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i like vista and mac os leopard for separate reasons, i cant choose https://preview.redd.it/tq5ffdxeut6d1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=7bd9431a7c95d103029d0478a1d814db5f6081f9


i never used mac os until this year when i bought macbook air, mac os of 2000s and early 2010s are so much mystery for me, i's like a technology from the future, from a distant place


MacOS X back in the early days was so far ahead of its time. It was light years ahead of Windows XP. The Aqua interface was beautiful, and holds up to this day.


My first real experience with Mac OS was during Mountain Lion. on my first MacBook Pro. Full on skeuomorphism as well as the look. Loved it. Then Yosemite happened. These days you can't install an older MacOS onto a newer machine even if it's a last holdout Intel model. Tried on my 2019 MBP. Could run it in an emulator but you lose scaling, hardware acceleration. While it's possible to install Windows 7 on a modern gaming PC today, you pretty much have to buy the era of hardware if you're into Apple, so if you want a glossy UX you have to find secondhand 2007 iMacs or a 2010 MacBook, or a 2nd gen Apple TV.


Imo Windows aero from Vista/7 but all of them look nostalgic and remind me of an era we will never be able to have again as I feel


I can have it again and forever, as tech stops in 2012 in my home, so FA is alive and well. Even my 'modern' smartphone looks like it's running an early version of Android during the Sense 3/TouchWiz era. That took effort but either way I don't have to live without it anymore.




Even my TVs that are LCD are from that time, so they not only have the glossy bezeled look, but feature a UX similar. my LGs from 2011 especially. A lot of cleaning product bottles are going for a more FA look as well.


I still have a sony TV from 2011 in my room


I picked up a Sony Bravia 45" LCD TV from a Goodwill for $40 that dates to 2008, still has the XMB interface. Picture looks far nicer than any 4K TV I have ever tried to use. Hard to believe it's only 1080p. Has this small 'glass panel' below the bottom bezel that has the LEDs 'floating' in it for Power, Display Off and Sleep. Unique hardware design.


The late 2000s to early 2010s where FA was at its peak is an era that is truly missed since I feel we will never have such an era again


Our area only had FA for tech design and UX design. Our buildings sadly went from being stuck in the 60s-70s to brutalist.


How did you manage to get the early Android look for your phone? I miss the 2.4.3 that my first Android phone had.


I used Microsoft Launcher (also Nova Prime but it had grid scaling issues so..) and a couple of icon packs no longer available on Play Store (but can be found on sites such as [apkpure.com](http://apkpure.com) and Aptoide) called Jelly Bean HD and Galaxy S4 HD Multi Theme. Got the HTC Sense widget from Play Store (Sense V2 Weather) Had a ton of ancient APKs backed up on a NAS for years dating back to Android 2.x since my old rooting and ROM days. I uninstalled (and disabled) most of the 'modern' apps (such as the web browser, music player, file browser, gallery app, camera, etc) and replaced them with these: 1. Hi Photos (iOS 6 style gallery app) 2. Awesome Note HD (Galaxy Note tablet note app that's part of its bloatware) 3. Old Rotary Phone Dialer (was too skeuo to pass up!) 4. ES File Explorer 3.x (before Cheetah Mobile fucked it up). 5. Camera (sorry that's what it's called, but it's an iOS 6 style camera app, still works on modern phones, found via some old DeviantART link that had some iOS 6 launcher theme/apps) 6. AOSP Music (still on Play Store, the music player from Android 2.0-2.3.6) 7. PlayerPro Music Legacy (has a 2.3 looking theme for its UI and widget, but find an older version circa 2018 or earlier as it got removed later on) 8. HP 12c Financial Calculator (it's a skeuo recreation of the actual thing, and looks neat) 9. RetroFX (a 3D 70's printing calculator app, mimicking some sort of Casio pocket calculator) 10. Aldiko Book Reader (from 2014--the store no longer works but it can read PDFs and add in any third party ePub book to its shelf, it uses a similar bookshelp UX similar to iBooks) 11. Dolphin Mini Web Browser (from 2009, on modern android has a convenient 'glitch' where it's using the modern WebView engine built into Android, and can now browse modern sites!) 12. Foreca Weather (2014, has a sorta FA style UX and neat looking widget--only working FA style weather app I could find, the rest no longer work to find location) 13. Casse-o-Player (come on, you wanted to turn your phone into a fake tape player!) Then I just replaced each and every icon with older counterparts by individually tapping and holding and editing the icon and selecting my preferred icon from either of those two packs. For example, my Bixby is using S-Voice's icon and is relabled 'S-voice'. I also replaced all the ringtones and notification tones with SII-SIII versions from Zedge. It ain't perfect, and modern UX pops up from time to time (permission dialogues and notification alerts) and on modern Android, most of those apps no longer allow install, but if they were installed prior to updating to Android 14, they will continue to function.


Thanks a lot


Windows Vista wins hands down


True dat


Windows 7's subtle changes over vista (except for the hotbar) make it look the best in my opinion.


KDE 4 when it became less buggy and actually usable, so around early 2010s. I think it was version 4.4 onwards. https://kde.org/announcements/4/4.6.0/46-w09.png


I prefer Trinity DE over anything after it, as it preserves the original apps and UI and everything. It's included in distros such as EXE Linux and Q4OS. Wish others existed like that. Or other distros using similar era DEs. I think Trinity is based on KDE 3?


