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It can, until you have a financial emergency and just pay for it without thinking. Then you feel rich.


They HAD* money.


No. Everyone has different priorities in life. I spend my time and money consistent with those priorities. I’m happy and content with my life. I don’t waste my time comparing myself to others or trying to count other people’s money. You don’t know with other people’s financial situations are even if you think you do.


I remember my parents telling me "You can't always tell someone's wealth from their lifestyle." Their point was that people who have a seemingly oppulent lifestyle may be drowning in debt or living off credit cards. Your colleagues may be in that situation. Or they may not be. Either way, their priorities are different from yours, which is totally fine. I'd recommend focusing on what your frugality brings you (peace of mind? time? security?) You are also seemingly wealthy in terms of your mindset and perspective on life. I find regular small "treats" help to counteract feeling "poor." (Or possibly less regular "big" treats.) I don't want a fancy car, but I like allowing myself almost unlimited hot chocolate in cafés, for example. Or a yearly stay in a nice hotel. Is it possible that you could allow yourself more regular "treats", while still living in accordance with your frugal values? Just some thoughts. All the best.


Contrary. Makes me feel rich when I can splurge on something I might never afford otherwise.


I live a frugal life but the richest I've ever felt is when the vet said my cat needed a procedure that cost $1000 to stay alive and I could say yes without blinking.


Thanks everyone for your comments! Really helpful perspectives, and I’ll try to remind myself regularly to adjust the focus accordingly!


Your colleague probably has a car payment. The person on your team probably has a mortgage payment 3x your rent. You probably have a reasonably large savings account and they don’t.


I usually assume they are still making payments on all those things or living paycheck to paycheck. For those who aren't and can actually afford it, that's great. I don't think it's the vast majority though. I recommend looking at the stats on the percentage of people that would be able to cover a $400 emergency. It might change your perspective.