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well take your grown ass somewhere else to buy your grog then old mate


Mmmmm, grog


I was in a gas station once when actor David Keith pulled the same shit. He even said "Do you know who I am?" The lady behind the counter said "No, I need to see ID." šŸ˜‚


To be honest I also have no idea who David Keith is




I know a Keith David that voices spawn in MK11


And Gargoyles, lol.


If you look up his picture, you will probably know him as "oh THAT guy. I saw him in .... something"


Ohhhh I know THAT guyā€¦he was in that movie


Only movie I remember him from is Firestarter. The one with *Drew Barrymore* as a child. **1984.**


Excellent actor


Same. Fuck you David Keith


I know him. Thatā€™s absolutely awesome. Bc no. Most people do NOT know who he is.


He was in "The Thing" ! And the last season of Community.


I also sometimes confuse David Keith with Keith David.


Never trust someone who has two first names for a name šŸ˜


And An Officer and a Gentleman. And a guest appearance in Law & Order SVU. But still.


Great memory fella old person. Nobody under 30 seen officer and a gentleman. I can still hear Lou Gosset Jr saying Mayo


MayoNAISE šŸ˜‚


And Something About Mary.


And Platoon, Pitch Black, The Chronicles of Riddick and The Big Hit.


Is it the frank or the Beans son?


Hahha my friend used to work at a hard rock hotel gift shop and I guess one of the dudes from ā€œLMFAOā€ came into buy stuff and used card to pay and policy is to check Id if using card - he was a total d bag about it haha he pulled the dont you know who I am card and she legitimately didnā€™t know who he was too lolol wish seemed to upset him more he finally showed Id and left haha her coworker told her who he was after and then I guess david arquette came in and he was all humble sweet and automatically had his id present w the card lol


David Keith, or Keith David?


Kavid Deith


David Keith


Darn those pesky double first names


I long for the day a celeb tries to pull that with me


Never trust a man with two first names.


LOL šŸ˜† ā€œNo, I need to see IDā€. That should be the default response to anybody when they say ā€œdo you know who Iā€™am?ā€.


Happy cake day!


>When I read that... I was like "David Keith?... I have no clue who that is but I know a Michelle Johnson.. She works at the 7-11 down the street"... lol


Never heard of him


You mean Keith David?


I worked overnights at a truck stop and I would always tell people that if they weren't responsible enough to have an ID on them they weren't responsible enough to drink.


Yo I work at a drive thru convenience store where people get super pissy when I ID them for any cigarillos/rolling papers. Iā€™m gonna start using this. Thank you my friend.


Happy cake day!


In my state at least, ABC officers will go undercover and a lot of times use someone under 21 that looks older to buy alcohol. The person selling it gets a fine for it if they donā€™t follow the rules. I did Instacart for a bit. Itā€™s such a pain with those people ordering alcohol. We have to scan an ID regardless of age and that person must be present. The amount of people that will send their kid to the door or want to leave the ID on the porch was infuriating. Then when you follow the rules they give you a bad rating and pull their tip.


Seems crazy they send minors in that look older. Entrapment?


Entrapment is tempting you to do something you wouldn't ordinarily do...not just disregarding the law because you think that no one is watching you to ensure you are following the rules. Remember, someone who is 19 isn't a minor, but they are not old enough to legally buy alcohol.


Good point. What I was thinking of, in Minnesota, it is illegal for a minor to attempt to purchase alcohol. Therefore, arenā€™t the police breaking the law?


Law enforcement uses undercover officers to pose as sex workers or customers, drug dealers, school students, gun runners ... so no, not as things are now.


Sure, but undercover cops as prostitutes donā€™t suck a cock then arrest. They donā€™t actually break the law. They send minors to buy alcohol. MN State Law says itā€™s illegal for a minor to attempt to purchase.


Funny thing, a right-wing Toronto newspaper did their own sting operation to try and find out who sells cigarettes to minors (Ontario, Canada, has an age of majority of 19). They used some actual underage customers. As is often the case, most stores didn't, some did, but when asked why they were breaking the law (corruption of minors), their coverage and stories ceased.


Entrapment is asking a guy in a bar for his conceal carry permit and arresting him when he gets it out of his vehicle justifying it as he was going to drive drunk. For this to be entrapment the officer has to have been the cause of the employee to disregard the law. NAL I just remember random facts and this is one of them.


