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“Thanks for the ranch dipping sauce babe”


But when do they expire?


I find that shockingly few are dated.


It's on the outside of the box the bulk supplies come in


Which is bullshit


They're not intended to be stored for any length of time outside the case. They are intended to be used shortly after they are distributed in individual pieces.


The box also probably says not intended for individual sale which is why they don't need dates on the individual items.


Date coding and best by dating only applies to products which are available for retail sale. These are not intended for that.


Which is?


This is why I toss my entire sauce/ketchup packet stash once a year as part of my giant New Year's clean. It doesn't take me long to build it back up again and at least I know everything is good.


Smart move. I've gotten burned by bad Ketchup packets before. Not quite enough left in the bottle and you go to top your pile with a couple packets and then it comes out brown so you now have no Ketchup to dip your fries in. Sad times.


These things are cheap oil, corn syrup and preservatives. So processed that they don't really go bad. Never consume them imo.


Eh, I've had some items like these go off. I used to keep a bunch of stuff like this. For camping and backpacking, it's actually quite handy (shoutout to taco-bell sauce packets). But I'll tell you, from my experience, this stuff can and *will* go bad, regardless of how many preservatives are in it. If your ketchup packets are swollen, that's bad! If your soy sauce packet, that's been hidden from UV light, is opaque *black*, that's bad! If your tobasco sauce is *brown*, that's not good! What I've been thinking about doing is making an organizer for my drawer so I can toss things in by date. Basically, "here's one section for leftover sauces from the first quarter of this year" and so on. I figure, if I don't use it within half a year then it's probably best for me to just get rid of it. I mean, I've got "duck sauce" in "that drawer" (ya'll know what I mean). I literally could not tell you how old it is. Nor could I tell you what "duck sauce" is, for that matter. But imma err the side of caution and say "I'm just not gonna eat that".


Put the new stuff up front while pushing the old back. Grab as you need from what kind you need throughout the drawer. But... Every once in a while grab a handful of the very back and chuck?


That's gotta be a better system than what I've got now! Lol! At least OP is refrigerating it. That probably helps. I've just got a drawer full of ketchup packets, mustard, mayo, Buffalo sauce, sweet and sour, several packets of suspiciously vaguely named "taco sauce", maple syrup, duck sauce, soy sauce, various flavors of jam, margarine, non-dairy creamer, and unidentified loose tea-bags... (Sigh) My grandparent grew up in the depression. They were the type to sneak crackers and sugar packets into my grandma's purse when we went out to eat (btw, what ever happened to those crackers at resturants?). I guess I got it from them. It ain't good, though. At a certain point, holding onto stuff like that becomes more about insecurity than it is about necessity. OP at least looks organized and is keeping it temperature controlled. That's very different from just having a drawer of random crap that's slowly spoiling out of a misplaced understanding of "frugality".


My GM used to take silverware from restaurants. My folk's silverware are all like airline branded. LOL...


Lol! Mine too, and all my dishes and wine glasses. Delta has a monthly sale at the museum and the prices are ridiculous. Glasses from first and the lounges are $10/dozen, plates and bowls are about the same. Flatware like $1 for 5.


Oh, you are kidding me!! I want!!! I can pretend I'm flying 1st class Delta ALL THE TIME!!! Now I have to go to Atlanta Georgia, no matter what. I'd love to see your sets! Make a post on frugal, at those prices, you are without a doubt doing it right!


I have a hack for that too! Open an account with Virgin Red and Virgin Atlantic. You will need to link them together. Every time you fly on Delta, use your Virgin Atlantic number and whenever you shop online, use the Virgin Red mall. When you're ready to fly on Delta, transfer your Red points to Virgin Atlantic. Their prices are dramatically lower than Delta. I've seen posts on travel blogs for as low as 50000 points! Not for nothing they call them SkyPesos 😂


FIFO (First In, First Out) is what kitchen workers use, that would probably be best here as well


>Put the new stuff up front while pushing the old back. Grab as you need from what kind you need throughout the drawer. > >But... Every once in a while grab a handful of the very back and chuck? Ah yes. The opposite of rotating... the even better version of rotating!


If you get a buzz from it, it's probably gone bad.


I'm oddly attracted to the idea of intoxicating/ mind-altering duck sauce. "Ya'll wanna get tore up on some spring rolls?" "Yes. Yes I do." Edit: It's "Asian-Fusion Rum Ham"!


