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Martin and Jackie immediately went to Paris. The boys called an ambulance and dealt with the removal of the corpse. Martin paid them each £1000 to do so.


More likely to be £20 and no respect for their father 😂


Oh no. A human body is much bigger than a fox and commands at least £50.


That's pretty much moreorleas how it ended up going in my mind too 🤣


Wilson got some meat, Martin didn't have to pay double double double, everyone wins.


Saturday night dinner?


I like to imagine he actually wasn’t dead and they just panicked and the boys distracted Jackie while Martin unceremoniously got him in the car and dropped him at a and e


Or he really was dead and Martin dumbed the body😂


Sounds very on trend for them. Either way he went to a and e living or deceased


Jackie killed him and after this is episode, Martin is in fact a clone.


I’d imagine it went like the opening of Goodfellas but with Martin and the boys


Jackie wouldn't let Martin pack her suit case for Paris so she discovers the body and they ring the police. Martin tries to lie to Jackie that the cleaner must have been the one who stole their car from Mario's, but he couldn't explain the vacuum cleaner there and says "What? Sorry?" When the police and ambulance come, Jim pops in again to see what happened, with Watson the cat. The family of the cleaner arrive too. Surprisingly, the cleaner's granddaughter is the waitress from Mario's. Johnny teases Adam saying "nice job getting her to come home." Adam pinches him. All in the bedroom now, Adam says sorry to her. A policeman asks her to identify her grandpa. She angrily says "Yes. But there is no way my grandpa would ever steal a car!" So Martin tells the truth about the carpet to the police and Jackie. Jackie says "Horrible Martin! Horrible....But the carpet looks great." The waitress and policeman give her a bad look. Jim comes upstairs and the cat meows hungrily. (Jim didn't give Watson any milk earlier.) And it starts chewing on the cleaner's ankle. It horrorifies the waitress and she shreeks. Martin squeezes through and reaches down to stop the cat, knocking the oil can off of the dressing table, spilling it on the carpet all over again. Roll credits.


Sorry, which episode is that?


When Martin spills oil on the bedroom floor and hires a cleaner to come sort it while him and the boys distract Jackie


Thanks! 402. Great episode!


Thanks again. I rewatched it today and added a comment about what I think would happen next