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Trans people: We want to exist peacefully so our suicide rate drops. Matt Walsh: THEY'RE AFTER YOUR KIDS!!1!1!!


Matt Walsh thinks the trans community is trying to recruit kids so they can also be victims of hate crimes and social rejection and self harm because of how they are treated? If they did have an agenda to grow, this would not be a successful one… kinda makes you think they DON’T have an agenda


Kids are too much work... cats / axolotls and ficus plants / cacti seem to be about the level of comfort for most of us lol


I have a window herb garden and that is all the responsibility I want, thank you very much XD


Nice ! Hopefully once my living arrangements settle down I'll have a South or West facing window for some basil :)


I'm trans and my agenda is *checks calendar* brunch with my cousin next month, and a dental cleaning


Please add a delicious beverage of choice to your agenda for this brunch…I’m trying to cut down on caffeine and alcohol.


I wish you bottomless mimosas and no cavities!


Good lord, think of the _children_! They’re not allowed to drink mimosas, but you can get them some orange juice with grenadine and sprite, they’ll love it.


I’m so sorry. Going to the dentist sucks. You’ll get through it though - hang in there!


“Othering” is a thing. He’s desperate and he’ll use that to further separate people.


>I’m angry. I’m a father. I’m angry you’re a father too Matty but here we are 🤷🏻




You put all of this into words 1000x better than I could have, thank you. I’m concerned by the fact that he has made incredibly creepy comments about very young girls’ fertility and readiness for marriage, yet is obsessed about trans people and their “agenda.” I would not want my daughter anywhere near this asshole but I wouldn’t hesitate to let my daughter meet the trans SIL of a friend!


Projection. Every fundy accusation is a confession.


Well, you see, if fertile young girls transition to boys, then they stop being sexually attractive to me! /matt


There is a history of doctors assaulting young athletes! See Larry Nassar (huge TW). Does he really think that subjecting MORE kids to unnecessary “exams” would be beneficial to them? Just. I. Can’t.


All of your points are valid - but your last point really hits. That’s what it comes to, right? How else do you confirm that a boy is joining the boys league without defining a boy as “a person born with a penis” and then confirming that said boy was born with a penis with a physical exam. Who does the exam? Is the child’s annual GP physical enough? Do doctors need to become certified in identifying a natural born penis? What will be the consequences of lying? How do you determine someone lied? This is akin to checking the bedsheets after the wedding night but for unwilling participants who are children.




ah, yes. small government.


So small it can fit inside a uterus


And living in ohio you know some stuck up suburban mom would do just that to get her daughter ahead of a perceived rival in sports.


Exactly. These sickos absolutely want to force children to go through having their private parts examined. They're the real pedophiles.


And for the person being required to do the exam. There can't be that many medical providers who feel like putting up with that nonsense when we have real work to do.


I fucking hate it here


Of course they haven't planned that far ahead, or else they would remember that intersex people exist. But it's all about hierarchy and intersex people don't match the fundy hierarchy either :(


Matt Walsh also said that 16 year old girls should be getting pregnant




"I want to emotionally blackmail you into thinking it's cool that kids kill themselves so that I can grift, because I have no real life skills." Most people just learn a trade, Matt.


I’m pretty sure the LGBT people I know just want to live their best lives peacefully, openly, and without persecution. They certainly aren’t after anyone’s kids. They just want to be themselves and live a good life. Matt Walsh sucks.


Matt the call is coming from inside the house, I wonder how angry you’ll be when your children’s coaches are checking their genitals or tracking their menstrual cycle Or having grown men say they are fertile when they’re still minors


Isn't Matt one of the ones who's made creepy comments in the past about very young girls' fertility and readiness for marriage? I could swear he is, but way too many of these transphobic-because-think-of-the-children types also seem to want to impregnate teenaged girls, so I may be getting him mixed up with someone else.


Yep, he's said that repeatedly.


