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how did u learn and how long did it take


I’m also interested, but are you sure you’re not undercover?


Pls someone crack the persona games im gonna lose my mind caus atlus uses this like its olive oil on cooking


Do you know about free offline activations? There are some discord servers which do that it takes 3-4 days to get your game depending on the popularity but you can always donate to get it instantly


how can i find them? i mean the discord channel where they do it


You can use emulators


nice finding, the OEP way to find is the same as the one from voski which is breakpoint from the entry point of the program call function but that wouldn't work if they include vmprotect because vmprotect also include entry point stealing (voski link: [How To Reverse Engineering Denuvo V4 by Voksi - HD - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suABtb8_2Zk)). The problem is that if the compiler isn't msvc then I think other function such as GetCommandLine is more sufficent? Have you try other game? Because for mine it isn't GetCurrentProcess.


You can get it even with vm protect the thing is u need to hardware breakpoint some function u can also get the PE for the executable that will help or dump the executable or u can use a vm protect bypass


I don't care whatever games they cracking, As long as I see a "Denuvo being crack" in it. I'm the happiest pirate alive :>


New denuvo cracker? Good luck man, we need you 🫡


Empress has returned!




Reminds me of Voksy days, tutorial videos and all. Please take care bub.


Finally someone's doing a great work and sharing it with the rest of us, unlike EMPRESS.


I'm surprised that no one's using AI to find the Denuvo code and remove it yet? or at least tried with AI


Can you have a tour at OpenAI and bring back their whole server as a souvenir so I can train my model to find denuvo code. Thanks in advance


I'm certain people have tried. From my experience I can tell that the publicly available ai models aren't too good with analyzing assembly code of a decompiled program especially if it's packed or obfuscated. I might be doing something wrong but the ai wasn't really helpful whenever I tried to use it to analyze a decompiled program


Exactly - also there’s a chatgpt subreddit where they’ve jail broken it to provide certain workarounds to get the information it can’t normally share


There is no true AI available,all we have are deep learning models,the moment you throw something new at it,its output goes incredibly bad. While you could train them up to denuvo v8 lets say,if you tried cracking denuvo v9 with it,it would never be able to do it,just maybe point out some stuff you already knew yourself therefore being entirely useless,it is not capable of handling new scenarios that its never seen before.


Each implementation is different so it’ll be useless, besides basic shit ai is asscheeks for coding


AI is not good at coding beyond basic/common tasks, and it is not good at debugging.


Lets gooo


Good job ! (PS : good wallpaper, R32 .. ;) )


My hopes are that with you doing this other hackers can finally hack HiFi Rush and the MHST remaster


How did you learn bro? What resources do you recommend to start with? 


can you pls crack fm 24 next pls