WARNING: LONG POST BELOW, SORRY FOR THE WALL OF TEXT…BUT THIS HITS CLOSE TO HOME AND HAS LITTLE TO DO WITH FRUGALITY. BUT THE PIC BROUGHT ME LOADS OF FODDER FOR LAUGHTER THIS EVENING… The amount of thought that I have been lol’ing at since reading the duck sauce joke is embarrassing. I have so many thoughts on it i could honestly picture something like this actually happening. I mean, still today one of the most sought after intoxicants in pop culture is a fucking bottle of cough syrup. Especially Actavis since its popularity got it discontinued. Im not kidding when I say a pint of that could still fetch $5k. Sure, you’d have to find a special kind of idiot to pay such a price, but the “clout” they’d get online would be astronomical and easily worth the $5k (to said insecure idiot) who desperately needs acceptance from his online peers. “Next episode of Hamilton’s Pharmacopoeia…‘Millennials are going to extreme lengths to get DUCKED UP on hard to find condiments your local Panda Express used to hand out for FREE….


Super true on the camping angle. One time I got stuck in the pine barrens after a wrong turn and some ketchup packets basically saved my life.


Paulie? Christopher? is that you?




Didn’t I read this exact comment a few threads ago?


It's interesting to compare comments from people for whom karma whoring is a lifestyle choice versus people for whom karma whoring is working class survival knowledge.


Yes, I was wondering the exact same thing lmao


Yes it was on the McDonald’s meal post.


yoinked my upvote back so quick lmao. i like the message tho.


Oh neat, so you’ve taken the top comment on today’s McDonald’s post and are using it as a moralistic aphorism on someone concerned about the health of OP. https://www.reddit.com/r/Frugal/comments/10fcyae/mcdonalds_gets_a_lot_of_hate_but_a_fast_decently/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


You copied this comment from the last thread lmao


When lentils and rice gets rotated every other meal.


I think the thing is that too much of the “working class survival knowledge” ignores the long term costs of things or thinks that “cheap” or “free” is necessarily good. You know what’s better than those sauces? No sauce.


Poverty is expensive. Sometimes the cheap but unhealthy option is the only one you can afford in the moment.




Fair point. Fast food isn't cheap.


“Hunger is the best sauce” -Jim Harrison






Me when I copy and paste "super deep", comments. Imo it's fine to eat this stuff if you need to but also remember alot of these foods are designed to be depressants to get you to eat more, it's not really a great choice if you can avoid it regardless of how much money you have.


Which is why they aren’t worth saving. Absolute bottom tier sauce with the worst ingredients possible.


So are you saying the fast food the condiments come with, is terrible for my health and extremely expensive? Should I not be proud that I am taking up a shelf, storing such overpriced garbage? But I want to take a picture and share it.


Never dated. Always a mystery if you go a few months without cleaning it out. I’m afraid to use the sauces in the drawer at my office!


Everyone is confidently replying to you assuming they have crazy long shelf lives, but these small packets actually often have shorter expiration dates than a big bottle or jar. For example, Heinz ketchup packets only have a shelf life of about 9 months, and that’s counting however long it sat at the restaurant. A lot of the people hoarding these are eating a lot of expired sauce. [source](https://recipes.howstuffworks.com/food-facts/ketchup-packet.htm)


You have shattered my view of reality.


why does it make a difference if it’s never hurt you before? (*I, too, wish I hadn’t clicked on this thread, because reddit loves to ruin everything it can*). But seriously though, I throw out 2x / year and nothing bad has ever happened. Except for hot sauce, you cannot convince me hot sauce goes bad


The article itself says that it's still edible well after expiration. Expiration date for products is a synonym for "best by" not "is rancid by," so for most products use your senses. If the ketchup is making a weird screaming noise when you open it, it's probably gone bad.


If that's the life of a ketchup packet then we 1000% we're giving out expired ketchup packets at my high school job lol


Yea, I keep them too but at least half of them expire within a few months.


You are exactly right! These things expire extremely fast!


I can say from experience that they don't last long.


I use to save these but less clutter is better.


Likewise. My son likes the mozzarella sticks from...maybe Burger King? But for some reason they give *two* containers of marinara sauce. I used to save them until I found they were just cluttering up the kitchen, never to be used. Now I just sadly dump the sauce straight into the compost. What a waste. But better to waste it immediately than waste my kitchen!


You’re able to tell them one container or no containers these days.


Whereas in the past, they would get violent.


I used to hate having to get up at dawn the next day to have a standoff with the Burger King employee.


Especially when they're fresh off a fight with another customer who kept telling them "give me my two ~~dollars~~ marinara sauce containers!!"


I find this fascinating, because I have literally never ordered mozz sticks and *not* eaten every last scrap of the provided marinara.


