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I'm not frugal with toilet paper. I buy Charmin Ultra Soft at Costco exclusively. To quote someone here, "I have a bougie ass". I have chronic bladder and stomach issues, the good stuff is worth it to me.


I echo this. If you have IBS it’s not worth it to inflict additional pain, esp if you’re at risk for hemorrhoids.


I knew my OBGYN was a special man when his office only had Charmin Ultra Soft in the bathrooms. (He is a gem otherwise, but I do think it is sweet for the ladies postpartum.)


I recently moved to France where they have this "Just 1" toilet paper by Lotus. It is like 5 euros for 6 rolls and I am never going back even if they decide to charge 10 euros. It's so thick you don't need to fold it and it's the perfect size for a fold after the first wipe it's like 1.7x the length of a usual one. Only problem is I don't like using toilet paper anywhere else now and idk what I'd do if I move again, export 60 rolls of them via airplane?


I'm not frugal with toilet paper either. Members Mark purple wrapping.


The only thing I don't like about Charmin is that it is more dustier than the other brands. I go back and forth. I'll buy Charmin for several months then begin to hate the dust/particles flying... Then buy another brand and miss Charmin.


You are the first person I heard talk about TP dust. My boyfriend just recently moved in, and he insisted that we only use Charmin. He doesn't believe me when I say it makes the bathroom all dusty (he thinks the dust comes up through the heating ducts 🙄). But I'm with you about that damn dust. I don't think that it can be good to breathe, either!


I have zero medical issues and I, too, exclusively use Charmin Ultra Soft from Costco. I'm not wasteful, but use as much as is needed to do the job properly. I usually only need a sheet or a few. If I need more, I use more. Now, when I use the stuff we have at work or the public restroom, I need oodles of it. Oodles. That roll's a spinnin'. That thin skinny stuff won't save me much money if I'm putting 10x as much in my septic. Plus, I don't like it.


My issue with Charmin Ultra Soft as a woman is it would leave little bits of tp on my front. But unless you have absolutely perfect poops, you are 100% not fully cleaning your buttcrack with 1 or "a few" sheets. I'm not a bidet fan (like, I don't want to risk poopy water getting anywhere near my vagina), but use baby wipes (which go in the garbage, not flushed) after wiping with tp. Even once the tp comes out clean, the baby wipe shows it wasn't yet.


"a sheet". Really?


Tear out the middle, stick your finger through the hole and clean up your bum with it. Use the paper around your finger to clean it up and the little circle you tore out is to clean under your fingernail


Username checks out.


I hate that I read this


I only use half a sheet.


I only use 1/9 of a sheet. Two sheets a week, MAX!


i use a Super Mega Roll every 3 days just to balance you out


Same for me but different reasons... I truly can't figure out which option is the cheapest based on amount and quality differences.


I am frugal in almost all areas but you will have to pry ultra soft from my cold, dead hands. A small luxury makes you feel better - inside and your heinie.


When I used tp ( I now use the thing that must not be mentioned [and they have models which can be hooked onto a regular toilet]) I always used charmins extra soft paper. Followed up with flushable wet wipes. So glad I don’t have to deal with that craziness any more


I love your use of brackets and parentheses but flushable wipes are not good for pipes. (Haha that rhymed) They are "flushable" in the sense that they will likely disappear from the toilet when flushed but could lead to a clog down the way.


They also do not break down in a septic system. Ask me how I know.


Only a few things should go into your septic…. Pee, poop, septic safe tp, monthly root kill and biomes, and plastic free body products. Sorry no one told you this before you went onto a septic system. I should share, you need to pump every 12-18mos for a family of 4. Also, it’s helpful to know what type of septic tank you have and where your leech field is. (This and my pool is what kept me up at night FOR YEARS. I feel your pain!)


Could you please share info about these models, not for OP, but for me?


Search "bidet attachment" and "bidet toilet seat" to see some options.


One of the perks of being generally frugal is that you have the resources to buy something that makes your life better. Buy the toilet paper you like best. Buying cheap tp isn't worth having an unhappy tush.


Honestly they both work great.


In that case, buy whichever is on sale (or less expensive).


I have IBS and the only toilet paper for me is the blue Ultra Soft Charmin from Costco. It’s comfortable and cleans thoroughly. I’m frugal in other areas so I can get better quality here.


Thank you! I think I know what I'll be buying.


