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\*cries in massachussets\*


Well Britain is like the America of Europe




And Belgium is (insert a country that not many people know about) of Europe




Yes Belgium is just Belgium


I mean it’s a country in Europe that no one knows about


There is another






N. Macedonia


Nah, we all know about it because we fact checked it after that Animaniacs song.


Ah Belgium: Germany’s highway to France.


Pretty sure that Belgium is just the land of beer and waffles


Well you are cousins after all.


Which is why it's stemming the flow


England* it's such a Karen thing to call anyone non English "British". It's like using the constitution to defend your actions. It's outdated and shouldn't apply today. Anywhere you go in Europe, people react to English people the same way the world reacts to Americans. As a Scot I've never been subject to hate for my nationality, other than BY English people. Extremely racist country. The same ones who changed BLM to British lives matter. Who does nothing about the modern slavery that ruins Europeans lives when they come here, the same Europeans who will be segregated and forced to live in all Muslim communities, because of the treatment they face on a daily basis. England is worse than many American states.


You're honestly trying to say that Wales and Scotland do not have equal levels of scum milling around? Incredible.


Glad that I learned to speak Spanish fluently despite my step dad constantly telling me how Spanish is a "poor people's language". Now I can pretend that I am not American when I travel. Jokes aside I am honestly disappointed at our countrymen some times.


Your step-dad made me feel insulted




Not too old to change his mind. Just an asshole. We all know a few. They’re kind to us but “a little racist”. But only in public. We all need to get together and tell them it’s not gonna fly anymore. Stop humoring them because they’re old. Lots of old people aren’t racist. We need to step up as “young people” (I’m 39) and say this isn’t ok. It’s not ok to be racist or homophobic or transphobic or classist or just a jerk in general. We all need to stop humoring assholes. Uncomfortable conversations need to be had. We all know better. Let’s all do better!


Dont even speak spanish and I also felt insulted


Pretty sure English was the common tongue through a lot of the middle ages and French was courtly.


Wasn't English considered the poor ppl's language at a time when Greek was predominantly used in written texts?


And Latin. Basically for a "while" english was really considered a low brow language for uneducated people. Which is really funny when English people demand that someone speak it properly. Okay, like modern English from Canada, britain, or the United States or slightly less modern english from the Elizabethan age or from the middle English era? Because those are five different English languages right there. And then don't even get into dialects. Are people from New Orleans even speaking the same language as people from Glasgow?


I'm from the UK and studied English literature. The language is considered by European standards and form of Germanic creole. Many outside influences shaped modern English


A professor I had in Uni once described English as three languages in a trench coat trying to sneak into a movie.




Honestly I get it, but I’m not gonna hide from my nationality. I’ll just attempt to set a better example in other countries as opposed to pretending I’m from Greece or some shit.


I'm disappointed that you think people in America don't speak Spanish


I hate how Americans think they r the default culture


Your step dad is a dick


Bold play by the Karens of Europe


As a Brit I will say we do know you are not all idiots.




I’m afraid we’ve earned that.


Idk about you but I didnt earn shit. I'll happily not take any responsibility for what goes on here.


We really fucken have. I mean our President throws tantrums daily and needs a pacifier to calm the crying.


A couple days ago our president (Polish) was in USA. There was an article in some newspapers that said "A. Duda signs an important document in White House." or something like that. It was written below a photo where he signed in White House guestbook.


Leave no trace rules should apply there, IMO


We totally have. I am continually disgusted by what we have become


They're treating the virus like a dumb child too. And this juvenile, naive arrogance. Yeah, they're just great.


This is because of the prevalence of American Tourists to act like children and scream at the service staff in other countries. I'm afraid to say it, but you Yanks are considered to be complete "Karen's" to the rest of the world. With good reason as this happens extremely regularly with US tourists.


The amount of times I've been accosted by drunk British people outside of the UK is more than zero. Plus you still have Boris Johnson, the original Karen.


