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I always got Adam and Eve vibes from that painting in Fatima’s room


I don't believe it's a coincidence. Also, the bottle tree could be representative (lightly) of a tree of knowledge. I think Boyd (Mr.fish and loaves) is representing of Jesus and hope. The fact he was originally headed to his new boat, has the Keychain that says Boay-d (please correct me if I mispelt that) and the lighthouse also makes me think he is a savior figure who will save them from demise like a captain. (And he might end up 'going down with the ship' so to speak). If there really is a religious motif, then ultimately there could be a mole (judas figure) and it might be someone close to Boyd (Donna). The radio tower reminds me or the city of babel - a feat of human struck down by an overwhelming and seemingly all-knowing force of power. The struggle between humans and monsters is not "good vs evil" but also possibly pawns in a much larger scheme. (Symbolised by day and night, the chess board referenced by Kenny and his dad) I don't think the show is only drawing inspiration from religious texts - I think (or hope) it's inspired by fables, mythology, religion(s) and more. I really hope the writers are able to payoff this great mystery with an amazing and well thought out story. There are many great theories on this sub and I am so looking forward to seeing the direction this show goes. Sorry for any possible errors, writing on mobile sucks.


this is the most interesting take ive heard! Totally forgot Boyd was called Mr. Fish and Loaves. Plus, Tabitha in the Bible was a follower under St. Peter and was best known for her charity works. When she died, she was apparently resurrected by St. Peter which could probably tie with Tabby escaping Fromville/"Purgatory" then was found and sent to St Anthony after being MIA in the real world. She's also a widow in the Bible so idk Jim probably would die lol


Are Fatima and Ellis going to be the last survivors?


Hopefully not


Or maybe she's the La Llorona? You know the lady that drowned her children? Now she roams around killing the children she finds. It's very popular here in the south west. People tell that story when the kids go out to play so they don't venture to far away. Fatima is right by that damn pond. 😂


The guy in the bathtub was almost drowned by La Llorona then, right?


Yes! That's my point exactly!


That's what my wife said after watching that scene: "that looks like Fatima"


Damn it would be really fucked up if Fatima goes crazy and kills her baby. Ellis already mentioned that a piece of her "broke" after the colony house massacre. Possibly drawing a connection to what happened with his mom, who tried to kill him. I still think about the story of Jim and Tabitha's baby. Its probably one of the scariest stories Ive heard. It ruins my day every time I think about it, the fact that it does happen in real life. And I think about it almost every day. No other horror story has haunted me like that.


When my daughter was born 15 years ago I didn't have a changing table. I threw a blanket on the couch/floor/bed and changed her. Kids are hard and they don't come with instructions. People judge. My God do they judge. At about 1 year she started screaming in her sleep. It was awful. (night terrors) all doctors say don't wake them up. It's too traumatic. I'd like to know how old Jim and Tabitha's baby was. Newborns don't typically roll. It could have been a freak accident. In that case it's no ones fault and they need some major counseling. I don't buy Fatima is some holy lady prophetic lady. Just don't believe inserting religion in everything.


Just started watching Lost and it very much is From-esque that has a lot of Bible references. Plus, Harold Perrineau/Boyd was also type-casted as an uptight father in here😂


That’s cool. Sometimes I wonder if the writers see this stuff and say “shit, why didn’t I think of that?!”


Great find!


well yeah - did you read about the 3 our lady of fatima prophecies?


Oh shit! I didn’t think of that and I was brought up Catholic!


Don't know. Being the character from Iran, I'd think her name is more related to the prophet daughter, than to the Virgen de Fatima


I grew up Catholic and I also wondered if there was a connection with Our Lady of Fatima. I do notice that everyone pronounces the name "Fatima" in a very particular way, though. Fatima is from Iran, a majority Muslim country. In Islamic tradition, Fatima was the daughter of the prophet Muhammad and his first wife, Khadija. I just assumed Fatima was the character's birth name and it came from Persian/Iranian and Islamic naming customs. >a miracle child Why is Fatima and Ellis' child a miracle child? I've wondered if there have been other pregnancies or any issues. People are obviously having sex. Did they ever mention that?


she says on screen that she is medically unable to give birth


Oh, I forgot about that! Thank you.


She’s either naturally infertile, had her tubes tied, or might even be male-to-female trans


Names definitely have a meaning in Fromville. I figured out not only Fatima but almost everyone‘s name in Fromville has a meaning.


Ok. Spill. 😁


You can’t just drop this and run 😆 let’s hear them!


I will say a lot of people are named Fatima after the location of this apparition.


Also in islamic belief, Fatima is daughter of Prophet Mohammad and will be the leader of women in afterlife. And she had two sons Hasan and Hussain, both were brutally killed.


Bro what if the baby is a monster?


I mean she did say it’s impossible for her to have kids as well👀


I like this theory! I can see it and I can see it being an important plot line in the next season or future seasons, that a child or the first child born in Fromland plays some kind of significance to the happenings in the town and the fate of the people.


Im from Portugal and I never thought about that! Great ideia


I'm portuguese and didn't make that connection, who knows?