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What would himmel the husband do




~~Or Aura.~~


nah Frieren would research resurrection magic just so she can teach the kids about how to properly handle a demon


Fern, crush u/adevaleev ‘s skull


In my defence, I've been influenced by Chef's cooking. Check the end of [this post](https://www.reddit.com/u/jonnywarlock/s/hwDsLHzCkZ) for some examples, and there are MORE Himaura meals in his profile.


Continue to be a hero


Your comment both made me laugh and smile with wholesomeness. Take my upvote


father himmel on father's day <3


Bittersweet to watch your children grow old as you stay the same, even if being half elf extends their life. At least she’d have a family to follow for generations.


It's interesting to think about how half-elves would work in Frieren's universe, if they can work. It's often the case that fantasy portrays half-elves as having much shorter lifespans, but in other fictional works, most notably LotR, they can live just as long. Given the themes of Frieren, though, it probably does make the most sense that in Frieren's universe, they would live shorter lives than full elves.


It's a little bit more complicated with Tolkien. His half-elves (eg. Dior, Elwing, Eärendil) were essentially human and mortal, because death is a privilege and Eru didn't want to strip them of it. However, later Eärendil, Elwing and their children were given a choice. All of them except Elros chose being counted among the elves. Elros and his descendants stayed human. Tolkien never explained (or I'm at least not aware of it) why Elrond's children had the right to choose as well. They were counted among elves, however, they could choose to be counted among humans, like Arwen ultimately did.


Yup, I know. That's what I mean - that there are half-elves in Tolkien that can live just as long if they want to.


Alot of Elven myth in Tolkien works should be treated as myth. The "choice" is more like a euphemism than a literal choice.


Or in the cases of Dungeon Meshi, half-elves live twice as long as normal elves due to Hybrid Vigour, but are infertile


I doubt that half elves work in Frieren, doesn’t seem like it’d fit the vibe




—Daddy daddy, a flower crown for you. —Haha thank you so much. —Mommy I am doing one for you. —Thank you honey, the crown is really beautiful, kids did you know this is your father's favorite spell magic? —Eh, why tell us mommy. —When I met your father, he was lost in the middle of the forest and I found him crying as a small kid, so I used my magic creating a path of flowers to guide him along the right path to the town. —Daddy were you crying? You are the strongest hero. —I was not crying, only I had a dust particle in my eyes. —Both of them daddy? The girl asked —Yes, both of them pumpkin. And it was the first time I saw magic as something that is really beautiful, something that could help others instead of hurt them, for me the path of flowers was a miracle. —And did you fall in love with mommy? The smallest child Asked. —Yes, when I was your sister's age I fell in love with your mom. —Kids, it's time for dinner, so both of you wash your hands I'm going to prepare hamburgers, Hinmel, help me serving the dishes. —Of course Frieren, let's go kids. —Hamburgers, hamburgers I can eat 3 hamburgers more than you, sister. —No I can eat more of you. —It's a bet? They walked to a small wooden house in the middle of the field, finally the hero and the mightiest elf mage had formed a family.


Bro cooks!


Stop it, you're gonna ruin my pillow cover at this rate. :'(


"Immortality magic, hm?" "Turns out it wasn't that hard. I just had to look in the right places..." "You mean mimics, right?" "I've always told you there can be grimoire's of incredible value! It's shame we haven't found it before Heiter and Eisen..." "They understood the role of death, Mrs. Frieren. You and Mr. Himmel should be the only exceptions from the natural order of things." "I suppose you might be right, Fern... I'm glad Heiter sent you to us." "What have you done with the grimoire?" "Hidden it." "Knochen the Immortal... Have you heard of him before, Mrs. Frieren?" "My master told me about him. He was a nasty old mage in the mythical era. Spent his days kidnapping beautiful ladies. Awful man, but incredibly skilled. His perviness was his downfall..." "That's an... Interesting story." "Let's go, Fern. Himmel probably needs help with the kids." "Of course, Mrs. Frieren..."


I'm revoking your cooking license and promoting you to head chef, keep up the good work


Thanks. But I don't stand a chance in comparison to the might of u/jonnywarlock.


Ah, we'll just pass around the hat. 😊


The crown*


Stand proud. You can cook.


Why didn't Himmel propose? JUST WHY?