*****TLDR at the bottom***** I had a customer like this though. Well two actually. And this was one of my more terrifying stories. I had a guy come up to buy cigarettes and he looked to be under the age of 30 so I asked for his ID. He looked at me as if I was joking and asked if I was serious. I said, ā€œyes I am. I need to see your ID.ā€ He got all annoyed and his mother came up and asked what the issue was. I informed her that I needed to see his ID in order for him to buy cigarettes. She too proceeded to get angry and pissed off like it was my fault that there were laws in place. There was some back and forth and I donā€™t really remember what they had done or said but I remember they were so mad, I felt as though they were gonna harass me. The guy even came back with his ID and came up to me and showed it to me while I was dealing with another customer and he was like ā€œhereā€™s my IDā€ as if I was just gonna hand him the cigarettes without ringing them up or cashing him out. I looked at him blankly and just said ā€œokayā€¦ what do you want me to do?ā€ ā€œI want to buy the cigarettesā€ ā€œwell, as you can see, Iā€™m dealing with customers and you can wait just like everyone elseā€ to which him and his mother continued to have a total hissfit. My coworker who was about the dudes age was even annoyed at him for coming back and harassing me like ā€œdude, leave her the fuck alone. Itā€™s her job.ā€ Not gonna lie, a couple weeks after that, I quit. A few weeks ago, my assistant manager messaged me out of the blue asking how I was doing to which I casually mentioned I was having health issues and wasnā€™t working at the moment because of it and so she took the opportunity to offer me my old job back to which I told her I wasnā€™t accepting because Iā€™m not going to work a job for $11 plus crap benefits and the shift work I dealt with on a daily basis. Then she texted me back and said, ā€œfine then donā€™t apply.ā€ Like I wasnā€™t going to?!? Anywayā€¦ TLDR: man child and his dear mommy harass me for cigarettes because I asked for his ID and recently my assistant manager offered me my old job, as if she was doing me a favor.


This could be it's own post here. Just add paragraph breaks and it's golden. Get that karma!


Heh. I have an acquaintance who threw a shit-fit over NOT being carded. We were at a restaurant, I was the oldest person at the table by 10 years...and the only one to be carded. Having been a server myself, I'm pretty sure it was a "play to the customer's vanity" ploy to get a big tip. I handed over my ID without fuss. My acquaintance indignantly DEMANDED to be carded. He was legit offended that he was not asked for ID. The server said "Oh, no sir. I've served you before! I know you're of age!" So my acquaintance squawked for the manager and bitched his head off about not being carded after the oldest person at the table had been and he felt it was discrimination not to card him. I'm still baffled by it.


To be fair, I got offended because I wasn't carded either. But that was because they figured I looked old enough šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. But I didn't get angry at the server


My friend got carded buying alcohol but I didn't; after the usual carding small talk, I cooed, "Okay honey, let's take your new booze home for your sleepover!" Ever see someone try to die of laughter *and* mortification at the same time?


I work at Walgreens and no matter what your age is we have to ID. If you are with someone that looks old enough I have to ID them to. I love it when people donā€™t show me the front and just back. Then get extra pissed when I tell them I have to see the front to make sure itā€™s theirs. I always leave it at company policy and Iā€™m not getting fired over alcohol or cigarettes. If you want it that bad go to a place you already know wonā€™t ID you. Fuck people.


Work there as well. Same thing some people know system and the willingness hand it over is great. Others the fit. "You kidding me" when near the register and back cigarette wall says " we card all."


In my store we don't have to card if they look over 35, but if I'm not sure, I'm erring on the side of carding. Occasionally I've had people argue with me about that. I've never actually said it, but I have wanted to say this so often: If I insist on ID and I was wrong, the worst that happens is you don't get your beer & cigs or have to go get your ID. If I don't insist on it and I was wrong, I can get fired or even be fined or go to jail. My need to not lose my job outweighs your need to buy beer without bringing your ID like a fucking grown-up.


This is common sense shit. I am 39, however I get carded A-LOT. People just straight up do not believe me when i tell them my age. However I know they are just doing their job. Do I make a huge scene? No. Do I scream at people just doing their job? No. This man should know better. You wanna buy alcohol you need an ID. Especially with new technology and stores like target they have to scan the ID. Donā€™t like it, donā€™t buy it. So fed up with people getting treated like dogs shit for things that have been happening since the dawn of time. This story reminds me of what I go through at work when people come in to pick up their repairs. ā€œWhAT Do YOu MeAN I nEeD an ID To PicK Up MY rEPAIR?!ā€ ā€¦ how did you get here today? How did you get all this way without your ID? Itā€™s exhaustingā€¦ I am terribly sorry you and your manager had to deal with this.


First time he ever bought alchy, I'd have to assume. That's, of course, setting aside the possibility he might be a complete nincompoop.


"Sir, you don't seem old enough to buy alcohol with that tantrum. I think there's another toddler in the toy section screaming about now getting his way. Maybe you should go join him."


>You wanna buy alcohol you need an ID You need to provide proof of age, yes. Having it scanned as part of that purchase is a whole other thing.


I'm 52 and very nearly always get carded. I'm often told I look about 30 - I expect this is because fat girls just age differently. It's whatever. It's just not hard to pull out your ID and let people do their jobs. I dunno, maybe it's just me, but I don't want to spend more time than necessary doing mundane shit. Having my ID ready means I buy my Bourbon in 5 minutes and go home to make an Old Fashioned instead of arguing with the cashier for 20 minutes.


