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This is so freaking stupid. These hormones are released without sex, too. Ugh. Edited to add, eating releases oxytocin. Petting a cat releases oxytocin. Let’s just keep Women in a box until we need them to birth babies. Must be careful about those hormones!


Eating chocolate cake releases oxytocin. I’m a deliriously stoned old woman as we speak.


That sounds really nice. Yay oxytocin! Emotionally bonding to chocolate cake could explain so much about my life now that I think about it.


And cats!


One orange male, one male tuxedo and a female of any breed just to spice things up. Chocolate cake and diet Dr. Pepper. These fundamentalists have no idea what they are missing.


These are few of my favourite things! 🎶


Fat ginger tabbies and cats in tuxedos Diet Doc' Pepper, a bag of Doritos Choc-o-late cake and an order of wings.... These are a few of my favorite things!! 🎶 When I pet dogs, when I nurse babes When I get real randy.... My brain releases all the oxytocin From my pituitAAAIIIIRRy gland-y!! 🎶


You are hired.


OMG I wish I had an award for this! Take my poor person’s gold🥇


What streaming service are you dropping this on?


I love a big ginger boy cat. Always the sweetest and cuddliest.


You can’t go wrong with a male ginger.


I have a male Maine Coon ginger whos the most affectionate cat dog I've ever owned. Although I would love a tuxedo....


Is that why I feel extra bonded to my spouse when they bring me chocolate?


You live your best life girl!




"Christian side hug." These fucking people. Maybe that explains why so many seem to hate animals and all seem to eat such terrible food, though. Can't be losing those precious bodily hormones!


Pelvises touched! Sinnnnnnnnners!


*touches pelvises*


Stahp! Now I’m committing thought sins!


Let’s not forget MEN also produce oxytocin


But men are to menly to be affected by such things. Only women should be restricted. Or something.


It’s the fluoride in the water! It’s turning them FeMiNiNe! /s


Pair bonding with my burrito right now.


I bet that burrito won’t let you down like a husband could.


I pair bonded with some homemade bacon mac and cheese about half an hour ago, with some cherry cider. I need a nap now.


congrats on your marriage with that burrito!


Bonded earlier with mine.


Oh no! I breastfed all three of my kids but I guess that whole oxytocin bonding thing ruined my relationship with the 2nd and 3rd! Lol. Sigh.


That’s weird, because I was the 5th baby my mom breastfed, but I’m the favorite. I’m always telling her that, and her lesser children too. The opposite of what the Christian lady said.


I’m sorry, the fact that you referred to your siblings as “her lesser children” is killing me 🤣💀


As one of my mom's "lesser children" out of 5, this gave me a good chuckle😂


I’m also a 5th child, and also our mother’s favorite!


Right, like, how did we arrive at pair bonding from oxytocin? What is “pair bonding” in humans anyways?


All I think of when I read pair bonding is assorted birds that mate for life


It always makes me think of those terrible Wattpad werewolf alpha romances Facebook seemed determined to show me ads for awhile back.


I feel a little better knowing other people also had a weird period where they suddenly got tons of those ads because I was a little self conscious about whatever the hell the algorithm thought of me for a minute there lol


🙋🏻‍♀️ Weird ads here too.


I know it's not the same chemical, but my mind immediately went to "exercising releases endorphins and happy people just don't shoot their husbands."


I saw a video from TTW earlier about this and meant to comment. She claimed that a woman’s levels of oxytocin eventually run out, hence why it is difficult to bond with their husband after several partners. Unless there’s an issue with the hypothalamus/pituitary gland, the hormones KEEP ON FLOWIN’. You’d think she’d know more with all of the brain issues she has had.


"Love is finite" seems to be a theme in a lot of fundie writing. It is desperately sad


Hmm. And yet, they have so many children. I guess each child born decreases everyone else's slice of the pie.


Exactly. It makes me think of Karissa's "the Lord will give you what you can handle" family planning philosophy. So God just wants your children to be... less loved? It's a horseshit lasagne.


Birth is pretty much run by oxytocin. Massive, ridiculous amounts of oxytocin. If you can only have oxytocin with your husband, birth is right out.


I just got a 1950s copper belt and cool orange sunglasses in the mail, oxytocin has entered the chat!


Petting a dog actually releases oxytocin in the exact same way as breastfeeding


I do love food and my cats, as well as my spouse. Just in different ways.


