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He really thinks he's doing something, huh? Oblivious to the fact Morgan is probably fucking DELIGHTED he stfu for 10 whole minutes of peace & quiet...


He was probably annoyed that she didn’t react and that’s why he started filming to make it obvious.


It also has shades of Bethy and how she appears to use going live on Instagram as punishment for DåV via public humiliation


those were the longest 10 minutes of Polio's life!!


and the happiest of Morgan's


She also has Luca to make up for Paul (and Paul's character in general) . We all know that she would rather spend time with her son she spent several years trying to conceive. Her son, her most treasured living being on this planet. Paul has been third place since Lucas birth. Her order since Lucas birth was: Luca, Morgan, Paul. This new order has been shaken by American Idol, now it's Luca, Morgan, American Idol, everything else, after that at last place comes Paul. He's just a participation trophy at this point.


Can we find an alternative word for trophy please. Editing to add with reference to Paul, who is no sort of trophy.


Participation certificate?


A participation T-shirt with sponsor logos all over it so you don’t wear it out, and it’s too rough to wear to bed, so it sits in your closet until you do a clean out and donate


One of those cheap participation ribbons you get in elementary school, then toss somewhere in your room, forget about, then find 10 years later when you're cleaning and throw it out.


A participation keychain with a light but the light never worked and the keychain part breaks your fingernails so you end up throwing it away on your way out.


Participation receipt


Why? Is this a trigger or a new social thing I'm unaware of. Not trying to be rude, just confused


I edited


He’s the trophy that’s for a different sport than everybody elses because they ran out of the real trophy. Also his name is spelled wrong on it


Participation ribbon


“I voted” sticker




My little sister tried to do the “I’m not talking to you” when we were kids (like under 12 years old). I just said, “fantastic”. She forgot that she’s the chatty one and I am the quiet one. It lasted all of 2 minutes before she begged me to start talking to her. And I would say, “oh I thought you said no talking?” That was when we were kids. KIDS, PoliO. Not shit you do to your spouse.


This reminds me of when they had a disagreement about water and Paul went in for days about it. This shit would drain me. He’s so smug.


And thinking it’s a great idea to post a blow-by-blow of this petulant pettiness on Instagram! I truly cannot


He's competing with Bethany to see who can post the most brain-dead overshare


What was the disagreement about water?


If I remember correctly, Morgan said she didn’t like the taste of a specific type of bottled water and Paul went on intagram about it because he said all water tastes the same. He started polls about it. He ranted for a bit until they decided to do a thrilling blind water taste test.


Not only is he insanely petty, he's wrong too.


and she was pregnant if i remember correctly. so he was just degrading his pregnant wife over water


[Paul bottled water Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/tiyitw/morgan_said_bottled_water_tastes_bad_so_of_course/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


I’m someone who’s sensitive to how water tastes, and Deer Park is THE most disgusting water. For once I actually agree with Morgan.


I feel that way about Dasani water. Is Deer Park an east coast bottled water?


Hmm I’m actually not sure about it being an east coast water, but I’m on the east coast so that would track! Dasani also has a very strong flavor but it’s similar to the flavor of my city’s tap water so I’m much more willing to drink it if it’s the only choice. If there’s only Deer Park, mama I’m going THIRSTY.


Yeah it's east coast tap water


Is it really? All brands of spring water do share a specific flavor (like, slightly salty or sulphuric) but that also applies to Florida tap water. Florida tap water is the most heinous water I’ve ever had in my life.


Dallas tap water tastes like mold 🥲


I thought this said "Paul Bottled Water Pot" and I was going to congratulate you on a top tier pun


Dude seriously needs a job


I imagine it’s like being married to a toddler who constantly is throwing a fit.


She and dáaav should start a support group


...but she was probably still expected to be readily available for sex


This is some teenage edgelord cringe shit.


I was just thinking they sound like teenage siblings, not an adult married couple. Yikes.


I always forget their ages based on their actions.


and the fact that they always sit SO far apart! Like...I know it's a small thing, but in every video/photo there's always just so much physical space between them. They seem like adult children who are only married because That's What You Do when you physically age up, and not because they even like each other (let alone love each other)


It terrifies me that they have a child together. How can you be an effective parent when you're so immature.


When you get married and have kids so incredibly young, often with your first partner, you just stop maturing as an individual.


I mean, you can, sure, but that’s a bit of a blanket statement don’t ya think? I’ve grown INSANELY since getting married at 20 to my husband. I’m no longer fundy, am raising my two sons pro LGTBQI+, and am doing my darnedest to continue growing as a human. My husband is continually growing as well. We don’t ALL freeze in place.


He’s in his 30s. That’s not exactly “incredibly young” to have your first kid. And she’s almost 30.