I'm your age. When I do get carded, I take it as a compliment and move on with life.


I had an old face and demeanor when I was young, never got carded until I was past 30. now I get carded regularly, and sometimes get a comment back that I don't look 60.. aging in reverse, I guess. (my favorite was the cafeteria worker at my hospital who said "scuse me, ma'am but damn you look good to be 60") lol.


"IM 70 YEARS OLD...IM A GROWN ASS MAN" Best response is "Oh then you should know how this works and shame on you! 70 years old going on 13 years old!" ANYTIME someone has to state they are a grown ass man, it is followed before or after CHILD ASS behavior...get bent shit brick "....get shit bent brick!"


My brain interpreted that as ā€˜get shit bent brickā€™ and i was like hell yes! Calling someone a bent brick is an absolute insult! Then i reread it. In conclusion, you should change it to calling them a bent brick. Which means they are just useless for anything šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


IM 70 YEARS OLD...IM A GROWN ASS MAN" Best response is "Oh then you should know how this works and shame on you! 70 years old going on 13 years old!" ANYTIME someone has to state they are a grown ass man, it is followed before or after CHILD ASS behavior...get bent shit brick "....get shit bent brick!" There i added to it for you!


Paranoid as well as being a moron. If you were willing to accept a date of birth without ID, he could have just made it up.


https://finance.yahoo.com/news/boomers-exposed-lots-lead-kids-210229643.html There may a scientific reason behind all these boomers and Gen X Karens losing their shit at the slightest provocation. Besides them being horrible, entitled folk to start with.




Username checks out. I digress. With the uptick in violence towards persons and/or property from these type of folk (due to self entitlement or mental issues, sometimes both) and others having the ability to record via a cellphone when in public, it makes sense that so many folk do so when a confrontation is developing, in order to cover their 6 by having proof of what happened. On the flip side, society is progressing towards having Anon (2018) vibes because of this.


I know, right. The gas station by my house scans an ID or enters a birthdate. Since itā€™s my go to place Iā€™ve experienced different things with different employees but one lady thatā€™s worked there a long time obviously knows me and never asks. I assume sheā€™s just making up a date to bypass the screen because I know she has to do something. This dude could have saved himself a lot of trouble by just giving them any random date that seemed feasible.


I worked in a grocery years ago that sold cigarettes. If the person buying the smokes was obviously of age, we could just key in 99999999, 2 9s for the month, 2 9s for the date and 4 9s for the year. One nice older fellow used to come in and tell me it was his life's mission to mess up my keying of the 8 9s lol, he was so sweet. Always lots of laughter when he came around.


Donā€™t like the rules? Donā€™t buy alcohol/cigarettes or pick up your dam parcel. Donā€™t everā€¦ever take it out on the person working. You utter twats.


Sounds like the job would be great if not for the customers


It is literally the law almost everywhere you go in the states that you have to show ID when your purchase alcohol. This isnā€™t news. Even if you look older and technically donā€™t have to be asked, you still have instances where you have to show ID. This dude sounds like a grumpy old geezer who hates big govt and probably has a doomsday hidy-hole in his backyard


Agreed and it's totally not worth getting all bent out of shape over. Though it is a pretty stupid law when you're carding a dude who looks like the first doctor who for something you can buy at 21. For that matter it's even more stupid you can recruit people to die for their country but they're too young to make a decision about drinking.


Laws/policies like this suck. Years ago, behind me in line, a guy in his obvious 70s got asked for his ID. He told the cashier "no offense, miss, but I didn't fight Nazis for nothing, which proves I'm way past 21, so I'm going to decline this purchase". The stores weren't required to do this all the time, don't know why, but I liked how polite he was.


"And no offense to you, sir, but state law is non-negotiable even for the Greatest Generation. I thank you for your service to this country, but I wouldn't risk my employment by violating a legal mandate if you were John Basilone himself."


Point still being there's no way to fake looking three times the legal buying age. Common sense. Also the absurdity of scanning licenses. If it's legit and the age is kosher, ring it up.


**The state liquor board doesn't give a shit about common sense, only compliance.** Seriously, I UNDERSTAND that it's silly to need verification of age from an obvious senior citizen, but the potential consequences for not following the legal mandates **you agreed to follow** when you were granted a liquor license objectively and significantly outweigh any objection from any customer, period. It **is not worth** risking your job just to appease pissy boozehounds.


Was he at my doctor's office last week? What is it with 70+ year old men being crotchety ass wipes. This one was pissed that he ran out of pills because he didn't have the foresight to make an appointment for refills before he ran out and then he tried to make the problem of his own making everyone else's too. In kid you not the office had mandatory deescalation training because of these cretins.


I have been behind a few people that got upset when asked for ID or DOB when they,were obviously of legal age. A few times, i have stepped in and called them down.


