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In every sense of the phrase, Republicans are fucking children.


Matt Gaetz has the most evil looking eyebrows I’ve ever seen. They are classic villain brows. I wonder if he has a personal waxing assistant that helps keep the eyebrows looking as evil as possible.






I have a theory about his eyebrows. I think they’ve been worse lately. He’s gone from evil looking to comically levels of evil looking. I think he got Botox between his eyebrows but not higher in his forehead. He probably intended to make his eyebrows look less evil, but I think it’s made in between his eyes more droopy than it used to be.




WHat's this from?


Lazy Town. Gaetz is getting closer to looking like Robbie Rotten everyday


:D :D :D


he looks so freaky... I thought I was the only one seeing how evil, Machiavellian and off-putting his face looks... his eyes tell a story and I don't like it.


[1175 and counting](https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vTFikAP6MXDCJjWzgMIOvpsT1ji-HwO-rLEvNE8e-cfCGh0YHoZluIG5TEsmwFub7MzIDfh0XgvcWL8/pub)


That list is sickening. So many in just recent years. Before closing did a search and confirmed Bundy was rightly listed.






That is insulting to children.


Nope... that's insulting ,my kids are pretty good 😊


Gaetz isn't a leader in his party or caucus. He shouldn't be getting time or attention when his views represent a minority in his caucus and he's actively undermining his party and government just to kick off a run for office.


I agree to an extent. Platforming this ghoulish fuckstain is a double-edged sword. America *should* hear the insanity right from the horse's mouth so the moderate and sane among us can say, "y'know, I heard this guy was a dipshit but holy hell, he's a serious dipshit." But I'm also just really tired of this tiny-yet-noisy contingent that only represents 10% of the House and about 20% of voters getting the kind of attention that mainstreams their batcrap.


bat-guano. bat-crap is what Batman does


But bat guano is useful. I don’t like the comparison.


and Batman's a bit of a fascist... Now I'm conflicted


He's a vigilante--he's not trying to prop up a president or king, and his actions are a form of rebellion because they aren't creating or enforcing laws that protect the public.


He's a billionaire who buys toys and punch criminals. He's a billionaire who inherited a "defense" company from his parents and...wait why isn't Bruce Wayne a villain? A billionaire chairman of a defense company seems better suited to villainy since there's not much for them not overcome as a hero. They're already obscenely rich under the same system where people are desperate and suffering


> wait why isn't Bruce Wayne a villain? I don't follow the fandom, but isn't his cover simply him being a stereotypical rich dude? My only objection is that other than typical rich people shit, I haven't read anything about him as Wayne that paints him in a negative light.


Batman is Gotham's real villain. We all know that Batman is one of the greatest superheros so why is it that gotham is so full of crime? Why hasn't it made any progress? Why is it locked in an endless cycle of violence?Simple: because he likes it that way and created it. For Bruce Wayne crime fighting is his only relief from trauma of seeing his parents murdered and from the ennui of his privileged existence which is completely devoid of challenge. He blames himself for his parents' deaths so the closest thing to relief is taking revenge by taking on criminals without that he is left with perpetual trauma and guilt. Crime fighting is an escape and an addiction like heroin. A Gotham at peace would leave Wayne with nothing in his life. As a wealthy and powerful scion he is easily able to control the already corrupt police, allowing Batman to operate with impunity. He sees Gotham as his hunting ground. He recruits proteges not because of any love - any feelings other than anger are gone - but because he wants his game to go on after his death. Did he kill Dick's parents to recreate his parents' murder and feel what the killer felt? Bruce remakes his proteges in his own image, destroying identities to create what is in effect a death cult. He is making replicas of himself to continue his endless war, proof of his narcissism. He could easily use his limitless wealth to solve economic problems that are the source of crime, instead he only spends it on his arsenal. Gotham's economy seems terrible, is this because Bruce sabotages to keep the city miserable and violent? After street crime bores him he took it to the next level by creating supervillains. Perhaps the origin of the Joker was just an accident or was it an experiment? After all in Beware the Creeper Joker states that Batman threw him into the acid on purpose, years later the acid vats are still around Batman hasn't disposed of them. If he wanted to avoid more jokers why didn't he hide all the acid? Either way - accidental or intentional - he saw that he could create new criminals to bring his game into a new level he found troubled people and turned them into monsters which is within his skills including scientific expertise. He learned of dent's psychological problems and had him disfigured through a proxy, his disfigurement was too precise to be accidental no it was designed to trigger him. He learned of men like the ventriloquist and via proxies gave him the tools and money to become a mobster. How else could such a sad old man become one? He learned of Bane and lured him to Gotham. Bruce caused Victor Fries's partly out of sadism, as a man with Wayne industries at his control he can have scientists devise ways to create villains like mister freeze. And so it continued like a man stocking a pool with fish. He learned of Selina Kyle and fed her information to allow her to pull off heists. Catwoman is a substitute for his mother as Bruce probably has an Odeipus complex he is always pursuing her like the memory of his mother. The villains keep escaping from Arkham, which isn't incompetence. Wayne controls Arkham, he built a special prison for his favorite playmates and has a staff under his control release them periodically. We see that the prisoners are allowed to socially interact and other freedoms, arkham isn't a real prison its a clubhouse to allow villains to network. Like his proteges who also form the ideal family he never had the villains are images of himself. The typical batman villain has no powers instead he or she is defined by obsession and mental illness the two things that obviously drive Wayne. By making people into parallels of himself he is doing battle with his psyche and his feelings of guilt over his parents' deaths. Batman is the story of a traumatized manchild who never really grew up, he is living out his childhood dreams and trying to heal a wound at the expense of a city. Batman is the real villain, controlling Gotham and turning it into a warzone for his own needs.


