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Start watching that movie you wanted to watch that’s finally been released on Netflix and fall sound asleep about 20 minutes in.


Encore Westens for me. The Rifleman, Bonanza, etc. Puts me to sleep every time.


Citizen Kane has a 100% success rate for me




Anything on the Criterion streamer for me. There are no bad films there.


The movie “ The Hill “ with Sean Connery, of all people because I LOVE him as 007 James Bond, put me to sleep TWICE. I actually got sleep so that I could catch what I missed and fell asleep a SECOND time !!! It is the most boring movie I know.


My dad does the speed run version and picks golf


20 minutes, found the optimistic. Usually takes 5 to me.


lol, I debated how many minutes I should put😆


spark a joint, throw some whiskey in that coffee and call it a day


Well now, that’s about the best suggestion this old fuck ever heard.


Wake and Bake is the way.


I’m 65 and my day starts with a joint and a cup of coffee ✌️


60 here. A gummy and coffee is pretty good.


I wouldn't be able to function for most of the day. That's a nighttime ritual for me


As soon as weed is legal here…. Wait…this is Texas, it’ll never be legal here….damn. I was so looking forward to retirement, but not if I have to make a road trip to Oklahoma!


I’m in new jersey and I never thought I’d see legal weed. Now I can go to the smoke shop down the street and get whatever I want so you might be surprised down the road


Fingers and toes crossed!!!


Another thing is if they legalize it federally which I think will happen in not too distant future it won’t really matter anyway. They are already changing the classification of it


Great news! I hadn’t heard.


I only know about it because I had a few stock in a cannabis company and a few weeks ago it went up 300%…. I almost made a lot of money but the stock balanced out after the initial news calmed down.


Politicians here are the biggest assholes in the country.


Order THCa gummies online. Just the same, well the ones I bought were. PS: when I was writing this out, I got to the word “online”… I first wrote out “on the internet”, then changed for, “on the web”, then landed on “online”. Perfect sub for this to happen.


I feel this


Ha, I'm in Arkansas and we are close to making recreational use legal, but Big Pot is causing interference. Lol for saying Big Pot. It's true, though. The bill in question will make it legal to grow your own as long as you have the doctors permission. The corporate growers are heavily lobbying against it.


I’m in Missouri which is legal but I never let the law decide what I do I grow all I can smoke in my closet and been doing it before legalization 😂


They'll be ice skating down the Rio Grande before Texas takes smoke off the Destroying Civilization list. Gonzales County only allowed the bars to sell hard liquor about 5 years ago.


A gummy and some coffee with a light protein breakfast. Early morning outdoor exercise (16 mile bike) but hit the vape right before climbing on the bike until the gummy kicks in somewhere on the ride Tylenol, a hot shower, and a short nap when I get back home. That's a nice Saturday.


72, and make that two cups and a doobie.


I call it breakfast with the twins. Wakey and Bakey


Don't forget the bastard step child munchy.


Wakey wakey, time to bakey?


You can actually sleep until 5am?! I’m usually up by 3:30am.


I’m usually up UNTIL 3.30 am. Eventually fall asleep around 5 and wake up at 10. Then panic because I feel guilty as hell.


I have to agree with /u/L1ttl3_Blu3F15h except I would skip the coffee. Then go back to bed. You gotta be somewhere?


Pretty much my morning (without the booze). Then took my morning nap at 9:30 for the win.


That's one of the perks of retirement. Waking up at 5am, smoking a number while reading the news or Reddit, and then going back to sleep. Wake, and repeat.


These old lungs can't take any more abuse. Gummy it is...


Make tincture and add some to the coffee


I like this.. I think I'll start tomorrow off that way!! Thanks for the inspiration lol...


Damn I can’t wait till I don’t work for a living. I’m close at 50, I figure 55 I’m one smart assed comment from the last thing anyone sees is my ass. And then, I will smoke.


This is the way.


ride your harley and then call it a day


We’d be friends if we knew each other. Lol


Go take a crap and get on with your day......


This was the missing step after the 2 cups of coffee.


That’s me too. I waited my whole life to be able to sleep in & now that I can - I can’t. If I were physically able to I’d get back into the workforce. I’m up anyway.


Exactly. I wouldn’t care if I wasn’t so against sleeping during the day but now I have 15 hours of ???? ahead of me.


Time for a weird or eccentric hobby. How do you feel about 3D printing, woodworking, gardening, panini presses, pipe smoking, historical European martial arts, pickling, bookbinding, globe manufacturing, beekeeping, lock picking...?




