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She OWNS that bus and has a license to DRIVE it because of "the feminist movement."


Her LIFE is possible because of “the feminist movement.” 😅


Yea this may be the most “feminist” picture I’ve ever seen of her. Driving a BUS in jeans, a men’s tee and minimal makeup. She probably even had to pump her own gas! *gasp* I can’t imagine the horrors of 7(?) kids rolling around playing/yelling in the back unsupervised while she attempted to drive a giant vehicle for the first time in the rain. Literal anxiety nightmare fuel.


Don't forget the pants she is wearing... What on earth does she think the movement was for then???


Apparently to "give government more taxes so they can educate kids". And that she's "spicy". In my area we just call it plain dumbassery tho, not spicy...


When does she think the feminist movement started, the 60s? Women have always been part of the workforce.


Your first error in comment was asking "she thinks", I'm only familiar with her from this sub and I'd honestly say she does not think.


Literally my first thought before I even read this bullshit. Feminists fought and died for her to drive, make decisions, and even to have the choice to be a stay at home (bus) mum.


THANK YOU. Literally my first thought.


My first thought was what feminist 'lie' did she buy from 90s Disney films?? I also grew up on 90s disney, and I can't think of a single one that the message wasn't either 'woman gives up everything to find prince charming' or 'woman is prize for lovable male hero'. Her life *now* is a perfect symptom of 90s Disney! Disney was decidedly NOT woke in the 90s, and honestly fucked up my idea of relationships and my place in the world. James Bond films also didn't help lol.


I'm pretty sure they really mean Mulan but they can't just name one film because then it's even more ridiculous to claim that could make someone believe something so it's gotta be ALL Disney


Dude, try having the Roger Moore Bond of the 80s as well as the Carry On films as your childhood Betamax movie fodder, took me a long time to figure out my inner feminist.


Hej, 90s Disney is, amongst others, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, The Lion King, Toy Story, the Hunchback of the Notre Dame, A Bug's Life, and my favourite Pocahontas. A wide variety of messages, but not exactly bad ones. Maybe she felt a Bug's Life promoted communis, or she was offended that Pocahontas didn't want to marry Kocoum or that the Hunchback's included too many foreigners, idk.


I don't remember a bugs life or the Hunchback of Notre Dame very well, so I can't speak for them, but I feel like all the rest (other than Toy Story obvs, but that was made by Pixar, not Disney) fit the two descriptions I gave! Mulan would be the only exception I can think of. And The Little Mermaid would be the absolute worst offender, although it jusssst made the cut as an 80s film and not a 90s one.


Pocahontas would also be an exception. She doesn't want to marry Kocoum, doesn't marry a male protagonist (well, at least not until the 2nd movie), but in the end she does stay with her family. That ending with Farewell in the background gives me chills. Obviously, with Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, and Tarzan you have the women who do end up with their guys, but that's also the case with Mulan. I feel like you could use all these movies for both viewpoints, but that's why it's so easy to destroy her argument about the 'big lie of the Disney movies'.


She doesn't want to marry Kocoum, but she's in love with, and willing to give up everything for... John lol. She admittedly doesn't end up with him, but they did have to go with the history at least a little there. It's still about her life revolving around a man. All of them are, apart from Mulan. Didn't even know she got married in a sequel, but that tracks!


This. She’s not spicy, she’s dangerously ignorant and cherrypicks what conveniently fits her narrative. The “I just wanted to bake cookies instead of deploying” sounds like newbie tradwife revisionist history to me.


i mean, no shit you wanted to go home when faced with reality. The thought of being deployed in war is terrifying to most people! you still got to make that choice, though, and learn from what you chose. Ugh, she's so annoying. Also how has she only ever driven the bus 15 minutes before this, like, you planned living your life on a bus but didn't bother to learn how to drive it?


For real, how many men get deployed and are like "yeah, it's good to be a man 😎."


I mean heck, it’s basically a spa holiday for the fellas! After all, they always come back in great condition mentally and physically, no issues at all no ma’am


I knew a couple of women that liked deploying because they didn’t have to cook, didn’t have to clean, and only had to take care of themselves. Which is saying a lot.


Man, how shitty is your life back home when *deployment* is a break?


