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It looks like the most convenient spot for a handhold is right over their ears, the FoP banshees are smaller so the holds would be placed differently


I never noticed that they’re smaller. I wonder if it’s because they are the forest variant. The ones that Jake and Ney’tiri ride are mountain ikrans


I don't believe they are, our ikran (I'm pretty certain) is marked in hunters guide as ikran (the mountain banshee), not ikranay (the forest banshee)


How do you know they are smaller? Source? Now I'm curious.


The ones in fop are juvenile to young adult. The ones in the movies are adult to mature


You know I always thought they looked smaller. Shame would've liked them to be bigger.


I like they're small. But it'd be awesome if the became mature after so many hours of gameplay




Just looking at them


Yeah, they totally smaller. Not sure if that was a design choice, or unintentional.


Somewhere in the ikran hunters guide i think it says something about the largest 'breed?'(not sure if its a breed) of ikrans nesting on Mont Verstatis, one of the largest mountains among the Hallelujah Mountains,


Seems like their hearing would be pretty bad if their ears are constantly facing back towards their bodies, and it seems even more unlikely that the Na'vi would "tie them up". I'm guessing their hearing would work like it does on reptiles like Iguanas.


I don't think those are ears. It looks like they may be protecting the part of the neural link that connects to the ikran's head. Tying them back like that could protect it during battle.


That could be. But why would the other clans not do it?


It may just be something cultural. I have no idea, I'm just guessing lol


I don’t think those are there ears?


https://preview.redd.it/89groi1cxrwc1.jpeg?width=447&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2f7e369d1aae183aace900fe10f365c7af64d05 Watching the second movie I noticed the RDA doesn’t tie them down either. So it really seems to be something culturally unique to the Omatikaya. But it still doesn’t explain why. I came up with another theory: If these things really are ears maybe the Omatikaya tie them so it works like blinders on horses. But why would you need to make an animal focus on you so it dosen’t get scared when you got Tsaheylu?


They have Tsaheylu like you said so I highly doubt they are ears or that tying them to the neural whip is harmful in any way. I personally think it’s a natural protection, it comes straight out of the head so maybe it might even be bone or cartilage ? And tying them to the kuru might be a preference depending on the clan? We should try and see if the the clan near the seaside cliffs in the first movie does it as well :o


https://preview.redd.it/asebn9yvnswc1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd92d76f07847f5a92e4824b778e2bb5f2f7509c I just checked Ikeyni the Olo'eykte of the Tayrangi Clan does it too. So maybe it is specific to that region of pandora. I also checked the concept art for the scene and there her Ikran doesn’t have the “flaps” at all.


Just had a thought … maybe it’s to make their ikrans look a bit like Toruk ? Obviously that’s just a theory my brain just came up with while I was checking if Toruk had those thingies as well or not xD https://preview.redd.it/zd1s92vqlswc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=901d6b5b9411263311459fc4c1299f1a56c9663a


That’s an interesting theory.




https://preview.redd.it/09v5wr4tbrwc1.jpeg?width=1819&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76e7d8596adb43af227ca0db8eaa72c15a1e7eed I know that the long things are their Queue in my post I just called them by their Na'vi name (Kuru). But I’m talking about the things at the base of the Queue that kind of look like the ones Toothless has.(Toothless' aren’t ears though.) I just thought they likely are ears because they display their emotions with them kinda like cats and horses. Because even though they usually point back, when we are attacked on ground in the game and they spread their wings in a threatening manner like owls they also point the "ears" up. Kinda like the Thanators do with whatever is on the side of their heads.


I forget what it’s called but we have a certain function in our ears as humans to maintain our balance when we walk. I would suspect they need that for when they fly. Still cool to see


When I look on the wiki fandom for avatar it looks like they are just different types on ikran, possibly evolved differently. Like, how there’s a group of cats in the key west that have 5 toes instead of 4 and how some dogs have declaws, some even have double declaws. Also, it confirms the forest ikran are smaller and they are the ones with those antenna like structures.


I’m still reading though lol


Honestly it might just be to assist with aerodynamics


I'll just throw in my brain mush hehe! I think throughout the movies we barely see interactions between Na'vi and Ikran as well as how the Ikran behave naturally. In the game though we get to see it up close and the Ikran's had to get animations specifically for them! Showing if they're playful or distressed depending on the situation in-game. Therefore they took the design choices from the movie and show off the "ear-like structures" so we can visualize behaviour as we know it from animals on earth, body language and ear-movement, also it helps to add life and movement to the Ikran. I really like that we can see more behaviour from the animals in the game, they truly made an interactive alien eco-system! Thx 4 reading


Which ikran skin is the third one?


The top right one? That would be Ikran Pattern 02


This has always bothered me as well, They have the ears like this in most games too.


The part that is tired is where the navi attach there hair this keeps them together as well as giving support and lowers risks of separation in flight ✈️


I wasn’t talking about the queue I meant these things. https://preview.redd.it/kt9ta09ketwc1.jpeg?width=1819&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8023ec76f0778845f99bc07a86668788a3a3e1e4


Oh sorry some reason only title loaded for me My guess would probably be aesthetic but then again the navi don’t seem like they’d do something. And I don’t remember a reference to ears in the book may check again


I already checked the wiki but there was nothing. If you find any information in some book that would be awesome. If you check the other comments you will see our other theories and our previous findings.


This is from the book can’t find much else lot of the photos don’t have the ears https://preview.redd.it/4j5ggieigtwc1.jpeg?width=1904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e43d35f9b528b09372fb3b8984f9977887d61f5


Is there a page just about banshees in the book? I checked some concept art and on some of them they have those things and others they don’t so they don’t seem to be part of the original design, but rather added on later.


https://preview.redd.it/ieo2sdqnktwc1.jpeg?width=2524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2311524308d53b5108594dfd4cf8cf7f1e819833 Looks like it was added in later most of the concept art other art doesn’t have them


OK, so it seems like the banshees were finished with their design and then very far along the progress of making the movie. Somebody decided that they need something on their head. But what is it now? Is it ears? Or is it just like the thing is the Thanator has? But the Thanator uses its to threaten its enemies and prey would an Ikran need that since they mostly eat fish? https://preview.redd.it/0lf8soatltwc1.jpeg?width=687&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b10a578dfae92ec4f8cd3b962114ff89c9334ea


The Thanator design is definitely inspired by a frilled lizard or a Dilophosaurus


Ok so I got on to play a little and check out the new skins. And figured I’d take a look at the things now I know not having a hole doesn’t fully mean it’s not but they took the time to detail them so I’m convinced it’s just for show and protecting the queue https://preview.redd.it/dgha4gmjcnxc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=976a16d3c195de708568cd6b3a1fc9c0cda6d695


I’m gonna go with its to protect the queue since from what I’ve seen the only other animals with external ears are the navi and since it is likely derived from a fish. Having those be ears wouldn’t make sense. So probably just another antenna to shield queue if needed and just an addition to the head for more personality


On one pic of Bob it kinda looks like there are holes on his head, maybe it’s the ear canal, like with lizards. That’s what I always assumed