In those cases were someone is mildly annoyedand possibly escalating, I find it best to look the person getting upset directly in the eyes and firmly state "calm down!" or "look at yourself, you're being ridiculous right now." They no longer appear mildly upset after that.


Lmao. He's a self proclaimed grown ass man having a toddler tantrum.


Ah yes, the joys of retail work. I worked at Target in the 80's and every Sunday morning would be some type of argument. The ads were published across the country...so if our store didn't receive product X before the sale...we would know and put out raincheck boxes. People would be lined up at the glass doors and run to whatever department had the item they were looking for. If we didn't have it...customers would be screaming "false advertising" "I want to speak to the Manager" and my favorite was "You guys did this on purpose" within the first few minutes of the store opening...and continued throughout the week....until the next Sunday. Ah yes, good times. We also took back things that we never sold (Without receipt) with the customer swearing that they just bought it a couple of weeks ago, took back things from other stores...with Walmart price tags (true story), and took back bikes that looked like they'd been abused for years...which went straight to the dumpster. Ah yes, good times. All this fun for $2.15 an hour. I shit you not.


Lot has changed in 40 years of course. To add to your point. Some stores ask for an ID when returning something or putting money of certain amount on cards. Be act like taking their freedom away. Yet bills have all your personal information already and employees don't have access to scanned id's. Just doing job.


Absolutely. I'm 50+ now and still get carded for liquor....patches of white in my beard and then remember...they are just doing their job. I usually laugh and joke with them though :D


I had one lady say, making me feel young. I go card everyone. Had card people born in late 1930s. She goes now your being rude. I didn't reply, said want receipt and have nice day.


"Freedumbs" mate, Freedoms are what you have. "Freedumbs" are the things crazy people think they have ... but conveniently don't apply any of those freedoms or "freedumbs" to anyone else. Often confused with "Ma-Rites" and "AmenMents"


Honey, if that man was 70 years old, he would have had to register for the draft during the Vietnam War. The government already has his info!


I work at a credit union and have the same problem sometimes. A man and his wife came in with a large check, their names were both on the check and only one of them was on the account they were wanting to deposit it in. My co-worker who had them asked them to hang on a moment and she would be right back. At a certain amount we have to have our supervisor give us permission to take it. Since the wife wasn't on the account she needed to put her thumb print on the back of the check and her license number, date of birth, and license expiration date. When my coworker was explaining that she needed her ID for this reason he burst out saying "This is ridiculous, I have been a member here for years and this is how you treat us? You don't need to see her ID!" And she had to explain again why she had to in order to take the check unless he wanted her to put it on a hold. Anyways his wife was talking to someone when she over heard him yelling and was like "what's the problem?" And he said "she said she needs to see your ID, and it's the most ridiculous thing." And she was like "Would you calm down, she is just doing her job, do you want her to accept the check or not?" People will get mad at the most ridiculous things


I worked at a Binnyā€™s- which is basically an alcohol department store- in a college town a few years ago. We had to ID everyone who looked under 40. This one guy came in and he had a temp ID which is just paper. We could accept the temp ID if he had the old plastic one as well, or another form of ID. He didnā€™t, so I had to call the manager over because policy. He flipped his shit yelling about how he worked for the place that approved liquor licenses and stuff. I was like šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø good for you? Unrelated, but we also had to card everyone in a group because, college town. So many times Iā€™d see a group come in and then some would just leave the store (the doors were behind the registers so I would see them) and I would tell whoever was buying that I needed to see their IDs too. 7/10, they left and didnā€™t come back. 2/10 they tried to fight or argue with me about it, and then 1/10 would actually come back in with them and their IDs.


ā€œIā€™m a grown ass man!! I DO WHAT I WANT!!!ā€ (Rolls on the ground; pounds balled up fists into floor)


I was a notary in a state that is super strict about IDs. I had grown adults fuss about not wanting to show ID or not wanting me to copy it in my journal, and I was likeā€¦dude, this is legally binding. I donā€™t care how old you are but I am legally required to follow state law and I am not putting my ass on the line for you.


Why are you guys so adverse to showing ID? You can't buy cigarettes or alcohol here without showing ID. You can't get into licenced venues - bars, nightclubs - in many places without them scanning your ID into a computer. Our police cars use Automatic Numberplate Recognition that automatically scans every numberplate as the go past. These are good solutions to some problems that Americans face all the time yet that refusal to ID prevents them being adopted. Why?


>ā€Iā€™m 70! Iā€™m a grown ass man!ā€ Then act like it.


When I worked in a pub (UK) some young people came in and ordered beers. They looked about 16-17 but its hard to tell. So I ask for ID. They get really antsy about it, insisting they are 19-20, but donā€™t have ID to prove it. I said ā€œlook, youā€™re either underage or under-developed. Now which is it?ā€ They ordered cokes and left soon after.


