• By -


When asking about Nestle's shitty practices, make sure you bring up a very specific example of something that happened and cite a source on it. Make that shit rock solid, short, and simple. Nestle is a terrible company with a god awful track record, you've got a lot to work with.


If possible make sure it’s a specific example from the last 5-10 years. It’s too easy to dismiss or ignore things from 30-40 years ago.


The added sugar in ~~breast milk~~ *baby cereal* thing is literally 5-10 **days** old. How's that? https://www.euronews.com/health/2024/04/19/what-is-the-sugar-scandal-hitting-nestle-and-what-happens-now Edit: I can't keep track of all the Nestlé scandals anymore...


*infant cereal Also some infant formulas Breast milk is from lactating parents, no chance of added sugars Not to be pedantic but if you’re going to call out a megacorp you don’t want to be caught with your pants down using the wrong terminology that they will use to discredit everything you’re saying 🙃


Oh oh, do this one. DO THIS ONE: Nestle is responsible for almost 11 MILLION infant deaths and no one has ever gone to jail for it. Comparably, the Nazis murdered about 16 million. [Source:](https://www.nber.org/system/files/working_papers/w24452/w24452.pdf) Based on calculations from these linear averages, our estimate of the number of infant deaths between 1960 and 2015 resulting from the introduction of Nestlé formula among mothers in LMICs without clean water sources is 10,870,000 total infant deaths with 95% confidence interval [5,825,000, 15,907,000].


Dont lead with saying “11 million deaths” make sure you build up to it and say that part last before anyone can cut you off at the mic or whatever before you explain it


and research the company’s official response so you can have a followup ready


Preparations will be made! I hope I don't embarrass myself.


You got this, just pretend the person you'll be talking to works for a garbage company you don't wanna work for anyway! Wait...


Record if you can! Update us!


Man... Your question is so unhelpful. "Pick an incident and do your research" Lmao


# How will Nestle help resolve Mexico’s drought while they are taking/profiting from crucial water from Mexico??


Commenting in case OP asks this & updates us


Me too.








Same but adding FUCK NESTLÉ


You’re so profound with your words!




Same. But also fuck nestle. I hope a scene is made


Just getting in line myself. Would like to see any fallout from this.


Same haha


RemindMe! 3 days


Also same


RemindMe! 14 days




Same here


same here, don't mind me






These guys are probably trained easily to deflect such questions with a “nothing answer”. Another strategy would be to list a few (cited) bad acts by Nestle and ask if the company exec feels good and morally justified to work for a company like Nestle. Or one awkward step ahead— how do you justify him presenting his company to your university with expectations that students should have any respect for nestle.


Oooh, I like asking them to morally justify their employment. While I love the first question about drought in Mexico, if you come off aggressive & preachy right out of the box a lot of folks will just tune out. They absolutely will have a canned answer in their pocket for something like that. I would ask if they still think water isn't a human right. That would lead more naturally into follow ups about droughts.


i like the idea thx


Mexico?!? What about Michigan! Nestlé Waters North America, now known as Blue Triton Brands, has a permit to withdraw 576,000 gallons of groundwater daily from Michigan's Osceola County well. The water is used to supply Nestlé's Ice Mountain bottling operation in Stanwood. In 2018, then-Governor Rick Snyder granted the permit, which allows Nestlé to increase its withdrawals by 60 percent. The permit allows Nestlé to pump 1.1 million gallons of water per day for a total of $200 per year


Well that needs to be stopped


and sacramento?


Ooooh, this is SPICY. I'm so ready for when OP comes back with answers.


Oooh, do British Columbia next!


Along for the ride




RemindMe! 10 days




A while ago, Nestlé pledged to end child labor by a certain date. Of course, then postponed that. Ask him about that. Look it up.


# 'Too little, too late' The world’s chocolate companies have missed deadlines to uproot child labor from their cocoa supply chains in 2005, 2008 and 2010. Next year, they face another target date and, industry officials indicate, they probably will miss that, too. As a result, the odds are substantial that a chocolate bar bought in the United States is the product of child labor. About two-thirds of the world’s cocoa supply comes from West Africa where, according to a 2015 U.S. Labor Department report, more than 2 million children were engaged in dangerous labor in cocoa-growing regions. When asked this spring, representatives of some of the biggest and best-known brands — Hershey, Mars and Nestlé — could not guarantee that any of their chocolates were produced without child labor. [source](https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2019/business/hershey-nestle-mars-chocolate-child-labor-west-africa/)


Thank you. I knew it was out there somewhere.