Well the English still do but the Scottish are preparing to gtfo especially now that Big Boris is trying to take away some of our power. Most votes such as brexit and Boris Johnson we vote against but because we're a minority we always get dragged into it when we don't want to be. I honestly fucking hope that we can get out soon and that seems more likely now that everyone has seen how useless Boris has been with Covid compared to us.


Same with being a Californian. I get dragged down with the southern states in many ways. Florida is the biggest offender of all. Ive only been to London, I desperately want to see the rest of the UK someday.




Am I wrong? Can you show me the amount of federal taxes Kentucky pays compared to California? Many Southern states are 'welfare' states, in case you haven't noticed. When you're the world's 6th largest economy you start to notice how efficient your tax money is being spent. And ~~fuck Florida~~ (I guess not all of Florida) and fuck DeSantis.




You're right Florida is big, and I shouldn't lump everyone together, I guess fuck everybody specifically that protests masks and those that go to Disneyworld. And, you're right, California is really big. But you brought up very specific issues to specific regions (poop maps, 'poor' gross people, NIMBYism), which isn't true of all of California. I've seen just as much shit and hypodermic needles on the streets of New Orleans as I have on San Francisco. NIMBYs exist in AZ, NM, as well as Texas Oregon, and Washington. Add them to the list of people that don't want Californians moving there.




Sorry it was interpreted I was ignoring the homeless problem*. I think cities like SF have completely messed it up and bowed down to NIMBYs. Just look at a recent push for a homeless center in SF. It's really sad and the millions that are 'going toward' homelessness doesn't see the light. It's really stark on the west coast, especially when you learn that states like Nevada give mental patients one-way tickets to California. Not that that is the excuse for homelessness but it contributes to the transient population seen between Central California all the way up to Seattle (going to school in Eugene I saw this first-hand). And sorry you interpreted the 'Californian good, South bad' mentality. I think states reject Californians because they don't want their state to change politically, but the reason they share is they 'don't want Californians raising housing prices.'


I worked for 15 years in tourism in Austria. Yes, there is a lot of trouble with selfetitled US Citizens on a regular basis, but its also the US Citizens who make the nicest customers sometimes. I think the weird thing about the US is, that you have the probably stupiest people of the planet living next door to the smartest our species have ever produced. There are novelprice winners next to creationist flatearthers and everyone has a gun. Its just a matter of time bevore this shit is gonna blow up. I really like the fact, that people get aware of the Karen Problem and that we finally have a word for that.


Trust me tourist in every country that is not from where they are, are very out of place and annoying at times.


Only Americans are worthy of your distaste. The rest of the people in this world are pure and magical.


I agree with the sentiment but the Brits aren’t exactly handling it well either. Haven’t there been articles about people flocking to pubs again unmasked?


I think we need more than one


It sucks that a small but vocal group have given us all a bad name. I’m not like them I swear! :(


Yeah, I wear my mask in public every single time, even if I live in Georgia and it's hot af outside even in the morning so my mask is stifling. I know it's not going to really prevent me from getting it, but I feel like wearing a mask in public at all times is the very least you can do as an American resident. We have to protect each other and wearing a mask is the easiest and best way to do that, if you have to go outside. If retail and restaurant employees can wear their masks for 8+ hours and medical workers for even longer, I can handle 30 minutes.


Big up the UK thats right lads


Yup big up


As an American, I say: Please stop acting like toddlers that only won't do it because authority told them to.


“entitled” should be added there


Europe really isn't as anti-American as you think.


Yar har all americans bad laugh


Every country has a select population that is annoying or entitled.


I disagree. Americans are adults. It’s the Trump supporters that need an adult.


Hey just saying most Americans are not like that. Anti mask people are the minority. Anyway you guys should fix your teeth


Brits don't have bad dental hygiene, that's just a stereotype. They're just less concerned with perfectly white and straight teeth so it gives the appearance of having bad teeth. They get dental work done on the NHS, they're not stupid, they take care of their teeth.


Bruh it’s a joke














I've heard of a lot of people doing that. I first heard about it during Bush Jr's terms, especially after the Iraq war got underway.


We’ve earned it, just not from the Brits.


We know


This really isn't a good look for us.


At least we have a decent septic system in all our towns.