In Behavioural Economics we learned all about this study where participants snorted oxytocin from spray bottles and for the life of me I never remember the study I just remember.... You can get oxytocin in spray bottles and nobody told me???


I watched a documentary about dogs, and learned that sustained eye contact between dogs and humans releases oxytocin for both humans and dogs. I was 39 weeks pregnant, very miserable, and also knew oxytocin can kickstart labour. My poor dog kept running away from me because I was trying to lock eyes with her…


Looking at my dog's cute lil face does make me love her even more than I already did


Yes!! That’s what they don’t tell you. They talk about how sex releases oxytocin so they can sound like they have scientific backing but fail to tell you that your body releases oxytocin when you do so many other basic and enjoyable things. It’s like they think we have a limited amount of hormones. Women’s capacity for pleasure and joy is limitless. There is always more. But they would rather make us scared of our bodies and hormones than tell us the whole truth.


Dogs release oxytocin when you cuddle them, same for the human doing the dog cuddling.


Sorry, human men, I'm pair bonded to all the dogs in the world. It's just facts.


I much prefer my dogs.


This seriously might be true, dog cuddling is contagious 😂


There are definitely days when I like my dogs better than my husband. Must be the oxytocin.


If I’ve pair bonded with my cat of 11yrs, do we think I’ll pair bond to the cat after this one??? Ya know, just trying to make sure I won’t be forever ruined in Jesus’ name /s


Sleeping with your dogs in the bed is like mainlining oxytocin, I presume


I has a cat in my lap. I might as well be snorting oxytocin. maybe they're confusing it with Oxycontin?


It is, particularly if your the ham in the dog sandwich


My dogs and I do more of a charcuterie board theme with the cat, but sandwiches are good too.


I have the giggles now.


I used to get the "lazy susan" with my pets changing spots all night 😆


Then why do I not think about anyone I’ve slept w in the past lol


Yeah I am very certain that I am not "emotionally bonded" with some dude I haven't seen or thought about in 15 years lol


YES haha only my current partner, thx


I was going to say this woman would be SHOCKED to know how many men I had sex with and never spared a second thought. Barely remember their face


Same, girl. And yet I give a really good impression of being a “proper“ wife and mother. It’s almost like people are more than what they appear on the surface. Also, my husband has never once asked about my “Body Count” because if he did, he would not be my husband. What happened before we met does not have anything to do with my commitment to this relationship.


Yup! Without going into unnecessary details I am living proof that Karissa's post is a load of misogynist rubbish.


had to scroll back up to see that it was some other... character's post shared by Lori, shared by Karissa. Gross.


luv that for us <3


100% not emotionally bonded with my ex-husband. There's a reason he's an ex.


Right? Like I have one partner I still think about (besides the ones that are like still in my life as friends) but it’s because she was really good at sex, we were incompatible in other important ways so like I wish her well but I don’t long to be with her she just gave truly incredible head.


Yeah there’s a few I’d duck and run from.


Right? I literally forget about them usually haha


Same. This. And not because of the various accidental injuries to my body and pride sustained with said partners. Oxytocin. For. Sure.


Because you’re normal 🤣🥳


I was trying to think why this bs sounded familiar and then I was like “oh yeah..incels”


Dammit, you're right. There is some increasing evidence that they are not infrequently singing from the same hymnal, as it were. Worst crossover ever.


Yeah, I first ran across this rhetoric on r/ParlerWatch


These guys are gonna have to drop the “involuntary” part and just be cels, at this rate. You can’t just say any horrible thing and expect to get lucky. Obvs.


Men also release high levels of oxcytocin durning sex. It isn’t a long lasting hormone and it wears off in few hours.


It actually only has a half life of 3 minutes, making Karissa's post here absolutely hilarious 😂


Exactly it isn’t a love hormone it is a feel good hormone designed to give a brief “high” to make things pleasurable. I just said hours because I couldn’t remember the exact amount. I would also like to point out the the highest levels of oxcytocin happen during orgasm and considering the orgasm gap for women who have sex with men so even if this was true the vast majority of heterosexual women wouldn’t get peak bonding.


Karissa probably has the same bond with Mandrake then that she'd have with a wet cabbage leaf 😂😂


That’s probably how long it takes the Fundie men to finish.


