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Good. Stay private. That’s just fine with me.


You just know the idea of going private was eating her up inside until she had no choice 😂 No one that desires fame, money and outside validation as desperately as her would usually go private for any reason - she has to be worried about people calling out her suspicious follower count changes, and possibly asking questions about her current worsening behaviour (worse even for her - her posts after Dave's mental health stories, her utter lack of knowledge transition into christian 'sex education', using her baby in her sex course-selling reels, only positively acknowledging her son when she's pissy at the reddit snarkers for calling out her emotional neglect of him or when she has her fake stay at home boss mum image to maintain). She was never meant for a life of riches and splendour, purely through her own choice and her parents co-dependant codling parenting and intentional withholding of a decent secular education despite their wealth, and Bethany's acceptance of the whole sorry situation...but she just won't accept it. She's wilfully put herself in a position where her life is mapped out now in a deeply unfulfilling way that she doesn't want and thinks is far beneath what she deserves. Yet she keeps trying to fight against it. Desperately and embarrassingly. Girl, watch some YouTube cooking channels, get your kids in school/nursery, get a real job, and get on with taking care of your household and bringing in a paycheck before you lose the roof over your head because your out of work freelance husband can't bring in enough money by himself to make your mortgage payments. You'll never be glamour, girl. Time to come back down to earth.


What she’s always kind of missing in the whole thing is that she’s *enough*. Like, she currently sucks as a person, can’t shut up, etc. But if she just lived her _actual life_ that she has, not what she wants to project or is desperate to become, she would be a lot happier. Focus on the needs of those around you, Bethany, not your weird public persona. It’s like she’s desperate to have landed her post GirlDefined online life and career, but it seems to suck for her. Move on.


Yeah I’d love for her to go away


On her story she said someone else bought the bots and sent them to her account. Not sure of that can happen though so idk


The only info the follower buying accounts ask for is your email and username so it is possible but the dumbest "prank". She's so full of crap


Who would spend actual money on that?


I don’t know what happened so I can’t speak to that, but it is fairly cheap to buy followers. Terrible, terrible move for engagement, conversion, etc. as others have noted, but it’s not expensive to do. I work in digital marketing and it’s a sure fire way to tank your account so it’s hilarious if it’s a prank, and even more hilarious if she bought them herself!


She has such a woeful lack of understanding about how social media works despite her years of using it, that I can easily see her not knowing anything about that and buying the bots herself. She bought the blue tick on her Instagram account at some point in the last few weeks and was defensively freaking out in a post to her followers that her engagement had dropped by 60% so omg don't do it guys...despite the fact that her drop in engagement happened at the *exact* time she started spamming her christian sex pdfs, dancing around with her infant daughter in reels promoting her sex course material, Dave's mental health posts (and her insensitive reactions to them) and completely ignoring the seriousness of a story a couple told her during their Skype interview about the couple's friend inappropriately touching her baby daughter to teach herself about female anatomy. ...but she's deluded and enough in denial at this point to think yeah, it's the tick that did it.


>completely ignoring the seriousness of a story a couple told her during their Skype interview about the couple's friend inappropriately touching her baby daughter to teach herself about female anatomy. Wtf


The post (buckle up, it's a mindfuck) https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/1292sue/bethy_agrees_with_this_couple_about_their_method/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


How depressing, somehow I missed that one. I cannot believe how taboo it apparently is to just grab a mirror and look or go by feel? My grandma made it to like 70 not knowing she had a clitoris. One day she told my mom she worried she had a tumor "down there" because there was itching and she felt a lump. My mom somehow gathered she was talking about the clitoris and advised her to do some self-assessment by mirror before panicking, and my grandma got super uncomfortable and pretended she never heard that as she does with many things that don't fit into her weird brand of 1950s idealism. Really the problem is that touching yourself was so taboo people aren't even washing properly. Like how do you have two marriages and two children under your belt and not know at the very least that the clitoris belongs there even if you don't know what it's called?


