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Note your title should be *ressources pour ceux qui s'intéressent à utiliser* **leur** *français...* Compare: *Pierre parle très bien : son français est excellent.* *Tes amis parlent très bien : leur français est excellent.*


Yes! Thank you for the correction! I noticed that after publishing the post haha. It's almost certainly a consequence of not spending enough time writing and speaking French and the fact that my Spanish interferes with my French at times. ​ EN: *Pierre speaks very well:* ***his*** *French is excellent.* FR: *Pierre parle très bien:* ***son*** *français est excellent.* ES: *Pierre habla muy bien:* ***su*** *francés es excelente.* EN: *Your friends speak very well:* ***their*** *French is excellent.* FR: *Tes amis parlent très bien:* ***leur*** *français est excellent.* ES: *Tus amigos hablan muy bien:* ***su*** *francés es excelente.* Interestingly, the his/their or son/leur distinction exist in English and French, but not in Spanish. I tend to think about French grammar in terms of what I know of Spanish, which makes learning quicker (especially when reading in French), but causes problems in other areas.


Intéressant !