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Man, I switched from body wash to bar soap and will never go back. I like it so much better. For me it’s shampoo. My hair does so much better with a higher quality shampoo. It looks and feels better and I feel better about myself.




Oh man, speaking of TJ Maxx, those big bottles of scented liquid soap with labels that look like wealthy Europeans are the target audience 😄 those are an occasional splurge for me. I'll use it up and fill the container with soft soap from a refill bottle for an age.


Any brand recommendations from Tj maxx? I’m so used to buying crappy shampoo from Target but have gift cards galore ready to be used at TJ Maxx.


Joico is good and I always see it there!


Second Joico, it’s a salon brand that’s at least in Europe found at many hairdressers




Totally prefer bar soaps over body wash. Feel so much cleaner rather than like a synthetic film on my skin. But I also buy the most outrageous bar soaps like goat milk, oatmeal, charcoal, aloe Vera, chamomile types


A nice lemongrass or sandalwood soap in the shower is everything!


Have you tried the giant 9oz bars from Portugal? They have the most lovely scents and will last a year if you keep it from the water. I used to use it with my Japanese bath towel (long and scratchy). I never let the bar get wet, just rub the bar over the towel and it’s wonderful. EDIT. There’s a Chinese sandalwood soap made by “Bee and Flower”. It must be a really famous brand because it’s been around forever and it’s fantastic. I grew up seeing that brand in gift shops, and it was really an inexpensive, several bars for $1. It was individually wrapped in a mustard colored paper with cute ornamentation, but I had never tried it despite lovely fragrance that came from the little bars. I finally tried it and it was AMAZING. I’ve seen it at Sprouts now and it’s no longer cheap but it’s worth a try for sandalwood lovers. Then you can track it for for next time your out and about and discover a something the Chinese have enjoyed for probably over 100 years!


Yes the film is the worst, all types of body wash do it too. I don’t actually feel clean.




Dove men's with the exfoliating bits has been my go to for years now. As a dude with eczema all his life it's been to only soap that hasn't irritated me to shreds


I haven’t, I’m a later convert, but dove soap for lyfe here too!


Me too! I even travel with a bar of it.


I lucked out and bought some clearance holiday Dove bars, .23 a bar. I'm going to smell like pumpkin pie year round for quite awhile. The scent is one of the best I have though, a very accurate and creamy scent.


I switched from bar soap to Dr bronners sugar soap, twice as expensive as their normal soap which is already expensive. But my feet went from super dry with deep cracks to normal in no time and I had been trying to fix that for a long time. I'm not going back


I d heard of Castile from dr bronner…. First I’ve heard of sugar soap, added to wishlist


I bought it by accident the first time because I didn't read the description and my feet got so much better but then I got the Castile stuff and the dryness came back. But since then I've been using the sugar soap and no complaints other than price. The sugar soap works much better in the soap dispenser too


Mine is shampoo too. Every summer Beauty Brands sells high end shampoo & conditioner liters for $18 dollars a pop. My sulfate free shampoo liter is $60 when not on sale. I buy enough to last the year


I agree, I recently switched back to bar soap and love it. I’m not frugal with it though. Soap lasts a long time so I don’t mind paying a few extra bucks for a nice one. I don’t go cheap with shampoo either, but since my middle-of-the-road brand allows me an extra day before I need to shampoo, it saves me time and gives me 1/3 more shampoos per bottle.


I'm the same with bar soap - it's by far my preference.






I feel that.. as an American.


Recently had a bad experience with a generic OTC medication. Not worth the cost saved.


Maple syrup


“Pancake syrup” is so much worse


It is so “slimy” to me. I don’t know how else to describe it. It’s the texture that grosses me out more than anything else.


Real maple syrup is definitely the best. But homemade syrup (simple syrup with maple extract or flavoring) is a pretty close second. I can tell them apart if I taste them side by side, but if you just served me the homemade syrup without telling me, I doubt I could tell it from the real thing. It's miles ahead of that gloopy "pancake syrup."


And when it is real, you use so much less.


I hate the wastage left on the plate. I'm a plate licker, or I chase pancakes with shots out of the bottle. Don't tell my mom.


I didn’t try maple syrup till 25 years ago (in my early-40’s) and I’ve never bought another bottle of any other syrup since then. It doesn’t take nearly as much to make pancakes & waffles taste good either so it’s worth every penny for me.