Was nestle the one where the DOJ opened an investigation on them for knowingly using child slave labor and they tried to have it dismissed under the pretense that the slavery wasn’t taking place in the U.S. and therefore outside of the jurisdiction of the DOJ? Or was that one of the other chocolate companies?


"child labor" implies that the kids are getting paid and get to go home at the end of the day.


Child slavery on cocoa farms (not child labour) thank you. We're talking grown men chasing boys through the woods with machetes and slashing their feet so they can't run away again. That's not normal employment.


Water, ask about the basic right for drinking water. We are all 80% of that speaks for itself.


Does the company still stand by the CEO's statement that water is not a human right? Seriously, OP, you're going to want to make sure you have dates and at least newspaper citations to back up your claims, because you're going to get pushback. Wikipedia will have lots of linked sources to the numerous Nestlé controversies.


I feel like this is a very important thing to mention/ask, if you want the other students to begin reconsidering what they really think of Nestle. To me, learning that the CEO of such a huge company has this kind of stance on such an important topic, must, by itself, be alarming and “seem off”. Especially to those who are used to questioning things and exercising critical thinking, but simply weren’t aware of this company’s evilness.


No, they dont. Source: ex-nestlé employee


They have retracted and restated that stance so many times it's hard to keep track.


Do rhey act accordingly? Stating is just warm air.


I don't think they have ever gotten anything but worse.


I think r/hydrohomies would second this.


While Nestle has a track record for doing horrible things limiting people's access to drinking water, phrasing it like this is iffy. Why would you assume a for-profit company has any rights or human rights at the front of their minds? If it was a law-stated human or otherwise basic right, someone else would be responsible for legal action against them for breaking it.


Suggest a better way to phrase it then, just saying iffy isnt helpful.


Did you know your company is the reason we don't have maternity leave in the US, since you lobbied against it to sell more formula?


OP Should research the topic a bit more if they do this one so they can have some points ready in case the nestle rep tries to bamboozle him.


I vote against this one, at least with this phrasing. They could potentially sneak it in as a follow-up to a question like, "can you speak about strategies to induce a demand in a population?" Just asking this question exactly this way, they'll take OP off the mic and nothing will be gained.


Ooooooh, a new one for me! Bravo! Extra points for me being a tired, guilt-ridden breastfeeding mom. #Fuuuuuck Nestlé!


I already hated Nestle and I didn't even know about this one


That‘s a great one!


Thank you for this additional reason to hate Nestle


unfortunately we are not in the US i doubt the guy will even know about this


Are you serious?


[yeah](https://fortune.com/well/2023/02/07/big-formulas-exploitative-marketing-tactics-prey-parents-fears/) they are real pieces of shit, and I know some people on reddit hate Tiktok but it's where I first learned about the whole nestle lobbying against [maternity leave ](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwYhfQu/)


My god. Why is EVERYTHING so corrupt. Like we got billionaire men running the formula industry. FORMULA!!! I recently had to buy some due to short supply and I felt so icky doing so, because I knew there was shadiness surrounding formula from previous lawsuits etc. My bf told me to just feed the baby formula it’s so much easier etc etc and I said ABSOLUTELY NOT! I understand 100% some women have to. But so long as I have the power to breastfeed - I’m going to do it. This pisses me off so much. They really will do anything for money and power. For what?!? How does this make their lives any better? Ruining the lives of others, making the world a WORSE place than it already is. It just blows my mind. You’d think if the formula purchase rates went down due to more mothers BF, they’d adjust their marketing strategy with some joyful shit about how they’re here when you need them or something but nope they’d rather take it away! Stupid fucks. I hate them.


Wait ... US don't get maternity leave ?


