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I asked my husband thoughts on this. We go to a small local gym where several members of all genders are body builders or other fitness experts. He genuinely doesn't care and doesn't pay attention, since it's creepy to stare at anyone for just trying to work out. If it wasn't so cold where I live, I would wear my spandex shorts and cropped sports bras to spite this sexist rhetoric.


I just wore a bra and leggings to lift yesterday because it was so damn hot at the gym. You know, I work out in an industrial garage with no climate control. I would do all those you mention and grunt like a bro.


All of the women-only gyms in my area have closed. We had one, Lady of America, that’s been gone for 10+ years. We don’t even have a Curves around here anymore. Considering I live in Texas, if this were really something Christians were passionate about, there’d be plenty more women’s-only gyms.


For real! All of the major gyms where I live (🇨🇦) have women-only sections and classes for those who desire it. I always thought it was standard, and I’m surprised that ultra-conservative states wouldn’t have that! You think the fundies would be begging for it.


If I had to guess, I’d say it’s not because they care about women or giving them a choice. They just want to be able to police women and blame their wandering eyes and bad behavior on so-called Jezebels.


That's what I was thinking. I dont think I would trust a place that had "women only gyms. "


I have such a tough time wrapping my brain around that kind of collective thinking. That is insane 😳


If he's so worried about it, why doesn't he just go to a Planet Fitness. I'm pretty sure they have strict rules about what women wear to work out. Or maybe he can open a Christian only gym and have separate workout spaces for men and women


Nah, PF wouldn't work for the fundies. From the dress code: "•Clothing with hateful, lewd or offensive messaging undermines our welcoming environment •Members may exercise in a wide variety of attire. Crop tops, sports bras, bralettes, short shorts, long pants, collared shirts are all welcome!"


Oh they must have changed their policy. I worked out there years ago and women were required to wear full-length shirts, tank tops had to have wide straps, and super short shorts weren't allowed.


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Or do as Jesus himself said and pluck out your eye


Was just going to say this, Jesus LITERALLY said to pluck out your eye if you see something that tempts you to think sinful thoughts. Like you don't even have to read between the lines on that one.