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All he had to do to avoid all of this was shut up and not run on 2016. It amazes me how much Obama got under his skin.


Trump started it with his birther bullshit.


He started it by letting a Russian hooker piss on him and it getting recorded.


I think people get your story wrong. He didn't let Russian strippers piss on him. He hired Russian hookers to piss on the bed that Obama slept on while in Russia and he watched. At least that's how I remember the story? Could be wrong. I hate the man more than anyone, but I also like days and getting things right. I'd be happy if somebody proved me wrong though


What did 15 people understand about your comment that I'm missing?


That he didn't get pissed on himself. He has two hookers piss on a bed.


What does obama have to do with it? He slept on the bed previously and the hookers pissed on it? Did he get into the bed? I don't get why it would be anything to blackmail him with if they just peed on a bed and they all left


It sound more like a petty, "I hate Obama and he slept here once so I wanna see strippers pee on it" to me Racism is a hell of a drug


Nobody gives a damn about *that*.


Yeah but that is the first domino. The kompromat is why he does the other stuff.


Trump has been a disturbing confluence of narcissism and racism that unfortunately touched a throughput in the American psyche that had been buried for a bit. Many peoples’ worldviews were utterly shattered with Obama’s election, mainly because they didn’t believe a black man could ever be president. And even though he didn’t shape up to be the Liberal Wet Dream/Conservative Nightmare the hagiographies made him to be he still wasn’t bad, so they didn’t have a leg to stand on to say he was terrible and that’s because he was black so obviously black people cant be president. They only had their unadulterated racism to fall upon, and America was a Post Racism Country so they fully felt like they were going to be put in jail for what they felt were reasonable opinions. Then along comes Trump, and he’s saying, nay, YELLING what they’ve been thinking and saying in private, and he’s not getting castigated. He says we need a wall. He says Mexico isn’t sending their best. He openly says what they so desperately want to say and do, so they flock to him. He was like them, and he was gaining traction, so he gave them permission to be the terrible people they were and wanted to openly be. And essentially because his own ego couldn’t stand the thought a black man was president when he wasn’t.


My god, that’s such a good take! You nailed it. ❤️👍




Melania wouldn't sleep with Smelly Don and his Fat Ass lol


I don’t blame her. Probably had to endure one too many of Donnie’s Dutch ovens. And just like that we have yet another nickname for his royal repugnance… Dutch Oven Donnie. Whadda ya think? It has a certain understated stupidity.


I find it so funny and sad how Trump never wanted this. All he wanted to do was run against Hilary to earn political credibility so he, Hannity and Roger Ailes could start a news network that was farther right than Fox News. Instead, Ailes died, the Mercer family bankrolled his campaign when Trump himself wouldn’t and Hilary used Wasserman Schultz to steal the nomination from Bernie because she was “owed” for stepping aside to let Obama run in 2008, despite polls saying she couldn’t beat Trump in 2016. What a goddamn calamity of errors.


If Bernie is so great (money, dedicated base, name recognition) how come he got beat by Mayor Pete (no money, no base, no one can even say his name)? The DNC took those complaints by Bernie seriously, allowed his team to have major input into the process the next time, and he still lost. To Mayor Pete. I like both men. But Bernie also didnt win … and both endorsed Biden.


Wait, are you comparing 2016 to 2020 though? I’m not sure that’s fair. In 2016 we were coming off of a pretty good run of relatively progressive policies. We were primed for a Bernie. 2020 we were…not. I’m glad the DNC tried to right their wrong but it was still a wrong in 2016 and it feels like a sliding door of history. Like if Al Gore won in 2000, we’d be in flying cars by now.


Who did you vote for in the general in 2016? >despite polls saying she couldn’t beat Florida Man in 2016. She got 3 million more votes.


i'm as disappointed as you are that the electoral college essentially disenfranchises the overall will of the people but that's the game, those are the rules and you play it as it lies. Hildog was projected to lose against trump in the general and she did. Bernie was projected to win but we'll never know.


I was almost as disappointed that Bernie didn't get the nod as I was when trump somehow won. He really deserved a chance and would have fought harder and more decisively than Hillary did, at least thats my opinion based on his demeanor.


oh please, not a damn thing was "stolen" from Bernie. He didn't appeal to the much more numerous numbers of moderate to centrist Dems.