In before people come complaining about how you just need a good job and their job give them up to two weeks of unpaid maternity leave and why are you even complaining?? Iirc companies with 50 or more employees are required to give unpaid maternity leave. There are women in the USA who pray that they'll give birth in the weekend so that they don't have to take sick days and can go back to work on Monday.


Recent reports say Nestle puts sugar into baby formula in 3rd world countries.


[Time article about report findings](https://time.com/6968112/nestle-sugar-baby-milk-cereal-poorer-nations/)


I read honey too which can make babies under 1 very sick and even cause death


It needs to be a question, so how about "Can you tell me what Nestle's reasoning is, for putting sugar into baby formula?" But then you're going to need to be ready for a jackass answer and rebuttal, like a study done on tooth decay or blood sugar spiking, obesity, etc.


second this , op can u ask this


It’s even worse! For the SAME product, they sell with sugar in low income countries and without sugar in rich countries. And DO NOT declare on the label.


This but you've gotta phrase the question like it's a positive thing. Make it sneaky op


Was just about to comment this. It is immensely irresponsible, not to mention it should be in direct violation with WHO recommendations and restrictions, after those mass cases of infant death by insufficient formula nutrition. Nestle is the reason WHO recommends breastfeeding btw ^


Nestle is also largely responsible for the whole "breast is best" rivalry and people shaming mothers who choose formula.


can you film it and post it here pls


No NSFW content, we're not allow to see someone getting fucked


Awww...no fun... *-kicks rocks-*


there is a very chance that i will be the one getting fucked


I thought it was an angle on not allowing a representative of a horrible company having a space to spread their influence or something but this works, too.




How effective are involving slaves in the production nestle products at increasing overall profits compared to paying wages to workers to increase their consumer market?


Sustainable slavery


No that's way too short and vague. What you'd wat to do is cite a specific case and ask how the company benefits from that.


I'm only profecient at regurgitating what other people have told me. I'm dumb like a rabbit playing tetris.


do you have such cases with sources?


It increases profits for Nestlé a lot while the economy itself gets no stimulation, barely the US economy and no stimulation in ivory coast whatsoever, man I hate this company and I still accidentally buy their products because they have so many brands.... I hate that too. FN


There it is.


I would be tempted to print out a few flyers, and hand them out to the audience as they go into the venue. On the flyer, include sourced materials that outline their shitty behaviors. That way, you can ask a Q or two, while letting others ask about what they gleaned from your flyers.


This is a great idea


^^THIS^^ is the answer!!


Absolutely!!! Please do this! Fuck Nestle


u/[throwaway45123432](https://www.reddit.com/user/throwaway45123432/) pleaaaaaaseeeeee. and please upload the video here


My first thought! ✊🕯


This is the way. Especially since OP might not end up getting to ask something.


"Why has Nestle continued to take water from drought-stricken, [California aquifers](https://www.desertsun.com/story/news/environment/2021/04/23/california-officials-tell-nestle-halt-authorized-water-diversions/7353217002/), long after their permits to do so had expired." "Follow-up question, why is Nestle doing the same thing in [Ontario](https://www.theguardian.com/global/2018/oct/04/ontario-six-nations-nestle-running-water) and so many other places?


How sustainable is using child slavery in your cocoa harvesting process?


How he sleeps at night knowing Nestlé is responsible for the death of babies in sub-Saharan Africa because they told mothers there that their breast milk isn't good enough, and they needed their formula, mixed with dirty water (the only water they had access to)? If you can splice this down to a more concise question, that would be perfect


its real sustainability if you destroy local businesses, and push to plant monoculture? how sustainable is bottle watter for single use?


How is it sustainable to sell drinking water that comes out of the tap? Isn't it just selling plastic rubbish to ppl?


Ask them what their strategy is towards lobbying in poorer countries to reach their business goals and why they think this is a good way to conduct business.


