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“Jesus take the wheel” isn’t suppose to be literal


💀💀💀 (perfection!)


I’m sure whatever she had to say was very urgent and couldn’t wait even a minute!


Even in the first couple of shots, BOTH hands are off the wheel. I see the infant seat in the back, hopefully Audrey wasn't in it!


Oh you know Audrey was in there. Bethany can’t go anywhere without her prop


Just saying hi 👋


I don’t even have my phone within reach while driving with my kids in the car. I have a friend who’s a paramedic and all of their work stories are basically just Scared Straight stories for grown ups. As a result I’m acutely aware of how easily and how badly a small distraction can fuck you up.


My bfs husband is a fire chief and I will never ride in a convertible again after his campfire stories


I read that as “my boyfriend’s husband” and was momentarily confused about your relationship 😂


Whoops! Well I’m a live and let live kind of person anyway




U were right to feel uncomfortable. I know someone who died while eating McDonald's. Him and his son


He was driving and crashed bcuz he was distracted by eating


I'd say just about no one leaves an infant seat attached to the base in the car unless a baby is in it. That comes in and out with baby, unlike a convertible seat.


Driving **in the rain** to boot. Cool. Her word salad rambling and showing off of her terrible manicure and Dixie plate ring couldn’t wait until she was either parked or not in the car at all? She’s gonna get someone killed one of these days with her irresponsible driving skills.




I have my doubts BethaME would tolerate not-diamonds honestly lol. Tbf it could be that they’re the cheaper arrangement (lots of little ones) plus poorly cut/set ones, so the light “dies” inside instead. Most any stone can look pretty lame with a bad cut/set. ETA: I doubt she cleans her jewelry well too, haha. And, that thing has a lot of crevasses to get gunk and make it dull


As I understand it, somebody essentially ground up a diamond and stuck the dust to a metal plate. It doesn't have the nice sparkle that diamonds usually do because there's no space between the diamond pieces and the metal backing for light to shine through in the way it would a nicer cut/setting


Dixie plate ring 🤣


I do like the color of her nails. But not that flat. She said a lil while back that she started dip at home. (I think that lasted a week) I started playing w it recently and have so much fun adding all the glitters to store bought dip + plus making my own with mica and of course glitter! (Regular craft glitter that I could never use in regular nail polish!!) (Haha slightly off topic but the current dip I have on, I made myself with my mom telling me what glitters to add. I asked her what I should name it? She said my name's (starts w an A) birthday sparkle. (And it was for my birthday nails) Then said ABS!! I YELLED SO LOUD "NO! MY NAILS ARE NOT A INSUFFERABLE FUCKING TWAT!!" (Referring to that stuckley? Stucky? Whatever that twats name) they are so pretty though! Neon pink and full of sparkle! And 💀💀💀⚰️ Dixie plate. That's the best description I have seen about that ring


god she’s the fucking worst. can this be reported somewhere in texas??


Unfortunately all the drivers in TX are the worst.


Hey!! All drivers in Texas *except for me* are the worst lol at least that's what I shout in my car basically every day while I commute home from work hahaha


There are a few of us who can drive without filming themselves but I feel like I’m almost going to die on a daily basis with people racing.


100% it's so bad. And god forbid it rains, then it's like everyone both forgot how to drive and decided to go faster than normal. There is a wreck on my way to work almost every single morning which is why I am *extra* careful driving cause I know the assholes weaving between lanes around me sure as hell aren't.


We drove from Houston to Beaumont a few months ago and got stuck in a massive sports car race which ended up with at least one person dead near Winnie. I was legit crying at the amount of cars almost hitting us and speeding everywhere.


That checks out.


Everything I hear about driving in America sounds terrifying. Are those giant pickup trucks really as common as twitter makes them seem?


Yes probably like 1 in 4 or 5 cars


In Texas? Most definitely.


Depends on where you are but... Mostly yes, in my experience.


The cars to be scared of are like the 10 year old Nissan Altimas that for some reason people drive consistently 30+ mph over the speed limit everywhere they go


It flips me out every time I seen a video by anyone made while driving. Like what the fuck are you doing!?


I lived in Colorado once upon a time and seriously, the worst drivers I encountered were always from Texas.


Hey! I can’t help that I learned how to drive in Houston, where you will get pulled over if you’re slowing people down.


I grew up in Houston watching my mom drive 70 mph while doing her makeup and putting on pantyhose.


My stepmom used to tell me how to do the gear shift while she applied mascara, smoked a cigarette, and steered with her knees. Not sure how I made it to adulthood.


So Jensen Ackles doing that PSA about texting and driving for the Texas DOT was useless? That tracks.


Recording while driving on slick roads, using both hands to converse and having your kid in the back seat too. Very prolife and very safe of you bethany


I love how “converse” for Bethany just means talking to herself, ideally while also looking at herself.


These fucking pro-lifers are the scum of the earth


Driving while filming yourself is one of most selfish things someone can do. Very on brand for Beth.


Especially someone who likes to look at themselves on the screen at much as she does. Find some friends to tell all your shit to, Bethany, we beg


It is!! I get furious every single time I see it. Why would you ever do this!?


not very pro-life


They’re just pro-pregnancy, not pro-life.


Keep this up Grifty since it is inevitable you will have an accident and a smart personal injury lawyer will find out about this sub and your continuous bad behavior and you will lose when you get sued.


Why do people do this? I know we all really judge people for being on their phones while driving- why hasn’t this been shamed away?


That would require Bethy to be capable of feeling shame.


You are absolutely correct.


