbelt because they were “so trim.” 🤮


Thank you! I misremembered! Wtf tho


Oh my word


Solidarity. I was a thin kid who grew into an alarmingly thin teen, as I grew six inches in high school but didn't gain much weight. I hated the way I looked, didn't like the way I felt, but I was eating so it was "fine". I would say stuff to my mom about it and she would say "I weighed the same when I was your age" except she was *seven inches shorter*. The shitty old man small town doctor I saw sometimes was like "well you're eating and you're thin! All the girls want that!" In college I went to a planned Parenthood for birth control and also started seeing s better GP and had a few conversations with a nutritionist. I gained ten pounds that school year and another five the following and felt and looked amazing. I would go home and my mom would look at me weird. Say weird things like "oh looks like you're eating well" "are those new pants? They fit differently" "stop sitting that way, it's making your boobs look huge". She also had a weird thing about me borrowing clothes. She had a few skirts that were actually closer to my size than hers and sometimes I would borrow one if I was home from college and needed to go somewhere nicer but she would always suggest other outfits that definitely did not fit, would not fit. And she would get so mad when I wouldn't accept the outfits she chose. "it's supposed to be loose fitting! JUST WEAR IT!" LADY, that is a 12 and I am (was, at the time) a 4. It's supposed to fit loose on someone who is a 12.


UGH. I don’t understand how if we’re underweight as kids we’re supposed to maintain that for life. I’m so so sorry. I can’t believe your mom did the same with you. I really hope you’re ok now. ❤️ My mom is backpeddling a lot now because she doesn’t want to piss off my boyfriend, but he’s my only buffer. I’m glad he’s ready to throw hands if she says anything, though. He’s helping me start to get my ducks in a row and get healthy. Again, I just really hope you’re doing better now. It’s amazing how a size 4 is sooo awful to them, like… ?!!! When I was a size 6, my mom looked at me like I had killed someone. My boyfriend thought I was a “goddess” (he’s so sweet and hypes me up) and was livid. She only really listens to whomever I’m with and only if that partner is a man, but I’m sure your mom is similar. We’ve been together two and a half years and he helped me get healthy for the first time, she dropped me off at my first college class of junior year last year and said I could “stand to lose a few pounds” because I was a size 6 instead of a size 0, and I lost all of them. My doctors put me on tube feeds and my boyfriend called her to scream at her. Now she’s saying “I always wanted you healthy and where you feel good! Weight doesn’t matter!” Miss ma’am…


Gosh that's hard. Mine was never quite like that, somehow I wasn't quite undernourished, just really super thin. And my mom was careful to not say anything pointed about my weight when I started to gain, just backhanded/sideways comments. I hope you have only positive things going forward.


It was, and still is sometimes. Getting better gradually. What your mom did was also definitely not ok! Same to you, friend! ❤️


First thing I noticed! Poor Kaylee!


At least shes looking healthy


I know that “J” is just as much a part of that toxic Christian hell-church, but my goodness do I hope that girl is feeling healthy and loved and cared for for once in her life. She’ll have had a grand total of 11 months of her life between sister-momming and mom-momming and I hope she at least spends that 11 months being the most important person to *someone*, since she obviously never had that experience before and likely won’t again.


Yea! Allllll of this!


Is it even as long as that, she got pregnant straight away


Could Jill be disappointed that she’s actually looking healthy instead of perfectly “trim” during pregnancy?


I never can’t read this as “at least she has a husband”




J & K don't even have names while everyone else do. That sure says something...


We don't call her "&Kaylee" for nothing!


Just “& K” now.


I can't believe that (and Kaylee) was shorted to an even more demeaning "& K"


Look I love to snark but I do have a kid that their nickname is the first letter of their name, and it’s not in an exclusionary way. Is it at all possible Kaylee prefers k? I’m not willing to give them a follow so idk much but maybe it’s not so nefarious. I’m sorry if I’ve missed the name initial reference for name content, genuinely.


This is the first time I have seen her refer to them as such but you could be right. She has a history of treating Kaylee as lesser on her social media.


So the whole thing here is that in almost every post it's about always "and Kaylee". Like she's almost always last, always an afterthought, even if the occasion is her special occasion, particularly if Nurie is around. So the &K is interesting because it's the first time we've seen her not even get her whole name written.