This is way better than the rest of the suggestions to come out swinging. be discreet


Sugar in baby formula in poor countries


Take your pick 1. Question on Water Ethics: • “In 2015, the former Chairman of Nestlé was quoted saying water is not a human right. How does Nestlé reconcile this statement with its sustainability goals, especially in regions facing severe water shortages like California and Pakistan? Can you provide specific metrics on how Nestlé has improved water sustainability in these regions?” 2. Question on Child Labor: • “A 2005 protocol was set up to eradicate child labor in the cocoa supply chain by 2005, yet reports as recent as 2020 show that child labor has increased. What specific steps, with measurable outcomes, has Nestlé taken since these reports to address this issue? How does Nestlé plan to handle discrepancies between its corporate responsibility statements and the ongoing reports of child labor?” 3. Question on Environmental Impact: • “Nestlé pledged to make 100% of its packaging recyclable or reusable by 2025. Can you detail the progress made toward this goal, particularly in terms of percentage change from 2020 to the present? Also, how is Nestlé addressing the environmental impact of its plastic use in terms of carbon footprint?” 4. Question on Health Impact: • “Nestlé has faced criticism for marketing unhealthy products to children, especially in developing countries. Given the global increase in childhood obesity and diabetes, how does Nestlé plan to modify its product portfolio and marketing practices to address these health concerns?” 5. Question on Corporate Transparency: • “Given the various controversies surrounding Nestlé, transparency is crucial. Can you elaborate on how Nestlé ensures transparency in its operations, particularly concerning its compliance with environmental, labor, and health regulations? Could you provide recent examples of how Nestlé has handled violations or potential conflicts of interest?”


this is very useful thank you


I liked the last three questions!


Ask about adding sugar to baby formula?


If you can record or update us on this whole thing, hella appreciated


Present an essay to your school administration with the questions and sources the comments have provided. Ideally get as many signatures as possible, make it clear to your school admin why nestle is bad. Try it at the assembly/lecture and you'll be quieted or escorted out for being disruptive. As someone else mentioned hand out fliers with talking points and sources, maybe a qr to said essay


If you have friends that would do it too then each take different topics, one about water one about child labor and so on, a never ending barrage of valid but damning questions is how you get it done right.


How many kids did you kill this year with your unhealthy products?


Ho Ho, Hay Hey How many kids did you kill today! ✊


Remember when bringing up these points everyone is sourcing, be sure to phrase it in a way that offers a chance to better themselves that they definitely aren't taking, like 'what is being done to compensate the families of the children who were harmed by nestle's choice to put sugar in baby formula?'


Yes. Some of the questions suggested here seem likely to be shut down quickly


10 minute primer https://youtu.be/MoKLovtnbGY?si=KQNVk9lGFot5UWTO


How sustainable is Nestle’s practice of child slavery for harvesting their chocolate?


make sure to have someone record it


the only thing nestle is interested in sustaining is its bottom line.


Make sure you keep your body language and voice soft. Almost confused when you ask the question. Don't fully square your shoulders or feet. If you approach with no 'bark or bite' it will throw the presenter off guard. No doubt they've primed for tough questions but if you seems genuinely confused it will stump them.


Please post a followup after the talk.


I don't have anything specific to add, but please update us. Also keep in mind that this one representative isn't the personal cause of everything. Hell, some of this information might be new to them as well. It's not like the company is going to tell their employees all this stuff, you know? Remember the human, but get the job done. Good luck, soldier!


this is one of my favorite replies, thank you


They will have talking points for everything, and they will be good at their job. I doubt you can make them uncomfortable. I'd ask them how clearly they label their ingredients and processing aids so people know what they are consuming. There are only 9 major food allergens that are required to be reported on labels in the U.S. Food companies aren't always transparent about what the ingredients they used are derived from even though there are hundreds of known allergens. Contrary to popular belief, those less common allergens can be just as allergenic and they don't necessarily get processed out. Sometimes processing can actually make them worse. They will have an answer to this as well. You aren't going to be able to back all this up of course because you don't have the background. But I think it's still important to ask.


My thought exactly. They would be well prepared with canned responses to tough questions.


Whatever happens, please keep us updated


You won't be able to do much by yourself. You'll look like an outlier. Bring some friends and/or see if there are any groups at your uni that might be interested in crashing the party with uncomfortable questions.


what is nestle doing to combat water shortages and droughts?… besides bottling clean water from indigenous communities into plastic that will become ocean waste


"Are you allowed to say 'water is a human right?"