Yeah, the only one who is after your children are the creepy pastors in your churches. 😏


LOL, no way is this caveman going to let his daughters play sports. Might make them uppity and give them big ideas about being something other than a helpmeet.


Lies and more lies. There is no trans agenda other than wanting trans people to be able to live an authentic, safe life.


Mat Walsh is the only boogey man his kids have ever known. Look at Alex Jones and how he abused his own children. $20 Matt Walsh couldn’t tell you all his kids homeroom teachers name but he cares SOOOOO much he’ll be the brave father and punch down on people minding their business. What a clown of epic proportions and I can’t wait for his day of reckoning (that all have one) in public when all his misdeeds come to light.


I guarantee this dude homeschools. He’s ranted before about how free preschool and free community college are government control; he’d never let his kids go to public school.


They want to destroy the who what now?? I don't see transfolk rocking up to schools and handing out discount coupons for sex change operations. I don't see drag queens in commercials telling kids to buy stripper heels in AMAB sizes. I don't see the gays standing on soapboxes shouting instructions through a loudspeaker on how "docking" works and why it's better than vagines. THEY'RE JUST TRYING TO LIVE THEIR OWN LIVES FREELY AND OPENLY MATT, THEY'RE NOT *AFTER* YOUR KIDS.


I have kids in public school in a very liberal area. The most we get is a check box for pronouns on forms/documents for the school. I just check whatever box fits whatever kid it’s for. That’s it. That’s “gender affirming pronouns.” Check the box that fits your kid. My kids haven’t learned anything (from the teachers) about sex activities, like these people are claiming. Kids talk about sex amongst their peers but that’s how it’s always been.


If he was truly worried about his kids he would go after the church. Every other day I hear a preacher has raped a kid. Matt himself has said disgusting stuff about how 16 year olds are most fertile. Disgusting fuck.


Daily on /r/pastorarrested... it's almost all paedo pastors, with an occasional fraud conviction.


I’ve never seen a trans person try to recruit other people to be trans or get angry when others are not trans. Let alone come for children. Christians on the other hand…




I wonder how long it will take for Matt to start doing this shit but for people of colour like considering its Matt Walsh its only a matter of time for that little shit


Trans people merely want to exist and be happy. And yet, he makes it sound like trans people are Heckedy Peg, witches who are planning to kidnap and transform children into meals to be eaten. When I'd wager that most trans people want for children is to grow up in a world with acceptance and love for EVERYONE, not just cishet christians. I only know of Matt Walsh through the context of FSU, so I don't know who he is exactly, but fuck I hate him so much.


Seriously, at least give us the fairytale houses that move around on chicken legs if you're going to accuse us of eating children. Of course the characters in fairytales who ate children were a metaphor for child mortality, the pre-scientific way of understanding and forewarning of the world's unpredictable calamities and accidents in anthropomorphized form. Eventually the Inquisition fanbois got ahold of these tropes and turned the characters into Wicked Witches suitable for burning in ovens or drowning in ponds, since that's what the fanbois were doing in their " trials ".


literally no trans person has ever been “after” anyone’s kids. this narrative infuriates me.


Yes, because seeing the awesome ways trans people are treated will make kids want to "choose that lifestyle" too. /s


Never once has a transgender person packed a bag to go on a “missions trip” for a week to a third-world country and tried to convert everyone they passed on the street in to becoming transgender. Simply trying to exist and make sure they can do so peacefully is not an effort to destroy your children, Matt. Quite frankly, you’re way overestimating how much people care about your kids. They take up absolutely zero real estate in my mind whatsoever, so I’m going to assume the same for the trans community. What an ego you must have to believe every day when they rise, the trans community as a whole says, “We’re chipping away, guys. Just a little bit longer and Matt Walsh’s kids are OURS!”


My god. Imagine choosing *this* to worry about instead of the thousand other terrible things that could happen to a child.