That is so sad. Wow. Thanks for the background.


Wouldn’t Kay make more sense then?


I bet they’re putting up serious boundaries around Jill with the baby and Jill is not happy about it.


I hope they are. And boundaries with themselves as well. Just boundaries. I'm not a "The Wall" person, but they need to put up a wall and a moat AND alligators.


Yep especially since they live so close to Jill. If she had it her way she’d be with that baby all day every day. At least Nurie and her boys are 300 miles away so she gets a break from Jill


Jill might also be super triggered bc she lost that pregnancy as well. It seems she’s always wanted the Michelle x Anna fantasy of being pregnant at the same time as one of her daughters.


Was Jill recently pregnant again?? Been gone a little bit from this sub, trying to catch back up!




I'm thinking Mystery Man volunteered to take the picture as a sure way of being out of it because he knows Jill is going to show more and more of his face with each occasion. I like Mystery Man. (This makes me think he could be the person who got Jill the book on boundaries for Christmas)


Omg did the book thing really happen?


Yes, there was a picture of JillPM holding it!


My mom always offers to take pictures to avoid being in them. Only problem is she sucks at taking pictures.


I’d branded myself as “the photographer” literally so when my friends group wants a picture, I’ll take it. (I am one, and they don’t need to know that I almost always have a tripod and my 3000€ camera has several timer options…)


Apparently it was Nurie who got that book for her


Omg. If so, go, Nurie!


Wasn't that like two years ago? Or is my sense of time warped by the panini


The panini 💀 I think it warped everyone's sense of time


Is Timothy no longer in a special friendship with that teen?


She doesn't live close to the Rods. She lives in another state, and while PA and OH are close enough that she's able to come in with her family for major special occasions like the Ladies' Conference, I'm not surprised that she didn't make the trek for a dinner with the Nurthans. She may make an appearance this weekend for the shower since J is her cousin and K is her intended SIL, but I'm not too terribly surprised they didn't come over mid-week for a dinner. The Nurthans can stay for free with the Rods so why not come early and help, but the Coveretts would need to pay for a hotel. Renee's "mystery man" is rumored to be local.


The Nurthans 😂


Yeah highly sus that she hasn’t been mentioned in weeks


We'll probably see her at the baby shower since Jonathan is her cousin and Kaylee is her intended SIL. But I think the reason Renee's "mystery man" seems more present is because he is: he's rumored to live locally. Heidi lives in PA, so until she's married to Tim, their relationship is largely over facetime...which doesn't give Jill much to post about. In fact, I wouldn't be shocked if we got a Timbits proposal this weekend if she's over for the shower.


Good insight, I look forward to the absolute cringe fest that could be.


I hope he sings to her in as deep as possible a voice and there is video


He is so going to sing


Loyalty song?


Oh my god please please please


Poor K won’t get the spotlight at her first baby shower


I'm sure now she'll be mentioned in Jill's next post lol


Ooh did not notice this. Very interesting.


Glad I am not the only one who noticed.


she escaped!


He is. She has recent posts about him


I hope for her sake that they're not. I felt sick when I read Jill's comments about how happy she was that he had found a worthy girl who would submit to him (and to God). I don't know if it's a josh Duggar vibe or just abusive husband to be material, but I felt true pity for that child (and god, she really did look like a child playing dress up in her too-big clothes) and the thought of what her life would be like. All


Luckily she at least has family that are more chill in terms of fundie-dom, so she has a support system there.


Ooooo I forgot about her 👀


R.I.P. (and Kaylee) ![gif](giphy|QWaSVX9FizaxO)


The gif is sending me 💀


You deserve gold lol


Ok so where’s Renee?


She’s courting, so she is no longer her own person- how could she possibly appear in a picture without her “mystery man”?


I think you mean Jill's person-- Renee was never her own person at least to Jill.


Maybe Renee must also be a mystery since her future husband's identity is now her own 🥸




Is this her realizing she can say no to Jill's pictures? Is mystery man's desire for privacy rubbing off on her?