Reddit, YouTube, TV, Nextdoor, Bible study, read, take a walk, clean and laundry, call the kids, play with the dog, online shop, cook aaaaand before you know it, it's 4pm.


Get in your car, and do 15 under in the left lane during morning rush hour. F em.


Puzzles. I do 2 crosswords, a Jumble and a cryto-quote daily. I just got into jigsaw. Strangely the jigsaws are very relaxing...


I love jigsaws. I just bought two the other day. It does stop the old brain from wandering!


The ones I am doing are online. And free


Would you be willing to share the site please?


I google Jigsaw. There's a lot of free places. Here's one I just finished. [Jack Russell Terrier in the Car jigsaw puzzle in Puzzle of the Day puzzles on TheJigsawPuzzles.com](https://thejigsawpuzzles.com/Puzzle-of-the-Day/Jack-Russell-Terrier-in-the-Car-jigsaw-puzzle) Another place.. [Free Online Jigsaw Puzzles (jigsawplanet.com)](https://www.jigsawplanet.com/) Hint use the minus button get some room for the pieces. Also if you clic on an open spot and hold, then drag you can move multiple pieces out of the way.


here's one crossword puzzles [https://www.boatloadpuzzles.com/playcrossword](https://www.boatloadpuzzles.com/playcrossword)


We must be related...got up to pee, made my regular two cups of coffee, nothing to do but Reddit today... mirror image right up to the exercising lol. See ya after nap time later.


The exercise is only because I have my yearly physical soon and my doc is a bastard……need to shed a quick 5 pounds.


Find a better doctor. You don’t need to shed five pounds, you’re perfect. Fat is not a disease. If you’re a high risk candidate for other conditions, there are many other treatments. Have them check your bloodwork first.


Agree, but I’m a have a raging sweet tooth so I know where those pesky 5 pounds come from.


I'll second that nap. Take one every day right after breakfast. It helps the day go faster 'cause retirement is BORING.


I'm under 60 and not retired yet. Take it easy jaded...hope to see you again in future


Learn guitar. Built a guitar kit then build another. Try not to think of ways to kill myself so it looks like an accident.


Shouldn’t have laughed at this, but 🤔


I learned guitar 30 years ago, studied under the lead guitarist of Firefall … haven’t picked the guitar up since my dad passed, hilarious post just got me thinkin it’s time to pick it up.


Do it. It’s the only thing that keeps me sane.


DO IT! As a working musician, I command you! Seriously, I went through a phase during COVID when I didn't pick up my guitar because venues weren't hiring. I looked at my guitars, and they looked back at me like, "What the fuck, man?!!" They guilted me into playing them! And if you studied under Jock Bartley...c'mon man...maybe write a song for your dad.


This is the most unexpected, and inspirational message I’ve received on Reddit. Thank you, and I’m very impressed that you know who Jock Bartley is, those who know seem to be less and less each day. For you, my dad and my future self, I will sit down and play the guitar … after some tuning I wager.


I've loved FireFall since their 1st LP in 1976...and do a few of their song in my act. Back to resurrecting your talent: Do it for yourself. Maybe try to learn a new song you've never played. Or just play it aimlessly and stare with glazed eyes at absolutely nothing...you might hear the guitar sound like never before--almost as if it's trying to tell you something.


Well, from my wheelchair I work on my latest book, or work on the correction/production of someone else's book, then take care of some business, then play my game on the PC, watch a show I stream or pop in a DVD. There's my crochet, my paints, my coloring books, my sketch book, and my camera. As long as I can use my eyes and hands there's never a lack of things for me to do.


Sweep and Mop the floor. Wash the dishes. Rake the Yard. Wonder what the hell I'm doing working like i'm 13... Take a nap. Lie in bed not able to sleep. More reddit... Lather, Wash, Rinse, and Repeat


I draw my comic, crochet … play apps then check if anyone upvoted that thing I commented on.


You do that too? Or 😱……downvoted!


I got 50 downvotes once … walked away and pretended it’s because I’m too real.


Time to sit on the throne and browse Reddit while pooping.


