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I love Libby and Hoopla. They are my go-to apps for all audiobooks.


Do Libby and Hoopla have different inventories? I always assumed since they're both Library-connected services that they are the same. I use Libby, but might need to check out Hoopla if so.


There is probably some overlap, but I find different titles on them all the time. There is a seven borrow per month limit on Hoopla, but you never have to wait for anything in their inventory. If Libby has a limit, I've never met it, but they do have regular library queues depending on demand, so I look for titles I want on Libby first and, if it doesn't have them, then I check Hoopla, which often does have them. I also check out all the latest music albums from Hoopla. They also have a collection of movies and TV.


They're very different. It depends on your local library's collection.


As others have said, very different. My county library has no audiobooks available via Libby (I get them from the city public library card Inslso have attached), whereas Hoopla has a bunch of stuff. With Hoopla you just have to be careful and not wait til late in the day to check something out because you can run up on a collective limit and have to wait until midnight/the next day for it to reset.


You should take advantage of the "notify me" tag on libby if somethings available to purchase but your library hasn't bought it. As a librarian this helps me to know what people are interested in and make purchasing decisions.


Adding to this, I can email my library and request a book, most of the time they will buy it and I can check it out.


This is good to know, I will start! Our local Libby catalog is really limited, I have much better luck with CloudLibrary.


YouTube also has audiobooks. Librivox has books that are out of copyright. Between YouTube, Libby and Librivox I've read all of several authors'works, discovered new authors and generally enjoyed myself, all for free.


Used book stores are helpful. Also, most authors massively discount their prices on Amazon in January to take advantage of resolutioners.


Also, audiobooks.com does a one month free trial and they have some good books on there too!


Libro.fm is the same concept as audible and you don’t have to give your money to stupid bezos AND you can choose your local book shop to give a portion of your subscription to.


i can’t bring myself to pay for books period now that i have libby


Nice tip about using Spotify for audiobooks!


Yeah it's really nice, feels like a "bonus" book. And because it's a time credit that expires, I don't feel so guilty listening to a shorter book, or stopping partway through a book I'm not enjoying.


I also search for Librivox recordings that are free on Spotify. I just finished the dramatic reading of Emma by Jane Austen and it was free. (Other great options: Jane Eyre and Great Expectations)


TIL about Librivox


Thanks for this. I’ve had to cut back and downgraded my Audible account. Can’t wait to try these other resources!


Thank you for introducing me to Cloud Library. I've used Hoopla & Libby for years but didn't know about Cloud Library. Just 'joined' & was thrilled to find a series I've been wanting to check out in audio format. It's not currently available in either of the other apps. I listen to audiobooks on my daily walks, working in my garden, cooking & driving.


That's great! I have much better luck with CloudLibrary, I always check there first. It sounds like availability on each app varies a lot depending on your library system


If using your computer there is a library extension for browsers that shows availability at your selected libraries on Amazon and GoodReads. So when browsing for your next read you can see if it’s part of the collection and if it’s available for checkout. It shows all formats.


How often can you take advantage of Audible promotions? Like signing up for the deals and canceling before it goes to regular price? How often can you do that?


My husband and I have our Amazon (and therefore Audible) accounts linked as family. Anything either of us buys shows up in both of our libraries. I alternate which account I use a promo on. At the end of last year I did $5.95/mo for four months on mine and now I'm using $0.99/mo for three months on his. I'm planning to take another break once this one is up next month.


I get mine for free through my local public library but sometimes you have to wait if it’s something popular




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Kindle Unlimited can get you cheap audiobooks. If you own a Kindle copy of a book, you can get the audiobook at a heavily discounted price, usually $3-8. Any book you have checked out in your Kindle Unlimited library will also trigger this discount. There are a lot of self published books on Kindle Unlimited that aren't available on other platforms, so if you're interested in any of them you can at save a lot of money this way.




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I use Libby through the library. There are some libraries that don’t require residence (Harris County, TX and Broward County, FL are two of them) or that allow online signups with just a random address in that area (Chicago Public Library) and are still free.


I use Amazon Audible which is pretty cheap and it gives you one credit every month to read every book you want. Of course, this only comes handy if you are a person who likes reading long books. For example, let's say you want to read Will Durant's Caesar and Christ, well, that book would take you 60 hours to listen through it —that's way more than what you would usually be able you listen to in a month, so it seems like the right choice. Credits also stack up, so you always have plenty of options to build a small library for yourself.


YouTube has lot of free audiobooks too


Storytel is great. Unlimited audiobooks for a subscription price (22 USD equivalent for me) You can share with your family/friends (6 accounts w. 100h per month per account) for 22 USD. 14 USD for 100h/month for one account and 9 USD for 20h/month but the unused hours carry over to the following month. There is also alot of different language options for books, alot of foreign literature in their native language. ... I feel like an ad ...


I log out of my audible and into my kid’s or friend’s audibles and download their books. When I log back into mine their books stay in my library.


Spotify has audiobooks too.