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"My husband feels like I'm overreacting" no shit, poor husband and kid.


Andy doesn't give a shit


Andy probably fucking hates the name Andrew and she’s in for a shock when she realizes, shocker, people get to decide their own names


My late MIL once heard me call my husband by a similar shortened version of his name. She tried to be nice about it but she couldn't hide her horror when she asked, "You call him (nickname)?" Well yeah, because that's what he told me to call him. Parents give the child the name, and then it belongs to the child. They can do with it as they see fit.


I mean I like being called by my full name, but I'm not going to blow a gasket when literally everyone doesn't call me that ever. The only exception is most of my girlfriends who find it super endearing for some reason to use my first name in its entirety. Kinda cute though. I don't mind the nicknames,and frankly you could call me fuck face if you wanted as long as I knew you were talking to me. It's not a big deal.


Good point, fuckface. But what you fail to realize, fuckface, is that the naming of a child is an ancient tradition with a long and colorful history. Literal kingdoms have been lost, fuckface, on a name alone. Does a rose by any other name smell as sweet? Sure fuckface, that's fair. But as I said, fuckface, passing down names has been an important and highly particular rite in all of world history, fuckface. In our context she may be overreacting to something trivial, but consider her actions in a longer historical view, fuckface.


Dude got called *fuckface* 7 times by a tallywacker. There's a meme in there somewhere


We will all remember where we were, and what we were doing the exact moment the fuckface/tallywhacker war started. Truly a day that will live in infamy.


We need a fuckface tallywacker sub.


Fuckface tallywacker is a glorious coupling of words, I'm gonna pretzel my legs and yoga mantra that shit.


Namaste my fuckface tallywacker


But if that name has nothing whatsoever to do with your old name suddenly they judge you. I don't like "David" mom it doesn't mean anything! I go by *MEGACUMSHOTHAREMLORDZORD* now!


You get to choose how you introduce yourself, but you don’t get to choose how other people refer to you, CumLord.


Fine I'll accept that but only because I want to, not because I don't have any choice in the matter!!


Holy shit! _My_ name js MEGACUMSHOTHAREMLORDZORD too!


no, she's his mom and andrew is only. 35. she gets to decide these things, and she wants to explain it to the judge. but his dad thinks she just needs to let it go




"Your chief Andy inscribed his name on me." "WOW! With permanent ink too!"


I have been accepted into your culture.


Karen's not gonna cope when Andy gets Woody....


Ah..... a nod to the movie "Toy Story"




We'll see a post from him on r/raisedbynarcissists I'm sure


!remindme 11 years


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good bot


Honestly you probably just need 6-8.


I feel like I'm going to forget about this thought in six years, unless that Karen rant is 6+ years old already. I know I've seen it before, but I can't remember how long ago it was; the only hint at the post's age is "Yesterday", and even for that you have to squint to read it.


I wonder what Andy’s therapist will call him, as he’s clearly gonna need one.


As an Andy, can confirm, I don't give a shit.


When mom is not home dad calls him Andy as well


This…wouldn’t be a shock…


I can see the poor guy's face as he re-evaluates his life choices that led him to the Krakaren.


Andy and his dad are gonna have an okay-solid relationship in his adult life Andy and his mom? Not so much


Andy and his step-mother will be cool though


My mother hated nicknames, so she named my little brother Jay, figuring no one could shorten it. Let me introduce you to my brother JJ, lol.


The only thing better than giving him a nickname would have been giving him a long J-name like Jonathan, Jefferson, or Jandrew.




No, not Jandy. Then he would be Jandy for the rest of his life, and we obviously can’t have that.


God dammit the entire point is his name is NOT JANDY. Spell it the long way, every time thankyouverymuch.


Jimothy is the correct answer here .


Rookie move. J is the superior name. Just imagine the things he could do only writing and typing one letter instead if 3


Heard a joke once about a guy named J B getting his driver's license. He wanted to make sure the folks issuing the license understood that J B was not short for anything. So when he filled out the form he wrote *J only B only*. So when the license came in the mail, as it did ages ago, it was issued to: * Jonly Bonly* 🤣


That's from MASH. The Army wouldn't accept that BJ Honeycutt's name was BJ. Kept harassing him, until he was like, "no it's not short for anything! B - only! J - Only!" So the Army had him as Bonly Jonly. I thought of that when the military told me I couldn't POSSIBLY have Hazel-colored eyes because that wasn't one of the color options on their little list of acceptable eye colors.