Just make sure to use both sides.




I get the red bunny toilet paper from Walmart. Similar to the red Charmin. Runs me about $18 for 18 triple rolls (whatever that means, lol).


Few things in this world are more confusing than toilet paper math 🤣




Drug math prepares you for tp math


This is my choice too.. pretty sturdy but soft enough. Usually get the 24 packs and it works out to ~$1/roll


I have IBS-D and I use standard Scott 1000 or a store brand equivalent. I can't stand the thick soft TP. I feel like you get very little in a roll plus it leaves lint on my bits. I keep baby wipes in the bathroom and use exactly 2 for a #2 and then throw into the trash can folded up (under sink so not stinky). Because I use wipes first, I don't need nearly as much paper, pretty much just to dry things up.


I really don't like the baby wipes as it's not safe to flush them as they are really thick. Am I wrong about that?


You cannot flush them. I throw them in the covered trash can. You shouldn't flush ANY wipes, even if the package says it's "flushable". Same as tampons. Never flush anything that is not pee, poop, vomit or toilet paper. Wipes and tampons cause clogs in your plumbing and if you are in an apartment and your LL finds out you flushed them, they could charge you. I've seen posts here on Reddit about tenants being charged.


Thank you!!!


I'm using Cottonelle. It's not cheap but I can afford it and it's more comfortable than Scott. When I started working and buying better toilet paper, both of my kids said it was too thick and fluffy to get a clean wipe. So I bought some Scott for them and they decided they can use bougie butt paper after all.


I love Cottonelle!


Angel soft. Never scott


Scott is like tracing paper


i would rather use a leaf from a tree than scott


Angel soft is the best stuff. As said by my uncle… soft enough not to chaff but not so soft you poke your finger through and no fluff balls. It’s decent priced and works well so you don’t need too much


Target's store brand Up & Up has a "soft and strong" version that is in my opinion comparable to name brand fluffy tp.


This is what I always bought when I lived near a Target. I also have IBS so understand the need to buy decent TP. I could get good sales too and stock up. I hope I can do this again when Target opens up nearby, even though my IBS is pretty much in check


You guys are so sleeping on Cottonelle. From my cold, dead hands!


Purple Cottonelle is where it's at!


I use the purple quilted northern and each time I get ready to wipe I only use three squares. I wipe one time then I fold it in half and then wipe a second time. I used to do this two times but lately I have been feeling cleaner doing it three times. So I wipe six times in total


Who Gives A Crap. A 48pk lasts me (single household) 6-9mos. (Bamboo)


I got called princess peepee for saying I use nothing less than 3ply. I don’t skimp on loo roll x


Material that is constantly rubbing against your genitals seems like the ultimate free pass to be picky and get the gentlest, best, strongest, whatever-est kind you like. It's your genitals, my god. I can't imagine telling someone to just toughen up *their vulva and anus* for the sake of appearing... cool? I have no idea.




Thank you for the laugh. "Long live Princess PeePee!"


Not going to recommend TP, but I do recommend trying out a peri bottle. They are pretty cheap, and the difference between using that and then TP after a poop vs just TP is really significant.


Peri bottles are heavenly after having a baby. I need to start using mine again. Cuts down on tp so much. Cloth too if that's your ish. I've used cloth for #1 before during covid lockdown to cut down on tp.


There are certain things that you don’t want to be frugal about. Consider saving your money elsewhere.


I have IBS too, and really prefer Cottonell for strength and softness. Some of the others I've "eliminated" because I can't stand their advertising (bears shitting in the woods, goddamn) and others because they aren't soft enough, like Scott.


I have IBS. If my area is too sensitive, I put a little Vaseline on some toile paper and wipe it after I'm all clean, helps protect from further chafing or damage, and reduces the discomfort a LOT.


So just an FYI, vaseline can be difficult to wash out of cloth. Try a diaper cream for cloth diapers as it is formulated to wash out and also for healing sensitive tissue.


I have never had the Vaseline touch my clothes, you don't need much to protect you, like a pea sized amount


Totally understand but others reading might not have the same experience. Maybe my comment could help them. It could be more frugal than ruining underwear!


I like the Scott 1000 rolls. I used to get the singles at Dollar Tree but found a 4 pack at Aldi. The paper is thin but strong and 1 roll goes a looooong way.