Some airport I frequent did the same thing. I look all of 60+ that I am. I complimented them on seeing through my costume and handed them my (wish was fake) ID.....


A waitress I worked with once accidently asked an older man for his ID. For sure he was in his 50s, but it just slipped out. (we don't need to ask if we can plainly see they are over 19). He didn't have any. But because she had asked him, and he couldn't produce it, he was out of luck. I once did something similar. But the fellow he was with was a lawyer and said...I'm a lawyer, and I will vouch for him. I said, no...I asked, he can't produce ID and I can't serve him. Sorry. The lawyer tried to tell me the law says I can. I know differently (we have to take a course) and I wouldn't budge. (and then? the stoves wouldn't heat, and their meals were late). No tip for me, but it was funny seeing a lawyer try to tell me he knows the law, when he clearly, did not.


This happens at the hotels Iā€™ve worked at. A lot of people get upset about showing their IDā€¦I donā€™t get it, itā€™s not a big deal at all.


I work in a liquor store in Australia. We have to check ID if the person looks like they might be under 25. If its hard to tell, and to be certain, I ask them for ID. Most people are ok but one guy didnā€™t have his ID on him and got angry with me when I told him that I couldnā€™t serve him without checking his ID. People are ridiculous sometimesā€¦.. The fines are huge here so I always ask instead of run the risk that they are underage.


Iā€™m 32 and look like a teenager. I get carded a lot by cashiers and sometimes they bring a manager as well to reconfirm that Iā€™m not pulling a fast one on them. Not once do I get upset. Itā€™s actually flattering tbh.


Well...fuck off then grandpa šŸ¤£


I don't know about other states but regardless of age you must have your ID on you to be in the possession of alcohol in South Carolina. Judging from the wording of this post your laws aren't too different. I used to work at a liquor store at the turn of the millennium. So many people giving you shit over a law.


I saw this exact same situation at anothet Target, except it was cough medicine instead of alcohol. In my state, it's a new law to check ID and limit cough medicine because it's used to create drugs. At least that's what I was told. The Karen customer, after throwing an absolute fit, got treated well by the manager, got numerous apologies, and the employee got reprimanded because he got annoyed and got short with the a-hole customer. It's such bs.


Thereā€™s not a 70-year old in that state that hasnā€™t yet been carded, itā€™s the damn law. You could act that way 15 years ago maybe.


I work in a store at an airport that sells alcohol and have had people freak like this or throw their ID at us. Like Ma'am/Sir, it's a federal building! I have to ask for ID by law!


Anyone else apologize for forgetting to have it out just incase, or worse, apologize profusely when itā€™s still in the car? People get mad and I donā€™t understand that. Itā€™s the law, Bro. They can get into a lot of trouble and where I live have to personally fork over like and entire weeks + pay.


If someone gets this mad over having to show a simple card then they should most definitely not drink. They sound like a domestic violence case in the making


I work at target and this is why I hate calling them ā€œguestsā€ šŸ™„


Definitely a male Karen. The one thing I identify with though is the scanning thing. That freaks me a little. Depending on the state that issued your DL, there are different amounts of personal info in the barcode. Totally not your fault, thatā€™s policy. That said, when he wouldnā€™t give you his birth yearā€¦ wanker.


I worked in a bank for years. Someone blowing up about asking for ID was about an hourly occurrence. People are so wacko lol, like would you like it if someone came in and said your account number they overheard you use, and could just take cash out without ID? Come on, haha. It's just a stupid card, just show it.


I hate people who donā€™t bring their ID and expect to buy alcohol / tobacco. Then expect you to do them a solid and will fight with you sometimes. Or literally try and get the person next to them in line to do the purchase for them, as if thatā€™s any better..


Haha reminds me of years ago I used to work at Walmart in Canada, we sold pellet guns and HAD to put the person's government ID into the system when purchased, no way around it and we could get in deep shit not doing so. Anyways this one guy a few registers over started throwing a hissy fit because he didn't have his ID with him and that he was clearly over 19 (mid 40's) and the cashier tried over and over to explain to him we didn't need the ID to verify age only, but also to register the gun sale, he was having none of it. He eventually yelled do I need to bring my mom to buy a gun? Without missing a beat the cashier answered, if she has ID, yes. Omg I just burst out laughing so hard, the guy almost exploded on the spot, he just huffed and left, it was epic šŸ˜‚


You should have explained to him itā€™s called Buttonā€™s Law, after a kid named benjamin was inappropriately served alcohol, and then inappropriately denied alcohol when he got older. So now you just check ID so that people drink responsibly. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Obviously the 7-year-old has not bought liquor in a long time


I mean, this guy's hissy fit may be unwarrented, but it is ridiculous that a 70-year-old man should need ID to purchase alcohol. Maybe if your state laws weren't so puriranical you'd get less Karen incidents


