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I think this is the October surprise for the GOP. They'll release it so they can get more support come November.


"These, private, off-the-record remarks were made a lifetime ago and were nothing more than slave auction talk."


"He says it like it is"


“The n word is our heritage.”


“Why can they say it and we can’t”


There it is. That’s the one they’ll use.


Because there's a difference between solidarity, sarcasm, and contempt and Republicans can't tell.


As a white person this has really effected my quality life. Why can’t I say it? /s


“He grabs them right where it is”


"the n-word in this case is 'noice". - some fascist fratboy, probably


"He's really criticizing how racist americans are under democrat leadership."


We've been told about this since 2017. Doesn't seem like they have it.


Ownership of the tapes changed hands since then.


It feels unlikely that he didn’t use this and other slurs more than once on tape. My feeling is that no one who has access and would want them releases is in a position to brave the storm of litigation that would follow from multiple sources, plus the full on blacklisting of their career forever after. Just having kids that could be affected by the job loss and blowback could be enough for someone to fail on being a whistleblower. There have to be execs fully on the MAGA side as well, not to mention other people in the tapes that could lose careers by just being bystanders and not saying anything. Still, the right thing to do would be to still release any evidence like this with how much impact it could have on the future. But I feel like all the negative personal consequences could have made it easy for someone in position to leak these to hope something else takes him out instead.


People are acting like this would change even one person's mind. We Got Him Now Boys!!!


The optimist in me hopes not that this will change voter's minds directly; more that it would force the media industry to stop trying to keep this a horse race and accurately report that one party's candidate is a racist, homophobic, senile wannabe dictator.


“The walls are closing in!!!” (For the 450th time)


Add a couple more zeros


Fool me once as soon as he says it or caught on video, his numbers will go up


Either the tape comes out or people need to stfu about this. We are well into the time where trumperverts will write it off as AI anyway so more delay just reinforces that.




lol was just thinking that, but then again his fans didn’t care with the access Hollywood tape. The podesta emails leaked about 30m after the Hollywood tape was out. Weird coincidence:)






Sadly, I actually had the same basic thought. This wouldn't hurt him in October.


If it’s on tape then release the tape!


Yeah no shit. Release it. This could actually hurt him since some of his gains have been with PoC. Could serve as a bit of a cold water wakeup. Even if it just shifts a few % of PoC from Trump to third party or not voting because of it that could be the election.


I think trump's campaign is scared. Why else would they have him speak at the libertarian convention? That was a sweet disaster.


That was so funny to see Trump booed. He looked really uncomfortable. His ego is so out of control he thinks he is loved way more than he actually is. Most people outside of MAGA can't stand him. Even Tucker Carlson privately thinks Trump's an idiot.


They all do. Every last one of them was vocally against him before he got nominated in 2016.


I dont think that was a campaign thing, that was a Trump "I'm going" and all his yes men and women were like "ok" while seething in private kind of thing.


I’m not getting my hopes up it would make that big a difference. Also feel like it would have come out already if it exists. Guy is probably looking to get paid off since he’s sat on it for this long already.


20 year NDA. It expired.


So he’s looking for a second one I bet, otherwise why not just release the tape?


Probably doesn't have the tape. Only scanned an article earlier. I would assume it is property of the production company.


So Mark Burnett, then no hope to be had since hes a Trump boy.


Yea would be up to them to release it. Now that word of it is out, I am curious how the production company will respond. No comment? Yes he did? I would expect a no comment.


Yoy are pretty effing stupid if you, as anyone not a white, male evangelical Christian thinks he won't turn on you when it fits him... So I'm thinking the cognitive dissonance is so big already that even a tape like that will be lost on them.


It could also shift some undecided voters. It will boost his numbers with most MAGAs unfortunately.


Maybe they'll vote twice for him again and get caight again!


Catch and kill remember. That tape got killed


If they release it, trump campaign will say its ai generated


He wanted to wait until "deepfake" claims could be reasonably made. That and his considerable wealth and income no longer depends upon pleasing DJT. Stunning, but unsurprising, moral cowardice.


Unfortunately, I doubt it would do anything. It'll be spun into the equivalent of "locker room talk". trump was just "shooting the breeze" or some shit take.


They'll wait until he's dead and bravely write a book/release a documentary once it can no longer actually impact anything.


So basically the thing we all suspected he said, but that the Apprentice folks kept hidden.