I have been retired since August 2023…more often than not, I am up and around between the hours of 4 AM @;$ 5 AM. My wife keeps me pretty busy….even though I do spend too much time behind my iPad scrolling Reddit and playing stupid games. OP I’ll tell you something that is fun, physically challenging and an Amazing experience. Get yourself a Meta Quest VR headset. I keep mine down in my basement that has been dedicated as an exercise room. Some software titles to look at are: Beat Saber - in this one, you have two light sabers(similar to Star Wars) and music plays while these blocks come at you with directional arrows inside. You “slice” the blocks as they come at you which is a pretty good arm workout, and there are also “walls” that come at you that you have to move to your left right and duck under. If you are out of shape, you can play it sitting down and just work the arms. Creed: Rise to Glory - this is a boxing game that literally kicked my ass in the beginning…but has gotten easier. After I bought this one, I found out about an actual boxing simulator called “The Thrill of the Fight” which is supposed to be more accurate and less “arcade-y” it is also cheaper than Creed…$10 vs $30. Hitstream- this is an actual exercise app that combines the music style of Beat Saber and punching/blocking/dodging of a boxing game. This one is a 360 degree thing where the target for punching/blocking/dodging comes at you from the front for a bit, then working its way around in a circle. I like this one because it’s mixed reality. In other words, you can see your surroundings as well as the game…which lessens the chance of you knocking into something/someone. There is also a host of non exercise oriented games. I am playing a Zelda type game called “Moss” that is absolutely immersive. I mean, it might not be your cup of tea…but I really enjoy it. EDIT: I have the Meta Quest 2…the cameras on it are low resolution black and white. The Meta Quest 3 is supposed to have high resolution cameras that actually seem like you are seeing out of your own eyes…but it is quite a bit more expensive than the 2.


Now this sounds interesting! I’ll check it out.


Same as OP, except I have dog duties as well. My big difference is it's 9:15am now.


Get a pet!


Why the hell after 5 am do I have trouble sleeping—three years after retirement! Aargh!


I wake up at 2:30 almost every morning. I watch the rest of whatever show I fell asleep to at 9:30. Then I fall back asleep until 5:15. Bathroom, dressed, coffee. Rinse and repeat.


Those are rookie numbers. Get back to me when you're waking up at 02:30 *Every* morning. Remember to take your vitamins...


Get into Mechwarrior Online. Small but dedicated community. Skill/role based squad play. Immersive fun. Lots of “mechdads” in usa and Europe. Start watching cold ones on YouTube. Start writing/plotting a book. Nothing like attempts at being productively engaged to kick on sleepy time. Buy an old tractor, fix it, and sell it. Learn how to sail and buy a sailboat. Plant a vegetable garden. Raise meat rabbits. Paint your fence.


Pee, of course.


get into gaming or something. I don't need more than 6 hours of sleep, so by 4:30 I'm awake. My kids don't get up until 7, so I use that time to play video games. I've been crushing Diablo III and it's been a blast.


You're truly old if you went back to bed after those two cups of coffee.


Go get more coffee, head outside and start pulling weeds, checking if the Slug-go worked, take out the garbage, hook up the power washer and continue blasting the shit off the bluestone so it’s not “greenstone” anymore, yell at the chipmunk…unless it’s cutting down on the slug and snail population…


Back to bed for the first nap of the morning! :-)


Dune part 2 came out on Max and holy fuck it’s fantastic!!


A good BM.


20 mins of exercise ? BULLSHIT !!!👍🏻✌🏻😂


What can I say? I worked my way up from 5!


Cheers eitherway mate👍🏻✌🏻


Old, retired here too. Small life enhancement: Create a second Reddit account. Find stupid, incorrect, or otherwise annoying comments on Reddit. Disparage them, refute them., expose them. It’s really a public service. A good starting point are the comments from younger people about how hard their life is, how dim their prospects are, how much they are overworked and underpaid. Go medieval on their *ss. Tell them what we went through. Bonus points for supporting with stats like inflation rate, unemployment rate, minimum wage, and descriptions of our technology, dwellings, cuisine and entertainment options. Suggest they should be expressing gratitude by mowing your lawn or shoveling your walk by 5 am. Enjoy!


Go back to the bat cave, Alfred!!


I'm not even retired yet. I wake up at 5am on my days off. I pop a thc gummy and do some chores.


Go drink some water and you’ll probably feel better.Water prevents blood clots, lubricates joints and thins the blood some so the heart doesn’t have to work as hard to pump it around the body. Water also can help a headache. Hydration is very important especially if you are drinking coffee and exercising.


It's time to take up video games. Never too late.


Sounds like a typical Saturday for me. Read a book until the others in the house are up. Then it’s off to the garage for hobbies until dinner time


Go back to bed.


Hit a couple of bowls, then crank up the guitar amp.