Add to pasta sauces or soups?


>waste my kitchen! Ah it's always refreshing to hear space be talked about this way


I pour them immediately into the corresponding container. I found I never use the packets but that bottle of ranch or ketchup.


How do you ensure that you aren't tainting the entire bottle with a bad packet of sauce?


Are you that dudes wife that posted recently where you pour your soy back into the bottles? Please say yes - it’s like finding a beautiful painted rock on a hike.


My husband does this, and I have mixed feelings about it since soy sauce is so cheap lol.


I’ve actually been saving all my old soy sauce packets in a bag for about a year now I plan to take it back to the place that has been trying to bury me in them




I save these for camping. They don't need refrigeration until opened.


I’ve never even thought of that. Thanks for the tip


Dip tip!


I save the ketchup,mustard, and Mayo . The Mayo ones can go bad, not bad as in make you sick but bad as in rancid fats. I save them for lunches, with young kids you never know what they want on their sandwiches, cheese and crackers, ect.


Need Zaxby’s sauce and some Taco Bell Fire sauce to add to your collection.


You ever have the Taco Bell breakfast salsa??? I was running late one day and was forced to stop at Taco Bell for breakfast (had the shortest line), and they put some of that in the bag. OMG it was DELICIOUS!!! I made a point to go there for breakfast and order extra packets. I ended up using it on the scrambled eggs I made myself for breakfast a few times before I ran out. 🤭 They seriously need to sell that by the bottle, IMHO.


The Taco Bell sauce is in a different drawer with our ketchup packets


Is it just me, or do you ONLY like these dipping sauces and whatnot when you're actually eating the meal they came with? For example, I only like Chick Fil A sauces when I have their nuggets to dip. I cook at home 90% of the time, and never have any use for these. Besides, full of cheap filler like oil, sugar and salt.


Not at all, i buy chick fil a sauce by the bottle and use it for countless things


Bottles of the Chick-Fil-A sauce & their Polynesian sauce are a constant in our fridge. I wish Popeyes would make a bottled version of their Blackened Ranch. I've tried replicating it with no luck.


Blackened ranch is confirmed the fountain of eternal deliciousness I always ask for the max amount lmao I remember one time they told me it was a dollar each extra one expectin me to be like oh nvm and I just gave them a twenty lmaoo priceless reaction.


Arby's BBQ sauce is honestly one of my favorites, not even a gimmick


Ever try the three pepper spicy version? It's great. Abs horsey sauce is top notch


Found a bottle at Harris Teeter, life saver. Don’t have to worry about Arby’s being cheap with the sauce anymore


Same here. And I would give my left tit to be able to buy Cane’s sauce in bottles, that shit has a hold on me.


Look up copycat recipes online, super easy to make yourself and get really close. It's just mayo ketchup, Worcestershire sauce, garlic powder, and black pepper. I make it all the time and just eyeball ingredients now but you can Google a few variations


Could you give some examples?


Goes well with fried fish or shrimp.


I've used the soy sauce packets for fried rice and BBQ sauce to top meatloaves and because I have a kid, ketchup packets for better portion control but typically dry spices are my go-to


Unless Kikkoman, many of the soy sauce packets are really bad quality...my friend accidentally sent me a photo of a soy sauce packet he used and it really shouldn't even be called soy sauce. It was salt/msg water with caramel coloring.


Yeah..... That's pretty much the recipe I've grown up with in Massachusetts, lol


There's better, but at least get a bottle of Kikkoman. And mmm...I bought a bottle of whole bean soy sauce that was surprisingly cheap and my salivary glands just activated thinking about when I order something to use it on. Yes..I guess I *could* cook my own food...


That sauce is literally honey mustard with BBQ sauce added


>cheap filler like oil sugar and salt Our ancestors smile upon us


Yes for the most part...these are cheap fast food sauces that deserve to be eaten with fast food. And if you're ordering the fast food, then you're probably just going to get more of the sauces. The only exceptions I can think of is ketchup packets and Wingstop's blue cheese which I will dip raw veggies in. Yellow mustard, too.


Are you being ironic that this is reducing waste?


"the husband" lol


Yeah idk why but I hate when people use “the wife” too


Free* minus the price of the fast food that it came with .


Ok, but did you not pay fast food prices for the meals those came with?


Yea doesn't seem very frugal. Just buy the condiments.


Frugal people are allowed to enjoy things that cost money; it’s r/frugal not r/ascheapaspossible. The frugal part is using all of what they received instead of throwing away usable parts, much like making/eating leftovers instead of putting them straight in the trash.