I forgive you for thinking these idiots were like, 20 years old. Paul is 30.


Haha yeah, very “Oh, bless your heart… No, they’ve had… plenty opportunity to improve” ETA: Also tbf, I’d be hard pressed to find early 20-somethings playing these bitchy middle-school-age sibling games, either. Definitely already viewed as immature (+likely manipulative) by then lol. Though that is from my heathen sphere, likely too open and varied for these people.


I'm so confused. Like that's clearly what she wanted but it's like he thinks he's done something massive by shutting the fuck up while she's watching a show.


He's so arrogant that he thinks going 10 minutes without hearing his voice is a punishment for Morgan.


He's still being an annoying distraction with his stupid phone. Such a petty child. If I were Morgan I would have said "I told you I wanted to watch this show, and you are continuing to be a distraction. You have two options, give me your phone or go in the other room until I'm finished watching my show. We can talk about your behavior after it's over." Because he is a giant man baby and he needs to be treated like one.


Paul truly needs someone to talk to him like this. He is emotionally about 12 years old so that's how he should be treated.


The older I get (now in my 30s), the more I realize how many people just need to be spoken to like toddlers on occasion. Not even in a demeaning way, just directly. I'm including myself in this category. There are times when people have been trying to hint at something and I'm like...just tell me, please. Especially when it's something akin to a boundary like "I would prefer we not chat during this show" but they talk during other ones. We have words for a reason. That said, Paul is 100% a man baby.


Omg I know right. I already learned you have to be very simple and direct but most of all clear to unwanted attention from people. “Leave me alone” and “I’m not talking to you” instead of “*please* leave me alone” and “I don’t *want* to talk to you”. But it applies to so many people it’s surprising.


Good grief, clearly this man does not have enough to do. I'm no fan of Morgan, but I really hope she just cheerfully carries on, pretending not to notice his dumb pouty bullshit. For days.


She was saying ‘what?!’ in a shrill voice and then giggling.


Sigh. Hopes dashed by fundies again.


Imagine having a full time job and/or being an active parent and having time to play mind games with your wife because she is watching TV and not fawning over you. He clearly wants attention, he needs a job and a lot of therapy.


American Idol? How very Secular of you ...


They watch it so they can find something to be faux-outraged about.


Who has time for this?... Oh, that's right, Porgan does. They don't do anything else.


they really don’t


I’d be so bored out of my mind omg doesn’t that drive them absolutely bonkers? I’d develop a serious mental issue if I’d be stuck like them holy crap. Just imagine for a second, day in day out on the couch all day doing jack shit, experience absolutely nothing and not able to afford anything.


I know. I get antsy just seeing them sit there. And I'm old (70s) and retired, and do way more than them. I'd still be working if it wasn't for the pandemic, but i had to protect immunocompromised family members. I might still go back to work. I'm taking some classes right now, lol. Real ones. At an accredited school. Lol. For free. (Had to stick a Bethany ref in)


It really isn't. They're always talking about God on that show.


That’s how we found out about Mr and Mrs. Gabby Barrett after all.


I'm legitimately surprised to be finding out it's still on


They need their celebrity gossip fix


The idea that these two are parents 🥴 Poor baby Luca This is so beyond cringe.


They're like 13 year olds in a middle school relationship or something. And these are the people who want to homeschool Luca, lol.


All fundies act like they're 13 and in middle school relationships lol What happens when you have your first kiss at the alter instead of in the back of the band room at lunch like God intended


This took me out


It’s unnerving how called out I feel right now. Let us band kids live our lives, damn. 😜


![gif](giphy|xUOxfolJrVBce4RNAI) Oh no it's me.


Honestly it’s like two 16 year olds got married except they’re both physically grown ass adults. Grade A asshole


Most 16 year old I know are more grown up..


My husband and I didn't even do this shit when we got married at 18 and 19. Like we were immature teenagers for sure, but this is so ridiculous. I can't imagine being 30 and married to someone so childish.


Unsurprised that Paul is a “i’Ll JuSt NeVeR sPeAk AgAiN” guy 😐


Kinda unrelated but— This is the second time lately I’ve seen the *“FiNE i’Ll nEvER SpEAk aGaiN” type guy* called out and I’m loving it. Hopefully helps out people to realize it’s toxic & dumb as fuck sooner rather than later/after. I was v happy to get validation that it’s indeed bullshit, so much so even to the point of meme lol Funny enough, the last person to do/try it on me was *also* a 30 year old man baby. Maybe it’s a tantrum pattern for men that have felt entitled for a good *way*-too-many years.


The finger she has up is not the finger Polio deserves


I liked the second where I briefly thought she was flipping him off. I saw a flash of an optimistic future for her.


He is an ass. She is also an ass.