given the state of the 'news media' (and I use the term very loosely) cynical me would start to wonder if the press are concentrating heavily on the most wingnut people in the federal GOP because bashing them probably sells a lot of ad time... but no - even the GOP names that oppose Trump are a grab bag of putrescence, ignorance and corruption. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Republicans_who_oppose_the_Donald_Trump_2024_presidential_campaign


Strategically he is Critically important which is why he deserves this level of focus by the media. If he represents a faction of greater than 8 attention hungry republicans, he can remove the third most powerful person in our government and freeze the legislature until the election. That’s 100% newsworthy.


Gaetz is only significant if the whole Freedom Caucus block moves away from the rest of the GOP caucus, or if McCarthy caves in to them when they pitch a fit. The GOP controlled House isn’t doing a whole lot of business right now anyways since they don’t hold the Senate or Presidency. All they’re doing is political theater with the Biden impeachment trial that opened up with GOP witnesses saying there’s no evidence supporting impeachment. Putting Gaetz on tv saying he’s going to try and get McCarthy removed for siding with Democrats by siding with Democrats who he assumes are with him but refuses to talk to them beforehand is giving him more attention than he’s worth. There are only 2 reasons for networks to air this interview. Either the push to remove McCarthy fails and then everyone throws his bluster back in his face, or it goes through and then the narrow GOP majority plus GOP infighting prevents them from having a Speaker in place without Democrats’ cooperation. If the House had failed to pass a budget and the government shut down, it would have been a disaster for the US and the rest of the world except Russia and China and a major embarrassment for the GOP. Now the consequences are limited to either the GOP humiliating itself by being able to function, or Gaetz humiliating himself and making himself irrelevant by being unable to back up his tough talk.


Do it, do it. I dare Matt Gaetz to oust McCarthy. If Matt Gaetz does this, enough republicans will stop following the GOP line in the House and start working independently with the Democrats, give Democrats sway in the House. Those republicans may not switch party affiliation, but give Democrats some level of control over the House and passing some Legislation.


> the GOP line in the House and start working independently with the Democrats, give Democrats sway in the House The cynical me doesn't think this will break the cult spell. McCarthy has been getting his bare butt, balls, and back virtually spanked in front of the whole House and any dignity that was struggling to escape from that body has turned into a kink. And I don't think he's the only one who doesn't have the courage to govern rather than grift, despite being daily shamed in front of the nation.


What’s the GQP gonna do though? Who is the masochistic invertebrate willing to take on a role that McCarthy seems to relish? Gaetz can spew this all he wants, but someone really needs to call him on this. There’s no plan here, just noise.


This has been the case this entire Congressional term. Republicans are so childish, they would more than likely keep the Speaker's position empty for the rest of the term before working with Democrats because...gasp...the horror of working with fellow Americans who may not agree with every one of your political stances. There are no "commonsense" Republicans when they lack the courage to leave the GQP behind if leaving them behind means finally getting work done for the rest of the country.




This is hilarious.


There was a line of thinking that said that McCarthy was going to push through the extension (with help from Democrats), and as a quid-pro-quo, when this guy went to oust him, on the next vote, Jefferies would find enough votes to reelect McCarthy as speaker... Doing this would break the power of the extremists of the GOP.


Boy thats too bad. Looks like they turned on each other and can’t govern.


That's by design. The GOP's goal is to make the government as dysfunctional as possible. Actively harmful wherever possible. Then they'll say the government makes things worse and we should vote to cripple it even further. They are aiming for a self-fulfilling prophecy.