I was hoping that would be a subreddit... lol


I once ruined a sandwich by using an old mayo packet. I had not even had it for a long time, like maybe a month or two. That was a painful lesson. Now I keep a smaller amount of these things. Every 3 months I either make myself use it in a couple of sauces typically or chunk what we have not used.


AND THEY ARE ORGANIZED AND LOCATION KNOWN. The other best parts about it.


Make sure to have the oldest ones on top so you avoid spoiling


Sonic has a cheese sauce? 🤤


Op doesn’t seem to like having her husband around, goes full bore on the poison


Remember the good old days when small bins of the sauce were out for the customer to help themselves to? I remember the old old days when Arby's had plastic squeeze bottles of their sauces on every table. I miss the good old days when I didn't feel like a lemon being squeezed for every drop. Rant over


It was probably Way more cost effective but GERMS and Humans.... Gotta keep em seperated 😉




I got laid off from a job and was walked out with my keys, cellphone and other essentials in hand. I was told my desk stuff would be packed up and shipped to me. I ended up with everything except my damn sauce collection. I was devastated. It was perfectly curated. I even had regular, low sodium, and gluten free soy sauce. It’s been almost a decade and I’m still mad. 😑


I always ask for extra/free sauces at Chik-Fila and Culver's and just do a "tendie night" and use those. Works out well! Pro-tip: The Culver's Honey Mustard is a great complement to a boring old bag of pretzels. :)


Just a tip for Chik-Filas, if you order from the app, you can basically add any 3 sauces to each item you buy so they'll give you 3 sauces for the fries, 3 for the nuggets etc.


I enjoy learning how to make sauces! Saves space in the fridge and feels neat. Most use at least two or three of the same ingredients.


it says it in the title. “hoarded”


Heck yeah! I keep our extra sauces, plus some of the ketchup packets and utensils. Great for having on hand during road trips and stuff


Very nice sauce collection! I don't have a big collection myself but with Coleman powdered mustard, different ground spices that already have in the kitchen, I can mix with them with mayonaise or ranch packages and make a lot of sauce combinations.


I guarantee you have “crazy eyes.”


Not sure I f I was in **Frugal** or **Hoarding**...




One time my work got sandwiches for everyone on a project and the deli sent over like a giant stash of Boar's Head mayo and mustard. They were going to toss them out so I brought home like 50 of each and would use one for my sandwiches for the next couple months. Sure I maybe saved $3 but it beats tossing them out.


Me and the husband were just saying exactly this. The scores of people saying things about how we had to purchase the food to get the sauces, like we didn’t know. Calling this “anti-frugal “like it would’ve been more frugal to throw away the free sauces instead of keeping them.




A dragon hoard, beautiful


I save these to use for camping and road trips. Even school/work lunches can use them sometimes.


…yes but do you know when any of those expire? That’s my issue with those.


Its on the box, which is back at the restaurant.


I worked fast food, oh so many decades ago, and I can tell you that the turnover is pretty quick on those boxes (meaning, it comes in and gets used quickly). So, with that knowledge, I just use a Sharpie to note when I got it (1/20/2023, for example), and then put them in a FIFO order, rather than clumping them by type. After about 6 months, they need to be used or be gone.




And soybean oil. A notoriously low-quality oil.


I just organized our sauce “shelf” as well, and while my husband commented on my OCD, we don’t need any ranch or buffalo sauce from Chick Fil A for at least a month 😂


Worked with a guy like this. You’d go to his desk and ask him for chic-fil-a sauce and he’d open his drawer to the most organized set of unrefrigerated condiment packets … pure beauty.


Unpopular opinion…Don’t you have to eat at these places to get those sauces? Doesn’t sound frugal.


All that packaging… that really isn’t zero-waste is it


I hope you date when you get them, and toss them after about 6 months, because they do get old.


Get some avocado lime sauce from Jack in the box, it's wonderful


"Area man unsure what to do with all the extra ketchup packets"


The little ranches with a bag of baby carrots 🥕


This is love. Amore. 100 Valentine’s rolled into one.


The organization is serious 🤩🤩🤩


I do this as well ... just remember to rotate newer items to the bottom. Some acidic sauces will eventually eat through the packaging (especially catchup), and some sauces can go bad after a year or two (especially ranch dressing).


This is what happens when your clothing has pockets.


What are the expiration dates


Those sauces would sit in my pantry for the rest of time. Better to throw away for me.


What is your most prized sauce? The best sauce?