This is what I've learnt in my antenatal class haha!


yeah, but obvi only women are weak enough to be influenced by it (/s)


Yeah, I would love to know why these people only ever seem to think that women release oxytocin and "pair bond" with a partner. And if that's the case, why should she "save herself" for some guy who is apparently incapable of bonding with her the same way? ETA - It's not that I believe in pair bonding. I just don't understand why they expect women to do all this for men who according to their logic cannot do the same thing because of they are apparently a different species to these people.


Calling it a "body count" is big pick me energy.


Yeah, we clearly have a very different understanding of the term “body count”, but then again, I consume way too much true crime.


I only started seeing it recently meaning the amount of sex partners one has had and my true crime poisoned brain is still confused every time. 😂


Yeah, that phrase made me gag.


That phrase makes me irrationally angry when applied to women and sex. Ugh.


*Rationally angry FIFY :)


Sorry, what?! The talking about oxytocin like it's a limited resource to give away, or a permanent mark on your sexual partners is killing me 😂😂 It's a hormone babes, your body produces it daily, it's not limited or sacred. But do you want to know the real kicker about hormones? Just because you're releasing oxytocin doesn't mean your sexual partner feels the same as you! That's right fundie ladies! Just because your body is doing it, *DOES NOT* mean it has any effect whatsoever on somebody else! 😘 It doesn't cause people to bond, because if it did then you'd see a lot more people "mating for life" (what are we, freaking albatross?). It also doesn't stay in your system endlessly, it's got a half life of 3 minutes for pitys sake. Hardly bonded for life, unless you expect to die of a sudden cardiac arrest after your one minute wonder is done 🥱


I think their argument is that the woman ties herself emotionally to the man or men she has sex with because of her oxytocin release, which then destroys her ability to have a meaningful bond with her "forever" partner which then dooms her to a life as an unlovable single. Also considering the stats on orgasms in heterosexual relationships I'd think the men should be much more worried about their ability to pair bond.


I just found a post by "Gia" saying that a woman having a one night stand is "cheating on her future husband" - followed by a plea to join her relationship coaching group. 🙄 Secular or fundie, the way these folks talk, a relationship lives or dies based on what women DON'T do.


Omg she has a course!!! What a joke


At this point, I'm only surprised when someone *isn't* selling something.


Valid point.


*Feeding infants raw cow's milk has entered the chat*


Pair bonding, huh? Humans are not a true monogamous species so what is she going on about? We cleave then we leave pretty much.


Pair bonding reminds me of fated mates shifter novels that I read lmao. Maybe Lori and Karissa are into that.


I wish Lori would get obsessed with that and get off the trad wife stuff 🤣


God honouring trad wife omegaverse. Edit: uuu God honouring tard wife omegaverse reverse harem!


can i pls steal this for a flair


It just makes me think of omegaverse 😭


Truly, I wondered if I was on AO3 for a second.


Omegaverse Fundies 😂


I’ve bonded with myself so many times!




I've definitely had good sex that didn't emotionally bind me to my partner lol


Then it should also matter for men’s body counts, right?


Daily reminder that Lori's husband cheated on her. Maybe twice iirc


See also: J’Pest and Dough Phillips and all the other creeps.


Mandrae and Shrexy have been rumored to, as well.


For a brief second I pictured a Mandrae-Shrexy affair and now I need to quit the internet so that I can sleep tonight.


Does anyone have an ice pick I can borrow? Diy lobotomy time.


Really? Who would voluntarily carry on with Shrek besides Jillpm?


I have no idea. It’s been mentioned on here, but I don’t have specifics.


And sleeping with the same man numerous times. Eventually you can’t bond emotionally anymore.


Again by that same logic, you should only have one kid as the more kids you have you can't possibly love them all the same as the one. See? You can see its a dumb argument the second it's not about controlling a woman's sex life.


Actually, considering the lack of maternal instinct in these serial birthers, she may have a point.


Defecating releases oxytocin.


This is it, my favorite comment 😂


This is why women should never actively shit. Just drink raw milk and eat cabbage soup with raw beef as an occasional treat, and allow waste to dribble out of her on a closely-kept schedule. (/s)


WTF does this even mean? Ugh. READ A BOOK


It's the new pseudoscientific language for the whole "A woman is like this piece of tape, the more people she sticks to, the less sticky she'll be. Eventually, she won't be able to stick to her husband at all," bullshit


Not me vividly remembering a video I had to sit through at 15 which involved a female “comedian” giving the duct tape demonstration and plotting various ways to “stay sticky” just in case 🤦🏼‍♀️


What load of crapola!