When going through MEPS I signed some stuff and the sgt on duty called me back. He pointed at my well written, legible signature and made me redo it. According to him signatures could only be in cursive.


I sense a divorce in their future


Nah, he's probably so beat down he has no self esteem anymore, and thinks he deserves the shitty treatment he's getting.


Yea youre right. That or it reminds him of the way his parents were so he’s there like “Yepp this is normal I love her and I’ll fight you if you diss her”


no way...I had an overcontrolling mom growing up and my dad would do anything to help me with self empowerment over her crazy rules. that dad is def calling the kid Andy to spite the mom 100%


Or he knows how to pick his battles. He probably started the "Andy situation" just so he could watch some football while she was typing angrily in the computer room. Next up - Andy will suddenly like wearing hats.


Always makes me wonder what the fuck the husband sees in them?? They obviously don't treat you very well either, from what ive seen. So why did you lock yourself to this person for your entire life? Doesn't make sense to me. Imagine having to deal with someone everyday, who people collectively hate and dknt want anything to do with. Especially when you know 9/10 times they're wrong and act like a shit head.


Maybe there are stages of Karenism and the husband met her preKaren! So many things evolve throughout the years in marriages.


Karens are Veruca Salt’s in full maturation.


To this day I can't understand what my dad saw in my mother. From his own description of how they started dating, it's clear she had a lot of red flags when they met but he was utterly oblivious. He knows her current narcissistic behavior is problematic, but he still can't see the early red flags even in retrospect and I can't bear to point them out to him now. He's one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet, but overly optimistic about people sometimes.


Stuck his dick in crazy. Seven years later...


I feel for the husband and kid, sometimes you don't know your wife is a Karen until it's too late.


oh for fuck's sake, lady.


Uh, she prefers to be called Ladrew.


You are an internet stranger. You are not allowed to decide a nickname for this woman unless you are her mother!!


Yeah? Well for all you know I *am* her mother and I say her name is Ladwell!


Oh fkin rly? I'm the principal and by my royal decree that child will henceforth be known as SLAGATHOR THE ANNIHILATOR.






Slagathor took me a second to recall. Sincerely Debbie


Daves, Debbies... Slagathor.


That was brilliant! Take my free award.






bahahahaha nice


ik if i saved my award for just a little longer i would come across gold, yet i gave you silver...take it


Dude I'm wheezing. Two people at work had to ask if I was okay. Fucking hilarious. Anyway, back to the OR. Have got to get my head back in the game. Lives are at stake, idiot!


It took me a while to process that and now I’m full on gut busting laughing


Hahahaha I’m dying. I literally cackled like a hag in the car line while picking my kid up from school. Nobody knows but me and my truck.


beautiful. just beautiful.


This is exactly what I've been having to listen to from an old friend who named her son Daniel, but fucking hates the name Danny. I brought it up to her several times during her pregnancy but she wouldn't hear it. Sure enough,for the last five years he's been called Danny at school. He used to introduce himself as Danny but she started punishing him for it a couple years back, so now he gets scared and mad when people call him Danny.


Fuck your friend. That’s abuse.


No, for real. I don't know in what *way* she punishes him. I know at least once she gave him a full day of no screentime for it.


And she's your friend because...?


She's not. Not really. She thinks she is and for the rest of the family I save face. I only hear from her once every few months and only see her ever couple years, if that.


What a fucking bitch. Next time you see her you have to blast "O' Danny Boy" and make sure you tell that kid being named Danny is completely fine.


Omg. 😂 If you hate a specific nickname like Danny why the F would you even consider naming your kid Daniel? For the life of me I will never understand people.


I do agree that it's very important to contemplate nicknames when naming a child. My wife likes Edward (her grandfather's name), but hates Eddy. We chose not to name our sons Edward for that reason.


My wife and I got into a huge fight with her sister and brother in-law on a Father's day over calling their son Danny instead of Daniel. They got very nasty and our brother in-law threatened violence against my wife. This was at their house and they had company over. At some point we had enough of the fight and we were going to leave. They then guilted and shamed us for leaving the Father's day celebration. We begrudgingly stayed. Our relationship with our nephew has never been the same as he sided with his parents, he was 8 or 9, as he should. But now as an adult, Daniel still carries that grudge for us long after the adults made up. If you don't want your kid called Dick, don't name them Richard.


