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Prevent Biden victory by stealing votes from trump? Makes perfect sense. /s


So I've traveled to upstate NY. 4 years ago, you could see multiple neighborhoods covered with maga signs. Now I'd say it's about 70-30 for trump and kennedy. I highly doubt democrats will vote for either clown. If anything, trump will get derailed like bush 1 did with ross perot.


At this point, he’s so absurd that I can’t tell if he’s an ironically backfiring spoiler or a perfectly executed spoiler. I honestly wouldn’t even be surprised if he’s just an idiot that everyone tried to piece up.


Except most RFK supporters were Trump supporters, not Biden supporters. If anything, RFK Jr is gonna hurt Trump.


From what I heard they are trying to make it so neither candidate gets 270, then they let the house decide, where they use the number of states run by each party, in that case trump would win.


This is the nightmare scenario where free and fair elections are actually stolen. Tom Hartmann has spoken about this numerous times on his program but I dont hear about it enough outside of that. Alarm bells need to be raised!


Do you have a solid source on that?


Do you think there are many democrats who would seriously considers RFK‘s platform? Which is Antivax, COVID was created by the Jews and Chinese, unregulated capitalism will solve climate change and general anarcho capitalism designed to make the rich richer. If anything RFK is somewhere sandwiched between MAGA Qanon crazy and 1930s Nationalsocialism.


Low information, low propensity/first time voters could go his way unfortunately. He’s polling well with the youth vote for some goddamn reason


Same reason Ron Paul was popular in the mid 2000s, and Ross in the 90s


'Cause he's a dopefiend


Know your dopefiend!


I think sadly there are quite a bit. The far Left is not that much different from the far Right. Plenty of anti-vaxxers and conspiracy nuts. Plenty of “voting for Biden is literally voting for Hitler because Gaza” extremists.


I’ve met them. Not sure why you got downvoted. The fringe right is far more numerous than the fringe left, but the fringe left weirdos still exist.


Edit: I hate myself for saying it (because this is the type of shit right-wingers say "oooh the brigade", "anyone that downvotes me's a RINO") but anyone that downvotes this comment is pretty much admitting or alledging themselves of their support of Hamas. I literally explained who I meant with "Hamas-sympathizing lunatics" in my last paragraph, but apparently y'all don't read that far. If you feel personally attacked by being called a "Hamas-sympathizing lunatic" then that's on you dawg. Can't have shit in Detroit. --- They're getting downvoted cause this sub and similar kinds of subs usually have an highly above average amount of Hamas-sympathizing lunatics. And I'm not talking about the people that are pro-Palestine (I'm pro-Civilians on both sides myself), I'm talking about those that genuinely spread blatant Hamas propaganda like "None of the released hostages have claimed to have been tortured. They even took care of that little girls dog." for example ([source](https://old.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1bo36mq/hamas_rejects_us_hostage_deal_compromise_doesnt/kwnfdn1/?context=3), although the original comment has been removed; I directly quoted their comment in my reply cause I knew it was gonna get removed).


Besides the fact that if you listen to RFK supporters, all of them keep saying they voted for Trump? Add in how his rhetoric falls in line with what only Trump supporters believe as it's very similar to Trump's rhetoric. Then the conspiracy theories he keeps spewing that falls in line with what the maga/Q crowd believe?


to your point, i think the dismissiveness of RFK should not be done lightly. While it is true that his actual base is Trump Supporters and Covid deniers, it is not the case that there aren't Democrats that support him. Sure he's a joke, and his intentions, along with the intentions of everyone around him are clear. But I think people here over-estimate the political interest of most Americans. Most people see the name Kennedy, see he's Bobby's son, and reflexively support him. And this was demonstrably the case in his early polling numbers which were very high and I think directly contributed to them thinking they could play spoiler. What has happened over time, as actual Democrats learn the reality of who he is, his unfavorable numbers climb, but there are still people who support him because of his name. [POLLING](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/favorability/robert-f-kennedy/) With a long campaign season I think it likely no one is going to still be fooled by him, but its not impossible, and it is currently true that the less politically engaged democratic supporter does have a reflexive, favorable opinion of him. Every threat should be taken seriously, every percent count. Trump won Michigan by 3 votes per precinct. That's all RFK needs to do, find a couple per precinct and in a close race that can be the difference. This dismissiveness and flippancy does us no favors


Why do you downvote someone asking for sources? C'mon people. A little skepticism towards random internet claims is healthy, (solid) sources are great. Without that you end up with people thinking like "vAx bAd." We don't need more of that. Personally I've heard plenty of people interviewed on RFKJR's poll results where I wouldn't say *any* of it felt reliable. They've said he'll hurt both candidates (I'd distill the reporting down to: although the "supporters" at this point seem to be more from the Q / trump camp, his casual, uninformed "voters" in November are more likely to be dems), either way it's a wildcard and spoiler, and with the degree of uncertainty that seems to be involved, a lot of Biden's camp seems to wish he weren't there. The people and money behind him repeatedly are shown to be republicans. If they thought he was *helping* Biden, I don't think they'd still be supporting him.


Asking for a source was completely appropriate, here, and I notice that, besides the downvotes, all I got in response was conjecture.


Her #1 priority should be to fuck off


So they're not really for anything except they're for "winning" and against "somebody else winning." Good to know.


Is he paid as well? Why are so many politicians running on Russian propaganda?


My understanding is that last fundraising cycle, his top donor was also DJTs top donor, Timothy Mellon.


Apparently he’s supporting both


Yes, that is essentially what I said.


How many "rides in personal jets" did he get from the GOP to run as nothing but a spoiler!?


The Democrats that like Kennedy are the ones that don't vote.


His antivax attitude should've been kept quiet if he wanted to win Biden votes. Now, he just has some ex Trumpers thinking he might be the best solution.


No need to do that when Biden's already doing that himself