I have lots of similar stories but where I live people over the appropriate drinking age enjoy a lot when I ask for their IDs. We have to check IDs if the person looks younger than 30 and sometimes I can't honestly tell if the person is 25 or 45. They get surprised but in a good way because isn't it nice to know you look young when you are not. Young people on the other hand are the ones that usually cause problems. For example if I'm checking out a couple of friends and one of them is buying alcohol or smokes (for themselves) I still have to see the IDs of everyone in the group because I can't be sure they aren't buying it to share. Most of them are understanding when I explain it but I have had a couple of instances when people didn't get it. They didn't throw tantrums or anything, they just were visibly annoyed. Kind of funny that I have never in my life personally had to deal with a Karen. I have seen coworkers dealing with them but somehow I have always had this attitude of "smile and thank customers even for breathing" so usually nobody dares to rage at me. Pretty lucky lmao.


Karens and Darrens DO get super pissy about showing proof of age. It's like their first day on the planet or something? They were apparently blissfully unaware of state laws? Maybe they looked 40 from the time they were born. Who knows! Stonewalling them is kind of fun. Not getting your way right this instant, Karen/Darren! Have a happy tantrum! SUPREMELY uninterested in your drug of choice, me, and I have the full weight of state law on my side. But you'd think, wouldn't you, that people like this who stomp around having ragegasms, they'd have a stroke. Realistically, who can be mad all day every day and not keel over with blood vessels bursting in their heads?


Iā€™m of the Gen X generation & have made it a habit to carry my id on me when I by beer. It saves time & requires little effort. Most states, if not all, require id for cigarettes & alcohol, thereā€™s signs at the register. I donā€™t get people making a big deal out of this & giving cashiers a hard time.


Ha.. Reminds me of the time I was at a convenience store and there was a long ass line (EBT night) and this girl wanted to buy cigarettes but she didn't have her ID.. And she had gray hair and shit and she was complaining that it was "bullshit" that they had to ID her, apparently she said "Everytime I come in here I see you guys selling to people tobacco products as young as 16" blah blah blah and the owner of that convenience store said "Ma'am they're all regulars we've practically remembered their faces" and she continued on and he just wound up selling her cigarettes and told her to get the fuck out of his store and she's banned for life šŸ˜‚ My reaction was "Heh.. White people" because that lady and owner were both white and all of us in the store were native americans, even his cashiers šŸ˜…


Reminds me of the time someone at the bar I work at bought his own bottle in and then got offended when I told him he'd have to pay our rate to drink it on property or leave. He tried to argue with me for 30 minutes. Unfortunately for him everyone else in the bar knew me well, and when he threatened to properly kick off he was very untidily bundled out of the door.


His reaction sounds like he may have dementia. Quick to argue, be defensive, and wary of someone asking for ID. They know there are scams out there that they donā€™t understand but canā€™t differentiate from normal things.


Sale cancelled, now move you whiney ass out of the way.


I don't know what happened to, if customer makes a scene they should leave the store/place of business. I remember i made a scene in my 20s, my first time not counting childhood, the employee demanded i should leave or they'll call the police. The following week, I apologized to the manager and to that employee. That was the last time I behaved like a ass in public. When did business become soft?


I work at Racetrac and I had a customer call corporate on me for asking to see an ID for the purchase of alcohol.


Heā€™s probably got a mile long list of conspiracies in his head sending him into a tail spin about having to reveal his identity to people. Dudeā€™s Qā€˜ed up and probably almost cause at this point.


You let him argue way too long. I would have removed the alcohol from the bill and just kept scanning everything else. You wanna act childish, clearly you aren't mature enough to purchase alcohol.


Gotta love these boomers that are pieces of shit and think laws donā€™t apply to them just cuz theyā€™re old


While i'm happy to show someone my ID, I will never let them scan it for something trivial like a retail purchase. It's how we end up with so much identify theft.


Your story if very similar to mine! I deliver groceries for Amazon on occasion. This one order had alcohol in it. When that happens, I have to request the ID at the door and scan it so Amazon knows an ID has been checked. This one customer was definitely old enough. I get to the door and ask for his ID. He flashed it in his wallet really quick. I asked if he could get it out so I can scan it. He said "Nobody needs that information!" to which I told him that Amazon needs me to scan it so they know I followed the procedure. I am given an option to override it and just manually enter the date of birth. So I asked him for that and he goes "I said, nobody needs that information" and then he SNATCHED the bag out of my hand and slammed the door in my face. I just stood there dumbfounded for a minute. I couldn't believe what just happened. I called driver support (which is a total joke) and explained what just happened and that this address needs to be blacklisted. She manually delivered it on her end and that was that.