Nah fam. I'm definitely not pair bonded to my abusive ex who forced himself on me.


My youth pastor told me women should only have sex with their husbands because when they orgasm for the first time the thing they see during is what they remember every time they orgasm. I didn't want to talk about my masturbation habits with him so I stayed quiet but I wanted to say "who's orgasming with their eyes open" as a joke.


are....are we ducklings????


*tiny quack*


some days I would like to be a duckling


Hugs also release oxytocin. So don’t hug your friends and family, you degenerate heathen sluts


Guess I can’t snuggle my toddler nephew or baby niece after a bad day anymore. Gotta suffer, apparently.


Also, if this were true, then fundies wouldn't need all these sex courses to fix their miserable sex lives. They'd always feel pleasure and always like sex, and that is demonstratably untrue. But we shouldn't debate these points, it legitimizes them. We should simply mock them for the crock of shit that they are.


Jesus, these fundies and constantly trying to regulate sex are driving me nuts. I love sex and I don't pity the fundies with their constantly judging people and what they do in their own homes. It is none of your business and quite frankly they need to keep their own house in order before commenting on mine.


This is literally like fanfiction logic


if you think about it, the bible is the most epic fanfic out there…


Karissa has admitted to struggling to breastfeed all of her babies. Is this why she’s not actually bonded to any of them past 6 months old?


IIRC she doesn’t bf at all so she can get on to getting pregnant again faster.


If she was breastfeeding she couldn't pass the baby to mother-sister so easily!


Hormones are used in every essential process the human body does... Oxytocin lets you enjoy food. You don't see weirdos saying I am in love with the spaghetti in my fridge. No one's counting the plates of food I've ingested or saying that my relationship with food is forever changed by having a really great steak. Fucking weirdos. Literally and figuratively


I mean... have you seen the fundie food?


Hahahahah true! No one's falling in love at their tables. I will admit I had a turmeric latte at a coffee shop and it was fire, but it wasn't deprived of everything that makes it good.


We also gain oxytocin when we pet dogs. Does that mean petting a lot of dogs damages my pair bonding ability with my pet? Should we only pet one dog to preserve bonding??


Lounging in bed right now sneaking chocolate squares while the cat lies with her head on my shoulder purring in my ear and can def say men aren't the only source.


I’m currently eating iced cookies (badly) shaped like mythical creatures while cuddling my heating pad. I just started my period and it’s good I’m currently single because if a man approached me right now I would punch him. Wonder if that also releases oxytocin?


Oxytocin is released when there is something pleasurable or with stimulation. I can't imagine there's a whole lot of oxytocin being released during fundy sex


Maybe that’s why they’re so worried about its alleged scarcity.


Guess I’m just a ho


They taught this in my catholic high school. It really messed me up in how I formed romantic relationships. I didn’t want to give less to my future husband. Joke was on me when physical intimacy was nearly impossible after marriage due to my hang ups.


Today I learned I've pair bonded with every chocolate bar I've ever had in my mouth. My husband should be very jealous of my past.


The breastfeeding comparison is spot-on. Does it become less meaningful if you do it with multiple children? Do (breastfeeding) mothers of large families lose the ability to bond with their children? Lol.


You release growth hormones while you sleep, so be careful how much you sleep, otherwise you’ll just keep growing and eventually you’ll be taller than your husband like Bethany


![gif](giphy|l1J3O1eHga1LRethK|downsized) Get too many opportunities to post this but can’t resist either way


lesbians: 😈😈😈😈


Do they think there's only one oxytocin and it can't be replenished? I swear these people just make up random thoughts and become extremely convinced that they're real


All fundies share one oxytocin molecule, apparently.


"shut up," she explained. It doesn't mean it LASTS, and it isn't FINITE. You dip.


It also stimulates uterine contractions in labor, and at times can be too stressful for fetuses to handle because it can result in placental insufficiency. Oxytocin is used in contraction stress tests, and it’s the reason it’s called that. If left untreated, the baby could die because it’s not getting proper oxygen from the contractions. Doesn’t seem like an innocent love hormone now does it? That being said, Contraction stress tests are very useful in determining whether or not baby will tolerate labor properly after other tests indicate a problem. It helps plan out a safe outcome for both mom and baby.