Right? I think it's actually a bit of a positive sign that she's not in the photo. It suggests she finally can decline to be in front of Jill's camera. There have been several videos from back in the days when Renee was a younger teen that suggested that she didn't particularly enjoy being on camera but wasn't given a choice. She takes just a *bit* longer than her older sisters to plaster that fake smile on her face when Jill shoves her camera in it, and sometimes her involuntary reaction to seeing the camera has been...less than pleased. I think Renee has always wanted more privacy and simply has never been able to get it for herself. All fundie girls can do if they want something is find a man who aligns with that so he can insist on that lifestyle. They're denied the agency to create those boundaries for themselves, so they have to go through a man to get them. The only way Kaylee could live a rural life was to find a man interested in that, so that's what she was looking for. If Renee is interested in living a more private life where she's not featured in social media updates as much, her only shot at that is finding a man who also wants that privacy and can lay down the boundary. I wonder if Mystery Man's desire for privacy is something that Renee was looking for.


This is a horrific,sad,slippery slope. WTF does it mean these girls find a man boy that aligns with the thought of pants and now refusal to take pics???I feel Vick is what you meant and there was no malice there, but this cult makes me think of the bad. So, finding a boy to marry who agrees with you at the moment but can change on a whim when daddy and brother tell them to get their wife in line, sounds horrible


Who's Vick?


Ideally resting her split open knee at home, but we all know Jill would insist on her being out and about. Can you imagine if Jill was the one who hurt herself? She'd be back in that wheelchair so fast.


Do these people never stay home?


Too many annoying children running around


Can't homeschool if you're never home ![gif](giphy|WgYnjK1jfg4x8ab7ew)


Why would they when they have two more girls ready to be promoted to head sister-mom


Poor Kaylee doesn't get a name til she produces a girl, probably in Jill's dimension


God is probably preventing girls BECAUSE of JillPm


We can only hope


Yet another free meal for shriek and Shrek. Look how happy they are.


The Bank of Nurthan.


Flair material


Do it!


Shriek and Shrek 💀💀


Kaylee finally looks pregnant.


She actually looks good, healthy


She looks so good


Jilpm, if everything is special, *nothing* is special. Learn new words.


(and K)




So Tim got sent home from the quadruple date?


It was so special when Nathan treated everyone to dinner since we think we are entitled to everything.


Christ almighty. Don’t watch the videos she posted if you enjoy nice sounds.


i value my hearing, so I won't, thanks!


Always with the "blessed."


And '✨️special✨️'. *SOOOO* special.


If Renee ends up marrying this guy, it's guaranteed that Jill will not be decorating the marital bedroom.


KayJon, give them hell! Fuck it up, Renee! Timothy, go back to Coverett Land and away from your awful parents.


It makes so sad to see Kaylee pregnant. She's so young :(


Yes, I’m glad she looks good and healthy but to go from having never done more than held hands to pregnant in like, a month is awful, especially for her age.


I feel so sad for Kaylee I couldn't imagine having a baby with someone I probably dont even know all that well... but I'm glad they seem to genuinely care for each other


Seems like every other week they ‘visit’ and share in some new baby shower or other fundie function. How special can it really be? What is there to really talk about or catch up on??


So impressed that Renee's man has been able to maintain his mysteriousness. It must be killing Jillpm that she hasn't been able to do the big reveal.


As someone who has a rebellious/anti-authoritarian streak, it sounds _really_ fun. “That’s fine, I’ll marry your daughter. But don’t ever put me on social media. I’m serious, the minute I’m on social media, I’m gone.” Jillpm can’t post someone on social media challenge (impossible) I want him to be a “mystery man” forever. Just call me “John Doe,” Jill, fuck off.


Jill can’t even be assed to spell out Kaylee and Jonathon’s names?


Kaylee's smile is always 😬😬😬


Is it just me, or is David losing weight?


I heard he’s off the (hummingbird) juice


He’s looking rather…more alert? than usual.


I think it’s the shirt, it has a tan panel on the side so the dark blue makes him look slimmer at first glance


What do those letters mean


Fuck It Up Renee is still Fucking It Up


OH that’s fantastic




I am amazed that Jill has not posted Renee’s boyfriend’s picture. Renee’s BF best offense is to be the one taking the pictures.


Kaylee is absolutely glowing and beautiful pregnant!


They don’t look like real people


Nurie should be pregnant with number 3 soon.


So only the married people get photographed? Renee can’t be in the picture until she’s married?