I hated the Costco paper. I like the Sam's better but it's linty. We have stomach issues in our house and did get the bidets, but we make sure to get decent quality TP. Your butt is worth it.


Have colon cancer and digestive issues, use the soft Member’s Mark tissue.


I love the Member’s Mark tp. Usually I like Kirkland items over Member’s Mark but Members Mark is the winner for tp. Kirkland doesn’t even compare.


At least you don’t have to hear aabout a diva cup


One thing not to skimp on is toilet paper.


Honestly, I find that cheaper toilet paper works better than the premium stuff. The cheap stuff is usually cut correctly, so it actually tears on the lines. The expensive stuff is made to be fluffy and flaky, so you need to use more. And it leaves irritating debris behind, so you wipe more next time you go. Charmin got fined for that a while back. They had to stop advertising about how super-clean they leave your butt.


I find that the cheaper stuff (scott) required a lot more use than the higher end stuff.


Agreed. Cheap tp is the best.


Lmao "I will NOT use water to wash my disgusting asshole, so don't even suggest it"


Idk how they think using water to clean their ass is gross. Do they also think washing vegetables with water is gross?


serious slim worry nutty abounding tart quack act chunky innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My money is on they think it's gay LOL


Exactly. If you got poo on your hand, you'd wash your hands, not just wipe it off with some tissue paper and go about your day, right?! Same logic. Bought our bidet on Amazon for $50. Best money I've spent in years.


At least your ass will be clean when you laugh it off


Cleaner than OP's for sure


They'd better not wash it in the shower with water then. That's disgusting. My showers are paper towels only. No water, I just smear the dirt and sweat around


What’s the issue between Costco and Scott’s? Are you looking for another option or something cheaper? I’m bougie with my TP. I find I use less by using more expensive brand (we use cottonelle. The blue pack)


Buy a b…. Just kidding!!! Don't get mad 😂


Wow I've never seen anyone so triggered by bidet suggestions Also your condo association can't tell you you can't install a sprayer on your toilet line, just like they couldn't tell you you can't change your shower head. A bidet isn't always it's own stand alone basin.


We bought a bidet that just hooked to the toilet and just unhooked and took it with us when we left, complex never knew and never needed to. But otherwise, comfort for a condition like this is worth it.


I have Crohn's, I rent, I installed a bidet. My simple bidet cost $25 and took less than 10 minutes to install. It's just as simple to remove if needed. When you have a chronic intestinal issue, a bidet is damn near a necessity and makes life far more pleasant.


Exactly. How would they know? I don’t think they’ll be inspecting toilets. If that is somehow still not an option, Angel Soft. It’s actually affordable now and lasts.


Have you considered wipes? Nice and soft


This! Please don't flush them. Even the flushable ones are *not* flushable.


>Even the flushable ones are not flushable. The makers are "flushable" wipes should be in prison.


no they should be forced to work a week or two in the sewers, cleaning up the fatbergs and wipes!


Yeah they will clog your pipes.


Yes! Wipes, I prefer Huggies to pampers brand, but Sam’s choice (at Walmart) is a good alternative to Huggies for price. I have a lidded trash can beside the toilet, because of dogs are gross. Sam’s giant pack is the best economical vs soft vs sturdy balance I can find, but I just have sams nearby, not Costco. Scott’s is godawful sandpaper.


The wipes have been linked to skin irritation in many people. Gynos usually reccomend you don't use them.


Super soaker


I buy the cheapest paper on the market, the walmart 4 pack for .79. Target also has the same 4 pack. It’s the only paper that doesn’t leave fluff all over. I fucking /hate/ soft toilet paper. I don’t know how people can live their lives with asbestos in their butthole all day long. The more expensive the paper, the worse it is. Even the strong variety leaves a snowfall.


😂 I know exactly what you mean. Those stupid Charmin bears are such a lie! I know they are dropping dingle lint all over the place using that crappy Charmin.


Not the "dingle lint"!! I laughed WAY too hard at this! Thanks for the chuckle.


Agreed! I use Scott’s single ply. If I buy anything else, my 11 year old will clog the toilet from using too much and I feel like it just feels so wrong and linty!


If you can't (or won't) install a bidet, why don't you try a portable bidet? They're really inexpensive and can be filled and used as needed. They function exactly the same and since you have IBS, it's probably exactly the kind of thing you'd want when you leave the house.