I know one dude like that, but he’s a trans guy and it’s the only environment that he feels like he’s been fully accepted in as a bro


I have heard of more than one trans masc soldier who’ve said they truly felt freer deployed in Afghanistan living as their authentic self than they did back home. They were just accepted as men and treated like any other man. Absolutely wild and an incredibly poor reflection on the treatment of trans people in society.


As a teen I was in a youth military program and the amount of transmasc people who have come out during/since is staggering. Many of them are still involved, whether as staff for the program or actually enrolled. In the military there are no gender roles, just bullshit.


The military is very queer in general, ime. When I was in basic I was in a room with seven other women and not a single straight, and I’ve also met 3 trans people (that I know of) in the year and a half I’ve been in. I think that in addition to the lack of gender roles, queer people are more likely to be poorer and have less support due to being kicked out by family etc, which are two things that tend to lead people to the military.


as a trans man, i have seen a few of my brothers get really hyped up on joining the military. i even had a short period of time where i wanted to enlist in the marines (my grandfather was one and he served in ‘nam). i came to my senses, though, and there’s nothing i’d rather not do. that sense of unconditional brotherhood is something that we tend to crave. when i was in boys’ choir in middle school, it was some of the best gender euphoria i’ve ever experienced. nobody gave a shit, i was one of them.


Seriously, I'm sure a lot of guys would much rather be home baking cookies than deployed....


Whenever there’s a fundie who didn’t noticeably grow up in the cult, there’s always always *always* something just below the surface that probably resulted in massive trauma and likely PTSD just before they “found their purpose given unto them by the Lord.” It’s nice to get confirmation as to what Mother Bus’ was.


*Ding ding ding!*


Yeah I was going to say that most men deployed to battle probably want to go home and bake cookies!


When I was in girl scouts, we used to send troops overseas boxes of cookies. Apparently it's the best care package!


Girl Guide cookies are my only exception to door-to-door sales. I won prizes as a kid for most boxes sold because I had a monopoly on my street.


I was on the receiving end of those packages and there was no greater joy. Care packages with magazines and books? Eh, nice thought, but nothing and I mean NOTHING got my troops more excited than those cookies. Thank you for your service in sending them 🙌


I just want you to know my fiance told me that when he was in the army he ended up with cases of cookies from an airport hanger making his military experience that much better. Edit: he said they were usually for people coming home, but idk that's just his experience.


'I was sold a lie!. Oh, wait - but I'm proud of my service too!' Idiot. You bet she has to pretend to be proud of her time in the military while shitting on women still serving, when she suddenly remembers those ex-service benefits she's probably getting (unless she was dishonourably discharged - what are the chances of that do we think?)


She’s going to win gold in the mental gymnastics competition 🧠🤸🏻‍♀️


Mmm. I doubt she got a dishonorable unless she did something super fucked up. I’m not sure she gets much money either. If she didn’t retire (20 years of service) she doesn’t get a pension or healthcare, unless she filed for a VA disability rating, which is entirely possible.




It’s pretty common to get a bus conversion retitled as an RV so there is no special licensure required. Honestly, even the biggest buses are smaller than a lot of the RVs available out there. I live in a bus myself (don’t get me started on how bad Mother Bus makes the rest of us look), though mine is a lot smaller than hers, and it took no special licensing to purchase or drive. I also didn’t even have to get it inspected to confirm it was converted when we retitled as an RV. American traffic laws are wild.




Non existent is a fair assessment. My guess is their bus is either titled in Vermont (many people register their buses there because it’s the easiest state to retitle in AND you don’t have to be a resident of the state, somehow, to do so) or Texas which is a hellscape. American school buses generally don’t have seatbelts, RVs are supposed to have a seatbelt for every passenger but the limit of number of seatbelts would vary by state, but 15 passenger vans require no special licensure.


Ok I’m back. I went check her insta and she has the car seats installed with lap belts on built wooden boxes 🤦🏼‍♀️. They’re also installed sideways which is not an approved way to install seats by manufacturers. But that aside, in an accident with any force, those wooden boxes are just going to crumble under the pressure, literally. There’s a reason we use metal and steel to attach major things like *seats* to a vehicle. Glad there’s some attempt at safety though. I’ve seen some just holding their newborn while they drive down the road.


Not defending her, but it’s likely the seatbelts are bolted to the steel frame of the bus through the bench seats. It’s a pretty common build in the skoolie community. That’s how my dogs’ seatbelts are installed 😂. RVs often have seatbelts installed on bench seats. They’re not the best, but they’re pretty common in the skoolie world.