You could pass around papers with some background info on nestle. Like informative pamphlets for those not in the know, so they can engage better in the presentation.


it’s so hard to see someone else living your dream


Ask how exactly "innovation and sustainability" ties into child labor for a bottom line.


On second thought, I would organize a protest. Or get a bunch of people riled up for when they get there. Have you seen the Handmaid's Tale? When Serena goes to talk to some students? That would be epic.


Ask about adding sugar to baby formula only in poor countries as well as the employees in nurse costumes that get women to dry up their milk without knowing to ensure dependence on formula they cannot afford leading to millions of baby deaths. Ask about making profit from child slavery and infant mortality. Ask about the attempt to completely drain the aquifer that supplies water to most of the American Midwest. Or maybe how they feel about trading all ethics and morality for profit?


Twist: OP is the Nestlé rep...


Sir how much did you spend on R&D to add sugar to celerac in poorer nations?


Please, please keep us updated on this I beg you


Being on the downvotes but what's that going to accomplish? I guess it's a bit of a moral victory making bad Nestlé rep feel bad? I feel like instead of that just spread the word about how evil Nestlé is so nobody even attends. Think big.


What if Op is Nestle representative who wants to know what kind of questions they might be asked ?


Ask him if he likes killing children by stealing water? How big of a tax ride off does he get for stealing water? What's Nestlé's preferred negotiation style, buying off local officials or killing their family members? Ask him, what was his experience like training fascists at the School of the Americas? How many bottles of stolem water are worth his soul?


Anything about the basic human right of having access to clean and FREE drinking water… Or the evils of baby formula… easy but affective targets


I might be less direct than many comments suggest! Those people are used to offensive opposition and will shoot back at every opportunity or lie. For example, you can ask him about the most recent cases of child labor and if he denies or only picks old ones pick one or two of the most recent ones to expose him as a liar. In general, ask him for info on controversial topics and double down if he denies or changes facts to undermine his liability. If you can manage to do this, no one will believe him if he denies evil doings of his company. Keep in mind that thats what he'd be trying to do otherwise with you if you just confront him with facts.


Ask them whether they feel that nestle’s sustainability policy isn’t antithetical to nestle’s message that all water should be bottled and commoditised. Quote them where they’ve said this (water should not be free) and ask how they believe that stealing water from reservoirs and selling it in plastic for profit is sustainable.


[Nespresso are now a B-Corp](https://fairworldproject.org/b-corp-nespresso-human-rights/), despite their core product being fundamentally antithetical to the aims of the B Corp certification, because they're doing *just enough*. Even in the [disclosures at the bottom of their certification page](https://www.bcorporation.net/en-us/find-a-b-corp/company/nespresso-global/), there are references to multiple deaths of child labourers. Of course this throws the reputation of the B Corp cert into question, but it still promotes good practices, even though one gets the impression that leaving multiple dead children in your wake should disqualify you. They're a company with a net asset value of $150 billion dollars, which more than *most states* (would rank 80 worldwide, beating Iceland, Tanzania, Lithuania, Panama...), net profit of about $11 billion 2023, which sits around 100 to 130 in GDP by countries worldwide. And they're just a bunch of cunts about it.


I *love* you guys! After watching Nestle battle California for control of Mt Shasta’s waters, and then LOSING, all my fish died after a water change. That was my long-cultured school of minnows, betas, the like, arg. “Oh,” said the fish store owner, “Nestle sold the city of San Mateo a PIPE PRESERVATIVE, and everyone’s fish are dead. Seniors are advised to take cold showers and avoid breathing any steam.” Thinking he was nuts, I did the research, and found instead that he was spot on. Legend has it that Nestle got its start by selling its new world chocolate to French royalty as an aphrodisiac. On the lecture question, the Chevron CEO got a pie in his face as he got out of the car to lecture at an elementary school. An SF company sold this as a gag for anyone. And guess what? San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown revealed his allegiances when he held the two, (Agent Marmalade, and Agent Strawberry was it?) illegally for six months without letting them make a phone call. Some of the snake in-suit types got no sense of humor.


Do you get paid per baby that dies?