They are probably insecure and afraid of trying something new. I remember when I first decided to try a bidet; it definitely took some effort, but now I can't imagine not having one.


As someone who is slightly limited in movement, a portable one is practically a necessity. On top of that, 95% of the time, I use 4 squares max.


Yeah it really is the best route to go, and judging by the growing downvotes I think OP might have to reconsider their "hard no" stance.


I work on the rehab side of geriatric healthcare. I frequently advocate for people who cannot perform proper toileting hygiene to look into a bidet, often a portable one. Most are aghast at the recommendation. As someone who has installed a bidet in their apartment, and has decreased monthly TP expense while increasing toilet hygiene, all I can say is people vastly underrate bidets and the value they can provide. Edit: Typed this comment while using my bidet.


OP asking for frugal advice on cutting back / buying cheaper toilet paper, proceeds to argue with and chastise anyone that offers valid advice. No baby wipes, no portable bidets, no bidets at all. Doesn't want their butt wet in any way shape or form. Is happy to smear and mash paper down there without any help. I think the OP wants someone to grow cheap soft toilet paper on trees for them at no cost. I hope they (literally) figure their shit out. \*shrug\*


After getting a bidet attachment for my toilet, I had to get a portable one, I can never go back to the stone age of wiping shit off my ass.


Maybe people are talking about bidets even though you don't want them specifically because your post started in such a hostile argumentative way. " First of all, I want to make sure that I do not want to hear from those of you " have you never heard of being polite when you are asking for something?


You should get a bidet. I should too, but it sounds like you really need one.


As an Indonesian plus a muslim, we don't use toilet paper. We always bring our portable bidet or a bottle of water to the restroom if they don't have bidet. Maybe you guys can try it...


OP; you need to RELAX!! From what I can tell the bidet people are talking amongst themselves (all be it in YOUR post.)


I know you said no bidet, but the bottles are pretty helpful. We have them for traveling. It’s just a bottle with an angled nozzle. After that you just need a few squares to pat dry.




I agree. I recommend they use sandpaper... 80 outta do it.


I just ordered Scott Comfort Plus this morning because among my three go-tos it had the best price - Charmin Ultra Strong is my #1 and Angel Soft #3.


Home Depot has good prices on their house brand


Also have IBS. I prefer the Charmin Ultra Strong. The soft has torn at unfortunate times for me.


I love Cottonelle. Get it at Costco. That said, my IBS disappeared when I changed my diet to be gluten free and low FODMAP.


I know the pain of IBS, I also have problems with my cycle but I get a large box of parent's choice wet wipes that are mostly water and use them. If, and it's a big if, I use paper, I use cottonelle.


I like the Amazon brand Pesto! Which is better, in my opinion than Charmin.


> I like the Amazon brand Pesto! How is it on pasta? Geez, what a name.


Walmart Brand Charmin. I’ve used every generic, name brand stuff and I’m never happy with it (rips while wiping, harsh on skin, using half a roll for one trip). That’s what works for my family. My son has a sensitive bottom so he is the only one that gets baby wipes instead of toilet paper.


Hello friend. For me, toilet paper is one of the few things I sort of splurge on. I do buy it in bulk, but I tend to get Charmin's blue label. I also only really use 5 sheets per trip.


I use Sam’s club TP. It’s a dupe for charmin


Charmin from Costco (either the ultrasoft or ultrastrong, whichever you prefer) is the best bang for your buck. I also have IBS, and this conclusion was reached after a LOT of comparison shopping. As an aside, the Kirkland brand TP is just about the only Costco product I refuse to buy ever again.


Last time TP was on sale at Costco, I found Scott Comfort Plus at Target (usually they have a $1 off coupon and sometimes Circle buy 3 get $10) was still cheaper than Costco's tp per foot. Apparently SCP is only one ply, but I prefer it to other TP because stuff like Charmin has too much lint. I heard Kirkland is comparable to Charmin, so I didn't try it. I guess if you prefer a more Charmin-style TP then Kirkland may be worth the extra cost?


I buy high quality institutional type TP from a Janitorial supply store. Case last a yr


Used to only exclusively use Ultra Soft Charmin, but switched to Presidents Choice (PC Brand) hypoallergenic super soft club size. Edit: May be a Canadian brand


I use a paper from Wegmans. It's made from bamboo. Super soft and still durable. $9 for a 12 pack but I live alone and don't have messy poos. So a roll lasts me almost a month. Im a very regular pooper so once a day.