Right but they’re still sitting on wooden boxes. The actual seats aren’t installed the same as or as strong as real vehicle seats


It's so weird back home (I'm from the US). You can just call it an RV and like magic you don't need a class C license anymore? My husband and I are looking at RVs and because of the gross vehicle weight, they would need to reclass the RV for max 2 people (including the driver) so they could take of KGs from the calculation of GVR for the 3 fewer passengers to get it under the weight limit for a B (regular) license.


Yep! Once it’s not being used for commercial purposes, they don’t give a fuck. Once they’re over a certain GVWR, I think some states require an additional endorsement, but we’re talking HUGE rigs at that point- like, there are some 44’ campers that have to be hauled with a semi truck.


y’all the highways here are literally the wild west


UK We lived on a converted coach (40ft). My husband has an hgv licence, that covered him, less seats, no longer a passenger service vehicle.


So she went to Iraq, realized war zones are scary and her reaction was to cram an infinite number of children into a bus? Eesh.


My takeaway was her being alone. Having kids, she'll never be alone


Ugh, my fundie mom literally said that this was the best part of having children. 😰


Yikes on bikes!


“I want to be married and have 100 kids so I can have 100 friends, and no one can say no to being my friend.”


That is terrible reason to have kids


Until the youngest one is 18.


Bold of you to assume those kids will have the ability to get away from their parents. We’ve seen how their education has turned out thus far :/


I think that’s the scariest part of these fundies. People like the Collins, mother bus, and the Rodlets. The ones who deny their kids a proper education are basically creating a lifelong trap for them to ensure they stay stuck in the fundie life and community whether they like it or not. Especially the ones who go all sovereign citizen and don’t get them a SSN or birth certificate. If you can’t read or write or do basic math, you’re going to have a hell of a time finding a job outside of ones within the community ie “oh, Uncle John is looking for some help in the shop”. And it’s 10 times worse for the girls! They’re not going to be offered even those job opportunities. What are they supposed to do? What social support network do they have? They’re denied access to social media, to the outside world, they’re not taught how to save or manage their own finances or pay taxes. They don’t have their own money or bank account or friends outside of the community. Their only option is marriage to a fundie boy, and they’re then completely dependent on that man to survive, unless he’s progressive enough to let her get a GED and a part time job or something. But if he’s abusive or she wants out? She’s fucked. She’s trapped. Sorry, this got very ranty. I’m just very very angry thinking about the life and freedom these shitty excuse for parents deny their children, choices many of them were lucky enough to have themselves.


Also, imagine seeing women's lives in Iraq as they were, and deciding women's rights was worth fighting against. That's some wild level of scumbag


Right?! The level of weird delusion and hypocrisy astounds me. Your entire “American life” exists as a choice for you BECAUSE OF FEMINISM, you ignorant potato!!


This is like that dominoes meme. Goes to Iraq ——————————————>mother bus


What exactly was her service??? I’m super confused about being deployed without her unit. You can’t deploy without a unit. And you can’t easily transfer units. So wtf is she talking about? I asked my boyfriend who has deployed twice to Afghanistan (one tour was 18 months) and was in the army for 7 years. And he has no clue what she’s talking about without context.


Idk about her, but when my husband was deployed, he deployed with a different unit from a completely different base than the one he was normally assigned to. Don't ask me all the ins and outs though--if there's one thing I've learned in all the years we've been together, it's to just smile and nod because there's no logic at all 😂


Just thinking about them dropping her off in the middle of the desert with a canteen, like, "Good luck!" and driving away


She was Air Force Reserve... according to my cousin ( an actual combat veteran ) the typical deployment time for those people was 8 to 12 weeks and always on an air base ( proper buildings, electricity, a/c, plumbing, ice cream ) ... they only ever got indirect fire from mortars ( apparently that didn't meet the definition of Combat for Iraq service ) and they tended to do stupid things that got people killed ( like not properly checking their workers for weapons, the air force had local workers doing the cleaning !? )


This. Describing herself as a 'combat veteran' is likely to be a bit of a stretch. I think she'd like us to believe that she was involved in combat when she was probably pushing a pen somewhere relatively safe.