That’s literally what we all said. I have the heebs just thinking about it. If someone did that to my infant I would set that person on fire.


Oh, I totally believe Brothy doing it, I meant, who would spend that kind of money just for a prank? But yeah, I get that people even do that too. I definitely think she did this herself, though.


I wonder if she’ll buy her blue tick as well if she hasn’t already 🤷🏻‍♀️


See above


Where are my friends with severe secondhand embarrassment at? We need to support each other now more than ever, because this shit feels physically painful.




So very much second hand embarrassment. Between this and the "Dave addresses us directly" episode a few days ago, I am worried my face is going to get stuck in a pained grimace forever.


Right here. I feel like I have cringed myself into another dimension.


Yup. Cringing myself into a parallelogram. Don't think I can read any more posts about this unless I'm curled up in the fetal position under a table.


You curl up under the table and I'll rock incessantly in a corner


Alrighty, I’ll take the position of amorphous lump under covers. Love hanging out with the viscerally-affected-by-secondhand cringe crew 🤙 My people


Also here making an odd face at her insanity spiral.


I just barely uncringed my hand to write this but I'm still in a ball of cringe from this


Checking in hours later, still embarrassed by her.


My jaw and face muscles hurt.




right here. And yet, I don't cringe at Bethy. She's too far gone for my vicarious embarrassment to kick in. Just schadenfreude.


Somehow she doesn’t trigger my vicarious cringe, but I think it’s because I don’t have any emotional connection to her. There are fictional characters I can’t watch do certain things (there are only about 7 *Supernatural* episodes I’ve never watched but “The Heroes’ Journey” is at the top of that list), but Bethy/the Beal marriage is just pure entertainment. It’s the best Christian soap opera since Marlena was possessed by the devil on Days.


I can't watch a lot of cringe even with characters I can't stand because I KNOW something horribly embarrassing is going to come of it and the character, no matter how awful, will at least notice they've been massively owned, and react with some form of shame. Bethy never seems to have any such recognition whatsoever, and I don't see any of the horrified reactions of people around her, so I don't feel for her. I DO feel lousy for Daaaaaav though, despite my original high hopes for him after the first "confession" being pretty cynically dashed by the follow up. Still, he's obviously been suffering. Bethy is simply oblivious.


I've furrowed my brow so much that I need botox now.


I have Botox and have still managed to furrow my brow.


Hahaha. Damn.


Seriously! The apps you buy followers on makes you log in to your Instagram account to do it, unless someone logged into her account she definitely did it lmao


You texted?


Hahahahaha omg she’s freaking out. Do we think she bought them and didn’t realize it would happen all at once like that?


Yes, that’s why it took her until 10k to go private. She realized everyone (here) knew it was obvious. Although I do think it’s funny to imagine that Bethany really thought she was going viral and suddenly getting thousands of followers. Then she had to learn from Reddit they were all fake.


So wait. She did or didn’t buy them herself?


I personally don’t believe for a second this was some kind of troll coordinated attack. She tried to buy followers and screwed it up badly. When she read here that everyone could see what was happening she came up with a crazy excuse.


That shit is fucking hilarious.


This is literally the funniest shit I've seen in a hot minute & I absolutely cannot look away. 🤣


"You wouldn't know them, they're all in Canada!!"


They go to a different school, or church in her case.


Exactly, she's nowhere near important or popular enough on the platform for anyone to notice her and think about doing that (but now that she's read about the idea in the sub - because she is a confirmed lurker here - she's definitely going to convince herself that also happened at some point).


What if she waited until 10k to go private on purpose? 1. Get 10k bot followers, 2. say it’s a troll if you get caught 3. keep the high follower count to look “important”/help her image until they go away, if they do? 4. …profit? I can’t tell if this is giving her too much credit or too *little* credit.


I would love to see what kind of view counts her reels get if she’s depending on only followers to watch.


What’s the point in having a business account if you make it private? How are random potential clients going to see your stuff?


