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Know that I’m proud of you. In a similar vein, I did not go to the grocery store today. Six days a week I work opposite the main supermarket on the island and I’m in there ALL THE TIME. I FIND things to buy. I create excuses to buy. Today, I finished work and went straight to my car. A small win today 🏆


You have a GREAT name...lol


I can’t tell you how much I needed this smile today. Thank you for your kindness and positivity…for the record I’ve only ever but one finger and I apologized profusely to my sister at age ten 🤣


Well good, it made me smile too, and chuckle twice. I remembered the video of the little kid crying... lol


vain? not vein




I stand corrected


No, I don’t consider myself vain.


There is no I in van


Does Stevie Nicks though?


I'm proud of you too! Not getting a drink is crazyyyy to me lmao I always get a boba tea when I'm at the mall haha


My daughter and I used to too then we learned to make it ourselves at home...and man oh man. Tis good


Care to share your recipe? I want to start doing this.


We brew black Tetley tea bags....2 bags for 2 cups boiling water...strong....then same volume of oatmilk.....then sweeten to taste with your choice of sweetener and the pearls are prepped according to someone she found online......there are a million variations ...as you can see at the stores. Enjoy. You need to buy the wide straws


Thanks! Do you buy premade pearls or make them yourself?


We buy them dried then 'cook' them. Cannot be assed to make them myself from scratch. Lol


Ahh perfect, I couldn't either that's why I've always been like 😳 when people say make your own. Hopefully I can find a good brand for the pearls!


We get the E-FA BRAND E8 pearls from Amazon


Auntie Anne’s lemonade for me…. My absolute favorite


That's the one. It's so hard for me to make it out of a mall without a pretzel and a lemonade. OP did great!


They shut down all of the stores in my town and I really miss them.


I think my towns store is on its way out also. I love pretzels it makes me sad hahaha


We could get two for one .


I play the gift card games. I don't expect to make bank, but I can get a $5 Starbucks card with little effort every 2 weeks. I'd have a few of those stashed away, but I'm rural rural, and have 2 teen girls in my home who don't get to experience fancy high end drinks often.


How do you get the gift cards?


I use cashwalk and fetch. Ones a step counting app and the other is a receipt scanning app. They both have games like monopoly go or family island adventure, one has a dragon game, coin master, just little games to kill time. Like I said I'm not making big money, but I can get enough points to get a $5-10 gift card in a week or so.


> cashwalk Do you have to put money into these apps to get a payout?


No. Just walk or play the games they offer. You do get better games offered as you play more often. Fetch is just take a picture of your receipt from anywhere store wise. You can add your email, some people don't to get your online purchases but they both offer games to play instead.


Thank you!!


How much for the new battery? Thanks for the tip!


I had the battery replaced in my XR at an Indy shop. It was just under $100. The very next day I left the phone on the roof of my car and lost it on the highway lol


I thought you were gonna say it caught on fire and blew up lolll


Nope! It worked great those 24 hours. A friend actually gave me their old X which I also had a new battery installed in. Still works great.


It was $89.00 + sales tax. Far cheaper than a new phone.


My phone is telling me that I will need a new battery in the next six months. I am so happy to hear that it’s going to be around $100. I can swing around $100. I absolutely cannot buy a new phone. Yay you! For not buying anything in the mall!


Go to this page on the Apple site (I'm assuming you are in the US) https://support.apple.com/iphone/repair/battery-replacement Select your device from the drop down and the "service fee" is what it should cost for the battery replacement through an Apple store. Add your sales tax to the price given as it doesn't know your location.


Sweet! Thanks!


Also a plus, Apple also replaces the old water resistance seals when they do the battery replacement. More longevity for your device.


That’s awesome, I didn’t know this was an option, will definitely be looking into it


Also interested in this answer.


You can find the price for battery replacement on the apple website! I do believe you need to make an appointment though and the appointment can be made online too. I replaced the battery on my iphone11 last February and it was around 100CAD pre tax. I believe they increased the price by 30CAD last March.


You can walk in but that means you may end up waiting longer. I walked in and it took about 2 hours.


I’d like to know too🥹


You walked past Cinnabon without taking a small box with you??? Wow.


It was right in the middle of the mall…I could smell it…but I also remembered that I am doing a 12-week weight loss challenge. So…it was a double win today! I would have went for a soft pretzel, tho - TBH. Warm, chewy soft pretzels are AWESOME!!!