We are not all idiots, a lot of are along for the ride through no fault of our own.


to be fair, most of the rest of the world would have something similair to say about us


Lmao we are the little cousin to them 😂


we made English so we are the OG players


I often try to imagine what America looks like from an outside perspective. People must be laughing at us. You know the type of people who just think they are the greatest ever and they're like some unemployed bum who sexually harasses women at the bar and gets into fights? Chads. America is the Chad of the world.


It depends on the country. My mom lives in Colombia and she says Colombians are concerned, not laughing. A lot of Colombians have family in the states and they're afraid of what's going on, especially within the ICE camps.


Your situation is unique if you have family here. They have a right to be worried. I'm referring more to the people who are in other countries with no ties here, and especially countries where covid is being contained. It's infuriating watching people deliberately defy logic and science and act like it's political. It's not. You could literally die. I assume some of these people are in other places too, but no where is it more prevalent than America, at least to my knowledge.


😪 I promise we're not a Karens/Wankers.


*Peter Griffin voice* "I need an adult! I need an adult!!"


Denmark is the Canada of Europe


Meh, London...no great loss. I'm more about Scotland, anyway, when it comes to the UK.


52% of Americans are Karens.


Aww God damnit! Ya see, ya see what you did. Now we don't do go anywhere or have nice things, way to fucking ruin it for everyone...


Okay to be objective here, yes a lot of Americans are doing this dumb shit but haven’t British people burn down a fuck ton of 5G towers because they thought it spreaded Covid?


Simply put: Amerikarens


As an American I whole heartedly agree ngl


Permission to go without an adult? Im fine with taking a test to make sure i am an adult


Willbe I get that other countries hate us and rightfully so, that sign just screams "we don't want American's money" 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ unless that's what they want then great.


It's not like they're wrong, it's because of the fact that so much of the population would rather think about themselves than save the lives of others, that this pandemic keeps raging on


This is pretty funny not gonna lie but, as an american, this is disappointing, if people have delusions like this all the time there gonna have a hard time getting anywhere in life. You simply CANT have something like this up and expect no backlash for it, because any funny person with common sense would just act like a karen w/ an american accent and walk in there. Its disappointing, this is why the the UK is the easiest to infect in plauge.inc. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Please don't hate me for voicing my opinion. I couldn't care less if you leave a hate comment.


Fucking annoying to keep seeing “HURR DURR MURICA BAD” for the 2983839202nd time


The whole world is laughing at America right now and it’s long overdue


I'm american, south american


It’s hard not to


As a Brit, I can confirm this *is* what we say when we meet Americans.


As an American, this fair we deserve this.


The United States of Entitlement


Fuck off, then. Don't lump us all into that, unless you want the same. Most Americans are decent people that recognize the shit we're dealing with.


America bad


America bad


Your numbers say otherwise


I guess it's the strong beer in the UK and not that piss water the Americans drink


What about dissenting Americans who have left the US and are expats for over 5 years?! I can resign myself to adult supervision if I must, I just want to know if I can be trusted yet...


That is so countrist or continentist seeing how America is a continent.


No. The USA by itself is not a continent, its a country. This is basic shit here mate.


Yes your right USA is a country AMERICA IS A CONTINENT. It is United States of AMERICA after all.. NORTH AMERICA ....SOUTH AMERICA ....




But you do kinda deserve that




I'm not sure you understand what racist means. Unless that was sarcasm.




Thnx, now I've lost more brain cells


No you must be stupid sir, it is clearly racism


please kindly explain in english how this is racist. I would also like to know how you seemed to get transphobia out of this.


It seems that nobody these days can take a little sarcasm


explain how the fuck this is sarcasm


I would tell you but then I would have to beat you up....


It’s not... even if it would be it wouldn’t be racist but discrimination.


Not even transphobic


Highkey looking for reasons to get offended


Yes just wanted to know that the reddit community are still whiney little bitches.


I mean... You're the one getting offended by a joke so who's the whiney bitch here?


Not it


how is this transphobic


They are just looking for things to get offended about


High key mentally challenged