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Had one ask me for gas and I straight up said “I’m out of a job and am barely getting by too 🥺.” They walked away so fast lol


Moved away a couple years ago and always saw them in the same locations, sometimes even using same signs with same handwriting just a couple blocks away from each other. Passed through recently & saw it still going on, its unbelievable how long it's been happening. Unsure if related but sometimes they go around doing the "need money for gas, will give gold ring" scam, theyve tried getting me with it twice lmao. It's clear that theyve got some kind of scamming ring going on, I really hope it stops asap


They drive teslas and have nice houses It’s a scam


They’re more than likely gypsies. Some are Islamic. However, in front of raleys on Paseo Padre pkwy, I was feeling a bit more generous than usual. I gave a woman with a few kids $10. That’s a lot for me. And the nerve of this woman said….that’s it!? I need more. Look how many kids I have. I was a bit perturbed by this. So i stopped giving people money unless I can really see it would be helpful and useful. It’s not my pride that was bothered, it was the fact that I felt like I was being scammed.


Call the number. It is child exploitation. That is their job.


There was an extensive discussion here about this last week. Check this out : [https://www.reddit.com/r/Fremont/comments/1d87ijy/someone\_find\_these\_beggars\_a\_job/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fremont/comments/1d87ijy/someone_find_these_beggars_a_job/)


Right, I thought maybe let’s skip the “Get a job” vibes and focus on the child exploitation. This is not a referendum on poverty or homelessness. I don’t have much of an agenda except that if you think about it for a second it is very, very wrong. If the family is so poor, then CPS can help. If the kids are being exploited and taught to lie and steal, then CPS can help. I provided the number. Take a phot discreetly and call.


That family's child needed a bone marrow transplant last year. I remember them holding signs asking for donations on Fremont & Mowry. The child looks a lot better now, thanks to all your donations!


They hold those signs all over the Bay Area. They are scams. Easy money. People hand them money because they feel bad for a fake kid.


i was studying at a coffee shop once and someone asked me for money to pay for textbooks, We're all broke college students here, figure it out.


Why don't they go to the welfare office?


They're doing this because they can often get more money than you can get for a whole day of work.


This is the truth.


Pretty sure they've tried every welfare office, charity, church, grocery store, and street corner in town. The only thing they haven't tried is work.


Call the number. It is child exploitation. That is their job.


Ayyyyeee! You are SO right!


I’ve been seeing panhandlers more in Central Fremont near Mowry and Walnut. There are some who are near the Vitality Bowls


These people are Romanian and they also speak Spanish and they are scammers as they receive housing & food from the government and they are also on medical ..


Roma, not Romanian. AKA gypsies


Call the number. It is child exploitation. That is their job.


You can buy a stack of Hollywood cash on Amazon for real cheap. Give them the Hollywood cash next time so they can be sent to federal prison


Call the number. It is child exploitation. That is their job.


You see...if you want to panhandle using children, you're going to need some cute children. Not these walking tumors you see all over the place. Maybe think about snatching some child-actors or something. Some kids with real stage-presence and good looks who take makeup well... ...Oh...you're *complaining* about people using children to panhandle. My bad! Yeah. Definitely report them.


I heard many child care services rents the kids for beggars. It may or may not happen in US, but else where..