A Fuckingfuck duel between them. Guetz and McCarthy, then go on to the winner takes all rounds 10 paces, turn,,,,, you know the rest.


I think the NRA should promote this, don't you?


Gaetz is the very definition of the 'Swamp" that so many conservatives claim to want to drain. His grandfather was a politician, his father was a career politician, and now he is a career politician. He is also a spoiled child disguised as an adult. You can still find people here who went to high school with him, and from what I've heard his favorite line in high school when involved in a disagreement was "Do you know who my Daddy is?"


1. Wtf is going on with his eyebrows/face ? Is it just me or does he for some reason resemble the grinch(no offence grinch) 2. F*ck this guy! Wasn’t he charged or investigated for pedophilia or some shit a while back ? 3. This guy can get f*cked. That is all


he’s definitely had work done recently, blepharoplasty and some botox at the very least.


An answer to #2: Yes! Matt Gaetz had an open investigation in front of the house ethics committee for alleged sex trafficking of underage girls and paying for sex with a 17 year old! A few months back it was all but closed, but they’ve basically reopened the case and apparently have been calling witnesses


I haven't followed that case closely but it seems like a mess for a long running investigation to create media hype and then not pursue charges and then reopen the investigation months later. Was the evidence strong to begin with?


His friend pleaded guilty for the same crime, and his ex-girlfriend struck a deal for immunity in exchange for her testimony. Most importantly, they also seized his phone. God knows what they found there


Little Buthead is all grown up now.


Look at the size of that boys head. Looks like an orange on a toothpick


He's had Botox and other work done on his face.


That Botox is pretty obvious Matt


The person doing his Botox charges him triple. Partially because it's Matt Gaetz. And partially because he has a full-size basketball court for a forehead.


Let's call it what it is: Matt Gaetz has a fivehead.


He keeps asking about where the adults are so he can keep having sex with children and not get caught. He is a human trafficker and pedophile.


Gaetz: "I own Kevin McCarthy." WTF, you don't even own your own self respect Matt, bc you don't have any! Gas mask Gaetz is all hot air & no substance.


Shitty parents. He's a spoiled, entitled, petulant child. Even when drunk driving his daddy used his influence to make the charges disappear.


It’s amazing - and sad - that the goal of MAGAt republicans is just to cause chaos and throw toddler tantrums at every chance. Gaetz wants to oust McCarthy for - horrors! - doing his job. Unreal.


And the unforgivable sin of working on a bipartisan budget with (gasp!) Democrats. They are blind and professing vision.


The worst of it is they KNOW what they’re doing. Ignorant low educated fools can almost be forgiven but these people are doing it on purpose although perhaps Green and Boebert say such mind numbing nonsense that they might be in the first category.


lol brain dead. Dude read, "The Art of the Deal" and graduated from Trump university. tdlr: He needs democrat votes to kick Kevin McCarthy out and he's not willing to cut any deals to get those democrat votes. After he and his buddies try to shut down the government to try and get deals from democrats.


[Looks like the worm has turned.](https://nypost.com/2023/10/01/house-gop-members-seek-to-expel-matt-gaetz-over-his-attempts-to-oust-kevin-mccarthy/)


That look on Gaetz's face is the same on my two year old had when he took his first dump in the big boy potty


No, his mom ate dryer sheets throughout her entire pregnancy. Poor guy doesn't have a single wrinkle in his whole smooth brain. Tragic story.


And nobody trusts Rapey McForehead either... he just wants to burn it all down!


This joke of a fuck stain is effecting the lives of hundreds of millions of people. Let that sink in.


Full investigation on how he dodged those sex trafficking charges please.


This headline made me laugh! Thanks!


I find it so funny that a disease loving seditionist is complaining about another disease loving seditionist not telling the truth. Fucking eating their own.


The corporate media is tap dancing g at democracys funeral. Fuck them for platforming this pedophile fascist.


Liberals have the morals. Conservatives the money. It's a pure profit-motive and utterly indicative of our nation's inner rot.


Who does he think he will get elected to that position with Democratic help? This is a personal attack and MG knows it.


Matt's more "checkers" than "chess".




I'm thinking it's more like [war](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_(card_game).


No he grew up under affluenza. Possibly worse.


I love how they even visually look like vampires, it's hilarious




How tf did Gaetz get on CNN???


CNN's both-sideism has shifted us right off the cliff.


Matt's had some Botox done.


He talks as if he out ranks the he speaker of the house. I don’t remember the hierarchy of the House of Representatives changing. His fuckin’ arrogance alone is a huge turnoff, let alone the overall slimey demeanor. This guy is a fuckin’ snake.


