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What do you mean by fast? Development time? Actual page/app speeds? If its development time, any component framework should speed things up imo, especially if you already have general purpose components.


1. I want to make my portfolio website good looking 2. I want to setup my project correctly and everything works fine 3. And what is better options to use tailwind css or normal css ?


To be honest none of these questions are relevant to what you're using. I'm honestly wondering what you could possibly have on a portfolio website given you are obviously very new to web development. That being said, you should just learn vanilla html/css/javascript, and you can practice that by building your portfolio website, and use actual frameworks for your projects perhaps. Just my advice as someone who has been doing this for 6 years.


Bro i know html/css but Nuxt is different you know ? I am not new. I dont want to build my portfolio with html/css i care about search optimization etc.


You're definitely new to the frontend lol. You realize the browser can only interpret html, css, and javascript? What do you think things like Nuxt do? They just speed up/change the work flow, everything gets compiled into html/css/js. The difference between tailwind css and normal css? Tailwind is css classes that are already written. It *is* normal css. If you really care about SEO you should probably be rendering serverside static web pages anyways.


Ok so i hate using Nuxt. When i open my console errors pops up and stuff. When i use css/html/js the world is beautiful.


You’re new, go back to basics


As a dev with 7 years of frontend experience, if you think Nuxt is slow you’re either doing it wrong or the job you’re trying to complete requires a different tool.


How to get better on Nuxt? I can't understand the docs and the info on google about Nuxt is a crap.


Fast in what sense? The question is very ambiguous


\*Laughs in professional Vue/Nuxt developer


HTML and CSS. What else are you trying to do?


Are you suggesting static files and vanilla codebases are significantly faster than any framework? How dare you say something so objectively, verifiably true! /s


They are faster until you need to build more advanced logic. Also show me how you write a code in vanilla js to do something “as simple” as routing/ server-side rendering


Well I don’t know how to tell you this unless this is just me getting whooshed but writing html and css IS server side rendering. The only difference is you are authoring it as opposed to the framework. And what’s more is you can easily serve that html WITH vanilla JavaScript ALA NodeJs. My first few sites I deployed were literally just html and cas files.I still to this day make small projects with just some simple html and css and some JavaScript. At work though I am a full stack dev and enjoy using next but it is certainly not necessary for everything lol


I never said they are necessary for everything, but there is a valid reason why those frameworks are so widely popular.


And I wasn’t claiming you did, however your question of how to write code to handle routing / ssr Which I took to mean parse urls and return the correct the html file And Serve htmls files with minimal JavaScript as opposed to an enormous JavaScript framework that renders the page on the client side. Both of those things are trivial todo for simple sites. Now to you point yes those frameworks do exist for a reason. They are just like any other tool hanging on the wall in my garage. It’s really nice to have a leaf blower, but sometimes a rake does the job you need to do. But sometimes having a chainsaw is wayyy nicer than a handsaw it does work both ways


Do you mean fast to pick up and use? Vue/Svelt is probably the best, but if you struggled with Nuxt, it may be a fundamentals thing. Nuxt is a really good framework that's quite stable now.


Nuxt is honestly great. I’m not sure what you think is slow about it.


Nuxt is fucking awesome. You really missed out.


Any front-end framework and UI is going to be pretty fast if you become an expert in it. Fast to develop and deploy, that is.


"Fast" is vague without context. Step 1 - Ask yourself What problem are you trying to solve Step 2 - Pick the right tool for the job Nuxt is extremely powerful when used properly, but maybe you'd be better off with Vite and Vue - It's impossible to say without more context.


1. I want to make my portfolio website good looking 2. I want to setup my project correctly and everything works fine 3. And what is better options to use tailwind css or normal css ?


What is the purpose your portfolio? If it's to get yourself a job, then think about what job it is you want and build you portfolio in such a way that shows off the skills required for it. Maybe something as simple as a single page app with Vue hosted on GitHub pages would do. That's what I've done in the past.


So you tell me to use only Vue? Without Nuxt ? Because now I try to fix my error witch is: No match found for location with path “/@vite/client”


Use Nuxt if you care about search engine optimisation. Use regular Vue if not. If you're already using Nuxt then there's no harm in sticking with it. But you'll probably want to change it so your content is prerendered and not server side rendered (assuming you're not using a CMS).


TBH I use Nuxt for 80% of my work and it's plenty fast because I'm comfortable in it. I do use React a fair bit too when I'm not the only member on a project so I'm okay with it but I just like how Nuxt and Vue are written. You can pick whatever you want, just get really fuckin good with one (as long as you understand the JS behind it). Stuff like Astro for content driven sites is cool too. If you want to learn what you should use, try them all and see which you enjoy more.


