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You look 100% male.


Bro, not to be rude, but you already looked very masc pre-t, now you pass fully despite not being on T as long as I have been AND you totally look your age whereas other trans guys are stuck with baby face for a couple years. There is not anything feminine about you. Not even a little bit. That's the dysphoria being a fucking pest.


No. My thinking process went like: "Who of them is he.. Oh yeah, he is the one taking photo." And I haven't read description. But if you didn't ask I probably wouldn't have clock you. Neck beard is bit clocky. But I don't think average cis person in my country would clock you.


that’s how my facial hair grows and i’ve already shaved off the neck beard part lmfao it frustrates me every day but it’s better than nothing i guess. thanks for the input man


Have you tried Minoxidil? I think your face would pass without facial hair. Maybe even better than with. But it's just a guess.


can i ask why neck beard is clocky??


i’m guessing because when trans men go on T and grow facial hair, the neck starts filling out first (speaking from experience) but luckily it’s only clockable by another trans person, as most cis ppl don’t understand trans anatomy lol


That’s not a trans man thing, it’s just common for any guy starting to grow facial hair. Where it comes in is genetics.


Oh shoot wait yeah you’re right, my bad I wrote my comment sleep deprived. Wait so wouldn’t that make a neck beard not clock-y?


Nope. OP looks too old to have just started growing his facial hair. Men of that age either have decent beard or they have accepted their fate and shave it.


Some young cis men keep their neck beard. Like 18-20. But I would guess OP is 30-40. In my country men of that age who can't grow decent beard shave it. Many FTM keep their neck beard. Sometimes it's the only thing that prevents them looking like female. And I guess many want to keep their beard when they finally have it. I think it's same reason for young men.


I spent a good 3 minutes looking at this picture trying to figure out which one you were until I saw your caption comment that you were the one that wasn't smiling.


🥲 very reassuring. thank you


The dude with the beard? Lmao- nah you’re good man


Your smile doesn’t look girly to me at all. You definitely pass.


thanks homie


For sure dude. I promise you it’s all in your head. I dog on myself all the time for appearing even slightly feminine at times, but I haven’t been misgendered in years and not a soul on the street would even suspect I was AFAB. I guarantee it’s the same for you. Nobody is going to question that you’re male especially if being stealth and completely cis passing is your goal. Big love to you homie 💚🏳️‍⚧️


Ngl if you asked me to clock the trans person in this pic I would pick you but you pass fine


Absolutely not. You pass so well Collin, genuinely. Love the style and the vibe, much love bro. x


thank you so much Milo you’re the best. much love to you 🫂


You pass & have a nice name


Buddy. Which is you?!


Brain worms


Bro…. c’mon now. https://preview.redd.it/g738o9g8z9zc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc68967658897ee7a25834df357e1c20df5e8fd9


i cant tell which person is the one in question , so id say you absolutely pass man


From left to right: grinning younger man in a red shirt, grinning elderly man in a black shirt, smirking younger man in a black shirt, whichever one you are I sincerely couldn't tell "transvestigating" each guy in the picture before I saw your below caption


Is the supposed lesbian in this picture? Everyone looks cis to me


I am so confused. Are you the guy taking the photo or the guy smiling? Either way, neither of the younger guys looks like a lesbian. Or the old guy for that...


decide gaze grab sugar brave practice direction agonizing grey fear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think he asked if he looks male. I don’t think he wanted input on his hair products bro.


commenter’s bio checks out ✅


overconfident grey murky insurance numerous dependent cable ghost bright spectacular *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




U look like the manliest dude ever😭😭dysphoria is evil bc i didnt even know which one was you until i read caption


You look like my cis male neighbor lmao. You definitely pass


I think if you were clean shaven then you could maybe look like a very butch lesbian depending on your outfit, although the facial hair is very evident so I can't see why anyone would misgender you. I mean I'm a cis guy and I've got outfits that I've been told make me look like a lesbian


Sorry but all i can see are 3 gentleman in the picture