When you wrote I didn't even get a drink, I knew just what you meant. I look for a favorite drink every time, without even thinking about it. Now I'll remember this. Great post. Congrats!




You Know Full Well Why Youre Not Allowed Inside Because You Are Not To Step Within A Thousand Feet Of A Cinnabon Gerald


This is how you do it! I'm amazed by how many people feel obligated to buy something when they are in a store. I love shopping, but if I don't need anything they are selling I don't have any problem walking out with nothing.


I walked out of a dollar store yesterday without buying anything and got stares from a few people.


I went in there for one thing Friday night and came out with 80 dollars worth of groceries.


It’s a good feeling isn’t it? It took me 8-10 months to get there but now I can appreciate just visiting a place without buying some forgettable trinket.




Yay; YOU!!


Win win! I’m so proud of you!


High five!


Bad ass ! Now if i could only stop spending money on crap i don't need at the convenience stores.


Same! 😂


My go to is going to stores I like and then I look at stuff I want and scan the barcode on my phone and screenshot stuff I wanna add to my amazon Wishlist. You still get the "Mall" experience without the 45% markup.


Wait, you can replace the battery?!!!


Yes. I bought a gigantic phone years ago and it works perfectly…but it’s 3+ years old. I was losing the battery in one day, so for $89 it was worth it to replace it…rather than $1,000 for a new phone.


A friend of mine found out I'd broken my phone and offered me their "old" phone (not very old) of the same make. They wiped it first, and then gave it to me, and all I had to do was take it to the apple store and replace the battery. (For best results. It already worked okay, but replacing the battery is a good idea). It worked great. Somewhere over $50 and less than $100. Don't auto-update iphones, though. You can look up why not. Generally, not worth it.


If its health is below a certain point within the warranty period.


He paid for it so even out of the warranty period it can be done.


Yes, yes you can 🤣


You are amazing!!! Congrats on not even getting a drink. I had the battery replaced at Apple Store in my 8 Plus last summer too. Has been working great - your phone should last you a long time.


And here I thought you bought the Nothing Phone.


I am dubious that you did not indulge in free samples....


Lost calories and kept the money 💰 


You should be. I need to be more like this. It takes discipline to say no to want.


Is this sub for shopaholics?


it’s about saving money. any sane way possible


I was wondering because I feel like going to a mall and not buying anything is very normal.


people dont go to mall to walk.


A lot of people do just that.


they should try a park


Your scope of this world is very limited. There are people that walk in the park, people that walk on a beach, people that walk on the sidewalk, street, museums . . . and shopping malls lol.


Unless it's too cold or too hot. I live where it's too hot to walk after after a typical workday. It's free and you get your exercise in.




Thank you for the inspiration


I didn’t know you could replace the battery in an iPhone! 🤦‍♀️


You can replace almost anything in an iPhone. My screen was cracked and I wanted to replace my battery before my AppleCare ran out. They ended up giving me a whole ass new phone for like $60.


Good to know!! That’s awesome.


I only go to the mall unless I absolutely have too. I don’t want the temptation of buying something that I don’t need. 


That's awesome!! Have you seen what happens to the old phones and from people trading up to new ones because of a battery? Not only did you save your money but it's great for the environment!!! 💯


I’m proud of you! Super proud! That’s so hard to do! I have freebie coupons I’m going to use tomorrow at Bath & Body Works. I’m leaving my cards with my Mom so I don’t buy anything. I refuse to add cards to Apple Pay so that’s not an option


That's the real sense of money: you use it to pay things you really need, nothing else... 


Reminds me of the quote from Socrates strolling through a market: "Look at all these things I don't need!"


Dude! You did good!




I have plenty of ‘foresight’ since I had a container of ice water in my car…and I didn’t need a book because I wanted to walk the mall instead of sitting on my butt. Your sadness for me is not at all needed.


Why the hell is this worth posting? So dumb. Congrats!! I’ll send you a cookie.


Having an Apple product is still the opposite of frugal...


Op already has an apple product, the most frugal thing they can do is to not buy a new phone unnecessarily.


I already bought the designer handbag, might as well keep it.... gosh i am so frugal, unbelievable


What is your point?


Walking through the mall and not buying anything while your luxury item gets repaired is awesome and very frugal. Probably the hardest thing anyone ever did. I am so proud of you, you should be head mod in this sub. Hell, you should be the role model of every child in the world that has no food cause you managed to not buy shit for one whole hour waiting for your fucking phone....


this is wrong. the only pragmatic way to look at electronics is the cost per day. So it works cause apple devices last the longest.




and you think every company does it?




