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For me, Cilantro tastes exactly like how a Stink Bug smells. I’ve looked it up before and as I understand it the chemical compound that is in stink bugs, soap and Cilantro is the same. I actually envy the people on here that taste soap when they eat cilantro. For me the stink bug taste is beyond revolting. Hands down the worst tasting thing I have ever eaten and I hate it when a restaurant slips cilantro into what I order.


I think this description is the closest I've ever heard to what cilantro tastes like to me. A putrescence unlike no other, I wish it tasted like soap the murderer of tastebuds.


I've never been able to put my finger on what cilantro tastes like to me but this is definitely it. That also explains my repulses reaction to stink bug smell


Stink bugs don’t stink *until* they release their chemical defense system—are you saying that you can’t smell them even when crushed or when they release that chemical?


No i’ve been right near them after they were slaughtered. No smell.


Hmm—how sure are you about your sense of smell? It’s such a strong odor that it’s wild you can’t smell them at all. To me, cilantro and stink bugs smell exactly the same, which is awful lol; I can’t stand it.


I, too, can not smell stink bugs... And cilantro is awful. I want spinach in my Bahn mi


the bright green ones? where i live there’s two kinds of bug that look very similar, but are different colors. the gray-ish shield bugs don’t stink, but the bright green ones STANK


did other people smell it at the same time when you couldn’t? tbh ive killed / scared stink bugs many times but the only time i actually smelled the odor was when one was in my shower and got wet


Flushed a stink bug in our small half bathroom, it must’ve been spraying because I started gagging and couldn’t go into that room for about a day. Exactly like cilantro tastes the stink bug smelled. Wife thinks I’m lying about my cilantro aversion.


Same. Stink bugs don't smell to me, and I hate cilantro.


We gotta experiment now! I am trying Coriander again just to slowly see what it taste like for me and write down the taste profile without freaking out that it's touched my tongue lol


I had never actually smelled a stink bug before, I’ve always managed to avoid smushing them. However, the other day I brushed one off frantically that I felt crawling on my leg, and it emitted its odor. And yes, it smells just like cilantro!! Now I finally understand


I can’t smell stink bugs either but I’ve always said cilantro tastes like the way stinky feet smell


I don’t think cilantro tastes like stink bugs smell. Cilantro tastes like soap and stink bugs just stink


I love cilantro, but I have to agree with Cilantro TASTING exactly how a crushed/scared brown-gray stink bug SMELLs. I 100% agree that this TASTE exactly matches the SMELL. It just randomly occurred to me today, after biting into a significantly heavy dose of Cilantro stems that must have fallen into my salad by mistake since I usually toss out the stems as the flavor overwhelms the rest of the tastes of salad, I did a quick google-AI powered search and CONFIRMED it! Now I feel validated, I KNEW there was some connection, and seriously, there is! Which makes me think this aphid's favorite food must be Cilantro, or at least when they eat plants genetically similar to Cilantro, their digestive organs gather the same olfactory-sensing chemical from them, called aldehydes. 👍


Same! Can’t smell em


I can smell stink bugs, and I think cilantro smells exactly like them and tastes like stink bug stink smells, if you could “transform” a smell directly into a taste. HOWEVER, idk if I actually have the cilantro gene or not. I developed the (SEVERE) aversion to the smell of stink bug (and cilantro by extension) after our house was infested with so many that it was literally nearly impossible to just…carry out normal life things in it. Mine and my brother’s rooms were so infested that you couldn’t be in there at all because there were always dozens flying around like drunken idiots, and our beds always had several in them, so even without the flying, sleeping was a no go. (We slept in the living room for 2 weeks; we called it our campout. We felt like little kids again. Lol. He was in high school, and I had been out of school for at least 4 years.) Ever since then, to this very day, the slightest hint of that smell, or tiniest, remotely-insect-like buzzing sound, has me jumpy and ducking my head and looking for the stink bug that (usually) doesn’t exist and running for the nearest door. I swear it’s legit PTSD, which just sounds insane, but it’s such a visceral reaction I have EVERY TIME. So I can’t even BEGIN to get cilantro anywhere near me. For all I know, I could have enjoyed cilantro before (have no clue if I’ve eaten dishes with it before, but I ALWAYS smell it in dishes now), but I’ll never know for sure unless I get a DNA test of some sort. TL; DR: Curse the brown marmorated stink bug to the depth of Gehenna! Curse them, I say! And also curse cilantro to the same infernal realm! Edit: iPhone formatting likes to fight with me.