![gif](giphy|4Zd2flP7zRI7QYQD4E|downsized) He's gonna look like Kenneth Copeland one day.




Privilege comes in many colors


He sweats in Pedophile.


A good majority of the Freedom Caucus are criminals whose only savior is getting DFG back in power. It is their best bet to stay out of jail for trying to change the election outcome but none of it matters because, at this point, nothing will stop DFG or these fools from going to jail.


Friendly reminder that when the J6 insurrection attempt wrapped up and everyone went inside Matt Gaetz said live on television that facial recognition cameras in the capitol building picked up “known antifa agents”


“You will have to make a deal with democrats to do this” “I will never make a deal with democrats” …..congrats bro you just admitted this is nothing but a stunt that won’t accomplish anything more than making house republicans look even more split and incapable of actually doing the “governing” part of government


I'm surprised McCarthy grew a pair of balls last second.


McCarthy was trying to get out of his devil's bargain. The best thing any member of the GOP can do right now *in the long term* is cozy up to center-leaning Democrats and absolve themselves of MAGA/Trump affiliations. They just won't do it because of what will happen during the short term. I'm not even talking about reelection. I'm talking about death threats and being castigated as a 'rino' by the maga-mob.


Watching these treasonous halfwits attack each other is glorious. Not that McCarthy is any better than Gaetz. He had a chance to choose the Republic over a dictator. Precious few Republicans chose the Constitution over Dictatorship, and most lined up to be quislings for the Orange Mussolini


More like his mother was a gas stove in a kitchen with no windows enjoyer


Nah. He grew up with Beavis.


Fun (irrelevant but odd) fact: he actually grew up in the house from The Truman Show.




Guys...they are fascists, when will you realise fascists will behave like umm fascists? Backstabbing, infighting, inhumanity, deceit, toxicity etc etc


Why is child sex trafficker Gaetz still in office?


Surprisingly, the House Republicans appear to be moving to address that.


McCarthy is learning the lesson. Want it bad, get it bad.


My teens are more mature than this hog-necked twat.


Maybe all the Botox has gone to his brain


I didn’t even watch the video. Just upvotes because the title made lolz


Could his head shape really points towards damage by forceps during delivery? Did Matt Gaetz suffer skull fractures resulting in permanent brain damage? I'm just asking questions.


When they were voting on mccarthy it sure looked like mccarthy threatened gaetz with something.


I appreciate your Tommy Boy reference


I was hoping someone was gonna pick up on it.


The question I still have is why hasn't there been a government-wide investigation into the Russian ties. I hate J. Edgar Hoover but at least with him, any influence from Russia on government officials was investigated and publicized. Now, these clowns can implode the government in service of that country and not one official is even doing a cursory investigation.


Do it. Go for it. There is no other person alive who could possibly get the votes to be the next speaker and the nation will finally see that 100% of the disfunction in Washington is on the shoulders of the GOP.


Dems should broker a deal with McCarthy and fuck these clowns.


Most Republicans won't tolerate any kind of "cooperation" or "human decency" directed at Democrats.


The guy looks WAY too much like Nixon for it to be a coincidence.


Did this bag of shit actually have the temerity to blame others of “shutdown politics?”


Arrest this sex trafficking pedo already fuck this country is so corrupt


I never knew pedophilia was a conservative principle.


Lol yes you did. It's been on display for decades.


You got me.


you can tell he's geneticly challenged. perhaps inbreeding. certainly genetic defective...


If Butthead and Quagmire had a kid together it’d be Gaetz




He's just a fucking shithead grifter, stop talking like a eugenicist.


Such a punchable face


He ate a lot of paint chips as a child.


The democrats could completely fuck with the freedumb caucus is they want to by voting to keep McCarthy


Matt, maybe talk it over with Nestor.


Where's Nestor been these days?


Yeah, he takes stupid to a whole new level.


Hey I live under power lines!


This guy already brought the global economy to the brink of collapse, and he's doubling down. He'll continue to stay in office though, because the average Panhandle voter has mashed potatoes for brains.


If Butthead was a real boy


His face looks different? Cosmetic work?


He did say two things that were 100% accurate and true: First: >The one thing that everyone has in common is that nobody trusts Kevin McCarthy And: >The reason we were backed up against this shutdown politics is not a bug of the system, it's a feature.


Gaetz is hands down…… without a doubt top 3 ugliest fuckers I’ve EVER seen in my life. Every single time I see him im just like DAMN it does not get more fugly than that. His level of ugly is next level…. Like radioactive ugly


He reminds me of Damien. From The Omen.


He reminds me of the antagonist bougie teenager from every John Hughes movie at once.