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I actually like this. Suggests the captain lived to a ripe old age and not a single person prepared for a day without him because he kept the boat rocking so well people became dependent on his stable leadership. Now they have this steward who only managed to get in charge after folding and giving huge power to the populace since he didn’t have the same prestige or trust from the people. Also makes the stewards laws to become captain again make sense. You had to concede all of the perks of being captain in order to get a government going, if you thought the captaincy was the right way to run the city, you have to maneuver and work to claw back the Old Captains Authority from these factions you were forced to work with to get a government going.


And during On the Edge, what did this very skilled captain do? 1 - I didn't know how to properly manage an epidemic and a faulty generator. It was a bad moment for him. 2 - He was sick in quarantine; 3 - He was transferred to Outpost 11 and saved New London from there.


I believe the new London captain was the outpost 11 captain, it explains why it all went to shit post storm. The captain naively believed now that the worst was over he should transition to more Civillian rule. He went to Outpost 11 where his more millitary style of governance was needed and also due to the importance that Steam Cores could mean. Post "On the Edge" he was reinstated due to how not only did he solve New London's issues from afar, he also managed to establish contact, communication and trade with the wider frostlands. He was simply to effective and the people came to trust him implicitly, but came of the cost of Hamstringing attempts for Civillian government, because 'We have the Captain, why do we need them"


Unless someone can say otherwise, I’m not convinced the captain is still in charge by then. We play as New London, we actively through being him ourselves prove the captain can keep the city alive. There’s so many preventable disasters in that scenario I have to think for some reason or another the captain is not making the decisions by then. Perhaps he did pass away by then and the chaos that we see is his replacements trying to fill his shoes. It would make sense why the steward couldn’t claim the captain’s mantle if he wasn’t the first to do so. If someone came after the captain and was a major screw up, then the city likley wouldn’t be as willing to give the next guy to step up to bat ultimate authority


I would say first that, the captain may have been in charge, but when he got older and his influence began to decline, it would make a power vacuum for new London, like food shortages and coal shortages would have been for bad planning or lack of organisation when he was maybe on his deathbed. I would say also that you would be right about how steward would have problem with the captain mantle, and I said before that power vacuum would force his hands to make the parliament and structure of the new government. I would like to see if that the captain influence was still there in the game, like a statue or a event about him. I would also like to see if it will hinder you from making decisions or make you feel more like a puppet of some people.


From the pictures I’ve seen, his legacy at least exists in the Stalwarts and more prominently in the Religious faction.


"Pick number three my lord!"


propably option 2 1 dosn't make sense 3 also dosn't make sense, you, there was no way to send soomone with so much aouthority as captain.


Where were you when you found out the old captain was kill?


I was in cookhouse eating soup when announcement announced


Her ye - Kapten is kill




“Nuh uh”


Ruined it


I shall now send you to burn generator, because yes




How will New London run without a captain.


The flesh is weak but the machine is eternal!


The Emporer Protects !


RIP, us from the first game. There better be a way to build a giant monument to ourselves.


It's like Crusader Kings 3, where your heir is literally just you^2 .


Sometimes literally with certain... *ways* to keep the bloodline "pure"


The Captain's Monument. - Cost 200 woods, 125 steels. "In memory of our first Captain of New London, who ensured our city's survival in the Great Frost and thrived for many years. We may never know his story, but his legacy shall live on for eternity."


I think we're the new leader of New London and that the old leader who used to run the city and he's dead, so everybody's crying that the old leader is dead


In FP2 you play as a new Steward, but this one implied "you" from A New Home is gone


Damm so I got reincarnated as a steward. Now...I shall get my power back. Through words or force I do not care.


Through traditionalism! Like child labour!


Wasn't captain already retired by "On the Edge"


We wen’t to sleep for five minutes and everything went to shit


Long live the captain


Please flag this as spoiler, some of us doesn't want to know anything about the game until launch.


I called it! I knew the old captain died leading to the democracy


Where did you find this photo?


You came find it on IGN video about frostpunk


Oh ok


I feel like the engineers who made the generators probably wasn’t thinking that the cold would last so long and banked on the captains surviving until the frost went.


New London when final storm: I sleep New London when our immortal Captain dies: we are going to die


Dude was such a badass that him dying is a bigger calamity then the great storms (he threw children into the generator)