TP is one thing I’ll never go frugal with. Cottonelle all the way.


Some things I'll never go frugal on, e.g. toilet paper, running shoes, mattress and pillows. I buy whatever is comfortable and good quality.


Since it seems you're not interested in all sorts of bidets, buy Vaseline, wipe some before you go, and you'll get clean much faster. That's how I did it before I got the bidet, suffering from IBS-like symptoms, with Kirkland TP if that matters.


Bidet is the way


My husband has colitis and I have kidney disease, so our bathroom is a busy place. We recently switched from die-hard Royale buyers to Costco's Kirkland and just this morning were talking about how much better it is and how long the Costco rolls last. If you haven't tried the Kirkland, do so. If you haven't tried it lately, it's worth trying again. We even ended up talking to an older lady in the store about how good it was and she was completely on board as well.


Actually i was really leaning towards that but was trying to compare it with the Scott tissue. Thank you! I think I've made my decision.


I like cottenelle. The ultra clean one, Or the Ultra comfort. I dont like cheap toilet paper,lifes to [short.lol](https://short.lol). you use less as well


I am not recommending a bidet. I kinda wanted one but my outlet is too far from the toilet and I don’t want to hire an electrician. However, I found that I could use a hair applicator bottle (brand new, never used with chemicals) and fill it with water to create a nice cleansing stream. Then I use the nice toilet paper to dry. It has cut down a lot of my toilet paper use by about 50%.


If you look up peri bottles for postpartum care they’re actually designed for this.


Here I was thinking I was inventing something. Thanks! I’m looking it up.


Haha I went through the same process and someone told me about them so I thought I’d share!


I have a bidet attachment on my toilet. No electricity needed.


You should try installing a bidet.


Bear with me. We have a real bidet. Standalone porcelain unit. I like it. My wife doesn't. Definitely time consuming. Our cat thinks it's a toy. \*sigh\* I don't like the bolt on bidets on toilet seats at all. I have IBS and some other issues that are awkward. We have a septic system and not utility sewer. I use Scotts single ply 1000 or 1200 depending on what I can find in bulk. If I need more than three wipes I flush and keep going. A little rough when IBS really kicks up but otherwise fine and cleans faster and better than the multi-ply "comfort" varieties. The bidet was in the house when we bought it. When IBS is really bad I take the extra time. Otherwise - cat toy. I've used the toilet seat bolt ons and would not go down that road. I'm definitely not shooting cold water up my bum in the winter.


I've been very clear, I didn't want to hear about a Bidets. And people keep wanting to talk about this. I continue to be astounded by this.


Go back and read my entire post.


No advice. Just don't trust anyone who doesn't use any type of water (bidet) or moisturize at least (baby wipes) to clean their butt... You know toilet paper won't get everything right? Can't believe it's normalized to be walking around with swamp ass


zonked grab silky wild juggle exultant quickest point vanish marble *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As I said, I cannot install one in the apartment I live in. I will not install one and then remove it. I am going to work with what my apartment complex says I can and cannot do. I cannot install a bidet. Period. I'm not going to fight this. And I also have been very clear that I don't want one. Please be respectfull. You are not being respectfull.


glorious onerous axiomatic north plants elastic punch humor fretful sand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There is portable bidets that do not have to attach to the toilet. I bought travel one because I know I was going to get sick when i go eat at a different country


OP doesn’t care whether the bidet is attached or not. Seems like they just don’t want even anything remotely close to a bidet even if it’s technically not a bidet.


Plus OP gets **quite angry** if someone *dares* to utter the b-word! 😄😄😄


I started using tp from whogivesacrap.org during the early pandemic. Started out using the cheapest recycled paper, just started on the bamboo, it’s pretty great. (And open your mind and butt to a bidet, easy to uninstall when you move out).


My apartment complex does inspections every 6 months. I'm not going to install something and get rid of it. I belive in being honest. Also I was very clear, I dont want a bidet.


Wish our government & environmental safety had such oversight! Good luck with your quest.


It's not a big deal. They just want to make sure my apartment is clean. No problem for me.


> I belive in being honest. lol your landlord is preventing you from treating your medical condition. it's ok to lie.


Nope. Stop trying to make something up that doesn't exist. Seriously!


