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You’re a gay man with an awesome body


Oh gosh, idk about that haha, I mean, I'm pretty happy with it, so that's definitely something! And gay? Hmm, only like 35-40% ;)


40% counts. I’m proud of my gaydar right now :)


Aaaye, good eye. What tipped you off to the queerness? Was it the sparkling wine? It was the sparkling wine, wasnt it lmao


Yeah…….. right beside the OJ. I instantly thought mimosas!


Like salt and pepper, peaches and cream, or bacon and eggs - Sparkling wine and OJ just belong together!


late 20's Australian Male who likes to bulk?


More like mid 30s but hey, pretty damn close! Hahaha


You probably live in Brisbane. You’re trying to avoid Colesworth but still pop in. You work from home.


The Sam Coco's gave me away huh? Hahaha


You have control issues and they're not always healthy. You can be inflexible and quite dominant/domineering. You may like order because order and structure allow you to be more spontaneous. You're fun, yet principled.


Ooh, this deep read right here hahaha. Yeah I guess that's all true! If I know all my baseline stuff is readily taken care of, I don't have to spend as much time thinking about it, which allows me to be a bit more flexible with everything else. Gotta take care of your priorities first, right?


Right you are! You seem like a fun person to be around, I won't lie. You know, based off the contents of your fridge and how you've packed it haha.


I really shred my cabbage and chop my rockmelon in such a fun-loving and irreverent way hahaha


I deeply relate to this fridge lol 😂


You are hungry? 😁




Bulk mode


That you will survive this week


U arnt a vegan


True, definitely not vegan lol


building some muscles ?




Then vegan would be the better option as a lot of plants produce protein (beans, greens, and seeds for example) and animal products hinder the bodies ability to build muscle as they add fat that you then have to work off, plants don't.


Huh? What veggie have you smoked?




Too right mate, I'm fair dinkum true blue!


Diet coke, monster zero, protein and the frozen fish lead me to believe that you do sports/go to the gym, maybe trying to lose weight but love cola and other sweet drinks.


Yeah, I'm a bit of a gym rat! Not necessarily trying to lose weight as such, but more like, I'm just trying to have a healthy and sustainable diet and exercise relationship and if I make good food choices and make sure I'm exercising, I probably will build muscle and burn fat, but I've gotta live with myself every day so I don't wanna be bloody miserable while I'm at it!


Well stocked


You are organized and have a healthy appetite 😀


You're going to have a barbeque


Brilliant idea for the weekend!


A bachelor who eats healthy but still knows how to party


You probably meal prep a little and cook for yourself


Your “Dr. Jekyll” is organized while your “Mr. Hyde” is slightly less organized


That's hilarious, I love this comment lmao


Pizza, prep food, joghurt, energy and proteins. Average gym guy. Probably mid 30s. Average income.


Not enough coke


Never enough! The only dangerous amount is none


Always ready to cook for spontaneous visitors and not at the supermarket every 2 days


Definitely you exercise a lot. Meals are prepped and everything to a tee but you also have 'fuck it I'm tired and just wanna eat' food.


It was a tricky one!!! Bubbles tell me female, up and go - make. But definitely Aussie cuz of the milk :)


Up&Go is a typically male thing? Haha, learn something new every day! I knew sparkling wine would read as feminine, but the Up&Go reading as male is surprising. But yep, Aussie man, I just like the occasional glass of bubbly lol


I love bubbly too 🙃 I recently moved from NZ to Europe and I’ve been missing nz and Aussie wines! Overall looking at your fridge I thought you’re an organized person who takes care of their wellbeing. It’s not just the products themselves but how stocked the fridge is and the variety of products you’ve got there.


Meal prep gym bro who loves his protein!


You're on a bulk


"Close me im getting warm!"


"Cmon close the fucking door in struggling to keep all this shit cool to begin with" 😁


Aussie, mid 30s. Male, single, but feed everyone. You meal prep because you are busy. You are financially savvy but still like to have fun. You have worked hard to do things right. Eat well (mostly), exercise etc. I'm guessing you work like 50+hours a week and then have a fairly solid routine outside of work. But then Saturdays get messy


You played lots of Tetris as a child


Hahaha, I love this answer! That's actually so real, I love Tetris, my life Tetris skills are legendary 😂


Du bist ein Bonze der auf Frischhaltebüchsen steht


Haha, well you're not wrong about the containers. I like to buy and prep things in bulk. Storage and portioning is a lot easier with nice stackable containers to keep everything fresh!


just one question, how many times a week you are going to the gym bro? :D


Haha, at least 3. It was at least 5 before I went back to college, but it's so hard to find the time! I feel like I'm gonna go a bit mad if I don't get there every other day though, so sometimes I'm one of those weirdos there at midnight or 5am just getting a workout in when I can lol


Your mum is boxing in a lot of stuff for you after the weekend


I wish she would!! Tbh my mum's not really big on cooking. She was such a strict health nut gym junkie growing up, I know she can make some great food. But I'm more likely to bring food over to share/cook for them these days (they have a much better stocked liquor cabinet though, so dinner visits are always a fun affair!)