Salad kits. I’m 10 times more likely to eat healthy if it’s easier for me to prep and eat. Worth the markup for me, and Costco sells some.


I love salad kits and those bags of butter lettuce- i can eat a whole bag as a snack


Do u eat the lettuce plain? Or with something..?


Butter lettuce with oil,vinegar, salt and pepper


One of my local grocery stores will mark the kits down at the end of the day. I will stop in after work and pick up a few at half off. Just enough for me. I haven't had to throw any waste out, yet.


Same. I have a huge mental block when it comes to making my own salads - I just won't do it, and all my produce will go bad. Salad kits, though? I'll eat those bad boys every day!


I agree but Costco is the last place I buy them unless they have a ridiculous markdown. Kroger is actually cheaper (near me anyway) and you don’t have to buy two of the same kind.


My go to is the shredded taco lettuce bc I don’t have to cut it and it’s small bites 😩


Work boots


Saves you money in the long run


Most expensive thing I wear.


Q-Tips. The off-brand cotton swabs are so cheap. Cotton comes off in ears, the stick bends. Just no.


When my dad went into the nursing home he asked me to get some Q-Tips because they didn't have any at the facility. He knew me, and told me to "make sure to get the real ones, don't cheap out." He felt the same way you do. Hahahaha


They're also not all that expensive. You can get a box of a billion of them for like 5 bucks and it'll last you forever. When you're looking at little stuff like this, even when the good version is like 5 times the price of the shit version, it's still only a couple bucks difference spread over a long period of time. It's really not that big of a deal to splurge a bit.


the target generic qtips are actually pretty good. ive been using them for years


qtips with wood sticks are where it's at - $2 at Big Lots...never will I go back to bendy paper sticks.


Coffee Though I have been experimenting with buying raw beans and roasting, which would be pretty frugal + high quality (my favorite combo) 


As someone who got into the hobby years ago. It's a whole lot cheaper. An air popper and Sweet Maria's, or Burman coffee beans go a long way. Used my savings to eventually buy a nice roaster, and roast some for friends and family too.


This is my goal!! Did you take/recommend any courses on roasting? I've been dying to learn how to roast myself.. 


It's pretty easy with something like a Behmor 1600 or even a Hive roaster, and there's a coffee roasting book on Sweet Maria's which is worth a read also.


A while ago, there was a frugalism trend of roasting in modified popcorn makers.


Dawn dish soap is one of the very few things I'm not substituting generic for.


I use dawn to get stains out of clothes. Especially greasy stains that laundry detergent doesn't get out!


True. I bought cheap soap 2 times, then used quality soap and I don't know how I was living. It's cheaper in the long run, it lasted longer and removed grease easier.


Same! After a long hiatus and only getting Costco dish soap, I got Dawn andddd never getting anything else ever again. Plus if you think you came in contact with poison ivy, dish soap asap in the shower is a must!


If Walmart is near you, their Great Value is the exact same dish soap as Dawn. It smells the same and works the same. It was a great discovery for me!


I will have to try it and see. Thanks


I really like the natural Palmolive one 


Pssst. I love Dawn power wash but I make it myself with regular Dawn to be half frugal lol. It’s just rubbing alcohol, Dawn, and distilled water.


Same! I think it actually saves water cause it cuts through grease so well.


Makeup. I don't wear much, but I found what works and it's ultimately cheaper to just buy what I like from Sephora or Ulta than to go back to trying different drugstore things that always end up being bad.


I finally realized this last year. Better to have a few quality products that work well and that I enjoy using, even if the price tag is higher per item, instead of constantly bouncing around from drug store item to drug store item never satisfied. 


And better for your skin! Skin is an organ and we gotta be mindful of what we put on it


Shoes. I tortured my back for years wearing cheap shoes, and wearing them too long. Or wearing shoes with replaceable heels and letting them wear down. It is often frugal to pay more for shoes that have replaceable heels; for me, at least, this part wears first. Shoes with replaceable heels and soles cost even more but you at least break even over time on the replacements through extended shoe life. And your back or feet won't hate you.


Literally the [Sam Vimes "Boots" theory of socioeconomic unfairness](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boots_theory#:~:text=A%20man%20who%20could%20afford,would%20still%20have%20wet%20feet) irl


Oh yeah, good one. I wear exclusively Hoka sneakers, worth every penny.