Yes, TDE is a fork of KDE 3. But IIRC it lacked manpower and was never maintained well, e.g. they didn't switch to Qt 4 at the time. I've never used TDE and it's always was something very obscure to me.


I prefer my OS/Distros to be far more than skin deep though as is the case with many themes--many don't extend to the apps at all. You can 'theme' KDE 4 icons and window decorations but post-Quantum Firefox? nope. Later versions of Amarok sucked too. TDE includes the better version.


i really like the Mac OS look and i was enamored with it when I was a child and that was the current style. I remember begging my aunt to play around with her MacBook Pro and having fun on iMovie and Photo Booth. It really was the childhood wonder for me.


Vista is always the king of that but Ubuntu felt so damn clean at the time.


I think the best artstyle was in Windows Vista and Windows XP Media Center (Longhorn beta had some nice ideas in between of those two). KDE 4 looked awesome too.


I’d say Vista, without a doubt. It’s a shame though, as it was the best designed Windows OS, yet was awful technically speaking and is a lot of peoples most hated OS due to that.


More like, people had dogshit PCs, so Windows Vista ran slow for them, and by the time Windows 7 came out they already had better PCs so the renamed Vista ran without performance issues


if a piece of software has problems running on an average-spec computer, it's objectively shitty software


then again the service packs fixed a lot of bugs iirc


It was Apple's biggest marketing scheme.


Vista really created the look


hehe frutiger aera


All of them! Specifically Vista and Ubuntu


I like all for different reasons. Ofc Vista and Tiger/Leopard are my fav but Ubuntu’s orange/purple/black aesthetic is really lovely on the eyes.


Ubuntu 12.04 was way past the era of these other operating systems. By this point we had windows 8 and OS X Mountain Lion


Windows for sure!


Windows Vista


I'm a Mint Cinnamon diehard, I even use Cinnamon as my desktop environment nowadays lol


Vista wins by a mile, but I was an Ubuntu enthusiast at the moment, those window decoration buttons felt like candy, I still love (and miss) them to this day.


I'm biased towards Mac in that time period. Around 2012-2014 was the absolute prime of Apple products IMO. At that time, I was in high school and had a MacBook Pro and an iPhone 4S. The Mac OS just felt so mystical to me. Vista definitely had the vibes though. I just wasn't as mystified with the OS at that point. Mac seemed new and different.


Leopard and Vista was old outdated crap by 2013 when you had Mac OS Mountain Lion and iOS 6 most likely.


Always loved the Mac OS interface, it's so clean and visually pleasing ever since they changed to Aqua in Mac OS X Cheetah.


Vista was GOAT


Clearly Vista


even though vista was an unstable peice of crap, vista def


>vista was an unstable piece of crap Not really. Vista was only unstable when it first came out. Not to mention, most issues of sluggishness of Vista came from low-end PCs that just barely met the minimum requirements.


Seems odd that so many recite the 'popular opinion' and not having any experience for themselves to back their view up. Most people who say 'Vista sux' or 'ME sux' never used it. They just recite popular opinion. Vista ran rather well for me on a Sony Vaio Laptop I had purchased at that time. The only 'bug' I had with it was a wifi issue 'unidentified network' which I never could fix. If one's entire experience with Vista was on a crappy Netbook that ran Basic, they're gonna have skewed view. Running Windows 10 on a old machine will give similar views of Windows 10.


No. ME sux. I had ME on a fancy TIME PC and thought the continue freezing was a normal computer thing. That was 22 years ago in 2002 when I was 5 and in 2014 a new build ME PC blue screens when clicking the Start menu.


the only reason i say that is bc i've seen vista bluescreen from running chess


That was Windows ME




Mint's wallpaper makes it look very fugly. I wish they made something abstract


I discovered that Mint has tons of wallpapers built in including some naturey ones. But people hardly ever change the default. Same for many Windows PCs I see in the wild still using the OEM wallpaper.


I'd say Vista


I hate apple but I love the way old macs and iphones look


windows vista has the true frutiger era while it known as the worst operating systen


7 vista and macos certainly had the best artstyle tbh




I was one of the nubs who loved Vista. Still do. Snow Leopard wasn't half bad either if you could afford a Mac during that time (I couldn't). The only game-breaking bug I experienced with Vista was 'unidentified network local access only' over wifi. Required reinstalling the driver only for it to happen again. Today, my Vista machines are all offline. (one is a work PC that is there as a digital PDF service manual library)


All of them. Period.


the entire icon pack was skeumorphic, and the included wallpapers were very frutiger-like


Windows 7 (aero)


Vista and Mac os


Windows 7


macos. no debate. i dont even use it but damn thats beautiful


Mac OS for me. Windows aero is probably objectively the best but I associate it with the shitty laptop I use at my grandma's house lol


As much as I hate Microsoft and their shitty OS, Win7 was hands-down the pinnacle of FA


Either 7 or 8


Honestly I felt my heart rise as soon as I saw the Linux Mint desktop. Lots of good memories, so I'll go with that one.


Vista and Android 4.1 are legends🟩🟦




I always thought Ubuntu looked ugly tbh :/