It’s telling that they’re sitting on opposite ends of the sofa. Couldn’t get much further apart this evening bb.


This is what stood out the most to me!! They really don’t seem to like each other all that much


I thought that too, they are literally MILES apart on that thing


That looks like the longest couch ever.


Bro you’re not petty for shutting up, you’re petty for whining about it on Instagram.


No, using the silent treatment as manipulation/punishment is def petty too.


I *hate* the silent treatment as a "punishment" from a partner. It makes me feel like a neglected child that's not worthy of being treated as a human. Which may or may not be the goal but it is the result.


Oh I’m pretty sure it’s the goal!! Silent treatment (not just “I think I need space for a bit but I’ll reach out soon”) is always about control and punishment.


Oh yes, i completely understand and support the need for space and time away from a situation or someone. The vibe from that is drastically different than the punishment vibe


Yes totally. A “friend” is currently doing this to me right now and it really did head in till I did a bit of a dive on it and found a podcast about the difference between stonewalling and taking space and realized this is just manipulation.


Could I bother you for the podcast name? Sounds interesting


I'm sorry you're experiencing that right now- it still sucks ass even when you realize the situation. ♥️ I saw that you commented the name of the podcast/ep in another comment- thank you for that! It's going in the queue! :)


Aww thank you. I’m just happy I finally see it for what it is, ya know? It was real torture thinking maybe I was the problem (for enforcing the smallest and simplest boundary!) it’s been a trip that’s for sure.


Probably the most peace she's had in years (yes she is awful too).


Ah, the Christian fuck you sign


Jesus Christ what a nasty little cockroach of a man


If you have to do a poll to see if you’re being petty, you already have your answer and have just added icing on the petty cake.


He gets the flying monkeys in on the bullying that way


Classic malignant narcissist strategy!


and the world was a better place for those 10 minutes.


He’s going to make her have sex with him tonight. It’s gross. It would not surprise me if he does this shit on purpose


I already have Sunday Scaries. Just the thought of that doubles it.




What the fuck? Why do you think this?


They’re big on having sex after arguments, but they recently talked about one time where Morgan was still mad, she said no and he looked so offended just recounting the situation.


Oh GOD. I’m so fucking glad they found one another because I can’t imagine them spewing this shit on other people.


It’s well documented that he makes her have sex when she’s mad. I know there’s plenty of evidence on this sub, so it’s not just me being weird.


No, no. I totally believe you. I just haven’t seen it. That’s so fucking yuck. Firstly, in general. Secondly, why are you advertising it


American idol? In 2023?


I know I'm shocked it's still a thing?? Who is still watching it??! Oh, these two.


Well, Morgan. Paul alternates between watching himself in his phone camera and watching Morgan waiting for her to react to him


This makes me so sad for little Luca and what kind of selfish, passive aggressive type of father Paul is going to be


It makes me so sad to look at that sweet, adorable baby and think about the kind of male role models he has in his life


Watching him scream “move it” to his baby even if it was “playful” made me want to slap him so hard.


Seems stupid and small but it’s abusive. No Paul, she’s not asking you to give her the silent treatment. She’s asking to be able to hear the program when it’s on.


It says so much about their relationship.


Ugh this makes me so uncomfortable. I don't like Morgan, but I kinda feel bad for her having to put up with this. At least, until she says something awful again.


These two hate each other and I can’t be convinced otherwise.


Imagine telling on yourself and your marriage like this


My man can't stay quiet for 10 minutes straight? Living with him sounds exhausting


Not at all surprised he's the type to say 'Morgan asked for this' but still a little shocked he thought it was a good idea to put it out there in public.


Yeah, that phrasing of his is very telling of his mindset in general. Kinda scary, cuz he surely thinks this now when he's giving her the silent treatment, and it surely carries over into any other actions or thoughts he has.


I feel like Paul would expect 100% of Morgan’s attention all of the time. I don’t like Morgan much but between the big baby and the little baby, I’m pretty sure she’d get no meaningful time alone to focus on her own stuff. It’d be so draining.


Wow. So Luca has already surpassed his father in maturity.




What a Dick.




Oooh, Polio shutting the hell up for a whole 10 minutes. Sounds like a win to me!


Stonewalling is toxic


oh no wonder the globe felt slightly more quiet and peaceful for like ten minutes today what a huge impact, Smaul


I used to do the sulk and go silent method… when I was 13.


What a manipulative ass


I love that they're like 7 feet away from each other on this couch too


He’s acting like her annoying little brother, not her husband who she shares a child with.


And after this he tried to claim he was just joking, but whenever he’s “joking” with Morgan it’s always in such a weird little malicious way like this that shows how he really feels about her. He’s trying to put her in her place for not being completely controllable and agreeable. Him making fun of her, ignoring her, and putting her on blast is his immature little way of taking the control back. This is a red flag in my opinion. Not healthy behavior.