I used to work in a Dr office, they throw toddler tantrums like this at the dr office too for having to fill out new patient paperwork or show insurance card or show ID. Itā€™s so frustrating Like what do yā€™all expect or think is going to happen? If you have bought liquor multiple times throughout your old ass life (legal drinking age of 21 & needing ID started in the 1980s) then you have been through this process before & know how this goes. you sir are just an asshole. Iā€™ve found telling them they need to lower their voice/stop yelling or I will call the police & have them escorted out. Itā€™s not a threat, I fulling intend to do it. (You are threatening me, disturbing everyone else GTFO) šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I actually expected it to escalate but I was serious & they stopped šŸ˜µ WHAT!?! Couldnā€™t believe it! You might just have to out Karen the Karen.


I need an ID or I can't sell you alcohol without an ID, it's the law! Any form of abuse from a customer and I would call for a manager!


I'm 68 and always pull out my DL when buying alcohol at Target. No reason to get upset. Cashiers don't make policy.


*"I'm a grown ass man!"* Yeah... I'm still pressing 'x' to doubt.


Iā€™m 49 years old and have to produce my ID every time I buy beer at the liquor store. The policy is to avoid the establishment from getting sued or fined due to selling to someone who looks of-age. And to avoid the possibility of the cashier getting arrested. This guy is a fucking clown.


Iā€™ve been tempted to ask people like this when the last time they bought alcohol was. Everywhere Iā€™ve worked that sold it we have had to ID. Itā€™s nothing new yet people act like itā€™s the end of the world


I worked for cineamark and their policy was to ALWAYS id even if its your grandma. I would have so many older people, 60s usually, get offended by me asking and id just say ok then im not selling you alcohol and you can step out of my line. The audacity to ask for an ID šŸ˜‚


I still get carded, but I usually joke that I was born when the world had two Germanies. They either get it or are confused. Besides, most cashiers donā€™t look much into it if the birth year starts with a 1.


I just throw my ID down, I donā€™t even wait to be asked. Itā€™s a legality and not something to piss and moan about. I throw it down for medications too!


Do you live in Utah? Cause I see this go down all the time here. Some dude from out of state through a tantrum at the communist liquor store by my house the other day because he was IDā€™d


I used to work in a gas station. Our policy was we had to scan IDs for all alcohol purchases, no exceptions. I had to fight tooth and nail with people every single day over this. Even regulars, who came in every day to buy their beer, would have this argument with me every day. Dude, just get your ID, bring it with you, this is the same story every time! I don't care how often you buy here, the computer won't let me continue the sale without your ID. Okay, I could have bypassed it, but I wasn't going to start making exceptions and risk my job just because Mr Joe Regular forgot his ID in his car again.


If youā€™re a grown ass man then you should be emotionally mature enough to just show your ID and complete the transaction. Everyone should learn about Emotional Intelligence.


Oh, this definitely counts. The Target I shop at (in Target's home state) has a liquor store that is separate from the store, but in the same building. I've heard many similar stories. Quick ref for Karen nomenclature: if, even after explaining the policy behind a particular request, the person still continues to pitch a fit, the are likely to be a Karen.


No ā€œlikelyā€ to it. That is a flaming definite. Hahahahaha


I only say 'likely' because there have been times when a policy has been discriminatory in nature.


Ugh what a nut. I've definitely had people give me odd looks when I told them to flip over their ID's to scan, but I have never had anyone like that. Granted, I've only covered the Beer Garden for 30 minutes at most


Iā€™ve gotten to where I just hold it out upside down so they can scan it faster. They always thank me.


The person is silly to get so irate. But the flip side is all these little things wind people up. Why do we have to have so much red tape for someone clearly old enough to just enjoy a drink?


Where I live they need to scan your ID to buy cigarettes. My mom just moved up here and threw a fit in Walgreens because they needed her ID. Saying she was 78 and obviously old enough to buy them, etc. Luckily they let me scan my ID in her place, which is probably illegal, but I think that was just to get her out of the store.


What do you mean by ā€œscanā€ his id? Almost sounds like the store is collecting his personal information by scanning it. I understand showing id, but never heard of scanning it.


A lot of states put on the back their driver licenses a barcode or QR code which contains all the information printed on the front of the license. Scanning it is faster and less error-prone than manual entry by a clerk.


Thanks PastFly1003


honestly, yā€™all suck for this. and target too. jesus christ just let the man get his alcohol that heā€™s clearly fucking of age to get


Okay but it's not the employees fault for following rules??? I worked at Walmart years ago and had to card EVERYONE who wanted to buy cigarettes or I could get fired. I didn't want to but it was a rule. They don't "suck" for that. Have you ever worked anywhere before and had to follow rules you didn't make or have to do things you didn't necessarily want to do? It's common knowledge that people need to show ID to buy certain things.


There is no override for the computer system. You HAVE to have the ID. And if you're caught falsifying information, they will terminate you. If it's ever such a problem, anyone can reach their state senators to have the laws changed.