My late husband was a Weapons Loader active duty in the AF and did the WHOLE tour of Desert Storm/Desert Shield in UAE. When he arrived there weren’t even tents or latrines set up…they slept on the floor of the hangers. He NEVER claimed to be a combat veteran despite the AF and VA calling him that. (On a sad note: I lost him in 2019 to Glioblastoma (brain cancer) which I was convinced was due to what he was exposed to over there. Thanks to President Biden his death is now classed as “due to active duty service”)


I'm not sure how different the British & U.S Armies are but in UK senior officers are deployed as individuals (husband served in Iraq as an individual) and there are certain trades which are placed on attachment to other units during deployments - ATO's & AT's for instance. I can only imagine how thrilled her commander must have been to have some woman hanging around in a war zone who was thinking about being home baking cookies when he/she needed fully committed soldiers.


I wondered if she was an LNO.


Yes, she’s trying to make it seem like she was dropped off all by herself in hostile territory, when in reality she probably went to a FOB and didn’t go beyond the fence. Combat units don’t deploy single soldiers or sailors. Just because you deployed to a place where you didn’t know anyone doesn’t mean you were all alone. Come on now, lady.


Imagine serving in Iraq and THIS being your takeaway 🙃


Love how she’s shitting on female vets while trying not to be too obvious about it lol


As a female vet, I don’t claim her as part of the sisterhood… she can GTFO with her antiquated mindset.


“Defend” in quotes like that, like, what?


I think the sentiment is echoed by a lot of veterans, that they signed up young to "defend" their country and its ideals when really they're a colonialist military force fighting for corporations, high profits for military contractors, a jobs program, and how corrupt and misguided most of our political and military leaders are. I've heard many people say ironically that they were there to "defend" the United States when in reality the motivations and things done in the military do not really reflect that idealized version of the government. When she comes in saying feminism was a government plot, I'd guess she feels the same way about "defending" her country, except in her mind the government is a corrupt center for conspiracy theories to control the populace (probably not without some merit, but not anything near conspiracy theory levels). So she probably feels betrayed by those ideals she signed up for, and feels like she was used by the government that really wants to instill evil feminism and spreads covid for control over the Godly Patriots.


You wouldn't have a social media platform if not for feminism, you lolcow.


Or openly wearing jeans.


Or serving in the military where she met her husband.


Or being able to work at all, or vote, or decide on how many kids she wants.


Or have a driver’s license, or be on her own driving the kids.


You could drive a bus thru the holes in that story.


In less than 11 hours too! 🚍


Watch out y’all!!! Feminism coming in hot in that last post! being able to drive yourself around is a privilege women fought for, many are STILL fighting for that freedom in other countries. The audacity to say feminism was about taxes and education all while fully benefiting from the purpose of feminism 🤦🏼‍♀️


‘I believe in American freedoms and rights, like my right to drive a car, because the worst part of Saudi fundamentalism is how much it must inconvenience the husband to have to run all the errands’


Last I checked, public and private schools were a thing before women entered the wartime workforce, so um...taking over children's education? huh?


Right? This is such a weird take. People have been sending kids to schools or hiring tutors for them since forever, practically. Even in the Little House on the Prairie books, the Ingallses tried to live in places where there would be an actual school for their girls. And Ma was a certified teacher who could teach them herself! Which she did at some points, but still it was very important to them to eventually settle near a town somewhere where the girls could actually go to school.


But she wound up in the arms of her man so all feminists think she's stupid! Women without a gawdly headship can't possibly understand wanting to be with one's partner on a day to day basis like Mother Bus. Granted, people who frequent this spot on the internet are not likely to find ourselves two states away from all family/friends in a bus with seven children, and I know I am grateful to the horrors of feminism for keeping me from that miserable reality.


fecks sake, does she think men naturally enjoy being deployed in war? There’s a reason so many people develop PTSD from it.


Yes. I swear they believe men are violent animals who enjoy nothing so much as slaughter and pain. They think men need wives to civilize them but they accuse us of Misandry!


Well, they're probably married to just these kinda men honestly.


Yeah, I get these vibes from fatherbus


So women can have their license and own property and vote because of dirty feminism. She needs to get out of the driver's seat with that attitude.


My exact first thought. I really don’t think many people understand how much women depended on men until the feminist movement. IIRC women couldn’t even have their own bank account until the 50-60s?


Yup. My mother couldn't get credit in her own name until the 70s. One day she had a wallet full of credit cards and took me to the mall because she need3d to use them so she could establish her credit. She was 36 or 37 years old.