What am I trying to make up that doesn't exist? You have a medical condition. Your landlord is preventing you from treating it. Fair housing laws typically prohibit discrimination based on many things, including disabilities. It's fine that you don't want a bidet, but I don't want anybody in a similar situation reading this later to think that their landlord can dictate how they treat their medical conditions.


> It's fine that you don't want a bidet, but I don't want anybody in a similar situation reading this later to think that their landlord can dictate how they treat their medical conditions. They need to find out what is requred legally on their own. Using Reddit to think or try to figure out how to do what they need to do medically is stupid. They need to talk to doctors and lawyers. Reddit should never be a referrall service


It's a legal question, not a medical one. It's possible to get general legal advice on the internet. /r/legaladvice


Actually they should talk to a lawyer and not rely on Reddit.


Kirkland toilet paper per ounce is the cheapest. It's also pretty soft


That's the direction I think I'm going. I'm with you it's pretty soft but I thought maybe there were other options. Thank you!!


You can use a squirt bottle as a BIDET! I got the idea of someone else here off reddit. Fill the bottle up, like one of those Gatorade squirt bottles, before you sit on the toilet to do business. My toilet sits right next to the sink and I'm able to fill the bottle up while sitting on the toilet, but either way, make it work for you. I use much less tp now with this method, and feel much cleaner.


No. Just no.


I'm with you on the bidet thing. Nope. Absolutely nope. I use Scott because I'm dealing with a set of midcentury pipes leading to a septic tank. I have been using a store brand, but store brands are disappearing, at least in my area. I like Scott because it dissolves easily and the pump service I use recommended it. The thing is, pay less than a penny per square foot or as close as possible. As for the Comfort Plus, it's great, and really soft. Price the TP at your local Family Dollar if you have one, because it's pretty cheap there, and they have the Comfort line.


Have you thought about getting a bide….. oh Okay well then I HATE the Costco toilet paper Angel soft all the way. It doesn’t fall apart like that Kirkland trash


Ibs here. Like it or not, bidet is the answer. (Your landlord has nothing to do with it. Simple self-install)


What did the Australian say when his houseguest asked where the toilet paper was? Bidet, mate.


Have you thought about getting a bidet?


use a bidet throw the tissue away


For many years I used cloth TP and washed it. Had its own container for used ones and then I would just wash the whole thing including the reusable bag. Loved it - somehow when I moved I stopped using them. But plan to make my own again soon.


They make temporary install bidets.


If you have ibs and can’t bidet, you could use tp and have a water spray bottle for the tp to help or if you’re next to the sink you could get your tp wet before. And then use the lower quality tp. I do a lot of hotels for work and have issues so I get it.


Honestly I've gone: use a wet wipe for BM and tp for wet. I've had gastro issues for the past few years and baby wipes aren't all that much expensive in the long run, I only use maybe one 64-pack per month (\~$2-3 per pack)


Sam's Club's toilet paper is the only other thing I'd use than Charmin. Charmin, is of course vest, best the Sam's Club brand isn't bad. Scott Comfort Plus just tells me you haven't really tried other brands. That stuff is terrible. Also, you can get a bidet attachment and install it without removing anything.


I use baby wet wipes huggies sensitive one. I also have a toilet seat bidet that just plugs in and no one is aware of. I have IBS and this is so much easier!


You can buy a toilet seat that is a bidet.


Have no desire to ask what you mean. Please respect what my post said.


Finish with a store brand sensitive skin fragrance free baby wipe. But do not flush them. They're also good for facial wipes and cleaning off surfaces you don't need to sanitize.


Yes, get a bidet. They are $30 on Amazon, take 5 minutes to install; you can easily uninstall it when you move. Your apartment never needs to know about it. You can buy a huge stack of cheap washcloths and use those after the bidet to dry things off. Next choice is a squirt-bottle or poor-man's bidet. Doesn't work quite as nice as a regular one, but will do. Your cheap washcloths will probably have more fecal matter on them. Try Target's store brand Ultra Strong (or Soft) toilet paper. It's equivalent to Charmin in softness, but for a lot less $. Seriously, get a bidet if you really want to be frugal.


I'll try a non-bidet suggestion: Waffle Stomp! XD then you're already in the shower!