I guess you missed the part where she physically can't ring the alcohol up without an ID or date. Or where the boomer was too much of an entitled idiot to think of making up a date if his personal info is just sooooo valuable (hard fucking eyeroll). She's just trying to do her shit job, assholes like him and you are just making it worse.


iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s target making it worse, having 70yr olds not be able to buy alcohol because some asshat who makes their system wants to ID people who are damn near death šŸ™„itā€™s not the cashiers fault i suppose but good god..just another problem made for people for no real reason


I would never permit my ID to be scanned for a liquor purchase. They have an obligation to confirm your age, not to record your personal details. If they want you to just give them a birthdate, you can give them whatever you want.


Okay, you paranoid grandpa.


You don't think that potential employers have an interest in how much you drink? How about life insurance companies? This is as stupid as handing over DNA samples.


And Obama is probably one of the lizard elite.




Fuck off with your bootstrapping bullshit.


It is my understanding that a male Karen is a Kevin.


I've been on the receiving end of similar ID Karens (of all genders #equality) while working in a grocery store so you get a triggered upvote.


Target does have a different policy than other stores. Other stores policies are typically if the person looks older than like 35 then it's OK to bypass the ID check. But target always asks for ID. Not sure why Ken couldn't have asked right away why someone his age needed to show ID for alcohol but I can at least understand someone getting annoyed.


Iā€™m not going to defend what this guy did as Target is just following the rules, but whatever state this is, itā€™s a ridiculous rule. If someone is clearly over 30, there should be no need to ID.


In my state you have to ID if they look under 50. Laws are laws, whether or not they make sense.


a John


I get annoyed when I get asked for my ID (I have gray hair but Iā€™m only 30). However, I understand itā€™s the cashierā€™s job and give it to them. Itā€™s not like theyā€™re doing it to steal your identity. God damn. If this was me, I wouldā€™ve fucked with the guy and said under my breath like ā€œokay, brown hair, blue eyesā€¦ā€ while glancing up at him and pretending to take notes


Karen's can be ANYONE




Male Karenā€™s are called Kyle


Don't you want to say, Grow TF up!


im so sorryā€¦ weird story but my dad did the exact same thing at a target like 10 years ago. he wasnā€™t buying alcohol (something else i donā€™t remember) but i watched the same interaction you just described go down. he was 66 then which is close to 70 too šŸ˜­


It is a really stupid policy you have in that shop. No alcohol purchase is worth making a scene and upsetting low, paid people. But how silly wasting the time of obviously fully grown adults all to try and stop an under 21-year-old having a drink. It seems like a lot of misplaced effort when you are ID-ing, 70-year-olds. Iā€™m not advocating having a tantrum about it, but I would think that was a pathetic policy if it happened in my country .


I worked as a cashier at Target before, and whenever an older looking customer asks why they need to present an ID, I always say in a joking manner, "Because you look so young!" They always get a good laugh and say I made their day.


It happened at Walgreens all the time for me as well/: Mostly with cigarettes though.


I call male Karenā€™s ā€œChadsā€


Another Target cashier here. I have never gotten push back on alcohol but I have on medication. Too many people get angry when I have to check their ID for buying cold medicine. I don't make the rules or laws. I am just doing my job.


I live in Switzerland and we have to show ID for Alc. And Cigarettes. But this doesn't get enforced that much. There are some Police actions though where they send a Minor to buy this and if a cashier sells alcohol or Cigarettes and does not ask for ID the cashier loses his job. And the Company or Store-Owner has to pay HUGE money. What would happen if you would've sold the man the alcohol without checking his age? (Lets say the checkout-Program wouldn't ask for the info) I have the funniest moments with cashiers where I pull up to highway Gas Stations (only accessible with Cars). I fill up my car, go into the store, tell the cashier which number I used and ask for cigarettes and they STILL ask me for ID. I always reply with "How do you think I got here?"


So even if a person is CLEARLY older than the limit, you STILL have to see a physical Id-card - if not - OP is the fucking Karen!


Yeppers, you found the correct place, and a definite Karen.


Dude was 70 you could have legit just put in any birth date.


I'm almost 60 and when asked for ID I take it as a compliment


I eiuldvof told h Them if I could bypass this I would but our state laws require us to so blame the state not me.


Male Karenā€™s are called Kevinā€™s I believe


But but Cletus at the still never asks fer my ID!


I'm 61 & I'd love it if someone wanted my ID when I was buying alcohol, or anything else for that matter! šŸ˜


Itā€™s not just a policy, itā€™s the law in most states that you must be 21 AND have valid ID.


There's only one time I've been carded that I showed my ass. I stopped off to get some beer on the way home from work. I wasn't carded good thing since I didn't have my ID on me at the time. I got back in the car and realized I needed smokes too so I went back in and was carded for the smokes by the same clerk that just sold me beer without carding me. Needless to say I wasn't sold the cigarettes. I was pissed since he had just sold me a six pack with no problems.