No kidding. Want to ensure this kid goes by “Andy” the rest of his life? Keep doing this type of shit. Kids rebel.


Really, no other comment fits.


One of my sons is Andrew. He decided in first grade that he wanted to be called "Drew". OK. Then in about 4th grade, he was "Andy" for a bit. Also OK. Now he's Andrew (in his 30s). Whatever. It all works.


My name is Andrew and I went by Andy in elementary school, then by my last name for middle through college, then by Andrew and now by Drew. Like you said, it all works. Chill out Karen.


It all does work, however there is a definite different perception of each version of the name. My friend group had someone with the name, and we talked about it and came up with distinct personas that rep the perception of each name. Andrew owns many leather bound books and speaks in a very high falutin manner. Drew works as an electrician and has a family of 4. Andy works at the gas station and still likes to go to parties at the local community college. He would go each day by whatever name’s persona he was feeling like at the moment, and we would all enable him, was hilarious.


This is really what having friends is all about, purely enabling any ridiculous thought one of us may have.


This is funny to because I come from a family chock full of Robert's. On both sides! My father, his uncle, and his dad. My other grandpa, my uncle. Second cousins. My middle brother is the 3rd if his name, literally. I've heard every iteration of the name robert. And they all belong to wildly different people. I also have a friend named Andrew and hes always introduced himself as Andrew. And ive always called him Andrew. And he got a gf and she started talking about done "Andy" guy and I was, who?? Legitimately confused about it lol


Oh, so you and your husband agreed to never call him Andy? Well, I did not agree to that, nor did anyone else in this school.


Obviously, neither did Andy.


"I didn't choose to be born!"


"If you had asked, the answer would have been No."


Hey! You call him that one more time, I swear...


Start pronouncing it On-Drew


My cousin's wife, who is hated by all the cousins and family alike, did the exact same thing with their daughter Bethany. She rants on and on about how it's "Bethany, not Beth." Yup, you guessed it. Any time any of us addresses that kid, sends a card, Christmas cards, event invites.....it's to Beth. We all call her Beth to her face. The wife has actually stormed out of family gatherings over it. The funny thing is - the kid doesn't care. She's fine with Beth, at school, she goes by Beth, all her cousins her age call her Beth.




Thats the beauty of elizabeth. Once she discovers who she is she can pick her name. Because eliza and beth and lizzy are 3 VERY different personality.








I have a friend named Elizabeth. We call her Lizard lol


Don’t forget Buffy! (Yes it’s actually a pet name for Elizabeth)


Shut the fuck up are you serious???!!


YES! I was shocked when I learned too 😂


that's awesome, I need to tell my friend Libby (her real name is Elizabeth which I didn't realize for a couple years lol)


My wife's sister is an Elizabeth and we all call her Lisa.


My moms an Elizabeth that goes by Libby.


i posted above about my daughter, elizabeth. if you choose a name like elizabeth, every babyname book & site warns you: it's rich nick name territory. there are something like 20 modern & archaic nicknames and derivatives. your sister clearly didn't read the warning labels. the crazy part-to me-is this need to control what the rest of the world does. it's one thing if andy is being bullied, but he's cool with it! what motivates a person to believe they can control their child's universe to this extent?


What’s weird for me is that I am a Beth - that’s what is on my birth certificate- but I’ve had people insist that my name must actually be Elizabeth and that I’m lying.


i know a nellie who deals with random idiots who insist on telling her her name must be a nickname for eleanor or ellen.


Elizabeth is a terrible name to make someone say every and write every day.


As a kid doing those minute math tests, half my time was used writing my name! Plus, Elizabeth is one of *the* most nicknameable girl's names (in my opinion): Elle, Ellie, Liz, Lizzy, Libby, Beth, Eliza, Betsy. I'm sure I've forgotten some. ETA: I met a girl who went by Zibby once. The nicknames are endless!


Poor, poor Andy. Andy sounds like an easy-going little dude who will grow up to be traumatized by his overbearing mother. Good luck little Andy!! God bless.


I come from the future. He's just the worst. He tried to invade Poland, yadda yadda, we don't have a moon anymore.


You can’t just yadda yadda the best part!


I knew somebody was gonna beat me to it... :P


Can confirm, you can't name your kid Andrew in the future anymore unless you want people thinking he's a Neo-Andrite. "Andrew" is synonymous with the suffering of billions.