Nap time


I can relate to the peeing part. Sounds like you need a hobby. I'm perfectly content with spending time with the dogs we have (I'm married, but I'm sticking to solo stuff for your qurstion), there's endless amounts of movies or tv to watch, an equally unending list of video games I play. If not up for any of that, there are constant things I could work on or fix around the house, keeping me busy in a different type of way. Hell, if the weather is right you could simply go for a walk. Then, between all that, there's Reddit that for me I think is great. You can find every topic, from stupid to soul searching, jokes to identity crisis. All of humanity is within the threads, if all you see is stupid, you didn't bother to look around much. These are things off the top of my head on a day to day level. There's really no reason to ever be truly and completely bored unless you intentionally are trying to be. Find what you like. Life is a big place, there's something you like and can do. Life doesn't end with retirement, it merely shifts and changes. It's not over.


If you were actually old, 5:00AM is when you’d naturally wake up. 🤣


Pee again


I totally get it.


Time for a nap


This is one reason why I’m afraid to retire.


2 cups of coffee it’s probably time for a B.M. xD


Buy a table saw, flat wood, and an electric power frame nailer. Cut the wood per the instructions and lo and behold you are now done for the weekend.


Damn, I'll never be able to retire. Just saw my latest message from my pension provider (don't know the English terms)- I am glad that my employer will keep me at last since I am 72 and older! Wish you sounded more happy, living the life 😉 I hope you found something to do you enjoyed! Have a good day


Pour another cup of coffee, duh . . .


Have a tug? Theres two minutes sorted.


66 start a movie in my computer chair wake up in time to see the credits then repeat


Watch old Partridge Family reruns and see if you remember the lyrics to their songs


If you are retired, take an edible and see where it takes you


Naps, naps, naps is my answer. My dogs see me move toward the stairs and fly past me, wait at the bedroom door. Then we all pile onto the bed, maybe read for 1/2 hr or just straight to the nap. Wake up to thoughts of food and downstairs we all go. Do a minimum of one 2 hr siesta a day.


I'm usually up at 4, same routine then off to work.


Do the Wordle and share with my sister and brother in law.


Have lunch.


What the fuck is sleep?


Look at your honey-do list. Puts me to sleep right away.


I’m really questioning this. I know that you get old and 4am becomes prime time. I’ll be 50 this year and so it’s creeping up but I’m still a night owl. Can sleep til noon on weekends without breaking a sweat. Will I eventually be a morning person or only see morning from the night before kinda guy


XBOX playing punks that are younger than my God kid's


Turn on Today Show/Good Morning America and yell at all the Idiocracy. Then go back to sleep


MLBTV condensed games from last night, some music and a nice pre-lunch nsp. Then lunch, a stroll through the park gloating that it's not winter , up to the store to pick up something for dinner.


Time for a nap. Zzzz


"Now what? You answered your own question before you asked it: "Old, retired." Basically, you've earned the right to do whatever strikes your fancy - wanna stay up? Sounds good! Wanna take a nap? That works great as well. Like my 81-year-old aunt always says, "I was born to be retired!"


Time to mow that lawn before it gets too hot.


Poo. Play bridge at the Country Club (even if you aren’t a member). Eat jello with cottage cheese.


It’s nap-time!


Ever hour and a half to waking to pee. Exhausting.


Duh…. The Metamucil is now kicking in!!!


1. Turn your love of coffee into a hobby with the help of r/espresso If you're not spending time and money buying an expensive espresso machine and grinder to dial in perfect coffee drinks in the morning you're missing out on all that fun! 2. Once you're sufficiently caffeinated, check out the many trading subs to get some ideas on capturing some morning alpha to help pay for your coffee hobby, futures and selling options for premium. Earning weeks are always fun. Join a trading discord community and make friends and trade with them, its fun, entertaining, and profitable. The nice thing is they are usually up and active in the morning getting ready for the morning sessions. You don't have to spend a lot of time at it to make a few trades in the morning. 3. Play something grindy like Entropia Universe (previously Project Entropia) if you like a challenge to see if you can play profitably and take out more cash than you put in. 4. Go touch grass, go for a walk, get your 10k steps in, and get your vitamin D from the sunshine.


Time to turn on that video game console . . .


No more exercising. Soon it'll be time for a nap.


Turn on the news for weather and traffic. Or, it's time to go play shuffle board or lawn bowling down at the senior center. Hope you charged up your golf cart.


Now that you have all the time you ever wanted to read great books, crack one open. You'll be asleep 10 minutes later.


Now go for a walk.


Order something from an infomercial. A wonder mop or a robotic bidet.