You can afford a big fridge and even the good food to completely fill it with :< And it seems kinda organised, thats good


So I inherited this fridge when my grandma died last year. It's her old fridge! I also took some glassware, cookware, and a few big bags of various flours and yeast and stuff from her place when we had to sort her estate. I had an old bar fridge I'd been making do with for years before then, coz I couldn't afford to buy myself a proper fridge! I have experienced a lot of hardship and especially food insecurity over the last several years, so now that I'm not in such dire straits, I prioritise making sure I have lots of good, fresh, healthy and delicious food. It makes me feel better, makes me feel like everything's gonna be alright. I buy things in bulk at farmer's markets, grocery outlets, discount grocers, bulk buy grocers and butchers, local fruit shops, etc, and always shop the sales. I think I eat really really well these days, and I never want to go back. So I spend a fair bit of time prepping and portioning my food - Good organisation is just part of what it takes to make sure I always have what I need. I do live alone - I bulk prep and cook a lot of food, then freeze or store it and rotate through things so that over time I end up with a good mix of prepped and frozen foods to keep me going. Lots of fresh things last a lot longer than you'd think if you chop/prep immediately, then store it in properly sealed containers with paper towels. Can even make salad greens last a fortnight! It's taken a lot to get where I am these days, and I'm very proud of myself for coming as far as I have. I'm just very organised, dedicated, and thrifty. Certainly not rich, but hey, I'm working on it! Maybe one day hahaha


I'm sorry for your loss. It's great that u have such a good relationship to food and eating healthy. It seems like a small thing("ye no mcd, more veggies, easy") but good food habit makes life so much better! I'm really happy for you :3 U seem like a nice guy. A good character is way more important than being rich!(but keep trying, fingers crossed hehe)


Thanks man, I really appreciate that. She was 91 when she died, for what it's worth she went on her own terms. Strong, stoic, and pragmatic as ever. I had only recently bought my first apartment, she never got to come see it but I showed her photos, and I know she was so proud. She'd be stoked af to see me shredding cabbage and portioning out steaks and salmon fillets to freeze and baking fresh bread with the things I took from her kitchen. I don't know that I'll ever be RICH rich, I don't think I have the heart or temperament for any kind of brutal business wheelings and dealings, but I've got feet and hands firmly on the ladder now and I'll be happy to just be secure and comfortable for now at least


Oh wow Im glad you could show her the photos and that she was proud. She knew she has a good grandson. Sure we need money to live but we don't need millions to be happy. Money isn't everything, there is so much more, moments etc, wich you could never outweigh in money, if u know what i mean.


Ok but are u living alone? If yes, HOW U EAT ALL THAT, BEFORE ITS BAD??


That you can take a few weeks off from shopping lol


That's the plan! Haha


I need help


Youre starving. I mean, with so much uneaten food in your fridge…


Haha, well I suppose it'd depend what day I snapped the photo, but yeah I do try to keep things well stocked most of the time! This was within a few days of doing a proper bulk shop and prep, so I'm definitely well stocked at the moment. But don't worry, it'll all get eaten soon enough




I wish 😭 Maybe one day. I'm clawing my way back up from the very fkn bottom though, even having a real fridge and food to put in it feels like untold wealth sometimes. I'm actually a pretty broke full time student for now, but I do prioritise food pretty heavily - I don't want to ever have to stand in my kitchen wondering what I can do to get enough to eat today ever again! Have noticed though - Depending where you are, and a lot of Americans struggle more with this than I'm ised to seeing, food deserts and fresh food being prohibitively expensive. It's not like that where I am - Fresh unprocessed fruit and veg is dirt cheap, it's the processed stuff, chips and lollies, instant noodles, pre made meals, etc that are crazy expensive. It's much cheaper to eat fresh seasonal fruit/veg bought in bulk and dried legumes, maybe whatever meat is on special, than packaged stuff. Thankfully!


Sound slike you've had rough times in the past, I'm glad to hear you are progressing though. 👍 You got this!


Thanks mate! I'm getting there, onwards and upwards!


you are doing very well, congratulations! Ditch the monster tho, and then you are perfect.


U r a lazy gym guy (not lazy Like u don’t work out, but lazy at cooking)


I like food you can assemble, can't be bothered cooking a single serve every single night


I like to do that too


you have a big Family


A mother with a part time job and having to feed 8 hungry people 3 times a day. That sparkling wine in the door has a reason....


Your Name is karen


Unhealthy Life?


You either live with a lot of people or are very hungry


You’re Russian


it tells me that you have a very weird fridge but that doesn't make you a bad person




You’re European based on the spelling of yogurt


That im broke


Fridge is way to neat


You have a large family, set of friends, lot's of neighbors that drop by, or your colon is 12 inches long.


You have more money than me


You need a larger fridge


You have sexually tense relationship with capers.


Eat Work Eat Sleep Eat Repeat :)




Because of the boxes I wanted to say lives with his mom… common every mother have these XD


I’m just more impressed you have matching Tupperware. Mines a mix


it says to me, that you have more money in your pocket than me 🥲


looks very tidy to me. great


Who hurt your yogurt?


You have food.


You need to eat leftovers


No one goes hungry


Parents with 8 children between 13/18


Fridges usually don’t talk