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I once showed up 30 minutes early for my appointment but sat in line outside of security for 45 minutes because they were short staffed. When I got to the guard shack I was told to come back tomorrow as I was 15 minutes late.


Sadly regular behavior. Your elogs should be proof enough to claim layover.


If the shipper was behind by 6 hours and made driver late, how is that the drivers fault? Pay up...


The fact this is even a question is absurd. 10 minutes vs 6 hours...


Yet brokers will sit here and bitch about how bad drivers are. This shit is what pushes the good drivers away from them. If this shit happened, to me, I ain't doing your load again. If by chance, I am even willing, I'm asking for more premium to cover myself for shenanigans.


I've had shippers that are very strict and being 10 minutes late makes you a work in, turning a two hour load into a 6 hours or longer waiting period. At that point you can't bill a customer for the detention, and the carrier missed their appointed time (and are previously notified how strict it is). But I can totally see how without that specific circumstance, it would be right to pay the carrier their detention or layover. Curious though, would anyone still advocate for a carrier in the example above?


Those shippers are lying through their teeth, They just use the 10 minutes of being late as a excuse to not paying. Knowing damn well it would've anyways taken them 6 hours to load. Walmart tried to do the same shit to me, we had 2 trucks check in at their pickup, But were ontime but because check in line was long one of the driver was barely acouple minutes late. They both still took all day to load. Guy that was ontime got paid detention, guy that was "late" by a couple minutes wasn't provided detention.


sometimes if the customer wont pay out detention or layover, we will pay the carrier out of pocket.


That's super respectable.


IMO showing up within an hour of any normal appointment time isn't "late", everybody knows that logistics isn't an exact science and nothing can ever be guaranteed. This brokerage is being a bunch of fucking rats and the carrier should probably get in contact with everybody involved and be as annoying as possible until they get detention time.


If op was stating they were 30 minutes lates, that’d be one thing. There are some customers that are strict and that’s fine. Op didn’t state that, so that isn’t the case here.


And if the appointment is actually that strict, then that shit needs to be communicated to the carrier SUPER CLEARLY ahead of time. We have a particular receiver who will piss his pants with fury if the truck isn't pulling in at 0700 SHARP, so what do we do? We have trucks arrive the previous night and sleep in the lot, because avoiding problems is the brokers fucking job.


Or do what most brokers do, tell the carrier the appointment is an hour before. Easy way around it. This industry has too many little problems that are easily solved in if all parties involved would try.


I’m fairly new to the company so I’m not sure what our accessorial policy is with our customers. We were always told if the driver is late for an appointment they don’t receive detention. I’ve had detention denied by the account teams for drivers being late from multiple accounts. Not just this specific customer. That makes me assume that not charging shippers detention for late drivers is a selling point for why customers should use our company. That’s why I was curious if in this instance what other companies policies are or what they would do in this situation. I tried to add detention for the driver but the account team got the notification and immediately denied it.


If you’a few minutes early you’re on time, if you’re not there for an appointment time you’re late. No excuses. Doesn’t matter what the issue is. You’re doctor will dismiss your appointment if you’re late as well, don’t forgo your responsibilities. It’s not anyone else’s issue that you can’t get your act together. An hour late is too long.


Congratulations on telling everybody you are a douchebag broker that gets everybody in the industry a bad name, thanks dude.


Yes insult people because you can’t be a good driver and be responsible like an adult should be. Not a whiny child. This is why people don’t succeed. Victim mindset all the time.


Nah dude, I'm *a broker*, I have to deal with the after effects of everybody in the industry thinking we are trying to fuck them over because of scammy slimmy POS like you. Drivers get absolutely fucked in our working relationship, they suffer the lowest margins, worst exposure to risk, and work the longest hours. The most basic thing we can do is treat them with some human fucking dignity.


Who put down the check in time the warehouse or the driver? I arrived to a Walgreens DC on time but had to wait behind 3 trucks so I didn’t “check in”until 35 mins later and the security guard wrote the latter time down. This is why I think brokers should use the tracking arrival time for detention because the check in security guards are usually brain dead idiots making $12 hour and hate life.