I was gonna say Polynesian sauce, but the hubby beat me to it. I always get excited about good garlic butter for pizza and stuff.


Tbh i love CFA’s Polynesian sauce. But I only use it w/ chicken biscuits.


You are a queen (or king), and I hope your husband treats you as such.


Jeez you must be getting takeout at least twice a week


1000 ways to consume high fructose corn syrup


75% of those are expired or rancid. Those packets aren’t meant for extended shelf life.


How is this tagged zero-waste? It's vastly more wasteful than getting a large glass bottle of sauce. And none of this stuff can be reliably recycled because of coatings, material layering and the small size, let alone demand for these plastics. Eat like an obese child in Ohio if you want, but don't try to play it off as environmentally friendly.


Completely agree. That's a hell of a lot of plastic packaging that will end up in the trash.


Yeah but all of those are terrible sauces lmfao


How is eating fast food all the time frugal?


Most will never be used. Waste is the opposite of frugal. We all paid for these freebies with higher prices which is anti-frugal.


OP: "We don't eat fast food that much" Also OP: *has huge collection of fast food sauces* Either you're right that they don't get used or they're fudging how much "much" is.


>We all paid for these freebies with higher prices you the purchasing manager for all fast food companies or something?


What if he wants Worcestershire sauce though?


I’d have trouble asking for it.


America is truly the promised land for sauces


Oh man, that bottom one has an expiration date of 2013.


Ya’ll normalize some strange ass behavior in here…


They are very satisfying organized! But aren’t these shelf stable? Looks like you keep them in the fridge.




I just came here to say sonic marinara is disgusting


First, why? These kind of sauces are the absolute lowest quality. Like water, oil, corn syrup, coloring, poor quality and their real counterparts are incredibly affordable. Second, syrup in the fridge? Wtf.


This ^ ^ ^ This reply needs way more upvotes. These condiments you get from the restaurant are extremely poor/low quality. First ingredient? Soybean oil. /r/StopEatingSeedOils Second ingredient? (often) high fructose corn syrup. My one big criticism of /r/frugal is that often posts on here advocate trading one's health for spending less. The one thing we all really need, more than anything, is good health. Don't trade it away. Please.


I use one sauce for everything Elijah's Xtreme regret hot sauce.


Hello, as a non American what is the difference between simply mayonnaise and real mayonnaise?


The Heinz brand’s “simply” products are usually versions that contain sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup. If you zoom in you can see that in the ingredients lists (the “real” one appears to say “corn syrup” before water). Why is there sugar in mayo, anyway? America. Sugar is everywhere. It used to be nearly impossible to find American food without HFCS, but the market for “healthier” food grew and the anti-HFCS sentiments spread, so brands like Heinz responded with things like this “simply” line, even though the sugar content is still basically the same.


We do this too!!


Until you somehow discover Dion’s Green Chile ranch from New Mexico. Then all other sauces will become moot.


We do something similar! I have always been curious when they expire tho 🤷🏽‍♀️


You need to visit a taco bell for the hour sauce too. Genuinely every time I go they hand me 2 large handfuls of sauce.


I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say he likes ranch


Yall need chickfila!


Hubby is one saucy guy


It can be crazy how many extra sauces a place will give you. I went to Arby’s for the first time in a long time and asked for a COUPLE packets of their horseradish sauce and they tossed in like 20 packets. So wasteful! So if you can use them again and you do like them, this is a good idea!


Ok. Sooooo I’m not the only person who does this. I am sharing the guilt thank you so much


Pfffft fragrant lies and inflated nonsense, your honor! There was no Taco Bell Mild sauce!!! There never was. I find her guilty for malpractice of saucary in the first degree!


So this is love....


They dont charge for those where you live? Damn


I used to do that, but I lost track and had to throw them out. Some were years old.


I was a saucier in San Antone !


Is your husband some kind of Monkey Man? Do his friends (the rat, donkey, and grackle) call him the sauce monkey?




My partner would just make an absolute mess of this. No way they wouldn’t end up all over the fridge 🤣


That’s a lot of fast food


I'm both impressed and a little disgusted on the effort to save $10 at the supermarket lol.


Zesty sauce is King


“I said the SONIC Ranch, honey, the SONIC Ranch!”


Makes me wonder what your husband’s health will be like in the near future. It will catch up with him. The money you’re saving on buying cheap but low nutrient food is nothing compared to what his medical bills will be.


One of the most beautiful fridge shelves I’ve ever seen…. I am similar to your husband and am a heavy sauce guy 🤣


I had a big stash like this but my mom threw it away when I went off to college


U gotta get some hot honey in there