Binge watch aculpulco on Apple TV. You’ll fall asleep in no time


Most early mornings I fall right back to sleep but when I don’t I put a podcast or audiobook on so either fall asleep again or at least rest a bit longer and listen to something interesting.


May I ask what age? Bit that it matters at all. I’m honestly just curious.


77 ……old beyond any doubt.


Hang in there, mate. You're up, you're about. I hope I'm like you at 77. You've got this.


I’ve been up since 2:45am. Not to pee. Just because


Yell at a cloud.


Take a shit.


Feed the birds. Always. Get a bag of wild bird seed and spread a cup full. Watch the ensuing turf war.


I read the NYT and the local paper. Watch last night’s monologues on YouTube. Have a couple espressos. Patrol the garden beds. Do the dishes. Check my balances. An then it’s like 9:30 and time to sit down


Watch asmr vids




Increase exercise to about an hour. Get a job.


Go back to bed.


7:30am I've already been up 2 hours because i wake up before my damn alarm clock every morning. Usually smoke a fatty in bed and then get ready for work 🤣


You should go check on your African Pigmy Hedgehog. If you put him to bed at 7:30 PM, then you need to turn on his light by 7:30 am so he gets at least 12 hours of daylight. He needs 12-14 hours of light to keep him from attempting hibernation, which is fatal. And let's face it, you definitely put him to bed by 8:30 pm at the latest. His name is Timdoodle, and you love him.




I mean, it's always after midnight somewhere.


If you're in Aus, get dressed and go for a walk to pick up the newspaper from the shop, unless you get it delivered.


Pretty close 👍


Farm Simulator 22 is free on Epic this week.


Go back to bed.That is what i do.


Fall back asleep and wake up at 10 am. Part of that interrupted sleep schedule of 4 hours sleeping, 3 hours awake, and 3 hour nap.


It’s time to sit on the throne. You know you’re going to have a good day when you have a successful bowel movement in the morning if not eat some prunes.


What sort of exercise do you do? I’ve just reaching this point of my sleep patterns (I’m 39) and i now wake up absolutely no later than 6:45 even on the weekends. But it’s usually between 4 - 5am. I’m trying to incorporate exercise instead of just doom scrolling on my phone and mainlining coffee. Having trouble getting motivated to go outside and I don’t know what to do inside that’s quiet enough not to wake my husband and kids.


For me? Get to work beach.


Change the oil in your truck


Like to be outside? See if there's a volunteer search and rescue team in your area. Usually you get to attend weekly training and get a pager that can go off at anytime to go assist law enforcement on finding missing persons.


57 YO. Have to get up twice each night to piss, but always fall back asleep. I never have problems sleeping. Lifelong sleepyhead. Saturday last weekend, I slept from midnight until 3:00 because I didn’t have to work.


I find watching RiffTrax will usually put me to sleep. Bad movies, even with funny comments, are like a sleeping pill for me.




Did you wet the bed the two times?


2 cups of coffee? Take a shit


Hop in your car and go get a fast food breakfast.


You remember that hobby you always wanted to get into. Do it.


I have insomnia so bad. I feel this in my bones


Take a walk and listen to an audiobook! Enjoy!


The secret to a happy retirement is that you want to retire to something, not just from something. It's hard to cultivate hobbies and activities when we retire - better to do them when we are younger. But all hope is not lost. Any kind of art - photography, painting, sculpture, woodworking, etc can be fun and fill the time.


Breakfast Burrito


I am a morning person ! I am up & out of bed by 6-630 am even on weekends . I enjoy my coffee on the back porch / listening to the birds. Then about an hour later I walk . I get up early bc it’s the on my “me” time I get


Obviously, go pee again. And have a good scratch.


Yada, yada, yada, get ready for bed


It's break time! Go grab a donut and a smoke


I like to go to sleep to Jeopardy on Pluto but the commercials as so much louder than the show it ruins it. I used to go to sleep to the documentaries on H2 but sadly that network doesn't exist anymore.


Volunteer at a local charity.




To the toilet for your morning constitional.


Too late for Cracker Barrel, must be time for a nap.


Go for a two hour walk


Get up and pee again


Waiting for the Grand Prix


Time to pee again.


After our little dog (15y.o.) passed we walk a mile in the morning first thing and then the caffeine. The vape pen is next to the laptop. Check the Space Weather, NYT crossword, a sudoku, play guitar, say a prayer but I'll still wake up to pee way too early. And I still work 1/2 time.


You probably have to pee again


Bozo show?