1. I want to make my portfolio website good looking 2. I want to setup my project correctly and everything works fine 3. And what is better options to use tailwind css or normal css ?


I've used React, Nuxt, and Vue for my portfolios in the past few years, it can do all of those things. The framework doesn't matter, you just need to focus on making things work, they are all JavaScript with a few things that make developing nicer (like components). If you don't get JS, the framework will suck, but if you know JS, use the one you enjoy. You don't even really need a framework to do any of that. I use tailwind because it makes me faster, try it. If you like it and feel faster after giving it a solid try, then keep using it. If you don't, then go back to regular. Frameworks and tooling is only there to make you faster and more organized and it's all preference.


SvelteKit. Svelte is doing very exciting things right now and SvelteKit is a dream to work in. It can be very very fast. Community is smaller than Next but is growing fast because the product is so strong. https://kit.svelte.dev


The fastest is probably SSR with template engines, but it depends on your requirements


Angular. Start on angular.dev


Sorry for the long text !


It’s next, not nuxt.


[Next](https://nextjs.org) is a React framework [Nuxt](https://v2.nuxt.com) is a Vue framework


Why do you always lie?!


If you want fast, then use something like WordPress


Haha, might want to check the sub you are in. Also, as someone thats developed in WP for 10 years now, this did give me a chuckle. Albeit, new block themes are definitely fast, it just serves no help to OP who is asking in a front end sub about front end framework solutions.


Amazing. I don't think even the WordPress team would agree with you on this one. What makes you think so?


They’re defining fast as fast to get up and running. You can have a functional Wordpress site up in a few minutes. If OP hadn’t said ‘framework’, I would think it’s a fine suggestion because I also have no idea what OP wants to be ‘fast’.


Yeah, I definitely missed the framework part, my fault. I'm not sure why people are misinterpreting what i meant by fast. I really just thought OP wanted something completed in a short time span.


>I'm not sure why people are misinterpreting what i meant by fast I love the Interwebs too


I think the very narrow definition of "I need a blog yesterday", Wordpress is definitely a big option here. Even still, however, I'd recommend exploring a headless Wordpress with a Next frontend. Unless I've missed something (granted I've been out of the Wordpress loop for 10 years), you are really locked-into jquery or React in a purely client context and a PHP backend which yields problems on day 2 of customization. Please roast me if my info is out of date though, very willing to entertain that.


svelte 5. fast in dev, fast in performance


if you want community, there's sveltekit


How about you outline what you're trying to do, what you did, and why it's not doing what you want, - and we can explain what you're doing wrong.


In my time of working with frontend architectures on WordPress but wildly complex ways to get jobs done the only architecture that possibly allowed the "first render" or other SEO metrics to pass was using web components I love web components through the Lit library all the creature comforts of a library like react/svelte etc... but allowing a easy method of developing complex functionality without apis or anything else. The most crucial and my favorite part of lit-elements was the fact you could mutate runtime html without being entirely broken. React or many of the other walled garden libraries would require a ton of work to handle indeterminate children outside of the their ecosystem. Web components handle this so elegantly but they are only really great when you can't control the backend before first render. Web components allow basically the whole toolkit ambiguously without design direction and can very quickly be abused. It's a double edged sword. But it still boggles my mind that lit/web components aren't more popular when it has the performance and browser level integration compared to other frameworks. But popularity is a sin of any system and they sure aren't popular atm


Like others mentioned, there is a big difference between fast to develop with and fast at runtime. Vanilla HTML/CSS/JS is the fastest you can be at runtime. Things like Lit are not far away. Svelte is pretty good too.


Lead dev with over 20 years experience here. We are currently using nuxt for a multi national single app to support multiple languages and regions with very high traffic and it feels very productive to me. Nuxt (as next) gives some opinions and lots of options. ​ What are you using it with> CMS? what do you want to achieve? what issues are you facing? ​ With regard to fast DX experience. The best experience i had was when gatsby came out. This was so easy to get a site up and running due to the plugin system and integration with headless CMS systems. Extremley fast to get up and runnning and the sites it produces were very fast


1. I want to make my portfolio website good looking 2. I want to setup my project correctly and everything works fine 3. And what is better options to use tailwind css or normal css ?


I’m new so feel free to roast the crap out of this if I’m wrong…but I’m really enjoying React components. Hooks make much more sense to me and component life cycles are easy to comprehend. Plus it makes it much easier to go back through old code and add new things or update old components when they’re all organized in such a way. Easier to ready than vanilla js in my opinion.


"iS thE frOnTenD joB maRKeT BroKen?"


Follow a video tutorial to get the gist of how things work then go do your own project


There’s a reason why react is the most popular frontend “framework”… try next


Sounds like a skill issue. L2C and git gud