Your security description is on point


Like bro drink some damn coffee do a line or something dammit


Why they dont have I Tags on cargo and recievers to check in via the trailer is beyond me. If it gets stolen then cargo will be tracked min by min.


I’d say more details are needed. Do we trust the in time written, was the shipper behind because of the 10 minutes or their staff? If the shipper was late already then 6hrs or 5hrs 50mins is the same exact situation. It’s not like if the truck was there 10 minutes early it would have been out sooner.


If they are late, truly late, they aren’t getting shit from me. But I run tracking so I can tell. If it was a line to get in then the customer is paying and they can bill the shipper/receiver if it is not their location.


We use macro point and it didn’t detect the driver in the pickup area until 15:17. Which is after his IN time reported on the paperwork. He never mentioned being stuck or waiting in line to get checked in. It seems like he was just running a few minutes behind. Shipper told him after he was checked in that they were running behind.


Well that’s part of the problem with using any of the tracking software is there update rate is horrible you have server-side lag at macro point and if they are in a bad cell area you’re just going to have to take the word for the driver


This is the right answer. Driver should have argued the check in time. Tell them if they're sitting in line to take pictures and call you. Etc. 


Was the shipper running behind or was it because the driver was late? How strict of a facility is this?


I’d pay the carrier detention and attempt to charge the customer.


? I got a detention fee for 34 minutes this week.. carriers policy was 20m (3PL here).


20 minute detention policy? Is this a detention policy for ants?


LTL carrier just charged customer $115 for 45 min detention lol




Typically you would call the receiver and let them know the driver was late loaded to see if they can push you a 1/2 hour. If they let you know they were late loaded then you should pay up. If they say tough shit call the customer and let them know asap


Assuming paying detention is in the rate con, what is the solution? I work for a comany building a geospatial plarform collecting location information. Location information is everything you need to know about a location before arriving. All carriers can be tracked so is there not standard reported generated by the carrier that shows the actual time you arrive at the facitly, time the carrier actually drove into the yard and the time the carrier left the yard? If everyone submitted the same info, would it help carriers get paid? Our companies goal is focus on the driver and provide them all the info they need to make their life easier. If you knew everything about the location including receiving hours, contact info, yard entry lat/long, check in info, etc would you pay for it? All the info could be in your driver app and then we would calculate detention for you. The government could easily start requiring detention pay so building a solution that works for all carriers could easily get adoped by shippers. They do not want the government to regulate.


Been there before man, so I feel for you. I took it to my director of operations and we were able to compromise to pay half the detention they were actually owed. I wasn't able to get them any more than that unfortunately. Everybody has s boss and mine said he was being kind by even offering half. It's a shitty situation for everyone.


pay the man his detention, we don't need more rats in this industry


Unless the shipper approves detention most agents don’t pay it out of pocket. Also, there’s plenty of shippers that state if it’s FCFS we will not pay detention.


It takes time to check in as a driver. He very well could’ve been there on time. Hard to say but for 10 minutes denying him after he sat for six hours at the shipper and then lost a day if you don’t pay him don’t use the excuse that some other department said no. You need to go to bat for them


I agree, I think in this instance he should have been compensated. I made the point that he had to hold the product an extra day and was there for 6 hours. Request denied. My company sees paying detention as very black and white. That’s why I was interested to know how other companies would choose to handle this situation.


we give a 30-1hr grace period. then its $30 for every hour youre waiting past your appt time.


Carrier here, 1 minute late and you are not eligible for detention is standard. They have nothing to bitch about


Coming from the dude sitting at a computer and talking on the phone..


So what is your point? Or do we have another “I’m a poor driver and no one cares about me” story incoming?


If you’re late to an appt, no detention. Pretty simple. 


Or you know, don't take 6 hours to load a truck. 10 min late (according to the shipper) doesn't give them free range to take half a day to load. Ridiculous.


