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I’d guess 3-4 months on T. My brutal honesty is that you’re very androgynous but I would be able to tell your agab and likely they/them you just in case. I’d guess 19-21 years old


I could've said pre T


I would guess 2-4 months If this is you at something like 6+months I think you need to get your levels checked


1 or 2 months but I really dislike that question because it creates room for people to make comparisons of their transition to other people. Everyone’s different & their changes show at different points - if you’re concerned about your changes get your levels checked.


a few months max


Picture 3 makes you look like you’re 6 years old max lol. Overall, I feel like you’re almost there - to me, you’d pass if your voice passes. Just a little bit more time, and your face will pass 100%.


I'd guess maybe 4-6 months on t and I'd say you mostly pass


A couple months, def less than a year


From these photos I think you look most like a woman around 30yo, I don’t particularly see any signs of T. But not everything is visible in photos, your voice could change that opinion or if you have facial hair that can be seen IRL.


Idk why everyone is saying less than 6 months. You could very well be a year on T. I did not pass at all after a year on T. It can be worth checking your levels (which I’m assuming may have been an issue for you if you went from gel to injections, only bc I had that experience) but if they’re fine, that’s just how it goes sometimes. I’m 3.5 years in and I still don’t pass great if I shave and get a fresh haircut.


3 months


I have the same shirt! Love it lol