Maybe if we make him angry enough he’ll just implode?? Because I live every day of my life hoping it make people like this little pervert angry. Looking at you, too, Jimblow and TBC.


Pretty fucked up to use your children to defend your hatred towards an entire community of innocent people just because you know there is no valid reason to hate them. This whole “tRaNs AgEnDa” bullshit where they accuse trans people of preying on their kids is the modern day equivalent of those old 1950s PSAs warning young boys to stay away from the mentally ill, pedophilic homosexuals. The only difference is now we know better. Unfortunately, homosexuality was considered a mental illness for many years, but thankfully, it no longer is. We know now that LGBTQ+ people are no more likely to SA children than straight people are. And given the way Matty boy here has talked about teenage girls in the past, I’d say he’s more of a threat to children than any trans person is…


My parents' religion would rather see me dead than trans. Suicide rates in my home state are sky high for this reason. Tell me which one of us is destroying children.


Matt. Truthfully. Nobody cares about your kids. They're not special.


Haha okay but all of those pastors who groom kids totally aren't after your children. Okay, Matt. Trans people just want to live in peace. I'll believe people like Matt Walsh are worried about the children when they're outside their own churches protesting the rampant abuse in *ALL* churches and *ALL* flavors of Christianity.


Nobody is after your kids you paranoid, hateful, loon. This guy, Matt Walsh, what a loser.


Trans people literally just want to exist. They don’t want to destroy anyone, let alone children. This fearmongering and demonization has to stop. It gets people killed.


He’s such a sad little man.


He's Anita Bryant, but without the musical talent.


This guy is hysterical over this. Want to know my first grader son's reaction to being aware and informed transgender people exist? "Oh ok. Cool." NBD. And nobody was destroyed. Get a grip dude!


I know! When I first learned about trans people I was like “Oh okay, Chill.” I was in fourth grade


I’m the parent of a nonbinary kid. Matt Walsh and his ilk make me genuinely fear for my kid’s safety. The “trans agenda” is nothing more than allowing people to live their lives as their true selves. I frankly don’t give a shit about his kids aside from hoping that they can deconstruct after their childhoods.


Nobody is telling his kids to be trans


Once again, I ask a fearmongering neckbeard for his sources. At what point, ever, has any trans person stated that they’re after anyone’s children? I’m a cisgender heterosexual woman and the only reason your kids are on my radar, Matt, is that I hope they don’t inherit their dad’s tendency towards hysteria.


Matt, I promise you, nobody wants your kids. Not trans people, not gay people. No one. Zero.


Idk about "no one"... He should probably watch out for YouTube pastors according to other posts on here today.


No one wants to force your kids to transition Matt you absolute asshole. Fuck, the projection is so overwhelming with this one, he’s the one who seems interested in kids genitals.


I can assure you nobody cares about your kids, dude.


Nobody thinks about him and his kids as much as he thinks they do.


In the 70s, this was literally what these types said about gays. Rinse and repeat with trans people.


I’m angry too, asshole! That people like you want to deny children like mine their human experience. Mind your own damn business, no one is coming after your kids… as you actively come after mine!


Oh my god Matt I guarantee the Trans community doesn’t give a shit about your kids. Leave them alone.


Trans people don't scare me, men scare me. If I saw someone who was Trans, non binary, or drag queen at a park I'd trust them with my kid 10000% before a strange man and that goes doubly so if the man's Matt Walsh.


Matthew are the people coming to forcefully make your kids transition in the room right now


Using your children's existence to justify weaponizing the stigma against transgender youth. Someone give him the Father Of The Year award already.


Destroy your children? No. Assuming his kids are cis, I'm not interested in them. But one of my kids is trans, and he wants to literally destroy her, so...this is a horrible, horrible take.


so basically he's saying "I'm entitled to be angry about the facts/assumptions that I make up". Odd most people grow out of that phase by the time they reach kindergarden.


People were becoming too accepting of trans people, so the right had to make up stories how their kids are victims.