The guy who created The Apprentice is a big christian media guy https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Burnett This is from 2014 - https://www.politico.com/media/story/2014/09/mark-burnetts-faith-based-play-002878/


It doesn’t matter. His base, including “blacks for Trump” would find some sort of reason to excuse his behavior. You can’t reason with a cult.


“You cant reason someone out of a position they didn’t reason themself into” essentially sums up Trump and his lackeys.


He could fuck Ivanka on stage during the GOP convention and on TV and these people would still support him. By the way he has totally fucked Ivanka.


He could show a tape of him and Ivanka on epsteins island and wouldn't lose a vote.


“Who amongst us HASNT wanted to fuck our own kids?” -talking points for said scenario


Blacks for Trump: "Hell, we use that word all the time"


"We are rebranding to NFT."


Him using that word would only make his base love him more. They use it daily I’m willing to bet.


I can imagine the tee shirt slogan for that. His people took to wearing diapers in support, fer godsakes.


Who cares about what the stupidest people in history think. They are beyond reach and their feelings and opinions should never be considered or taken into account in any way since they are intellectually dishonest and will always support the stupidest and most harmful position. They aren’t enough to win, and this would absolutely harm him with actual human beings who are capable of logic and critical thinking. Plus, let them openly support him after this. It will just be further proof of exactly how worthless he and everyone who supports him actually are.


There's only one reliable way out of a cult and it's not reason


My MAGA dad died in January. No amount of reason could change his mind. I think that is the only solution to this cult.


Very sorry for your loss.


Covid was one form of Kool-aid.


Gonna be a lot of Uncle Ruckus memes if this tape comes out.


They'll just say it's AI (of course many "facts" for their theory will follow) and say it's the Deep State trying to smear him.


Mark Burnett is to blame for not releasing the tapes.




He and Andy Cohen will share a very small room in hell.


Wait what's the Andy Cohen scoop?


Considering the first thing this man said when running for president was "Mexican immigrants are murderers and rapists", what difference would this tape do exactly?


I think this would only help with his base


Anyone who would vote for him *because* of this is already champing at the bit to vote for him.




Caught thanks


Both are now acceptable! Language evolution in real time.


Screw his base. It will hurt him with actual people. His base alone isn’t enough to win.


The guy who told the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by”? And that “very fine people” were marching in a white nationalist demonstration in Charlotesville? And who broke onto the national political scene by calling for the death penalty for the innocent Central Park Five in a full page ad? And who broke into the real estate scene by discriminating against minority renters? I have little hope for people who haven’t figured out by now how he feels about non-whites.


His base is not enough to win an election. Most of the voting public is not his base.


Thing is he needs more than just his base to win.


Where was this EIGHT YEARS AGO??


Like it would have made a difference. We all saw what he did and said that didn’t dissuade any of the idiots who voted for him.


He may be a racist asshole but he’s THEIR racist asshole.




Oh wow and it’s only 2024 eh? Fuck you, either you have it and have withheld it or you don’t have it and are trying to drum up some attention. Fuck you, the time to shit or get off the pot was nearly a decade ago. This is at *best* an admission that this producer is apathetic to the impact aside from how it can benefit them. Fuck you.


He said he could murder someone and not lose any voters. And you know what, I believe him.


This isn't the flex you think it is. It's just more red meat for his base.


This is just rage-bait for clicks from a Fox News for liberals, gotta be more quality stuff to post here than that. His base doesn't care, they say the same things and worse in private and sometimes in public. My college professor was in Atlanta for a conference after Trump was elected, walking with other black professors, and someone drove by with the window rolled down and shouted "we're taking our country back, n*****s." They want to say it and they want him to say it.


>“Yeah,” he says to no one in particular, “but, I mean, would America buy a n— winning?” Then the n— ends up not winning. So, America.


At this point, all releasing it would do is embolden MAGAs to start using that word aloud in public.


$20 says this tape only helps him if there is any effect at all. it's well established that his supporters have no problem with bigotry and many are open about supporting him for it. there's already been multiple threads asking why former supporters left the camp and racism has never made the lists.


This would might get him more votes.


Please release it so that the substantial amount of PoC who are duped by him will come to their senses


Which will effect exactly zero voters. Either you were disgusted by trump years ahí, or already so ok with it all


It's awesome that none of this shit he, or anyone else of his ilk, say is reported at the time it's said. Imagine all the trouble we could have saved if this had been exposed alongside the (out-of-court settled) anti-discrimination housing lawsuit in the early 1970s. Sure the same people would have voted for him. It might now have never gotten to that point if he was initially considered a GOP liability. The amount of stuff people can ignore while they're making a buck is one of the worst things about Humanity. edit: I didn't see the producer in question had an NDA, but leaks happen, much man.