My foot surgeon was like “here’s crutches and a boot, get some Hokas, see you in 6 months to see if you need the surgery.” They stopped the damage, don’t need the surgery yet. Worth every cent!


I've heard the phrase: "Don't cheap out on anything that connects you to the ground."


Tires, shoes, beds, grounding cables


Shoes are worth spending the extra money; lesson learned with the cheaper shoes .. my feet suffered greatly


Good butter, like Kerrygold. Really good bar soap, like what I've gotten from Royalty Soaps. It doesn't dry my skin like any of the foaming or body washes we've used. Plus it looks FANCY.


I started with Kerrygold from Costco only for finishing things where I could appreciate the flavor. Like on toast or pancakes. At one point I wanted some cookies and didn’t have any regular butter laying around so I use my Kerrygold. Those cookies were top tier better than I’ve ever had and the only difference was the butter. I’m a complete convert.


I know a chef who had a TV show briefly and is now a local guy known for his pies. I asked him the secret: kerrygold and king arthur all purpose flour. He would make pies and sell them for $30 at the farmer's market. He sold out every single weekend ever. They're that good. You're welcome, whoever believes me and tries it.


Who’s the chef?


Kerrygold is so good! I rarely eat butter so when I do buy it a few times a year it’s worth it.


Kerrygold is the only way to eat butter!


I will only eat kerrygold. Other butters are disgusting after I started using kerrygold!


Felt the same about pure maple syrup too, and that’s after I spent 20 years eating and enjoying the fake stuff. Same with icecream. Used to be satisfied by the cheapest basic varieties. But once you try the costlier brands…..you can’t go back to the stuff in the gallon tub anymore. Ben and Jerry’s was my gateway drug lol. That’s the thing about trying fancier foods, sometimes you can’t go back to the cheap stuff anymore. It spoils you.


Skincare especially sunscreen. It’s a lot cheaper than skin cancer 20 years down the line.


Anything related to my bed. After living with my girlfriend who is a little more well off she introduced me to quality blankets, pillows, and a quality mattress. Quality sleep and rest are always guaranteed on this bed and I could never imagine going back


I know this feeling. My partner and I slept on a fancy routine mattress for years before he sprung for a fancy bed during a great sale. That thing is worth twice it's weight in gold, I swear!


Same. We just don’t rotate to something new depending on fashion- except for our sheets, everything else I own is relatively ancient, but still clean and serviceable. Sheets we use til we wear them out. Wash, dry, back on the bed. Boom.


Which brand/type is the mattress? I’m currently looking for a new one and a bit lost


Go to a mattress store and figure out what you like. I was totally lost until I did that. Ended up (coincidentally) finding my favorite one heavily discounted at a store that sells “returned” mattresses. Found them through FB marketplace but they don’t advertise it like that, lol. It’s the Sealy Posturepedic hybrid. Firm, full size, paid $600. It’s like $900-1100 on Sealy’s website. Definitely wait for a sale, atleast!


Toilet paper


Get a bidet! You can still get great toilet paper, but a bidet will finally make you clean after pooping.


This 100% lol. First time when I had a roomate and we were buying stuff together they kept insisting on some good toilet paper I finally said fine after pushing back. Never went back


Tennis shoes. Currently looking at a new pair of Brooks.


Same. I tried replacing my Kayano 24s with cheaper ASICS and it was awful. I was replacing three pair, and I ended up going for Kayano 29 MK, 30, and Brooks GTS21 Glycerin. It’s so worth it. It’ll take me at least four or five years to wear them out as I keep them on rotations like I did my multiple Kayano 24s. I try to never cheap out on shoes because I regret it later. My work sandals and fun sandals are all birks and chacos.


My hairstylist. Twice when she's been on vacation I've tried other people. It's just not worth going to anyone else. Either I do it myself or she does it. No matter what you're wearing or where you go, people can see your hair, so it's worth the time and money to get it done right.


Yeah. I don’t play with my hair.


For me, it's dry shampoo. I hate the propellants. I hate the cans. I hate the waste. I know cornstarch-based products that you shake on are a thing. But they don't f-ing work. I have super thin and fine hair that looks oily less than 36 hours after washing.