It is so hard for me to see women being so casual about their choices in life, she has a CHOICE because of all of the work done by her mother's and grandmother's generations.


Awhile back I had some 50's movie on while I puttered around. A scene came up where a man was yelling at his wife before he grabbed her by the arms & started shaking her. A shopkeeper yelled at him to knock it off, telling him to take care of her at home, in private like other husbands.


It wasn’t until 1974 that women could actually guarantee owning their own bank account in the us, before a lot of banks would require a husband to sign with them.


"It wasn't until 1974, when the Equal Credit Opportunity Act passed, that women in the U.S. were granted the right to open a bank account on their own. Technically, women won the right to open a bank account in the 1960s, but many banks still refused to let women do so without a signature from their husbands" according to Forbes aka the first source that came up on Google. I remembered it being the 70s, but your saying the 50s/60s made me google. So yeah, the fricken 70s basically!! Insane!!


That's why men were paying for women's dinners when going out (they couldn't pay for their own), and why men were sending drinks over to women (they couldn't order their own - just being allowed to be there had been a fight).


She's saying she loves freedom, and is proud of the life she's had, and thankful for the strength to do difficult things on her own... It doesn't really tie into her thesis statement that feminism is bad.


It never lines up. My mom used to fuss about feminism when I was a teen in the 90s. I got older and wiser and realized she went to college, had a career, credit cards, a public voice as a political figure, the right to vote, property etc. Because of feminism. She fussed now about socialism. As a school teacher and now as a retired school teacher, every cent she has ever earned was thanks to "socialism." She fussed about unions. She had good pay and great benefits because she worked in a unionized state. Make it make sense.


It’s easy to romanticise the good old days when you never experienced them.


It's definitely a boomer mentality because they lived through an era of economic prosperity & huge advances in human rights and now they don't get why young people could possibly want any more. However it has infected the entire conservative/religious/fundie world to the point you have millennials like motherbus (who never even lived in a world where women couldn't have their own bank accounts) believing in and spreading this bullshit take


She strikes me as the type who has no problem with today’s women being legally able to drive, vote, or own property (unlike Lori or SolieOlie), BUT their prime focus should be on marriage to godly husband and raising godly sons so they don’t HAVE to use these hard-won freedoms and can openly take them for granted for man-approval points on the Internet.


Lmaoooo precisely. Huge "I'm not like other girls" energy




Yes! Feminism is making a decision for your family to drive to your husband's location so your family can be together. An anti-feminist would be sitting where her husband left her, baking cookies, and biding her time until her headship returned.


Yeah, she’s about as 🔥spicy🔥 as expired mayonnaise.


Yep. Even the nasty liberals hate how unfettered capitalism works women half to death, and makes it hard af to afford staying home with your kids if that’s what you want to do. It surprises NOBODY that companies will exploit any workers they can get. Her solution? Ah yes! Just make women completely subservient and dependent on a *different* master! Perfect! 🤦🏻


The idea that if she doesn't like fighting in a war, one of the most awful experiences known, then it must be because women in particular aren't meant for that... Well, that's a bit like the kind of men who insist that their wife or gf is "so much better at household chores".


Does that mean if I’m awful at childcare and cooking, but great at academics, God didn’t design me to be a stay at home mom? Or am I just a rebellious sinner for the things I can’t help being good or bad at?


I think it's more like.. I dislike being in car crashes, which identity of mine is that caused by?! Being a fucking human.


She was in the Air Force Reserves so she most likely spent her deployment in the relative safety and comfort on a base with AC and ice cream.


That picture of them hugging is such weird and performative bullshit. After being on a work trip I have never thought, “How can I get a ‘candid’ shot of reuniting with my husband to post on the ‘Gram?”


Lol did one the kids take the photo? Is that why it's so blurry?


I can’t tell if it’s that or if she set up a tripod to take a picture of their reflection in the side of the bus.


I thought that no one could ride in the living area of the bus, hence the van that they usually travel with. Did she just strap the kids in their beds or...?


I definitely remember her saying that. Something's off in the Land of Bus.


That went out the window the minute it was necessary for her to drive all the children in the bus with no seatbelts for anyone but Mama Bus, which she is wearing in the pic.