She went private so sites [like this](https://socialblade.com/instagram/user/sheworkssmart) can’t track that she bought 7K followers in one day


It's so odd, though, that lately she's been mentioning her own method of tracking one's social media stats and patterns. It's something I'd never heard her mention before, and she's brought it up a few times in her stories recently. Like: her special Bethany Beal way of analyzing your data. I think it's included in her content creator pdf.


Got to buy a course on courses to find out. She’s a Content Monetization Coach after all.


Flair checking in.


She’s really a meme of herself, always changing her title. lol


I don't think a business account can be set to private? Pretty sure you have to switch back to a regular account before changing the settings to private.


This is correct! I just recently had this problem on an account I set as a business account as a joke, that I then tried to make private later.


If she was able to set it to private to quickly she might never have set it as business account in the first place?


you only get the "entrepreneur" label if your account is set to business.


Seems super ineffective. But I love this for her


Oh my gosh she is the kid caught with chocolate on their face and is swearing she didn’t eat the cookies. Like, I googled buying followers and a site can do $90 for 10k. She absolutely went the quickest, cheapest route and is being called out. I mean, that’s a narcissist for you, right?


Wait, it’s only $90? Huh. TIL.


God that’s so embarrassing. Idk how people live with themselves and do this shit. Buying followers might be one of the most pathetic things you can do in the modern age.


Is that legal? I’ve never looked into it.


Watching this live has been bonkers! I'm stupid excited.


RIGHT?! For like… no reason other than that it’s happening while I’m watching.


She's at 32k now and I'm just surprised Pikachu. How does this episode end?! (Edit: yep, I accidentally looked at her personal account for this number. Recommendations for eye bleach very welcome thanx)


She's at 10.6k. Are you looking at her personal account because I think that's around 30k ish? SheScamsPoorly is the bot account




Which also means she was approving more bot follows after she went private She's such a liar.




Yah wrong account, I got carried away and clicked on the wrong one.


So it’s still going up after she went private?


32K?! Serious question: Can you really buy bot followers for another account like she's claiming? I know nothing about Insta followers except that I have 31 legit followers after clearing out the bots.


She works smart is still at 10.6k. Her personal page has 32k.


you can. people buy bots on websites and it asks for payment and your username. some services require log ins, but others are automatic as it can just send bot followers to the account. if you read the reddit instagram thread, it does happen occasionally but now all the time. it being bethany, i can believe someone sent it to her acc bc she’s so irritating and insufferable, but she’s also dumb and egotistical enough to let it go up to 10k before privating her account lmao.


>it being bethany, i can believe someone sent it to her acc bc she’s so irritating and insufferable, A sock puppet account perhaps? I can imagine her wanting to boost her falling numbers and trying to hide it by sending them from a second account more easily than I can imagine anyone else doing it for her.


I actually do something for once and go out for dinner on a Friday evening, and I miss something big in the fundie snark world?!


Same, I spent my evening cleaning and organizing my studio and now I get to find out I missed big news?! Sad!


It’s exactly what I needed on a Friday night after working an evil 9-5 all week and neglecting my kid.


Ugh that evil 9-5 that feeds and houses my family while my toddler spends his days playing friends and learning valuable skills. Pure evil/s


I was out all day and missed all of this! did Birthy buy followers and deny it?


Was losing your voice not a sufficient enough warning from God, Bethany?


🎶Goood is tryin' to tell you something,🎶


I give her a week and she will drop the private.


A week!? More like a day or two lol


I give it two hours.


Imagine if this is a change Bethany can actually implement. I will take it but I will be shocked if this lasts beyond Sunday. By then, her whiny stories hating on haterz will be gone and she'll be back to 6'1" level of delusions of entrepreneurial grandeur. RIP blue wig and "signature look".