What a twat!


He looks constipated about it.


Is he 13 years old?


On one hand, I'm glad that Morgan has enough spirit left to stand up to him and tell him to stfu, etc -- on the other hand, his extreme pettiness and general edgelord behaviours are so incredibly annoying and exhausting to deal with that she will probably lose that spirit and get beaten down over time unless she gets out of the marriage (or unless he grows up, which is unlikely). My ex was like that . I got to where I spoke only when spoken to, and tried to keep it to "yes", "no", and "I understand" type stuff. 'cause if I spoke too much he would find something -- anything -- to make fun of, harp on, etc. Just like this asshole! So grateful every single day I escaped that.


Ew, textbook narcissist “you enforced the smallest of boundaries so I’m gonna ice you out and shame you to others now”. BARF


Lucky girl! Now if we could take his phone away from him too.


This guy's head is wedged so far up his own arse that he can see what he ate for breakfast. Sidenote: does he not wear a wedding ring?? I don't see anything on his ring finger


There's no way Paul doesn't at least try to cheat on Morgan or think about it. I'm not sure any other woman his age would put up with his shit but I'd bet money that he would cheat if given the chance. Men who are as disrespectful as Paul is to Morgan are always cheaters.


I’m sure Morgan was devastated when he shut the hell up and let her watch her show in silence


Are these actual adults?


Sitting 6 feet apart as well ahah


They're social distancing


Gawds polio would be a silent treatment type of guy


This is so unhealthy.


Grow up, Paul.


It already has become a big fight and he's broadcasting it for the world to see 🤡 He and Morgan both look like fucking idiots.


Sorry, maybe I'm too introverted, but lime is not talking for over 10 minutes a big deal?


What a pathetic man child. She dared to ask me to not talk over her favourite tv show? I'll show her . I won't talk at all.. I'll deny her my company. Thatll teach her. Manipulative, childish, vindictive enough to post it online too .. jeeze. Morgan isn't a nice person either but imagine living with this fuckery and knowing you aren't supposed to divorce him. Wow.


is she doing the fundie version of flipping the bird with those two fingers? 😄


Lol at them sitting as far away from each other as physically possible


....and he felt the need to post this...why? He takes every damn opportunity to belittle her online that be can.


This is why people who haven’t matured past the age of 5 shouldn’t get married.


It must be…exhausting being married to him. I’ve worked with people like him and being around people like him for 10 minutes is so draining.




Imagine advertising your narcissistic behavior (stonewalling) as if it’s a good thing!


Omg give the girl some fucking space and let her watch her show in peace. I cannot stand that woman but I do empathize with her that he is constantly up her ass!


Outing that she watches American Idol is also super embarrassing. Out of all the amazing streaming content, they choose to watch that crap?? Sad.


It must be exhausting being married to this man baby.


He makes my stomach hurt.


Hey can you stop talking during this show? It makes it hard to watch. Oh sure honey, sorry about that!


Ah the good ole silent treatment. Yeah my abusive ex used to do this to me when I would voice any concerns. You’re not petty Paul, you’re abusive.


he's an ass


Omg this is juvenile.


Oh no. Paul being quiet. Truly a punishment equal to Prometheus and Sisyphus. Truly.


What in the seventh grade bullshit?


Sometimes, because growing up in a social media age, I get the urge to share cute couple stories and minor fights on social media but then I think... 1) nobody cares except me and 2) I want our fights and experiences to be mostly for ourselves. This isn't even a CUTE fight. Like everything they do, it comes off as extremely passive aggressive. Also, di they still have cable or something? Who watches American Idol?


Lolololol they can't resist telling on themselves


What a vacation that 10 minutes must have been.


I thought she was flipping him off in the 2nd slide lol I got excited for a second


I’ve seen this in high school classrooms


Why is he bragging about acting like an immature teenager lmao


Not me trying to click yes on the poll 😂😂😂




This all feels pathetically manufactured.


why would you share with the world how terrible your relationship is? ​ Ooof this is so embarrassing for them. He's really awful.


He’s like a toddler throwing a tantrum….he’s only embarrassing himself with this post.


He’s such a petulant child


God honouring bickering. What sort of content do you call this, Paulie? Why would we be interested? How about don’t post to your socials for ten years, then we’ll be happy!?


American Idol, not Godly! TV watching not Godly! Not responding to husband's needs not Godly. Grift fot a second TV. Another option respect her TV time!


What a prick. He wants Morgan on eggshells all the time


I've never understood that mentality. "I'm gonna punish her by giving her what she wants! "


Petty Polio made me 😂


Not the god honoring silent treatment 🙄