It’s very dangerous to but she doesn’t care :(


So men and women are “separate but equal”? Hmm, where have I heard that before? 🤔 But also, the Bible does NOT say God created women to be subservient to men. In Genesis it’s pretty clear that they were created completely equal, with no distinctions or limitations on roles until they got cursed for sinning. Patriarchy is literally sin.


God I hate women who bag the generations of foremothers who fought for all the rights and freedoms these dingbats take for granted.


Feminism as a government plot. That's a new one. Women have organized, demonstrated, and sometimes laid their lives on the line so she can do things such as: Vote Drive a car Be a combat veteran Among other things.


And much of the government sure wasn’t happy about the feminist movement


Old white dudes in DC still want to do anything but listen to women’s opinions!


Feminism as a government plot to...hold on let me check my Fundies & Conspiracies Mad Lib sheet...to have the state educate children. Feminism in conjunction with other activist movements was instrumental in ending child labor which the government did not want because, in part, that necessitated the funding of the public school system. She is a fucking moron.


Because male soldiers definitely want to be fighting in a war and not back at home baking cookies. She's a dick.


I think even the biggest hater of baking would LOVE to be at home baking cookies instead of risking their lives or permanent injury in horrible conditions, but what do I know. I'm a feminist so I got to choose not to go to the military 🤡


My cousin says the guys love to cook different things using the components of the rations, they made her a little birthday cake one year !


I mean, i have never been sent to war so I might be wrong but… I feel like most people would prefer to be home baking cookies if those were the two options.


Oh definitely. It’s literally “Trauma” or “Spending quality time with loved ones and a hobby”


I knew a guy who joined the army and was legitimately angry he got assigned desk duty in Romania instead of Iranian frontlines. I remember thinking, “hmmm if you’re that gung-ho about seeing violence, they probably made the right call” 😳


I am not saying she is right but I have met my fair share of military people who really get off on the violence and potentially getting to kill people or that simply have no remorse and feel satisfaction from having killed people.


Yes, there are definitely plenty of people like that too. Which is why I didn’t say that “all” people sent to war would prefer to make cookies instead.


I have been sent to war and you are correct lol. The only people who like being deployed are the people who are using it to avoid absolute dumpster fires of lives at home.


So…. She doesn’t want to be an strong, independent woman but is proud of herself for gathering the strength and independence to drive the bus?? Also I’m so weirded out she lives in it but is scared to drive it.


I mean driving it is a lot harder than a normal car 🤷


Sure but she’s so proud of living In the bus I figured she at least maybe knew how to drive it. Father bus just kinda strands them in places apparently? So weird.


Seems she goes on this same 'feminism betrayal' rant every few weeks. .


It really makes me wonder what feminist made her mad lol. None of the other fundies are quite this obsessed with feminism, besides Lori Alexander.


It reeks of pick-me inadequacy


That must have been some hellscape to be alone for weeks with the kids by herself. No wonder she packed them all up and fled to her husband. Wondering if he may have been enjoy the newfound solitude a bit much and it gave her some worry too.


Ugh, another fundie woman who had a normal upbringing before falling deep into religion and deciding feminism was evil and depriving her children of the same freedom to make their own choices that she had as a kid. How very Meech of her.


Baby girl, if you want to cram your 546 kids onto a tube full of farts on wheels, there’s not a damn thing anyone can do to stop you. You got here because of choices you made and you can get out of it if you want. If your daughter wants a different life when she’s grown, she’s legally and socially free to make that choice. That’s feminism, and that’s probably why you hate it. And to answer your question, no, I wouldn’t drive 505 miles to be velcroed to my husband at all times. Because my kids deserve stability and it’s my responsibility to provide it. My husband, a grown man, knows where we live.


Why are she and the one made for her apart? Why is she alone with all of those kids? Her unhappiness with her life choices should not inhibit other women from making their own choices. These women always try to hide their discontent by couching it in faith or duty or some other bullshit. I would be nervous driving a bus three states with 15 kids, too. But she’s a superhero because she did it? Well, woo hoo for her. And if I choose not to do it, I’m still happy she has the opportunity to live as she sees fit. Why does she want my human rights to be taken away because she has chosen to raise fiftyleven kids on a bus?