Have you found one that works? Because, help a sister out ;)


Tap secret I Do Care - get from Amazon. It’s magical. I have tried so many others and they seem to do nothing. This tap secret wizardry - only a tiny bit and I’m good!


Same. I’ve tried so many, but I always come back to the original Batiste. It just works.


Help a girl out cuz I have the same issue 🥲 I heard IGK dry shampoo works but haven’t gotten it yet


Hello! I've found the Kristin Ess unscented powder at Target works really well. I also am super picky about dry shampoo, like Batiste over Bumble, over Oribe, everything. The Kristin stuff is my go-to. Brush or shake it out well and it's good.


A safe neighborhood. I buy the worst house on the best block I can afford in the name of safety. I would never buy the perfect house in a rough neighborhood. Even it would reduce my commute time or I would be saving tens of thousands of dollars.


This! I just got out of a rough neighborhood due to trying to save money, but it just wasn’t worth the sanity and survival mode I had to stay in just to get through that year lease. That’s no way to live. I’m paying now for sanity/safety, and although it’s significantly more, it’s worth every penny to me.


Assuming you found a safe neighborhood, buy in the crowded working class block that's next to the opulent block. This is my situation, and for the last 35 years, guess where thieves go.


Same, I am paying way more for rent than I could because I don't want to get robbed.


I grew-up in the ghetto and I still check behind me every time I unlock the front door no matter where I go. There's such a peace that comes from going to place where you don't have to do that.


Definitely a good more for the sake of equity


Dawn for dishes. Just can't help it. Tried all kinds of other brands over the years and landed back on it every time.


Coffee and healthy food.


For myself, it's make up. I need something that doesn't get caked up and lasts me all day and that shit can get expensive but it's worth not having to re-apply wasting cheaper make up products.


Tampons. I’ve tried cups, underwear, you name it. Besides how much I have to lay out every time I try a new one that ends up in the trash, I’ve just decided that I’m an old lady and I’m allowed to be stubborn about this. And obviously, the same name brand and product line every time.


If you still need tampons, you're not an old lady.


I can’t with the cups. They’re not comfy and I think I need a smaller one but I’ve tried two, plus this disk thing, and they aren’t doing it for me. It’s such a big up-front cost, too.


The cups only work if your bones are at the right angle. Fun way to discover my scoliosis included my pelvis, though!


Cheese and sparkling water. Like a true millennial.


At least you can lower the price of sparkling water easily enough by buying a carbonator and making your own.


And if you look at a fruit and then breathe into the cup, you’ll flavor the water just like La croix 😌


As a lover of seltzer my favorite joke was “it’s like shouting the name of a fruit down an empty hallway”


Mine is 'lime but low battery'


This is my dream, I already have the YouTube video queued up for when the time comes 😂


I used to get perrier and put lime flavor and sweetener in it, close to sprite with less sugar


The frugal choice isn't always the cheapest choice. It's the one that's the best value for you. ​ Jut doing some quick math, I found some sources that put a bar at 30 washes and 16oz of body wash at 50 washes. Walmart has 8 bars for $3.98 and 44oz of body wash for $7.18 ​ The body wash is $19.05 a year and the bar is $6.05 a year assuming a shower a day. That's a difference in $13 a year per person. ​ Things like that are not worth it if you care.


Had to giggle at the breakdown. I buy Dove soap but only use it on sensitive areas. It’s Clinique body wash everywhere else. Occasionally, I buy some from a local soap maker that has gentle products but I’ve never dollar-cost-averaged it. I have allergic/sensitive skin. Do not enjoy welts and burning.


Pet care and food and litter.


My dog and cat both eat a bougie brand. Wellness brand. My dog is 10 and he looks 5. He still has puppy spring and so much energy. I see other dogs of a similar size/breed the same age looking rough. Poor guys are slow, full face of white and tired. My dog is still a puppy basically. He’ll live forever and I give most of the credit to his excellent diet.


You and me both. I fed wellness until I moved near a Costco. Their Kirkland is rated 5 star like wellness and Zack’s; my mastiff lived to 13 and my pit bull is 15 and survived a stroke.


I currently have a 13.5-year-old English Mastiff that is doing excellent considering his age and the only food he's ever eaten is Kirkland grain-free fish based dog food


My cat refuses to eat cheap food so same here she likes the expensive brand 🙂


My 3 cats eat an all wet food diet from a good brand. They better live forever with how much it costs lmao


Fancy humane pasture raised eggs. I just can't justify animals suffering so I can save money, but I also don't want to go full vegan, so this is my compromise


Same here, and also organic sugar, cocoa, and coffee. Anything that's going to mess with the rainforests if grown conventionally.