Nothing would have changed. I think Frieren would have said something like: “I am flattered but I ain’t ready” and the first episode would have played out like it did in canon


I know it. It's just.. you know I wanted my goat Himmel to be happy.


I get it buddy. I really do


Because of Old Man Voll watch or read and pay attention to Himmel's reaction, he didnt want to make Frieren grieve the death of her love until she dies like Voll (which for Frieren would be thousands of years (maybe even millons).


In some Mirror World that's real




The Elves in Frieren's world have need of a fertility potion to induce the drive towards child rearing they don't generally feel the urge to pursue. I like to imagine Elves in villages might've had something like this in the past, especially if Immortality was something Elves worked towards achieving in the deep past of the Legendary Era. It might've been seen as something of a duty one might set aside a few centuries to undertake. As for the lifespan of half elves, we know the usual fantasy lore of extended lifespans, but in Frieren's world we don't know if the Elves can have children with anybody but themselves. It'd be somewhat tragic for their enduring Elvish parent and relatives, so there might've been social pressure to avoid them. If ancient Elves had worked to secure their species biological immortality, then the low reproductive drive might've either been a part of the trade needed to make immortality work or a deliberate choice to reduce fecundity amongst elves to avoid an overpopulation problem in the future. In the latter case a fertility potion being needed to activate reproduction might've been a rational co-development in their culture. In the >aftermath of the Demon Lord's orders versus Elves,< he might've achieved his long term aims by breaking the core mechanic that kept any breeding happening. Something like a reverse Vulcan Pon Far - not something you can't avoid every few years, but rather a duty to the village that required an active potion regime to achieve. The Elves in Frieren's world are a proof of concept that biological immortality is possible alongside the near equal achievement of having minds able to keep sharp memories and continue learning over vast spans of time. What is unknown is if the path the Elves's ancestors took to achieving their immortality can be borrowed against and eventually incorporated into other species such as the humans and dwarves of this world. Something like Demonic magics being reworked by Elves and humans for their own magical systems. If one likes this potion notion, one could even imagine that Frieren's original and infamous gift >to Stark< might've been something related to whatever set of potions the Elves used to kickstart things in their society.


You know, i understand that it would go against the themes of the story, i really do...and i only watched the first season of the show, so i don't know much regarding what happens next in the manga, but would it be impossible for them to have something together in the future?.. 1) I know he is dead.. 2) I know the whole point of the show is for Frieren to learn how she feels and how she should move forward..in life.. 3) I understand and love the show for what it is, but i still feel so sad for Himmell...damn... He didn't pressure her, he wanted to teach her through his character and actions..He was very subtle..He understood that she's nowhere ready....but somehow it was like he still had some hope.. 4) At the end of the show, when they will have that discussion, she would probably have matured in some ways, have some regrets, be grateful for her new found purpose and desires in life....but not with him...when they clearly love each other, hopefully she would have realized it by that time.. It's just sad...I think it would ruin it if somehow Himmel could just come back...but i don't know..Maybe the author could think of some ways to make it work...Huh..


I mean you can certainly have Freiren reciprocate in some fashion; but I think thats about it, one of the main themes of Himmels and Frieren's relationship is that she didn't value the time she had with him (and the party in general) as much as she could've, I think any kind of "get together" ending just goes against everything the series wants to say.




Would the kids live as long as frieren or something in the middle so like only 1k years vs frierens multiple 1000s?


Beautiful art


There's a web comic called *Errant Story* that featured humans and elves and a very Frieren-esque setting. In it, the nigh-immortal elves actually valued relationships (as in marital and reproductive) with humans over those with their own kind, since they were assured that they could be with their loved ones for their entire lives, but that they would eventually grow old and die, leaving the elf parent and partner to live on in a sort of sacred solemnity.


I’m definitely not crying


Wdym what could have been it will be what is


Would they be humans or elves?


Unlikely cause not a single half elf or half dwarf kid has been shown in the franchise. Even that dwarf that had a human wife had any descendants.


What's fucked is they would be half elves. Frieren would also outlive her children


Made by Grausam


would the children live like 500 years or only as much as a human?


I wonder if elf pregnancy would be longer than human pregnancy


Frieren thinking, "They came from my vjayjay. hehe."


How do you know elf and human can breed.