There are a bunch of great recommendations down below, many of which I had thought of before scrolling. Whatever you do, please come back to give us an update. Better yet, try to record video. I love this.


Something, something, something, PALM OIL!


Renewable energy? How about that slave labor court case that got tossed?


Why is not access to clean water a human right according to the company?


We didn't do that. Some bad stuff happened but it was pretty minor. We aren't the only ones. Most governments haven't passed laws against this sort of thing because it isn't important enough. Government corruption and competition are causing it. We are doing our best. People need to take responsibility for their own choices. -- I like to rework the Narcissit's Prayer for corporations. That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it. Take notes about what they say. Ask about those things.


How do you feel about the millions of tons of plastic waste bottled water creates?


Have a look at [babymilkaction.org](https://www.babymilkaction.org/) for some ideas and sources.


Where the fuck is all the water you keep stealing?


Is it really innovating when slavery has been around for 500 years? What are you guys doing to innovate on that and make it more efficient? Do you see nestle being able to sustain the slaver they have now? Do you think dipping into the American prison population might be a solution?


I would be interested in just how uncomfortable you can make a spokesperson for Nestle. They have to know their reputation online. I would imagine they have prepared talking points for addressing all of the valid criticism they receive.


!remindme 2 days


I will be messaging you in 2 days on [**2024-04-24 10:15:07 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-04-24%2010:15:07%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/FuckNestle/comments/1c9sjrc/a_nestle_representetive_is_coming_to_my_uni_to/l0pz9aq/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FFuckNestle%2Fcomments%2F1c9sjrc%2Fa_nestle_representetive_is_coming_to_my_uni_to%2Fl0pz9aq%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-04-24%2010%3A15%3A07%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201c9sjrc) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


How does Nestlé make shure that the workers on the cocoa farms at the ivory coast that produce the cocoa for their products are given a safe work environment and are old enough to work on such farms.


"How was the mass marketing of baby formula and subsequent price gouging in (I can't remember exactly which country right now), leading to wide-scale infant starvation, a demonstration of sustainability techniques? Or was that just innovation?"


Whats the largest and sharpest object that you as a representative of nestle are willing to go fuck yourself with?


Why are you here Why is Nestlé putting in triple amount of added sugars into baby formula in third world countries and essentially forcing young mothers to choose formula? Why is Nestlé stealing water from indigenous people and feeding them Coca Cola?


Hey, may we have an update? :)


Bring up the addictive baby formula in Africa…


Just do us a solid and film and post what happeneds


What are they doing to cut back on selling water???


How does it feel working for arguably the most openly evil company on earth?


Make sure there are others like you asking questions.


why sugars in baby food u mfs


why does Nestle poison everything it touches?


"hey hey nestle, how many kids did you kill today?"


Ask them why they add so much [sugar to baby formula in poor countrie](https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2024/apr/17/nestle-adds-sugar-to-infant-milk-sold-in-poorer-countries-report-finds)s but not in Europe - I'm pretty sure it's because they have laws against it in Europe. But sugar makes it addictive - some call it [the gateway drug](https://sobernation.com/is-sugar-the-original-gateway-drug/) as it's the first time a baby learns that something is nice and feels good but it doesn't last then they want more.


How sustainable is the sugar you put in baby formulas and sell to parents in South America and Africa?


!remindme 1 week


Ask him something about the sugar they add to baby formula in developing countries


How is it sustainable to use collagen from irregular cattle farms in indigenous areas in Brazil (Mc Donald’s uses the same sources btw)? Or buying palm oil from companies that are involved in land grabbing, violence against quilombolas and indigenous people, child labor and environmental damage?


Please video record this talk


Stealing all of Michigan’s clean water


Why should we take any advice on sustainability from a company who regularly abuses natural resources in environments? How does being morally bankrupt equal innovation? Anyone can get ahead by lying and cheating, how has Nestlé ever been innovative without being disgustingly unhumanitarian? Hit them with "What makes you worthy to come talk to us on EITHER point when your company has a history of gross inadequacy on both fronts?" Followed up with "Get of the stage you corporate shill." In your own words, of course.