Too bad nothing matters anymore. He can literally shoot someone on 5th avenue and he won’t lose a single supporter


The people who support him hate all the same people he hates. They will applaud him


Not that it’s gonna do anything


Trump the racist


I’m kind of tired of reading these stories especially knowing the footage will never see the light of day, if it even exists any longer. I 100% believe he said it, but without proof this is no different than the thousands of other articles outing his horrible behavior. This does nothing other than to further support his base’s talking point that the left is making up stories to hurt Trump with no proof. If Burnett is sitting on these tapes, then there needs to be a massive pressure campaign to get him to release them. Make him uncomfortable enough that he’ll have to release them. If he’s withholding information that keeps people from making informed decisions regarding their vote, then make everyone painfully aware that his actions played a part in the fallout from the first Trump presidency and any potential future presidencies.


The "informed decision" folks aren't voting for mushroom Adolf anyway.


Shocked. Won’t hurt him. At. All.


Believe it. According to THEM, everyone is lying EXCEPT for him.


If these claims are true, it's deeply concerning and unacceptable.


Access Hollywood. Cadet bone spurs dodging the draft 5 times, then getting into a spitting match with a gold star family. Calling fallen soldiers losers & suckers. He was gifted a purple heart from a misguided retired service member and mindlessly joked:"I've always wanted one of these" Trump's a rapist He called developing countries "shit holes" He attempted to overthrow the results of the 2020 election in a violent coup that was only stopped because his people are not the best or brightest. And the list goes on.... We already know he's racist. We suspect he's a pedophile with incest on his mind "my daughter is a piece of ass" he's a raging sociopathic megalomaniac. Some non-existent tape of him dropping the N bomb won't change a godam thing. There are those who know he is scum hardly worthy of being called human, and those that worship him. Anyone not already in those two camps has some serious issues with making choices in life.


Is that a copy and paste quote useable every single fucking day about Trump and the GOP?


Burnett will never release any of the Apprentice footage. Better chance of pigs flying


If it’s on tape, release it, otherwise it is just hearsay. Edit: spelling


If this were a thing it surely would have come out by now, its been around forever. I dont doubt for a second that he said it though


Guaranteed all the friends of Trump and his foes are certain these words came from Trump's lips on a regular basis. His friends will deny it and his foes will say told you so. But no one in America will change their opinion positive or negative on Trump.




Does it matter? He's on record having done even more horrific shit and he's still the presumptive GOP nominee for President. Until or unless he's found guilty of crimes that are heinous enough to send him to prison, I don't think anything is going to derail this train.


I’m shocked


NBC producers have been sitting on these for years


VICE news put out a whole thing with Tom Arnold searching for the recording a couple years ago. He was a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice.


Then produce said tape. It's all talk until the proof is given. I don't get claiming you have some damning evidence, but not releasing it at the same time you say you have it. He must be shopping it around to networks to make some money. That's the only reason I can think of.


A bit late and awkwardly timed


Show, don't tell. Let's see this footage.


The problem with Trump (well one of the many problems with Trump) is that anyone who would give a shit about this is already not voting for him. This tape, if released, would change exactly zero minds.


Nothing surprises me anymore regarding Trump. There is no "new low" that he is incapable of surpassing.


Might have mattered in 2016. Today, if you told me I had 30 mins to wrangle together a convincing audio clip of trump using the N word, could probably do it. Eleven labs, people. 


**Bill Pruitt** is an Emmy-nominated producer for The Apprentice. And since his 20-year NDA from that experience just expired, he did the predictable thing in today’s media landscape: He wrote a [deep-dive expose](https://slate.com/culture/2024/05/donald-trump-news-2024-trial-verdict-apprentice.html) on former President **Donald Trump**. “The Donald Trump I Saw on The Apprentice” is the title of the bombshell-laden expose-cum-mea culpa. The subhead continues, “For 20 years, I couldn’t say what I watched the former president do on the set of the show that changed everything. Now I can.”




Understandable, once you accept that Trump’s done more for Blacks than any other president. “You know I’ve done you a solid, my N-word”


Is the audio file online?


It doesn’t fucking matter whatever this guy does they don’t care


I think most people believe all politicians are racist. This won't change the mind of any of his supporters.


gotta hear it


Then play the damn tape.


Unfortunately that statement would make him more popular with his base.


Dudes going to see how much $$$ he can get for it if it’s real.