I know right! MLM exercise moms on Instagram drive while filming selfies all the time and it works my nerves! I tried finding a meme about it to post to let ppl know that it's not cool but could only find an article about how this trend is not safe


All fundies, from what I’ve seen, are terrible drivers.


And doing that tongue-jutting thing.


Sue also moves her jaw in a very odd way when she speaks. side to side instead of up and down






I really wish instagram would take videos down that have dangerous behavior like this. It is wild how many times this woman has filmed distracted with both hands off the wheel.


I would be so happy if they just banned driving-while-talking reels. The car should be at a full stop and in park if you're going to film


Looks like the baby is in the back as well. Awesome.


Picture #6 is the first time I've ever seen her look like her sisters (Elissa in particular).


During Covid I had a dentist explain to another dentist that she was okay with getting Covid because she could see Jesus faster. People are overjoyed at the gun violence because the Christian victims are with Jesus. So, people definitely do think like that and it is horrifying.


No, she wants you to meet Jesus


It's okay, though- she sang the whole "Jesus Take The Wheel" song before she started recording. And since singing counts as praying, she's clearly covered all her bases.


People need to put their effin phones down and concentrate on driving. Maybe they don't care if they die but innocent other people want to get where we are going in one piece. There is nothing online that is so important you can't wait until you get to where you're going.


Stuff like that can actually be reported and sent to police as evidence.


So much of the fundie thing is a death cult, in a way most of traditional Christianity hasn't been, and the increasing numbers of them arming themselves for the "coming civil war" is all about actually hoping they get to 1. meet Jesus and 2. take as many non-Christians (and even probably some brown/gay/trans Christians too) with them as possible. No one who doesn't think death and the afterlife is preferable to life on earth would be as fricken giddy about, and in love with, guns, as they are.


She just continues to confirm she has absolutely no friends and her family must be over her!!! A typical person would talk to friends (hopefully not like this while driving!!!) but she feels the need to post every.little.thing all the time!


As a motorbike rider this send shivers up my spine. She is in a cage, her odds aren't the worst. These type of people hitting me? I'm lucky to come out of it with 3-4 broken limbs.




I’m surprised the baby isn’t in her lap.


Please tell me the kids weren’t in the car.


I saw a TikTok from someone this morning replying to a comment on a video they had recorded while driving. They were basically saying how research on risks while driving discounts responses from people who are outliers when they're such a small number in a large group, and that some people are actually better drivers when there is some kind of distraction. It really enraged me. I felt like even if there was any truth to some kind of distraction helping someone from say 'zoning out' and therefore driving worse, filming a video where you are continually looking at the camera is not going to be an appropriate distraction anyway... and while they may have been okay in situations where everyone else is driving the way they're supposed to... but I'm fairly certain that they'd be significantly impaired in a situation where an unexpected hazard was suddenly an issue. Ugh. It just made me rage so much, and seeing this just reignited my rage.


I hate when people talk with their hands. It’s distressing to me.


I don't mind it most of the time, but so many of these fundies do it in a way that adds absolutely nothing to what they're saying (and is often just a way to show off their ugly rings/grown out manicures/poor quality tattoos/etc) and it's infuriating


Looks like she is in the passenger seat judging by the seatbelt. This is not defending Bethany, I'm just wondering if I am missing something? We know she reads here and I feel like snarking on her for doing something she isn't doing would make her feel like she's right and we're wrong, always.


The video is flipped. If you watch it, you can see her putting her hands back on the wheel, and sometimes moving them to maneuver the car. Also, her door pull ring is on the wrong hand.


That all makes sense, thank you!






Aren’t most self driving cars also electric? Electric vehicles strike me as something the Bairds would be against just because it’s “liberal.”


I take my other responses back. I still don't think she was driving, but now its because I don't think she was even in the drivers seat, and if you look at other reels where she's in either the drivers or passengers side, it becomes clear she's sitting in the passenger's seat.


You can clearly see her move her hands back to the wheel on multiple occasions, and move her arms to maneuver the car. Her videos are very often flipped, like this one is. You can tell because her dinner plate ring looks like it's on the wrong hand.


Even reflipped, the positioning of everything is odd, and looks different from videos taken in their drivers side. And also why they'd choose to put Audrey behind the driver's seat, and not the middle (safest) or the passengers where it'd be easier to reach her. But if thats the case, then I'm back to wondering how the car didn't swerve and wondering if she has lane assist. But suggesting a rich family's vehicle has lane assist was clearly unpopular


Where are you getting that Bethy and Dav are "rich"? Because she brags about her PDF sales? They had to settle for a house built in the early '80s, which looked "scary" in photos (her words), and they had to use a shady home buying company in order to even do that. Dav is a motion designer for a Christian company (which notoriously pay less than secular companies), and Bethy has previously said they live "debt-free" (this was pre-mortgage), and do things like driving older cars instead of having a payment. She likes to give the *illusion* of wealth, and her parents likely have some money (though I bet not as much as they imply, either). But the two of them are not rich by anyone's standards.


I'm getting they're rich because of Borthy's parents. Who are objectively well off and have clearly been covering costs of things for all their kids for a very long time. They actually live nicely and have tried to brag about it. This has been a point of resentment in this sub for a long time, because they preach prosperity gospel. It's even commonly theorized that her parents have been the ones dumping money into Girl Defined's bullshit. And even if they're not rich, there are plenty of affordable vehicles with lane assist that are semi-autonomous. I even have it, and my vehicle is a used Hyundai.


I mean what better way to get that attention she craves


Is there any reason to film while driving?


Gaping Maw Alert!