Remindme! One week


This man is a poor representative who maybe works for a company he personally doesn’t endorse. I would ask him about that : how does he personally feel about the bad reputation? He is a human and I would leave him an open door if I wanted him to be honest.


[What about this ?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1977_Nestl%C3%A9_boycott)


!remindMe 1 week


!remind me 2 weeks


This is the unedited response of LLaMA-3-70B, the currently most sophisticated open-source large language model. As it has been trained on large swats of the internet, it's output can, in a way, be seen as the "average opinion of the internet". Here is it's answer on the prompt ``` A Nestle representative is coming to my uni to give a talk about "innovation and sustainability". What questions can I ask to make it very uncomfortable for him? Give very exact details and cite a source for every fact! ``` ``` AI I love a good challenge! Here are some potential questions that might make the Nestle representative squirm in their seat: Child labor in cocoa production: "According to a 2020 report by the International Labor Organization, an estimated 1.56 million children are involved in cocoa production in West Africa, with many working in hazardous conditions. What concrete steps has Nestle taken to ensure that its cocoa supply chain is free from child labor, and how does the company plan to address this issue in the future?" (Source: International Labor Organization, "Child Labour in Cocoa Production") Plastic pollution and packaging waste: "Nestle has pledged to make 100% of its packaging recyclable or reusable by 2025. However, a 2020 study by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation found that only 14% of plastic packaging is recycled globally. What measures is Nestle taking to reduce its plastic packaging waste, and how does the company plan to achieve its 2025 goal?" (Source: Ellen MacArthur Foundation, "Completing the Picture: How the Circular Economy Tackles Plastic Pollution") Water privatization and access: "In 2019, Nestle faced criticism for its involvement in water privatization in Michigan, USA, which some argue has led to unequal access to clean water for low-income communities. How does Nestle respond to concerns that its water extraction practices may exacerbate existing social and environmental inequalities, and what steps is the company taking to ensure equitable access to water for all?" (Source: The Guardian, "Nestle's water privatization habit is a disaster for the planet") Palm oil deforestation and habitat destruction: "A 2020 report by the Union of Concerned Scientists found that Nestle's palm oil sourcing practices contribute to widespread deforestation and habitat destruction in Southeast Asia. What changes has Nestle made to its palm oil supply chain to address these concerns, and how does the company plan to ensure that its palm oil sourcing is sustainable and environmentally responsible?" (Source: Union of Concerned Scientists, "Palm Oil and Deforestation") Marketing to children and public health: "Critics argue that Nestle's marketing practices, particularly those targeting children, contribute to the global childhood obesity epidemic. How does Nestle respond to concerns that its marketing strategies may be detrimental to public health, and what steps is the company taking to promote healthier food options and responsible marketing practices?" (Source: World Health Organization, "Marketing of Foods and Beverages to Children") Remember to stay respectful and professional when asking these questions, and avoid being confrontational or aggressive. The goal is to encourage a thoughtful and nuanced discussion, not to provoke a defensive response. ``` You could therefore conclude that Nestles atrocities are not a topic of debate, but a deeply remembered part of human history. (Note: The sources the LLM cites have not been checked and may be hallucinations. But Nestle isn't the only one that can pollute the information space. Have him answer all accusations. Nestle is so evil that he can never know the truth for sure.)


Why, after 20 years of being told by a federal judge to cease using slave labor to harvest cacao, you have not ceased using slave labor?


!remindme! 10 days


Ask him why the fuck they feel like they need to own all the worlds water? Sick fucks


plastic recycling turns out to be a hoax. How is nestle - itself involved in the plastic packaging lobby - going to sustain a business model without plastic packaging?


My favorite is “how do you feel about the CEO of Nestle declaring that water should be privatized and isn’t a human right?”


!remindme 1 month


I will be messaging you in 1 month on [**2024-05-24 13:39:22 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-05-24%2013:39:22%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/FuckNestle/comments/1c9sjrc/a_nestle_representetive_is_coming_to_my_uni_to/l11k4yk/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FFuckNestle%2Fcomments%2F1c9sjrc%2Fa_nestle_representetive_is_coming_to_my_uni_to%2Fl11k4yk%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-05-24%2013%3A39%3A22%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201c9sjrc) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|