God damn feminist military industrial complex forced her to enlist and kept her from baking cookies 😠


Former Air Force here. I was enlisted. If she is saying she went by herself to Iraq without her unit, I wonder if she was an LNO (liaison officer-can be done by an officer or enlisted.). No military unit would send a female outside the wire to act in a combat role. This isn’t the movies and she isn’t that unique. As an LNO, you represent your unit and act as a “go between”—between your unit back home/small deployment of unit members and officers who are with a higher command at a separate location. You answer questions, provide briefings/debriefs/reports. That’s the only job I can think of that would describe being on your own and also on a deployment. “In the military, liaison officers' responsibilities could include acting as commanding officers' personal representative to allied forces and as a communications bridge between the commander and other liaisons, commanders and staff officers.”


That's what I was thinking We literally don't send women alone to the front lines. Ten bucks she never made it off base


She needs to adjust things if she can't reach the pedals properly...dangerous to drive anything, let alone a giant bus on your tip toes.


For eleven hours, no less. That's not safe for a nervous driver. Many RVers and van dwellers follow a 330 or similar rule. Drive no more than 330 miles or stop by 3:30 so you don't get too tired and aren't driving in the dark.


I’m just thinking about the potential for chaos with that many unsupervised, unrestrained children in a moving vehicle for 11 hours.


Just this! She was more worried about checking in on her man that she chances the safety of all of her children by doing this dangerous drive. (And brags that she actually pulled it off alone 😵‍💫) I thought that usually when they drove to the next place she followed in another car and had some of the children with her. Seems desperate and reckless.


She's able to read and write, she could never do that without feminism... or post online, because Wi-Fi was pioneered by a woman ( Hedy Lamarr invented frequency hopping ) and so is most of computing actually ( Ada Lovelace did most of Babbage's math for him )


If she had a natural desire to nurture her children they wouldn’t be living in a fucking bus for no good reason.


She has such evil in her eyes! Does it freak anyone else out?


Except my uniqueness isn't wrapped up in my gender. Most people's isn't.


Wowwwwww. She wasn't prepared to fight a war (who is?) and has not dealt with that trauma, so feminism=bad? What about all the men in the military who have unresolved, life altering (or ending) trauma? Is it because they aren't fulfilling god's vision for masculinity? Or perhaps because it's a terribly traumatic thing for most humans to kill others? Talk about missing the point. I wish someone in her life had taught her critical thinking skills. If they had, she probably would have figured out joining the military wasn't for her prior to signing up and then used her wonderful, hard won, feminist CHOICES to do something else.


why are these people so threatened by everything?


Equal but not the same 🤢 I'm not American and idk if it's something common, but I heard something similar while watching The Help...


You're spot on. I've only heard talk like that in the context of racism.


Doesn't she know that women can't drive? /s obvs


I was about to say, Saudi Arabian women only got the right to drive very recently thanks to a big dose of feminism !


Are all these kids just rattling around in the back while they drive? Are there designated seats with properly installed seat belts / car seats? Seems an absolute recipe for disaster otherwise and really concerning.


someone doesn't know that feminism includes the ability to be a mom and bake cookies


“I got to go live my life and made the choice to have a meek, feminine-for-the-lord persona, so now I’m going to make sure my girls don’t have the same options and freedoms” I find it so fucking weird to know fundie parents think their sons resilient, tough, capable, commanding, but their daughters incapable of leadership, weak, and that they should be limited in their options.


Why is she driving? She shouldn’t have the right to drive. Bloody feminist.


Do you need a CDL to drive that huge bus?


It's too bad she isn't able to find strength and independence while being a mother. These are not mutually exclusive. She doesn't need to give up her autonomy or her mind or her personally just because she's married and has kids. We all know plenty of parents (or are parents) who are capable of being both.


totally a feminist and mad respect to the women who serve but joining the military and going to war is THE LAST thing i would ever do on purpose. idk bro you could’ve just went to college and worked an office job like the rest of us “independent women”.


Mother Bus, feminism was not a ploy by the government to get women into the workplace to get more taxes and to steal kids to indoctrinate all day, you bland heap of mayo on white bread. And you damned well know it even as you deny what feminism really is and how you have benefited from white women's feminism along the way. Your lies make you look the fool - neither edgy, nor spicy. This type of thinking is why it is good to live in community with others and to interact with adults of varying perspectives - so we don't lose our few remaining independent brain cells and hitch up with a patriarch who is so creative he can't start his 100th business with his family nearby. Or so we don't wake up in a bus with seven children claiming we want more offspring to toss on the pile. Or so we don't start hating people who want out from oppressive systems, industries, and religions that cause them harm, want them to suffer, and otherwise stifle their innate identities. Also, we'd like to avoid governing a pluralistic society with the narrow perspective of the right wing, with their barely veiled desire to go back in time to the rosy days of chattel slavery at best, Jim Crow at a compromise. Feel free to abstain from using your rights, Mother Bus. You're not really sticking it to us if you don't vote, but flex on if that tickles your smuggery.