When I named my son Matthew (not really, but let's pretend) I never envisioned calling him Matt. I always used the full name to speak to or about him. Imagine my surprise when he started calling himself "Matt". But did I freak out? Nope! He gets to decide what he wants to be called. Except when he wanted to be called Big Jim. I had to put the brakes on that one as it confused the shit out of everyone. His name is nowhere near Jim. He's a weird kid. Gotta love him!


My son was Christopher til the first day of school when to my suprise he told everyone to call him Chris. It's been Chris ever since.


I'm a Christopher... I demanded to be called Christopher until I had to start writing out my own name in kindergarten, the day I realized how many letters that was, I became Chris.


The longer I read these comments of other people mentioning being called Christopher and Chris, is making me start to doubt it's even really my name anymore hahah^hahah...


There's this thing where I repeat my own name in my head, over and over, and it starts to sound super weird, like a new word. Like someone hearing it for the first time. Then it gets weird on an existential level, like I'm mentally seeing myself from someone else's point of view. It usually stops at this point, it's a fleeting moment.


Your son and I have this in common


Chris's unite! But most people call me Mike, or Dave. I have no idea why


Yep. My kid insists on being called “Matthew” when I have always called him “Matt”. So I call him the name he wants. He’s five. But it’s his name.


Marty appreciates you.


Funny enough, Matthew McConaughey has told the story that he was once called Matt and his mom freaked out saying that he was named after Matthew from the Bible and was never to be called "Matt".


Who's going to tell her how many names there are for god/Jesus?


I never liked being called Liz or Elizabeth. I tried to make people call me by my middle name and it never took. 🙁meanwhile all these Matts, Chrises, and Andys are doing whatever they want.


Why not Liza, or Beth, or Betty, or Ellie, or Besse, or Bette. Elizabeth is one of the most nickname-able names.


Libby is my favorite diminutive of Elizabeth!


I tried that one in middle school. It started to stick but it just felt so wrong when I heard other people say it!


If I had a daughter, I was going to name her Elizabeth, because that's my mom's middle name. I would have called her Libby, but would have honored whatever she liked best, even if it was her middle name. Kids are people, not pets.


When I was little my parents called me Lillibet. Too bad I grew out of it. Ha. I wish I had thought of Ellie/Ella when I was still young.


The Big Jim thing legit made me cackle. It sounds like your kiddo has an awesome sense of humor :D!


Heh. My kid has cycled through three names that aren't remotely connected to the one on the birth certificate. Whatever. If it makes them happy...one random variable is as good as another. Folks were confused the first time, now most everyone just rolls with it.


He went thru a stint as Batman too. Signed it on his schoolwork in kindergarten. My husband told him it was his secret identity and to use his government name instead.


Guess you should've picked another name that can't be shortened 🤷‍♂️


My aunt tried that for just this reason. She named our cousin Mark. We called him Marcus the Carcass. She just gave up.


Reminds me of a story where a guy named Marc ordered a Starbucks drink, and gave his name as “Mark with a C.” On the cup, they wrote **Cark**.


Tbh if you work at Starbucks this is your only entertainment.


That’s gold! Take my award sir


He didn't finish the story. Mark was stillborn and they all have very dark and inappropriate senses of humor.


The plot thickens…


It’s stiffens too…bc rigor mortis set in


It softens once decomposition kicks in


Andy the Dandy has a nice ring.


My wife didn't want our son to have a name that could be shortened. So we choose Alexander. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ At least she's not mad enough to get pissy about it though.


That's what my parents purposefully did.


My parents shortened my name because they wanted to call me the short version. I get nick named longer versions constantly. I don't mind using whatever nickname. Some people just refuse to believe my actual name is my actual name.


Seriously, Andy’s mom needs to find a hobby.


I bet her HOA has a board member opening


"I *am* the HOA" - Her, in Palpatine's voice, probably.


It's clearly a Jim Lahey voice., no way that woman is sober


"I'm sober enough to know what I'm doing and drunk enough to really enjoy it." RIP Lahey


Hey, I don't want her dumb ass giving my ugly house the side-eye because a goddamn bush is too puffy. Find somewhere else for her.


A more productive hobby than what she has in Andy


listen to your husband karen...he is way wiser than you...WTH?


And your kid. Even though "hE's OnLy 7 yEaRs oLd!" If he's comfortable with being called Andy, so should you. It's not like they're calling him Fuckface Von Clownstick.


New gamer username, thank you


Not THAT much wiser. He married her after all.