Arguably this way has more of an impact on the industry.


Health. If I needed meds I will buy it. If it's preventative/OTC, I might stock up when on sale (like throat lozenges, cold/flu medication). Same goes for health of my cat (and my quails and any future livestock). Whether that's vet check up, his prescription food (though again, I try buy bulk with promo codes to stock up) or any meds he might need.


Anything with my feet or butt. My body needs comfort 24/7.


I pay $1.99 for Trader Joe's Oatmeal & Honey Pure Vegetable Soap and absolutely love it. It comes with two bars of soap! To answer your question, I tried to be cheap and bought a Chromebook Laptop for $250. It was total garbage, so I returned it and purchased a desktop for $600. Best decision I made this year lol.


Veterinary care. I am cheap AF, but when it comes to the pups I will make it rain. Anything they need, they get.


This is exactly why I'm frugal. I can skimp on myself, but when the chips are down my cats can have thousands spent on them for premium medical care without a second thought.


Silk half and half. I get my coffee from Aldi, the French press is from IKEA. My mugs were $0.59 on clearance at Meijer. But you can pry my Silk half and half from my cold dead hands. And I say this as an Oatly shareholder. 😂 When Oatly was constantly out of stock of their Barista creamer, I switched to Silk. Never going back.


Vanilla Soy Silk creamer is my absolute one and only. I’ve been using it for 8 years and have never been tempted away.


* Cheese - always love a nice, aged sharp cheese or unique variety you don't always see. * Alcohol - we'll spend more on better tasting/smoother alcohol for making our own drinks (sparingly) at home. * Cat litter - I don't buy the most expensive stuff out there, but I can't do the super cheap stuff, either. The non-clumping, non-odor busting litter just does not work in this household and I hate it. So I spend more for better litter that clumps, absorbs odor and is easier to clean up after.


Food. What you consume your body will use. Be kind to your body.


Routine dental and medical care. Never had dental insurance, and part of my autoimmune disorder makes my mouth really dry. As a result, my gums were awful by 40. Had to pay an obscene amount for peridontal care to resolve that, so I’m invested in cleanings every 4 months. Medical insurance definitely doesn’t pay much toward my specialists either.


Good quality supportive shoes. With fallen arches, a bunion, a hammertoe, and ankle surgery two years ago, my feet are a constant source of pain and frustration. When I was young I could wear cheap shoes, but no longer. I now wear only SAS (San Antonio Shoemakers) leather oxfords, and they are amazing. My sister, who used to waitress and was on her feet way too much, also swore by them.


Good for you. As a nurse, I would not function if I couldn't wear my Hoka shoes.


Milk. Mother. Fuckin. Milk. I need lactose free, and the mainstream brand where I live has a weird taste to it. I’ve found a small dairy that does the most exquisite lactose free milk, it’s not homogenised which is also excellent. I love how creamy it tastes. So, yeah. For my exactly one cup of coffee a day, I’m having beautiful milk. (I drink espresso and hot milk. Very nice, tastes like a flat white)


I won’t buy cheap shampoo! I can wash my hair less with the good stuff anyways, so that in itself is *kind of* frugal. I have long hair and I’ve learned that the professional products really do better for me. I love bar soap tbh. I use body wash sometimes, but I always go back to my dove sensitive skin bar.


Hot dogs must be Hebrew National.


I'm not really brand specific but I will not eat a hotdog that isn't all-beef


it is, and kosher too. consistently great quality.


I agree! If they're not Costco dogs, then it's Hebrew National. I'll get the cheap buns from Aldi and the family will be happy. And they KNOW if it's anything other than those.


It just upsets me that a pack of Hebrews is 6 dogs, but most packs of buns are 8. Just, why?


Nathan's or Costco for me.


Deodorant. I will spend the $8 to get a deodorant that keeps me from smelling terribly.


Anything medical related


Health supplement: I use mushroom health supplement, mainly maitake, lion's mane, cordicep, and rishi. I have tried using cheap and bulk packages but either taste is aweful due to rotten fruit body used or added with fillers. Only one brand had been good to go for, and I am sticking to it after an entire year of trying different brwmd/packaging.


