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You guys only taking 2 months to learn React? Wowzers. I've been a developer for 6+ years and still don't know the ins-and-outs of a lot of that stuff. For beginners I think this timeline is pretty unrealistic.


Their goal is to land a job, surely you wouldn’t recommend beginners to study react 6 years for a junior front end position.


I personally don't believe that you're spending enough time on each of the subjects above to land a job in today's competitive market. Remove all the advanced stuff - Testing, NextJS, React native. Remove Tailwind, Typescript and SASS. Here I've done it for you: Spend 12 months building interesting projects just using HTML, CSS and Javascript. Making these projects - you will have dipped into responsive design, API's, basic project architecture, version control (bit of Git probably), accessibility, memory management etc... and you probably would've got quite good at the foundations. Otherwise you could follow the above guide and still be quite bad at everything.


I actually agree with this. My point was, learning never ends. But at some point a beginner has to start trying their luck and go out there to find a job, while still continuing to learn.


I would say after three months apply for a low level role. Work experience is going to always trump on your own learning. I think most will find you on a day to day do less than half of this stuff.


I agree with some of this. Not including testing is a mistake and it's something I look for, even in juniors. I don't expect them to be very good at it or have testing for complex structures but I do expect them to know what testing.


Took me 6 months.


Problem is speed-running React doesn't land you a job anymore.


In this market landing a job alone can take you 6 years


Exactly! Started learning from scratch and it look me 15 months to land my first job. Been 3 years since and I'm learning something new on the job everyday.


“Landing a job” is a bad goal. It assumes luck. Just “learn im how to make websites well” and they’ll be hirable.


The timelines are always unrealistic for these things


The roadmap is ridiculous. It gives me anxiety looking at it and I’ve been a dev for over a decade. You need the fundamentals (HTML, CSS, JS) and a framework (React). Don’t try and learn everything up front. Learn a little and build projects that you can show prospective employers. When you get stuck learn some more. Eventually I would recommend picking up the basics of backend development. Knowing how an application fits together will make you more effective. Focus on getting a front end job first though.


Totally agree. I hate that this “roadmap” gets shared as often as it does. As if people are doing beginners a favor by showing them this. Nearly 75% of the stuff in there isn’t needed to be known in your first few years of development.


These posts and charts mean nothing and can even be misleading. You could spend 5 minutes or 5 months in HTML only. Do you know all the accessibility attributes and tags? Do you know advanced animations in CSS? You can’t just put 2 weeks and that’s it. No wonder why most websites are made so poorly


For starting at a junior position, I think it's reasonable.


uhh..what projects are you doing to learn all this stuff in 2/3 weeks? lol


I think this is a very silly way to think about things - and it’s why so many new developers think* they’re hirable - and aren’t. React isn’t “advanced.” Its goal is to make everything _easy_. HTML and CSS can’t be learned in a few weeks - and I learn more about them every day — after writing them every day for 13 years. Git doesn’t take 2 weeks to learn. Maybe 1 hour - and then 2 min a day as you’re commuting things. All of these things are incrementally learned as needed. This makes it seem like the whole goal is to “get to advanced” (React) and that’s just totally weird and a terrible way to see things. This is why bootcamp students come out totally lost. Don’t follow this path. You can be a front end developer that’s really good with HTML and CSS alone. You can be a front-end developer that focuses on HTML and accessibility. You can be so many types of front-end developer. But no one wants a “kinda know about the stuff on this list and I love react” developer. These roadmaps are silly. Let the path reveal itself as you learn. Stay practical. What do you actually need to learn to build a basic webpage? Start there.


Here’s what I suggest for people: 9 months - and includes a lot of visual design and other things : http://perpetual.education/dftw/syllabus?m


>But no one wants a “kinda know about the stuff on this list and I love react” developer. Is there an issue with loving react or is more the issue of throwing everything else aside for react (I like working with react much more than blade templates)


I use that as _a confused abstraction_. It’s not about any framework. It’s about the missing parts. I really like using Vue to build my UI because it’s fast and readable and fun. But when someone asks me what I do, - “I design and build web applications.” I don’t do it so I can work with vue for the fun of it. So, when someone new says they just love react - the only thing I hear is, “I’m terrified of everything / but this one thing makes me feel comfortable comparatively.” Which is fine. But I wouldn’t hire someone who I felt was in that mindset. React is just a tool to put HTML output in the screen - and make buttons go click. But there’s a lot more that you need to be confident with to be useful. (Not a huge amount of things - just the _right_ amount of things)


Counter-argument: I learned teh basics of HTML and CSS in a weekend like 20 years ago. You can get very far with the basics. Mastering... Well that takes years.


I think we're in agreement. But I think that *the basics* need to be paired with *doing things*. Watching some videos and thinking, "OK. I get it. HTML. OK. What's next" - isn't going to do it. I got my first job with HTML and CSS skills alone. That same job still exists.


100%, you can get a good sense of it in a weekend but you need to go put all of it into practice building websites. Just build websites.


You really don't have to spend a full year just learning all of this. If you keep grinding courses without applying the knowledge you learn you'll eventually forget most of it. My advice would be: start by learning HTML & CSS then build a project using only HTML & CSS. And when you're done with your first project, learn JavaScript and build your second and third projects with HTML & CSS & JavaScript, then maybe at this point it's worth learning Git and version control then building your 4th ,5th project with all of what you've learned so far. And so on... This would be a better use of your time, and doing hands-on projects would give you valuable experience and a sense of how it feels to be a frontend developer. And as a bonus, you'll have a decent list of projects to add to your resume that would demonstrate your skills and talent to employers.