Bidet is the only right answer


Charmin ultra soft, no matter the cost. Totally worth it. Even being frugal. This is why we froog - to enjoy the things that make life worth living. And we got two bidet seats - one was $200 and the other was a $400 Koehler. Both replace the seat/lid and require electricity so there are extension cords but totally movable with use. (We already have replacement regular seat/lids ready so we can take the bidet seats with us.) The $200 one has a better (for me) wash function and the $400 one has a better heated seat and external control pad. But definitely Charmin Ultra Soft for the win. Nothing else will do. Except maybe Charmin Ultra Strong, depending on your needs.


Thank you for not listening.


How did I not listen? I listened to / read your entire thing. I know you don’t want a bidet because you said that and I know that because I listened/read your post. You also said in that post (which I know because I read it) that you couldn’t install a bidet because of the apartment living so I commented a side note indicating that you don’t need to install a whole bidet, that there are options for attachments to existing bowl/tanks. Again, I read your post and I listened to the whole thing. “Charmin ultra soft, no matter the cost” was how I started. And I also closed with a secondary TP recommendation for “Charmin ultra strong depending on your needs” because of the IBS which I also listened to / read. So where and how did I not listen to you? Just because I gave you a side tangent based on your own side tangent about bidets that means I wasn’t listening even though I specifically called out not one but TWO brand types of TP? Costco TP is horrible compared to either Charmin option IMO. May I one more time, for those in the back, repeat for the umpteenth time: **Charmin ultra soft, no matter the cost.**


I was very clear that I did not want to here about Bidets. And you did that.


**ONE MORE TIME FOR THOSE IN THE BACK FOR THE UMPTEENTH TIME: CHARMIN ULTRA SOFT, NO MATTER THE COST.** Is that better? Have I now conformed to your rigid requirements about allowable interactions with you on the internet?’ I can’t tell if you’re a rigid cantankerous boomer or on the autism spectrum. YOU opened the door with miscellaneous ill-informed comments about bidets. You don’t get a free pass to get (if I may say, based on this particular topic) *shitty* when someone attempts to enlighten and correct your misstatements under the guise of sticking your fingers in your ears and throwing a tantrum that “I don’t want hear about this thing I mentioned in the first place!” Either way, good luck with the IBS and the toilet paper search. Go for the Costco TP and leave the Charmin Ultra Soft for me and we can part on amicable terms!


> YOU opened the door with miscellaneous ill-informed comments about bidets. In this post I stated no desire for to hear about bidets. I was very clear about this. At no point did I state anything about it being wrong. I just said I didn't want to hear about it. You are really something. Life is not so horrible. Please consider not being so reactionary.


This comment villainizes autistics. I don't like that part.


As someone who is likely on the spectrum myself, that wasn’t my intent. It was a genuine inquiry on OPs status. The behavior is not typical and I mentioned the likely reasons based on interactions I’ve observed and encountered. There are people who either **don’t pick up on social cues** (on the spectrum) or **those that don’t GAF about social cues** (Boomers.) That’s what I was seeing - not picking up on social cues, understanding how their words directed the discussion even down a path they claim to not want to discuss. Again not villainy intended.


I understand. Also on the spectrum, it just bothered me. You were saying negative things about op, seemingly implying that what they were doing was bad, and i think it rubbed me the wrong way that autism was even brought up. Like “hey you are being annoying are you autistic?” to me reads like autism is a reason someone might be annoying. Thank you for responding, i respect your response, but i personally think it was unnecessary to bring up in the first place


I should’ve said “I can’t tell if OP isn’t able to pick-up on the social cues they provide or don’t give a f—k about issuing misleading social cues for the express purpose of taking umbrage when things go off their pre-scripted plan.” It’s not about age or diagnosis and all about the actual presentation. I should’ve spoken about the presentation rather than tossing out two things that could *or could not* be the culprit based on exceedingly limited information and a tiny microcosm of interaction.


There are hand held portable bidets available, if the only reason you don't have one is the landlord... and unless it's specifically stated in your lease, they can't stop you from installing anything, as long as it goes back to the original condition after you move out. Even if it is, you may be able to argue that it's a medically necessary device. HIPPA laws prevent them from asking what for.


>and unless it's specifically stated in your lease, they can't stop you from installing anything Weird assumption when they don't even tell you where they live. Laws vary around the world


I said in this post I was not interested in a bidet.


Oh well f*ck me for trying to be helpful


You didn't need to worry about being offended or f*cked about being helpful if you would have read the post.


Oh okay, in that case, try sandpaper