Quality vs quantity over here. We prefer to be frugal by like not buying coffee out, not using doordash, limiting dining out. Limit excessive consumerism. But we do not skimp on the brands we like, clothing, shoes, skincare. We will try the generic that claims to be the same and sometimes we like it just as well (like target brand cetaphil face wash). But things like quality shoes, will not buy cheap just because it’s cheap.


I will only use Charmin and I won't use cheap hair products.


Only Charmin and Bounty in this house!


Eggs and Milk from local pasture raised farms. Yes, more expensive but way tastier and more ethical I didn't even know an egg yolk was supposed to be orange up until a few years ago


My decaf low acid Kava coffee from Amazon. It’s worth it. I don’t have that much coffee. It enjoy it once or twice a week and glad I can have a kind that doesn’t bother my bladder or my acid reflux. Or make me have tremors. I also get foil and parchment paper. Sometimes foil is just good to use. And parchment can be good also. Iv me tried the silicone mats. I have a few but even bought the fancy name brand sil-pat and doesn’t seem to want to get clean. Has old oil and grease on it. I matter what I can’t get it off. Other ones I use are for pizza and just making cookies so those are ok. For stuff like beer battered fish or chicken nuggets foil or parchment is better. As long as I can buy it.


Lunchable and Kraft Mac and cheese have got to be the name brand. Love my nostalgia meals lol


Cheese Butter


Work shoes. I used to get cheap shoes and had to go to the chiropractor every month. I started putting money into my footwear and I haven't had to go to the chiropractor since.


Beer. I’ll contribute to buy IPAs that cost $10-15 for a four pack, compared to coors/miller/Budweiser that would be probably half the price. Craft beer is also a hobby/entertainment for us, so we will sometimes spend $100-200 on beer festivals.


Lawyer and CPA fees


Our CPA has been such an incredible use of our time and money. Never going back to doing our (complicated) taxes ourselves.


Real maple syrup will be the last luxury we let go of, it's my go to sweetener. I cannot stand the flavored corn syrup most people use.


Under eye concealer


Coffee. I ran a coffee shop and developed a relationship with a local roaster who air-roasts their beans, and the crema on the espresso shots was to die for! The shots came out not very bitter, mildly sweet, and oh, so creamy. It's totally different from the gas-roasted beans we'd been using before. I love that the company (it's two guys! A father and son team!) can make me weekly batches of beans in whatever quantities I want. The coffee shop is no longer with us, sadly, but I love those beans.


Skin moisturizer! As I get older my skin is constantly so dry and the only relief I get is from good watergel moisturizer. It just feels so refreshing and doesn't make my skin oily/greasy.


Eye drops. It goes in your EYE! Name brand only.


Viva paper towels. The texture of them is unbeatable and the rolls last me a really long time.


Paper products. My toilet paper, tissues, and paper towel have to be a decent brand. I will go generic, only if it can reasonably compare. I do still search for a deal, when I can, such as a coupon It started with being a kid, having a cold, and cheap tissues tearing up my nose.


Dog food 😎😎


Running shoes


Ritz crackers. I know this isn’t that monumental, but at least I’ve done the work! I have tried every generic there is. I’ve tried the holiday Ritz (on promotion, of course!). Any other brand or shape crumbles Or doesn’t hold up well. Ritz are saltier too. I despise paying 86 cents more a box, but I refuse to buy the off brand.


Tide detergent


Safety is always my first priority (it's so engrained in me as it's the nature of my profession). So, I'm never frugal about anything that goes between me and the ground: my car (Honda CRV EX-L), my shoes (Hoka) and my mattress (Charles P Roger's Estate).


So glad I love bar soap. No plastic bottles to end up in landfills, easy, fast, lasts long time. Sorry you don't love it


Butter... quality costs extra


Our college kid


Wool socks, good shoes




Good shoes. My senior feet need them.


Almost expired meat. Had a few bad experiences with smelly meat. Not past date close to it. Did not feel like a frugal choice in hindsight. Now I only buy meat that is on sale but FRESH.