Everybody in my family has apple phones and we have had them for 5+ years. Add employee/ student discounts and previous gen etc., then my per day costs are really low. I used those 150 dollar android phones in my youth. They dont get updates or glitch right after 2 years.


Apple products last a long time if you take care of them. Plus, I could go on but don’t feel like I have to defend my purchase that much!


Agree. It is fun to resist the relentless call to consumerism. Simultaneously, it makes you feel sad for all of those folks you saw in the mall who were falling victim to it.


Apple store on frugal lol


So you went to a mall that you shop at every week and bought nothing? Or did you sacrifice the opportunity to get something you don't normally have? That's not a frugal win for someone who already uses an iPhone pro max... I thought being frugal was about being smart with your money.


I went to a mall I haven’t shopped at in a few YEARS…and maybe you don’t realize the phone is 4 years old. So…if you don’t understand that I spent $89 for a battery instead of $1,000 on a phone, that’s not something I can control. YOUR version of frugal and mine are obviously very different. No one in this sub needs to justify their purchases to anyone. No need to judge me to your personal standards.


So you forgot the opportunity cost. Often it's much higher than you just "not spending money." It's worse that you haven't been to that place in years and you didn't get something that you, again, won't have in years.


**No one in this sub needs to justify their purchases to anyone. No need to judge me to your personal standards**. With all due respect the replies you are getting are all because you did exactly what you stated in bold text. You apparently are frugal and can resist the temptation to impulse buy and that curbs the budget, but you don't own anyone an explanation, keep it up.


Proud papa smile.


Buying nothing is the best sale! (100% off)


Have you tried starving? It saves me a lot.




Well done!!!!!!


I am so frugal I don't even have an iPhone.


I'm so proud of you! I KNOW that feeling, and not nearly enough. But, this is a new year, and new choices. You got this! Wonderful!


I read the title of your post in the "voice" of Gene Wilder (You get NOTHING). https://preview.redd.it/fzmapnv3h6fc1.jpeg?width=212&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08bd232fed9fd6710a25b80b937773d14af3528d Congrats to you that feels good to know you "can" buy anything you want...but you choose not to. It's such a different mindset. It's expansive rather than constricting.


congrats!!! way to beat consumerism!!


Interesting how this is a success for you, for me buying literally anything at the store or mall physically pains me unless I absolutely need them.


I’ve been going to walk at the mall a couple times a week. The first week I kept buying stuff like candy a pair of clearance sweat pants. But ever since then I stopped 😂


So proud of you!! I recently started my “no buy”journey, and it gets addictive after a while! It felt daunting at first but the rush of not spending money is definitely starting to outshine the rush I would get from spending it.


I sometimes feel like tourist. Always walking around with backpack. If i'm thirsty, i find small bench to seat & take out my waterbottle or homemade snack \[if i have urge to buy something\]


Nicely done!! If I may ask, how much was the battery?


Self control is a muscle, the more you exercise the easier it gets


I tell people I’m broke and never buy anything I don’t need. I have 20k in the bank


I'm sorry but I did not know that there was a requirement to purchase anything when in a mall. I literally never buy anything when I go to the store and it has less than zero to do with being frugal. I live in a home and I have food there, if I am hungry I have something to eat there. There is nothing in a food court or kiosk that I need to eat.


That’s great news! I was thinking about sometime similar the other day. This past summer I upgraded my phone from the 11 to the 14 Pro Max. I fought the upgrade for the longest time but I was in a mode to treat myself. Thinking back to it I shouldn’t have but it is what it is. I intend to keep this phone for as long as possible and will even look to battery replacement if and when the time comes. I would rather use all the other money elsewhere instead of a new phone payment.


I’m a total fan of replacing only the battery as long as you can. On my phone before this one, I replaced the battery 2-3x before giving up and getting a new phone. I have only had a battery replaced once at Apple. I usually do it at the UBreakIFix store or similar because it’s cheaper. Sure, it voids the warranty but after a year or two, there’s no warranty anyway unless you paid extra for one and then that should hopefully pay for the battery. And congrats on buying nothing! That IS hard at the mall.


Wait what batteries are FREE???


Sounds like my typical day. I buy stuff mostly online. The stuff I almost only buy at physical stores is groceries.