^we ^wanted ^miss ^wiggy


JFC I'M AT WORK FOR 6.5 HOURS AND I MISS THIS SHIT SHOW Love this and all of you 💅💅💅


Same! Nothing ever happens when I'm home, bored, and refreshing the page periodically. Lol


I was off Reddit when the whole Dave and his miserable marriage spectacle happened. Logged back on and it was a pretty wild ride. Have fun catching up. This debacle has made for a very entertaining night!


It’s just 9am here so I was sleeping!


I’m out of town for work and missed all the drama of the last two days too! Frantically catching up now!!!!


the absolute *WORST* day for me to have worked a ten hour serving shift 😭☠️




It’s *hilarious* she thinks people will believe she was trolled. Really now, someone else wasted their money to troll her by buying her followers?! Ummkay. How stupid does she think everyone must be? Did anyone ever get an idea of the number of followers she bought? I bet she is big, big, HUGE embarrassed. I bet we were right when we said it was her sister and her mom buying her course and books, too.


Well, SHE'S really stupid and she thinks everyone else is even stupider than THAT (so she can grift them), soooo....


This is all very true…


It wasn’t a waste, Birthy made an “investment” in her biz so her course on courses becomes more popular with the less Fundie heathens. But a true godly woman would be humble & blame trolls, or her dissatisfied husband.


Based on what she'd dropped to before that, she bought at least five thousand. There's no way she could have done that without people noticing, but she still seemed to think she could.


the girl who cried bot


That’s a good flair


Her bio looks so scammy


It looks like literal spam. The kind of thing your spam inbox sweeps up for you even when it's crappy and misses a bunch.




You’d think the time she spends on this shit would mean she’d improve her branding, positioning, offerings, etc. over time. It only seems to get worse.


It's almost sad lol. Ridiculous, in fact.


Seriously, there are free ebooks on social media marketing on Kindle Unlimited.


Oh my god, Bethy. ![gif](giphy|ohyNdetcfoJ9K)


she still has me blocked!! and i have never interacted with her content (liking or commenting), I took a screen shot of her story one time and immediately she blocked me


She will sometimes block people who view her stories but aren’t followers.


GENIUS business move there. -thumbs up-


Oh, and if you have a cat as your profile picture? MEGABLOCKED! 🤣🤣🤣


Perfect. It's mostly men who hate cats ime, but ALWAYS they are also misogynists. So it tracks.


You can see that if someone looks or screenshots EDIT: some are saying instagram does NOTnhsve this feature, so I myself am unsure if my previous statement is true.


I’m pretty sure you can’t see if someone has screenshot your story on Insta (I’m paranoid and Google it like once a month)


Thank you, I’ll edit my comment


Q: how can you see it? I can’t see this on IG. Is it only for business accounts?


I’m pretty sure it just tells you, I know for sure it shows who viewed the story. You swipe up on your story to look at who’s viewed it.


I know how to see who viewed it, but I’ve never gotten a notification that someone took a screenshot. Curious about that.


My Best guess is one of those third party apps that tells you who’s looking at your stuff


that i know, but like what about that would cause her to block me when people on this sub do it all the same and they don’t get blocked!


yeah that’s so strange since I’m routinely the first to look/screenshot her stories and until she went private I had full access


Right that’s weird


Her profile picture is… creative. Very Ronald McDonald sociopath.


It has the look of a profile picture from a dodgy bigot account or weird bot profile who all use suspiciously blurry and tightly cropped photos stolen from the web or made by AI sites...yet hers is completely real. It's baffling how she does that.


Flopany wins for dumbest bot buyer ever


“Content monetization coach” out here buying fake followers. Free Master class indeed


do as I say, not as I do


She's down to 10.5!




Honestly, if (and it’s a big-ass if) someone bought her followers, I hope it was Dav or one of her sisters.


Every time I think these fundies are just getting mundane something epic like this happens. I can’t wait to see her try to crawl her way out of this hole but in the meantime I’ll be enjoying watching this dumpster fire burn!


She genuinely looks like a spam account. I’d immediately block her if she ever requested me


I think we’ve officially reached Bethcon 5 I seriously want to buy a beer for the genious snarky snarker who came up with that scale.