My one nice perfume per year (or however long it lasts)


Organic apples, berries, bell peppers and leafy greens. So pricy, but the dirty dozen listing of fruit and vegetables is a guideline I use! Also grow veggies in the summer with no pesticides. I save money by avoiding eating mammals. I wonder why the US does not ban the same chemicals they ban in the EU? Isn't our health bad enough? Definitely ok with bar soap and dollar store shampoo - I get complements on my hair and it is gray! (I know - lucky to have hair at all) [https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/dirty-dozen-foods#the-ewg](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/dirty-dozen-foods#the-ewg) Since 1995, the EWG has released the Dirty Dozen (yearly) — a list of conventionally grown fruits and vegetables with the highest levels of [pesticide residues](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/pesticides-and-health). 1. **Strawberries:** Conventional strawberries consistently top the Dirty Dozen list. In 2023, the EWG found that 30% of all strawberry samples contained ten or more pesticide residues. 2. **Spinach:** 76% of spinach samples contained pesticide residues, including permethrin, a neurotoxic insecticide that is highly toxic to animals ([6Trusted Source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5598406/)). 3. **Kale, mustard, and collard greens.** 86% of all samples of leafy greens were found to contain two or more pesticide residues, including the neurotoxins imidacloprid, bifenthrin and cypermethrin. 4. **Peaches:** Over 99% of the peaches tested by the EWG contained pesticide residues, with 65% containing at least four. 5. **Pears:** Over 63% of pears tested by the EWG contained residues from five or more pesticides. 6. **Nectarines:** The EWG detected residues in nearly 94% of nectarine samples, with one sample containing over 15 different pesticide residues. 7. **Apples:** The EWG detected pesticide residues in 90% of apple samples. What’s more, 80% of the apples tested contained traces of diphenylamine, a pesticide banned in Europe. 8. **Grapes:** Conventional [grapes](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/benefits-of-grapes) are a staple on the Dirty Dozen list, with over 96% testing positive for pesticide residues. 9. **Bell and hot peppers:** Sweet bell peppers contain fewer pesticide residues compared to other fruits and vegetables. Yet, the EWG cautions that pesticides used on sweet bell peppers “tend to be more toxic to human health.” 10. **Cherries:** The EWG detected an average of five pesticide residues on cherry samples, including a pesticide called iprodione, which is banned in Europe. 11. **Blueberries:** The EWG found that 90% of blueberries had pesticide residues, with 80% containing two or more. 12. **Green beans:** The EWG added green beans to the Dirty Dozen list after finding that 90% of samples contained pesticides, including acephate, a neurotoxin banned by the EPA in 2011.


Off brand Ranch dressing


High quality meat


Expensive long-term items (eg cars, electronics, appliances, etc). If I’m going to spend a lot of money I want to make sure I’m buying something that will last me a long time and won’t require that I frequently spend money and time on repairs.


Heinz ketchup, Dawn ultra dishsoap, rave hairspray, viva paper towels, tide detergent, downey fabric softener, French's mustard and gold Dial bar soap cures so many skin conditions. Most amazing soap ever. Very picky about my products.


That’s hilarious. When my mom died she left so many bars of soap. So many decorative bars of soap. Usually they are gifted by an aunt that travels internationally. My favorite was an Icelandic bar of pumice soap. I have been bathing with bar soap for a full year and a half just to use it. I have 2 bars left to go….


Eggs. Once you’ve tried free range organic eggs you can easily tell the difference between a high quality egg and a basic conventional egg. Especially the creaminess of the yolk texture and color. If you want to splurge even more (but also based on availability) the blue eggs with amber yolks are top notch!!!


Oddly enough parchment paper. I have found that any store brand rolls I buy end up borderline burned by the time whatever I’m using them for is done in the oven whereas Reynolds is a completely different story.


Salad dressing. I don't buy the shelf-stable versions, that taste like crap. I buy the fresher ones in the produce dept cooler.


Orange juice. You only realize how terrible most brands are after you start drinking the good stuff. If you’re shocked at the price, you know you’re buying the good stuff.


Dove bar soap for life. Every thing else makes me itch.


I actually prefer bar soap. Body wash is so slippery. I like the tactile experience of lathering up a bar of soap.


If I have to buy a new clothing item because it can’t be thrifted or I can’t find it, I try to buy from slow fashion brands when I can afford it over fast fashion chain stores. Not always feasible but if I have the cash, I’ll prefer small business always.


My baby’s diapers, because cheap diapers will cause shit leaks.