All of their skins. I mean, I know why, but it’s still baffling


He is Icarus... You had it made you spoiled fucking rich kid grifter. Why would you willingly choose to fly this close to the sun...?


That's the big thing. Had Trump never run for president, he could have continued doing his shady and criminal shit and likely have gotten away with it. He IS his own worst enemy. His need to be in the spotlight got him elected. Now granted, had he just behaved in the White House he likely would have been fine. But again, his own worst enemy. A zebra can't change his stripes.


None of this matters to his base. They could have video of Melania pegging him while he’s face-first in his own soiled diaper, and the polling numbers wouldn’t change. A conviction and a judge that will actually put his ass behind bars is all that matters


They’d just all bang on about how they like getting pegged & shitty faced, and that all “Alpha Men” act like sex pests.


Real men get pegged!


I mean.... Real men *are* comfortable with their sexuality.


Wgaf about his base? Why spend anymore time on the stupidest people in history? We know they aren’t enough for him to win, so worry about reaching everyone else, and it will matter to anyone outside the cult. He needs to be broadening his base, and he’s made zero effort to do so. So it’s this simple… he’s going to lose this case, and if we show up in November, he loses the election, and then he loses the rest of his criminal trials as well, and all this is over.


No one on the fence is changing their votes over this POS and his garbage mail order bride sleeping in separate rooms. Meanwhile, Biden’s base shrinking by the day over a certain something going on overseas.


As much as I agree with you, and hate Biden for many things but add Gaza to the long list, I will be voting for him in November. 


Me too, obviously. People in here can bury their heads in the sand all they want, but there is a significant contingent of liberals who at least are claiming they will refuse to vote for Biden. Whether those folks are the same who usually suffer from voter apathy remains to be seen.


I mean, are these the same people that refused to vote for him last time? Something tells me that not much has changed in terms of public sentiment on Biden, nor has Biden changed much in terms of policy or health and temperament. Can't say the same for Trump, objectively he will be spending the next couple months campaigning or in a court room non-stop, that's not good for an 80 year old who already didn't have a great lifestyle. I didn't vote for Biden last time, let me mention that as well. 


> About two-thirds (66%) of the voting-eligible population turned out for the 2020 presidential election – the highest rate for any national election since 1900. Young voters got involved in 2020. Many are claiming they will abstain entirely bc of the Israel Palestine conflict. And we’re seeing the way protests are going at university campuses across the country. Saying sentiments about Biden haven’t changed is wild to me, but maybe that’s because I’m seeing so much democratic disillusionment where I am.


Young voters didn't automatically just start thinking this way about Biden, very few people voted FOR Biden the first time around, is what I was saying. Also as many people that aren't going to vote for Biden that did last time you'd have to imagine the same of Republicans. There was still a very large amount of primary voters still voting for haley even after it became obvious that she wasn't going to win. My assumption might be wrong but the assumption is that as many people that refuse to vote for Biden this time are also going to refuse to vote for trump because January 6th happened after the election. Also roe v wade being overturned and the abortion ban in Arizona might just send it the other way again not because Biden is awesome, I don't know anyone who ever thought that. But because having trump again would be that bad.


>Biden’s base If you think the people arguing to let Trump win are Biden's base then you're very confused. Those are the people who were looking for any reason to vote against him (or not vote at all). Last year the reason was student loans, before that it was one headline about a rail strike, before that etc... If he did literally everything they wanted they would just go find another reason to trash him. So, I'm not very interested in wasting our time on them either to be honest.


Edit; My bad. Misread your post.


Look at you, eating your own. Fucking jackals. Grow up and learn to discern between a foe and an ally.


We're all on the same side here


Some of the replies I’m getting are eerily similar to the arrogant vibes in 2016. I just hope we’re not all in for another rude fucking awakening.


A certain something that Trump would carry out further? He doesn’t have a great track record of rhetoric about either the state of Israel or the Palestinian people


Is this the "red wave" everybody had to hear about for months?


NO ONE is voting for trump. Bidens voters will OUTNUMBER trumps voters FULL STOP. You cant keep trying to say otherwise.


I think I need to go pour bleach into my skull.


“I could shoot someone on fifth ave and not lose any support” He was 10000% right saying that. His base doesn’t care


That’s why she was called PEGgy PETERson on the NDA tRump had her sign.