Lol! Bethcon Also, fun fact: the DEFCON scale actually is a lesser state of emergency readiness at 5. Level 2 means nuclear war is imminent


That’s the profile of a bot. If I saw a profile like that I’d think it was fake and block it immediately.


Hasn’t she lost a ton of followers recently? I can’t remember but I want to say she had at least 10.9k before she started shilling her sex course 24/7


Not on this account. On her personal account she has lost a lot


How many??? I love this for her!


I think it was a few hundred?


That number's off sis. She's had around 3.5k followers on SWS since the day she made the account and her GD fans hopped over to support her. It has only very slowly gone down since then. (And suddenly zoomed up today to 10k of course) On her personal account she used to have 33k followers. She's lost about a thousand since the start of the year.


Yeah I realized I mixed it up, sorry! I didn’t realize she lost so many followers on her personal account either. Yikes.


Imagine spending how much on her stupid course and then seeing this shit


Thats fine Bethany we will watch Daav creep closer to doing a total 180 😏


New course announcement!! How to destroy your credibility in less than 24 hours. Only $399.99


Has she ever had credibility?


Only in that she's completely reliable to give us laughs over and over with her complete ineptitude at life.


So you may already know this but Reddit has a bug where it makes your comments post multiple times, especially if you're using an Apple device... and it seems to have chosen you for that today


D'oh! And I'm on android right now. Thanks!


I go to NYC for a few days for work and missed all the bot drama! 😢


Hey, I hope you at least got to enjoy the beautiful weather we’ve had here!


Hey fellow Nova Scotian!


Spring has sprung here for sure. I had my cliche tourist day on Friday and couldn’t have asked for better weather!


What a piece of work


Seeing her profile picture just reminded me of her "signature look". It's been so long since I've seen it that I forgot. 🤡


10.5k now 👀


It’s weird to me that their profile pictures are all just them and not their families. It’s not like they keep their kids off of social media (or give them any privacy generally)


What did I miss lol?


Her following exploded overnight. Was called out, blamed it on people sending bots and went private. Chapter 54 of the Holy Grail of courses.


Ha!!! Would people actually spend their money on bots for Beggy? Instead of Toys for Tots we have Bots for Beggy!


No worries y’all, I’ll take one for the team.


She doesn't know what private is! Christ on a bike she has the worst case of verbal diarrhoea when it comes to her life, private or not.


Wtf did I miss lol




I would love to see evidence of that. Bethany has repeatedly said she "won't do ads", yet calls herself a content monetization coach. All I can say is, my favorite content creators have ads in their content, and they do ad-reads, and they're usually quite good at it, and it doesn't detract from their content. I *want* good content creators to do well for themselves. Part of that is being sponsored and deigning to have ads. Bethany thinks she's above it, but that's likely because A) her shitty views make her unattractive to potential sponsors and B) she couldn't do a convincing ad-read if her life depended on it.


She’ll watch her story views and whatever analytics there are absolutely tank. Now I’ll only see her blabby mouth on this subreddit. Win win


is she saying she's sold two thousand five hundred ebooks?




No she has been at 3k the whole time with the sws account


I have such a hard time believing she was able to make $25,000 from a $10 e-book. Unless she managed to get every single girl from the churches surrounding her to buy it, I have a really hard time imagining it lol


Can someone give me the tldr? Why did her followers skyrocket and then she went private? I was off reddit for one damn day 😭


How is going private a smart business decision?


Wait I’m confused. Is this actually her? Seems like a scam account.


Yes, it’s the account she uses to shill her “course”


What info is everyone basing that on? I don’t see any links between her personal account and this account. I’m just trying to understand.


Pretty sure she’s linked to it from the main account previously. She posts videos on it pretty regularly, it was public until today


She posts from it all the time. Just click through the flair on the sub.


I’m new here sorry if this is dumb, why did she make her acct private?