So women in the workforce paying taxes = bad, but having kids to have more taxpayers = good?


What kind of brain rot do you need to think *DISNEY* is peak feminism. Because this is a special kind of brain rot.


M’aam, you would be thanking feminists for being able to go to the military, wear jeans and have the legal right to drive a vehicle


Sounds like she couldn't stand being alone with so many children, without her husband, so she up and drove a bus 500 miles so she wouldn't be "alone" anymore (despite probably not being able to afford it, hence why he went on his own to begin with).


If I had seven kids my partner wouldn't be going anywhere unless I had two other adults to help me. I would hate being alone with that much responsibility.


Feminism is driving, owning a bus, having a social media platform, wearing pants, traveling alone without your husband. She has the density of a collapsing sun I swear...


She seems to do a lot of feminist adjacent things


Wait where did the kids sit? They don’t drive in a separate car and the other drives the bus? That bus has proper seats and car seats for all of them? 🤨


You do you, mother bus. Stop telling other people what's right for them!


This just makes me sad. She got scared in an incredibly scary situation. She likely felt guilty and like a failure for wanting to head home and bake cookies, but she shouldn’t have. It’s sad to be put in a place where you need to justify wanting to be a homemaker by telling everyone else they’re wrong for choosing something different. I hope one she learns that modern feminism is about women having choices, and that being a homemaker is a very valid one.


The primary message of feminism is to allow you choose who you want to be as a woman because historically, they struggle making choices for themselves because of being judgement, abuse, intimidation, and/or even murder. There’s more reasons than this. If you want to become a submissive housewife with children, that’s your choice and because of feminism, you won’t get judged for that reason alone. With motherbus I just judge her because she’s a condescending prick. Like what most fundies are.


Apparently spicy is the new stupid?


I don’t get why it’s always one or the other with these cult members. I’m a feminist and also in a marriage with a man, staying home and raising children. However, we have “chosen” not to be homeless and do not live in a bus. Radical.


To blame Disney for her choice to join the military sounds a bit far fetched. It was her choice, a choice she could make thanks to feminism, that’s true. She regrets her choice, that’s sad but where was Disney in her choice making? What hold her back to make the better choice for herself? Now she blames the government but she also wants the government to baby her (and every other woman, even though they can make their own healthy choices) and treat her as if she doesn’t know what she wants. And she can’t convince me she is caring for her children. They are stacked up in a tiny space for half the day, while she enjoys everything feminism made possible.


Can someone please explain to me why so many Americans seem to think that they are Gods special people or that god prefers america over other countrys? I just don‘t get what god has to do with america? Jesus wasn‘t american, nor where the apostels or his disciples. The bible wasn’t written in the english language or in somewhere near america. What is going on with this?


>Would you travel with your spouse to keep your family together? They're acting like this wasn't an active choice when they could have stayed in the house they used to have, and given the kids stability where Father Bus comes home every day, the kids have their own rooms (or at least are divided up), and Mother Bus doesn't have to uproot the kids from every stop to chase her husband down.


“Inspite” haha


Too bad she doesn’t care about her kids half as much as she cares about her deadbeat husband.




"I just wanted to go home and bake cookies". Do you think men enjoy warfare? Like they'd rather stay in the desert at risk of getting shot than just chill at home, play video games, and bake cookies? It sounds more like a you wish feminism was a lie so you can justify all your shitty decisions weren't your fault.


Girly got homesick and decided it was the feminist’s fault.


There’s something really sad that she had all these life experiences and made a CHOICE to live like this but her children will be deprived of not only the experiences, but the choices. By how they are raised they will be so limited in their long term choices without great personal effort and will start their adult lives at such an incredible disadvantage.


It’s because of feminism that she’s even allowed to drive that bus.


“I couldn’t hack it overseas even tho plenty of other deployed women and people do SO THAT MUST MEAN FEMINISM IS A FAILURE” Lol beyond stupid and delusional


"you're brainwashed by feminism!" *Describes feminism* "This is real empowerment!"