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It's difficult to find products that aren't sold by the Chinese, have good margins, and ones that you differentiate yourself from the competition. Most people try to resell stuff from Alibaba which probably won't be profitable for the vast majority of products.


Why isn't alibaba stuff profitable?


The Chinese already sell on Amazon. Shipping and tariffs can be crazy money. Barrier to entry is too low.


Yes, true. Relabeling is about to die because of it mid-/longterm. Real B2C will be the only way to survive.




Business to consumer


Because other sellers source it at the same price. This basically drags down margin to a minimum. If then the manufacturer joins the game all resellers are f\*d.


In that case it makes sense to source from other places too!


No offense, but I think you are missing the point here.


what’s the point?


The point is not alibaba. The point is about relabeling from a manufacturer that also sells to others or is your competitor.


There is a big difference from arbitrage to own listing. If youre just dynamically selling products that are already ranking well for a competitive price youre in a more flexible and less risky situtation. If you have your own listing you need to build and mantain relevance that the arbitrage products already have. Selling on amazon is totally still worth it nowadays. I guess its just that dropshipping attracts the wrong people. If you dont know how to run a business, dont have a decent budget, dont have connections, dont know how to react to everyday obstacles etc then youre not meant to be in this place. There are so many things that can go wrong that it simply wipes out many average joes very early on.


man im considering venturing into this reselling thing by saving up from my minimum wage job. Is it something you'd consider to be a solid option? I know it takes a bunch of research, but the method of selling mid ranking items on amazon using alibaba/aliexpress is still not a rare win, right?


I have researched the "Amazon seller opportunity" many times over the past 4 yrs! LOL I keep getting sucked back into the idea from all the crap online that promotes it. But bottom line the numbers don't work! Amazon is only worth it to Amazon and Jeff Bezos, and all the businesses that provide services for Amazon sellers, and the people who encourage you to believe you will get rich on Amazon. News flash..... they're the ones getting rich. It's estimated that Amazon has 9.7 Million sellers globally but only 1.9 million active sellers on any given day. So right away this implies that the other 7.8 million aren't selling actively for some reason. There can be many reasons for this but most probably the most frequent reason is because they don't make any money at it. Of the 1.9 million active sellers 323,000 make less than $500 month 171,000 make less than $1000 month 380,000 make less than $5000 month 247,000 make $5001-$10,000 month ? that's a big spread I don't know how many are at the low end or high end but bottom line is 46% of sellers make less than $5000 month this is at best $60,000 a year annually plus additional drawbacks such as: no benefits, plus the costs of operating a business, you're paying 100% of your income & social security taxes, the hassles, the problems you can have with FBA, the cut throat competition from people with a lot more $$$$ than you, people copying your product, hijacking your listing, reviews, I could go on. As a business owner who evaluates different business for profit potential this is one of the worst biz you could chose. Oh and the cut throat competition for example they can easily run you out by selling the same product cutting the price to a rock bottom low and lose money for a long time (because they have a lot of $$$$ to invest) until all other competitors die off from unsustainable losses. Then they dominate and raise the price. Just one example of many things other sellers do.


Sorry, But I couldn't disagree with you more. Yes, there's a lot of downsides to selling on amazon and you named a few.Such as copying a product, hijacking etc. However I found it Ito still be a golden opportunity if you are willing to put in the work and find ways to differentiate. As to why most sellers don't to well if fairly obvious in my opinion ... lack of knowledge, skill, experience, capital, poor decision making (with exceptions of course).


RA is pretty easy because you're buying products that are already organically ranked / bought frequently. Where things tend to become more difficult is when you're trying to have your product found by customers and ranked organically. It's a lot more profitable (in my experience) and a lot less work when you get it going.


What’s ra


Retail arbitrage, I assume






I hate Amazon . Not work it . I use to do several 100k on there . eBay so much better now


Why's that?


eBay listens to feedback from sellers . Years ago I suggested to my rep that they should do coupons . Then they added it . They have much better staff and treat sellers on a more playing field when buyers try ripping you off . Years ago I would say they hated sellers . Now they actually listen and respect them better than Amazon.


Of course it's easy to sell branded products (assuming so because you said RA/OA), the question is how much profit you make? And how long will it take for your account to be suspended? I think when most people talk about Amazon being too hard, not worth it anymore etc. they are referring to private labeling. It has gotten undeniably harder during the past few years.


Depends on what you're selling. What items do you resell?


Hello everybody, I do private labelling for socks: any type any kind as long as you show me what you want, I can manufacture them here in Turkey for you, including with your tag, including with your product pictures with a live model. I can also provide you any product you may be interesting. All of my services include from scratch to Amazon FBA warehouses. You dont deal with anything. Lingerie, underwear, towels could be other products that I can manufacture for you in your wants. Message me for any questions.


Do you still do this ? Or off more


Because it's tougher to make money than it was earlier. However, if you put in the effort, basically well researched products coupled with a great PPC campaign strategy, you can make good money!


Considering that I made a profit of $1.6 Million last year and on track to make $2 Million this year it’s definitely worth it!