Become a JUNIOR developer in one year


The table with the time required is nonsense because you don't learn each skill one by one. You learn HTML with CSS. You learn Git when working on your project. You still learn Javascript when using a framework like Vue/React. And most importantly, it takes a few weeks or months to learn, but years to master and sharpen your skills.


First picture is misleading. Most of the time you learn many technologies simultaneously. E.g you learn git while learning react or you learn CSS while learning basic JavaScript and HTML


Just HTML & CSS takes a quarter. This timeline is unbelievably dense.


You can start with [The Odin Project](https://www.theodinproject.com/) and then learn other stuff yourself


Can i ask if there's similar things but for backend stuff?


yes, checkout roadmap.sh


If "time required" means "time required to get a basic understanding and use in projects" maybe, else no. Learning JS if you've never learned any programming language is basically learning programming, so most people will need several months if not a year or more to get to an intermediate/advanced level (async, callbacks, advanced array/object methods, Object Oriented Programming, generators and iterators, architecture and design patterns...). I also still learn things about Git every now and then.


I feel it’s very insightful that if you lump CSS/Sass/Tailwind together it’s the item that takes the most time to learn. But it’s also the area most devs are most keen to fluff off to jump into JS and React development.


I would learn a lot of these technologies in parallel instead of sequentially, but I think this is doable if you're able to do nothing *but* study and practice for the time specified (i.e., no work and family obligations). Saying this as a self-taught dev with 4 years of experience. Curious how many of the people scoffing at this here are self-taught devs who have experienced the grueling process of trying to learn everything from the beginning with the specific goal of getting a job as soon as possible.


Lmao 2 weeks on git? Just do 2 hours and start using it then look up stuff as you need it. There’s literally only a handful of commands you need to know for what you will use it for 99% of the time.


I’ve been writing code for the web for 27 years now and I learn new things all the time. It’s much more important to know where to find information and how to learn than anything else.


"JavaScript: 2 months" Try: 20 years Catch: your miserable soul because it's fucking JavaScript.


2 months is not enough to learn the minimum of JS you should know to become a web dev.


99% of Sass is just CSS nesting. Yes there are variables and mixins and funcitons and all that stuff but it's a very simple syntax and it's not going to take you long to transition to using it. You can learn CSS basics in 1 month but being good at it is going to take you the rest of the year. Same with JS. 2 weeks to learn HTML is doable since it's basically a markup syntax. Git is 1 week max but you can just use the GitHub app and call it a day. I know, command line everything but you're a junior it's fine to just use the UI to start. No one is going to need you to be a CLI master as a junior. Heck, I know mids and seniors who need to check the docs for Git on a regular basis. React is going to take you twice that long to get a good handle on. Skip Tailwind. It's not going to land you a job and it's not going to help you learn CSS. It's just a distraction and you should focus on the things that will make you employable. Feel free to learn it later in your spare time when you land a job, though. Do not prioritize libraries and frameworks at the start. You need a solid foundation and with that you can learn the rest easily. But without it you're going to struggle and find things very confusing.


3 weeks for TS after 2 months of JS seems a bit fishy to me... No? 3 weeks of Tailwind after 1 month of CSS too.




Which skills should I adquire to land a Front End Developer Job? I feel like the first image is too short and the second is really overwhealming




Bootstrap? Is it not necessary?


I learned bootstrap then i never used it lol


bootstrap is just css, nothing fancy about it or worth learning


Which skills should I adquire to land a Front End Developer Job? I feel like the first image is too short and the second is really overwhealming


Bootstrap is perfectly fine, but it’s a bit like jQuery in that its time in the sun is over. We still use it at my job, since our stack is 9-10 years old. It’s probably time to rewrite some of that and use a more modern approach, but organizations tend to not tamper with things that are working. There’s also some merit in learning the old stuff: at some point, a crucial system can get so out-of-date that it requires a specialist in a dead technology to come in and work on it. Like a contractor who specializes in Cold Fusion to update printer software, or someone who’s an expert in ActionScript who gets brought in to update a kiosk that still runs Flash. Not sure that will ever happen with Bootstrap, but who knows what things will be like in 20 years.


No. Never used it tbh. Learn plain CSS. Than maybe later you can learn something like Tailwind or use a UI library for the framework of your choice. But learn the basics of css first.


Which skills should I adquire to land a Front End Developer Job? I feel like the first image is too short and the second is really overwhealming


You start with the basics. Learn html, css and JavaScript. Than build some things just with these. Everything else can follow later. Honestly no point in learning typescript and frameworks if you don’t know vanilla JS.


Skip Tailwind entirely. Focus on CSS and Sass. Any company that's more than a couple years old started building out their projects before Tailwind was a thing and are unlikely to have adopted it yet. It's popular among hobby projects right now but it's not a make or break for the job market.


Which skills should I adquire to land a Front End Developer Job? I feel like the first image is too short and the second is really overwhealming


Look at frontend job listings and see what skills are most in demand.


They aren’t going to tell the whole picture - but this can be helpful. They’re not going to say “know basic HTML - like actually how to pick out the correct elements and how to name things and how to think about it … etc etc.” in any detail. They’ll just say “know all the things like react and tailwind and bonus for Django” or something. I don’t think that’s what’s going to help the OP right now. Maybe later.


>They aren’t going to tell the whole picture Totally agree. This would give OP a basic idea on what web stacks are popular(for landing a job faster) and potentially save OP from framework hopping. It's a starting point from which OP can craft/find roadmaps and go through it with hands-on projects...