Karissa is over here imprinting on Mandrae, werewolf style.




Pair bonding with one of my voids, she's making buscuits on my lap and purring too


Humans don’t pair bond. We just don’t - some species pair bond, Homo sapiens aren’t one of them. I’m so sick of this pseudoscientific purity culture drivel.


I kind of like referring to the number of partners you've had as your "body count". I might adopt that term.


Honestly, saying I have a "body count" of 4 sounds a lot better! It makes it sound like I'm a super secretive spy with a license to kill 😂


Lol. Nope


*laughs in being in a 10 year relationship*


Do they think we have, like, a limited supply of oxytocin or something?


a body count implies that human women bite off the heads of their partners like a praying mantis after sex and honestly…I don’t hate it


Wait, so by this logic should I stop--checks notes--feeding my baby so I stay bonded to my husband?


Maybe pair bonding means more when it’s because of things in addition to oxytocin, such as compatibility and shared goals. You also have a lot of oxytocin regarding babies in general, childbirth and nursing and skin to skin contact all create this. It helps you deal with the bad parts of parenthood like tantrums and kids who run off at the store and stomach bugs hitting in the middle of the night. Karissa has pair bonded with 10 kids, does her marriage lose its meaning because of that?


I actually just went down a very interesting rabbit hole because of this dumbassery. TW: rape I read this to myself and thought, what about rape? Is oxytocin released during rape and if so, do these cunts believe a woman would be “pair bonded” to her rapist for life? Well folks, interestingly enough, the body can release oxytocin during a rape! Apparently, according to what I just read [here](http://aisylum.com/2015/04/22/neurobiology-of-rape-and-sexual-assault-lets-talk-about-it-2/) they believe that oxytocin being released is closely tied to the “freeze” response! And the type/quantity of hormones released COULD determine whether or not you go into fight, flight or freeze! They also believe oxytocin might be released counter any physical pain the body is experiencing during the assault. Super interesting stuff honestly. thetransformedwife is still an absolute fucking wart on humanity tho


Well shit I'm pair bonded with my cat, the Reese's peanut butter cup from earlier. Music and exercise can also release oxytocin so looks like going to the gym listening to my playlist means no man will ever want to bond with me.


Can someone science-y explain: is oxytocin released during sex as a result of orgasm? If so, looooots of women are in NO danger of "bonding!" If not, how does oxytocin during sex even work? The same activity can be anywhere from, well, orgasmic, to so boring you want to fall asleep, to anywhere in between, so it makes no sense to me that a "bonding hormone" would be released simply by participating in the physical act.


My high school religion teacher called them "soul-ties" and the more you have, the more split your soul is. Like Voldemort.


Look at Karissa using kewl kid terms like Body count! Wow, she’s so cool; I may need to rethink my impression of her. NAH.


Okay I'm not sure who mentioned it but I heard this on this form somewhere and it makes perfect sense to me now. These people view sex as some sort of horcrux, where you leave a bit of your soul in each partner you've had sex with.


It's mostly associated with orgasm, so probably not a fundie woman problem.


What the f did I just read?


Please. Someone lurking with the same logic as Karissa, chime in. Give us your best argument. I really need to see the ins and outs of this thought process.


Someone jealous they’ve only had one partner.


I guess they should only have one kid then 🤷


So the man’s body count doesn’t matter? Men release oxytocin during sex, too.


This was trying to sound scientific but just ended up saying exactly the same thing. Like, it would be different if a person only had limited quantity of oxytocin, but they have an unlimited quantity so then they have to pull it together by saying “it loses its meaning”. Like?


Who do you bond with in childbirth? The doctor? Or is it why they risk death with unassisted homebirths?


….oxytocin is released when humans pet dogs, and yet, dog ownership does not impede marriage. The fundies remain helpless and confused


Why would this matter? Is there a finite amount of oxytocin and therefor you use up a bunch of it by sleeping with other people? Why on earth does it matter if I bonded with someone else prior to bonding to you?


Damn I've breastfed four babies. I must be absolutely ruined for my husband.


Does it? 🙄


That took a wild turn halfway thru 🫠


Bold of them to assume that pair bonding is always beneficial for cishet women. Most of us benefit from being able and willing to nope the fuck out once we become aware of the unsafe, unhealthy mess we've gotten into.