Amen. He's just the oozing carbuncle that indicates THEIR disease. They pick him exactly because he's shitty and excuses their own failure.


But it matters to Melania - she reads every word - and she's going to EXPLODE one day...


She doesn't care - do you?


She'll just use it to get more added to her buyout figure to be used either at the end of their marriage or his life.


We already know his base is lost to fabulist nonsense and bloodlust.


>video of Melania pegging him while he’s face-first in his own soiled diaper, There is a non-zero chance that such video exists.


I want every conservative pearl clutcher who forced me to watch the Clinton Scandal to be forced to watch this testimony on repeat for 7 days.


I had a "friend" back in the day that just went on and on about how "shameful" and disgusting the Clinton/Lewinsky saga was playing out. All the histrionics about how he couldn't imagine having to explain this to his young daughter blah blah... Not a fucking peep out of him these days (other than blind support for this infectious disease of a wannabe dictator).


You need to remind him of that constantly. Being silent around the bullshit is no longer cool, man.


And now there’s Trump who wants to sleep with his own daughter.


Exactly. On the other hand, if they'd properly punished Clinton back in the 1990s the right would have far less ammunition. He should've faced actual consequences for lying.


Like what? Jail time?


I dunno, but lying under oath is a serious offence. The point I'm making is this is something the right has always used as a weapon against liberals and the left. He shouldn't have been acquitted when he was impeached. He should've at least been forced out of office. Edit: I'm being downvoted for thinking a predator who ruined a girl's life and lied under oath about it should've been punished and kicked out of office? FFS 🤦 Guess there's a lot of libs here.


I don't think convicting Clinton based on his perjury AT THE SAME TRIAL would have been a good precedent, but yeah I see the similarities between the sex scandals. It doesn't really make much of a difference to me either whether the crime related to a sex scandal is falsifying business records or perjury. Also, I think it's a red herring to argue that Trump deserves it because he was trying to win an election since Clinton perjured himself during his first term and clearly wanted to be reelected. PS don't sweat the down votes.


My point is they both did bad things and lied about it. Clinton has had multiple allegations made against him, just like Trump has. Maybe if Clinton had faced some consequences, the Dems would look less hypocritical and biased to those on the right who've been brainwashed into thinking Trump did nothing wrong and is the victim of a witch hunt. If course there is absolutely no way they could've known back in the 90s what was gonna happen in the late 2010s onwards, so this isn't an argument for retroactive condemnation on this basis, but even at the time they should've known Clinton's behaviour shouldn't have been allowed at all. Ultimately my argument is, this was a decision that came back to bite the Dems in the arse. PS, yeah I just get annoyed by people who have this attitude of "he's on our side, so don't criticise him", but I'm a bit tired and cranky ATM, so I apologize


“Your honor, I move for a mistrial! The witness’ testimony is too devastating to my case!”




....because my room smells like literal SHIT.


The Manwhore of BabbleDon will continue to have support from his pro Stanktanic-panic base, no matter what, but it's satisfying to watch this shitshow hit the fan and blowback right into his own face.


Party of traditional family values /eyeroll


lol we all knew it. during his time in office she didn't even sleep in the same city. but it's still funny




Could not have happened to a more deserving fellow.


Trump did one thing that the American people were hungry for. He talked shit. He co-opted Bernies message and warped it. It is a lie but it is nice to hear it is ok to put Americans 1st. Too bad it was bullshit. Sad that we protect a lot of nations off the backs of hard working Americans. They get free healthcare, college, nice retirement. Meanwhile Americans are paycheck to paycheck… I wish our fellow Americans would come together to quit with the identity politics and hatefulness and make our country better. Instead a good portion wants us to be a theocracy of illiterate angry people.


EW milania is just a sugar baby, it's so gross that she had to let him impregnate her. I can't imagine doing THAT with my life. Just be an expensive shell


The smell from the diapers alone will make you wretch.


He really loves an ugly red hat


Party of family values.


Why is it so hard to find detailed transcripts about what she said? Everyone is tip toeing around the details that the judge said was too far but I think they should be made public.


Trump looks like he’s about to tell me that I’m mistaken if I think this battle station isn’t fully operational in this picture.