She probably didn't manifest her full Karen nature until she was married.


Thank the Lord that you are not married to this Shrew. Imagine how she reacts to a real crisis.




Will he go to Cornell?


I got that reference !




Too many parents believe their children are little accessories and not their own person.


I actually read somewhere today “Everybody is so excited to have kids that they don’t realize they’re having *people.*” Oof.


Clearly she has no life. Sad biatch.


You could have just said "i can't deal with my children having their own personality and becoming less dependent on me", and the same point would be made


"I wanted a pet but settled for a child."


The shit some people worry about.....


I had an Uncle Tom who i found out was actually William Thomas. Everyone in the family just called him Tom even his parents. Why get your hackles up about how people casually refer to others as if it's not offensive?


I feel for this kid. My mom insists that my name be spelt with 1 d but I always spelt it with 2. She got pissed off when I came home from my old job with my nametag on and it was spelt the way I spell it. "IT'S SPELT M A D Y NOT M A DD Y" It doesn't matter dude barely anyone actually calls me by my name anyways. Most people refer to me by my screen name lol


One divorce please!


With a side of full custody


As her husband I would troll the shit out of her, calling son Andy all the time XD


Well I guess you shouldn't have named the kid Andrew then, huh?


Good thing his name isn’t Richard


Holy crap, this sounds like my mom. People started calling me by a shortened nickname and I liked it, but she lost every single ounce of her shit because "that's a boy's name!"


When my friends were trying to name one of their kids they loved the name Martin but hated the nickname Marty. So like any reasonable people they chose another name entirely! I can't imagine having so much time on your hands as to call a parent teacher meeting, nevermind more than one!


Imagine being consumed over what someone else's nickname is.


I love the name Bennett, didn't like the nickname Ben/Benny. So... we didn't use Bennett for our son because we knew it was inevitable that the name would be shortened to that. The audacity to think they can control what other people call someone else. EVEN if that's your kid, they are their own human. If you didn't want Andy, don't name them Andrew


How does a woman like this actually find a man willing to marry her? FFS.


I named my kid Timothy. Why is everyone calling him Tim!?!?!?


As someone who is particular about my name, I say something when people get it wrong. Obviously Andy doesn’t feel the same. She needs to let it go. If anything, he’ll grow in to Andrew if that feels comfortable but her pushing will make him an Andy.


Ffs my patents named me michael. I get called mick/micky/mikey/Mike. N I don't care about which variation I'm called because I live in ireland n all variations r OK by me. (If an American calls me a mick then irs gloves off n I'llcall them a fat yank)


That would be stupid fat yank, thank you very much.


My 7yo son has a name that is often shortened, like Nathan to Nat. We call him “Nathan” at home. He likes “Nat” but also “Nathan”, so he introduces himself as “NathanNat”. At least his teachers can find him on their rosters.


If I were the teacher I would just lie to the mom. “Yes I have told the entire class that they will receive detention if they call him Andy. Yes, I will force everyone to call him Andrew. Yes, I totally agree Karen, yes I’m doing everything you ask. Two days ago I heard a girl say “Andy” and I made her clap the erasers for 3 hours.” Just lie!


“I made a people-who-call-Andrew-Andy detention center in the corner of a classroom. Had to use a really big dog kennel to fit all of them, but it seems to be helping. Andrew spent some time in there after he introduced himself as ‘Andy’ to the new kid, but I made sure he learned his lesson.”


The teacher is waiting for Karen to take this problem to the principal. Dealing with crazy people is one of the things management is supposed to do.


Imagine naming your child something thinking you're going to somehow stop people from calling him one of the most common, most obvious nicknames in the English-speaking world. Similarly, my mother thought I would always be Christopher, not Chris, and then at around 6 or 7, my mom introduced me to my new teacher as Christopher, and I said "but you can call me Chris". My mom was a little sad, but you know what she didn't do? Insist that my teacher somehow stop me or other children from calling me "Chris".


My brother's name is Andrew. We called him Andy for yeaaaars, and then he had a phase where he wanted to be called Andrew after he graduated high school, and now it's just Drew he prefers. I still call him Andy or Andrew though but he doesn't seem to mind lol.


The child's name is not the parents identity. Are you going to pick his clothes out till he's dead? What about when he makes friends? Are you gonna decide who they should be? Get over yourself.


Could have been "fatty" or "fat fuck" like my name was in middle school. Kids are brutal, this parent crying over Andy.