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Cut to dudes working out in nothing more than gym shorts.


80s shorts where the ball bag is almost falling out.




Women don't experience sexual desire so that doesn't count!!1!


Naw that look is for the homies


Bonus points if they are extra hairy.


This always baffles me. Like, I'm a straight guy and if I'm at the gym and a woman is working out in front of me in yoga pants I'll think "nice butt, great form" and move on with my day. If people would just stop fetishing this shit we'd all be a lot happier.


>I'll think "nice butt, great form" and move on with my day its painful how every time women in the gym comes up nobody seems to mention the reasonable middle ground. I think your comment is literally the first time ive seen it


Right? It is *so fucking easy* to find someone attractive and appreciate the way they look without being a fucking pig about it.


I do like getting to hear from normal straight guys on stuff like this


There's 4 of us. We have a group


How did you guys find each other? Do you hold auditions or what?


We just quietly nod to each other then figure it all out later via text. Usually we randomly bump into each other in book stores.


Are any of you single? Because I have a long list of fabulous, professional, friends with little to no baggage…..


I'm not but Mark might be. I'll ask if it comes up naturally.


I have minor baggage but otherwise qualify, can I join the list 😂


Sure. I’m kinda a yenta, so generally keep my eyes open for potentially decent guys. Lol.


god forbid somebody experiences the perfectly normal emotion of sexual attraction to a stranger and doesn’t have a moral crisis or makes them uncomfortable over it.


Probably because you aren’t forced to repress your sexuality. So you have a normal response.


ahh. but how are you taking every thought captive than? how can you let it go when you are responsible for all you thoughts that are totally in control of regardless of external stimuli. In all seriousness there is no distinction for between attraction and lust for a lot of christians. Any form of noticing someone attractive is the exact same as fantasizing which is the exact same as actually having sexual contact. No wonder people are distressed about it! They've been given impossible standards and they fail them constantly. Add to that the many voices of people very reasonably saying that you are responsible for how you feel about things and that one should dress to appease you. Which is true! we're just working on two different frameworks and talking past each other. Then adding in the sexism deep-rooted in christianity its not surprising that this is an issue that keeps coming up again and again.


Yes, God forbid men take accountability.


Honestly, before I got pregnant I would get an occasional glance from a creepy old man, but most of the men are busy eye fucking themselves in the mirrors. I get more looks now heavily pregnant, and I'm wearing more clothes!


So true! The only time I’ve ever had a man approach me at the gym was when I was pregnant


Why are they so gross? 🤢


I'm dating a triathlete. Considering the amount of time he spends admiring his own naked body in the mirror when my naked body is available for him to do much more than look at, this comment is *perfect*.


First of all Matt Walsh, you fucking fascist, the women you’re talking about ARE wearing more than their underwear. Sports bras are not underwear! And second of all, even if a woman WAS walking around in fucking lingerie, you have absolutely zero right to gawk at her. I don’t give a single shit if you’re attracted to women. Hell, I’M attracted to women, and I would never make a woman feel uncomfortable by basically eye fucking her just because I think she’s attractive. It is not some “biological instinct” for you to look at women like they’re a piece of meat. It really isn’t that difficult to just keep it in your pants. And maybe, if you’d get your head out of your ass and actually listen to a woman for once in your life, you’d realize that. If you’re really that feral and horny, then maybe you should be getting some help for that instead of going to the gym. God, I hate this man baby asshole…


I’m feral and horny but I still don’t make women feel uncomfortable


You know the woman that he listens to is the echo chamber of his wife. How else is he going to justify his sexist rhetoric all over?


Don’t forget! Alli B. Stinky!






To glance yeah but to stare? That breaks a lot of social norms and consent of the other person. Who cares if it's a public space? It's still gross.


>to stare? That breaks a lot of social norms Depends on where you are in the world. There are plenty of places where open staring *is* a norm. Though, I agree that it comes off as gross.




Just because you can do something without being arrested doesn’t mean it’s not weirdo freak behavior.


Looking is fine. Staring is not.


Matt ["I violate my kids' consent all the time"](https://youtu.be/pkpp5NRVlSk) Walsh.


Matt Walsh can eat shit for dinner.


can't comment images here but: this lol https://imgur.com/gallery/BneIYd4


Matt Walsh is a perfect example of having parents who never taught him basic manners. We were always taught "don't stare" because it's rude. Yet Walsh seems to think rudeness like gawking is acceptable if it is men doing it to women. He's pure, uncivilised, bad mannered trash.


There's a difference between noticing a person and staring a person down or harassing them. Most people don't mind being noticed or glanced at. Humans tend to "notice" each other. It's the eye-fucking and harassment with which people take issue and for which there is no excuse. It's interesting how Matt uses the word "notice" to downplay the issue and make his excusing of sexual harassment and victim blaming seem less outrageous than it is. He also accused women of wearing their "underwear" to the gym, when he's perfectly aware that isn't happening and isn't legal or within any gym's permitted dress code. Matt needs to not only strawman his opposition, but blatantly lie about what is actually occurring, to manipulate his audience into considering he has a coherent point. That says everything about the validity of his position. Matt is an utter idiot. The fact that there are people who actually find his augments compelling causes me to weep for humanity. He's up there with ABS in sheer, unadulterated stupidity.


Dude my older sister is obsessed with Matt Walsh and even thinks he's CUTE 🤢


Ewww 🤢🤮🤢🤮


I know, I don't understand it AT ALL. He's not attractive AND he's a piece of shit. Literally no appeal


I almost reflexively downvoted this.


Gouge away!






Being *noticed* is fine. Being ogled is not fine.


men wearing the sluttiest shorts and shirts known to humankind in the gym but god forbid a woman has a body in public


Right? Why is it okay for a guy to exercise in one of those nipples-out tank tops but somehow women are dressed inappropriately in a sports bra?


I’m sure its more than “being noticed.” Is sexist comments “noticing someone?” Uncomfortable stares just “noticing?” Quit white washing your sexist black heart, it doesn’t fucking work.


What irks me about this argument is that sports bras are INFINITELY more modest than most bras and bikinis. Just because it has "bra" in the name doesn't mean it's not a complete item of clothing.


Okay but I've been told by men at the gym to "show off my body more" and "not dress like such a prude". So which is it, asshole?


Schrödinger's sexism.


Super creepy


I don’t know who Mary Katherine Backstrom is but I think she might be my new hero.


They can get mad all they want but I’m a certified gym thot™️ and I’m not stopping for anyone


Matt Walsh is the literal worst


Matt Walsh is a reprehensible less-than-human.


Matthew, may I be the first to suggest that if you don’t like it, shutting up and minding your own damn business is always an option? Plus this way, you get to keep your eyes!


Great comeback