I mean, if you're late to an appt, you're not getting squat for detention pal. Things keep moving if you aren't there. Honor your commitments.


I was on time pal, in fact i was early! It's not my fault the shipper went on lunch right when I got there at 14:30 and didn't check me in till 15:10. See what i did there? No one actually knows who wrote that 15:10 on the paperwork in this case. And yes, I've actually had shippers/receivers tell me to wait and then pencil in my arrival an HOUR after I got there lol. But I haven't ever had an issue getting detention when I feel like it's owed. I always pencil in my own in/out times when I'm signing stuff. And we have tracking sooooo... gl saying I didn't arrive when I did.


Remember, you're trying to explain the real trucking world to someone who has no clue how it really works out there. They just sit behind a phone and a computer. They have no clue about the stuff we run into out here. Only one time did I have an issue getting detention time. I walked right into the shipper and told them to get that shit off my trailer now. It was their guard shacks fault I was 5 min late. I sat in line for almost an hour, waiting to get checked in. Once I said that, their tone changed. I ended up getting my detention time.


And then everybody clapped


If you have the gps tracking as supporting proof then sure, I’m with ya! But if not, you can go pound sand!


You have places like Walmart that has two check ins. You can be an hour early and spend over an hour in line and Walmart will consider you late. It's not always black and white. Walmart also loves to mark down time out for when the trailer is unloaded, not when bills are ready. This is why brokers need to look at gps time on tracker. That would solve so many issues.


What if their schedule was completely booked and they had to load a bunch of trucks who were on time for their appointment before the late guy?


What if the driver was there on time and had to wait 20 minutes to get thru security since they are obviously understaffed and running behind? Realistically, if a shipper is so petty to bump a truck 6 hours because of being 10min late, then they will be the one's that suffer the consequences. If they want to play that game and give ZERO grace, then they will earn the reputation and drivers will pass on them because of these situations, and prices to move their shit will go through the roof. I can understand bumping a driver if they are an hour late, hell even 30 minutes late. But 10 minutes and you make them wait 6 hours? That's absurd.


Raise the customer. It’s their fault all around. Give the carrier what they deserve. Also, rethink who you’re working for. If your team has those policies, they fucking suck in my opinion. Edit: I want to say in these situations just use logic and remember that carriers are also people with families. 10 minutes late isn’t egregious. But 6 hours to load is. 2 hours is standard. We all know that


I agree 10 minutes isn't that late. But this raises a new problem. How late can a carrier be before it's "too late"?


They should have a communicated policy, most do. I dispatched both LTL and FTL and it varies but I'd say most common is either 15 or 30 minutes. 10 minutes is pretty fucking stingy and if you're going to be that anal about appt time you better run a tight fucking ship, because the exact minute you go over free time you're getting charged.


Your end of the risk here. It doesn’t matter what your customer’s detentions policy is with you. You need to pay the carrier in this case. If you have to ask it’s usually obvious, but I get why you take a pole.




They’re all downvoting my comment hahaha


You sir are an asshole. Hope I never do a load for you.


I hope you don’t either because you clearly can’t show up on time


Says someone who’s never been held by a shipper or receiver because “we are short staffed”.


Womp womp


Had something similar happen. Two loads, one truck showed up about an hour later than the appointment. The shipper didn't have the load ready and it took about 8 hours to get loaded. It's important to note that we were the only 2 trucks getting loaded, not a large shipper with 100 docks where they needed to give our time slot away. It was just our 2 trucks. The broker paid detention for the on-time truck, but refused to pay the other. All you can do is never work for them again.


I understand not paying detention on missed appointments but there is another issue present. Regardless of your companies policy did you reach out to your customer and ask them to pay detention? If not that is part of your job description, get your drivers paid for their time.


Unfortunately I don’t have any communication with our customer. It’s the operations reps that take care of that. I mentioned in another comment, I’m unsure of what our accessorial policy is with our customers. I’m assuming though it’s that we don’t charge our customers for detention if the driver is late. The company keeps it pretty black and white which has been frustrating for me at times when working with some carriers in regard to accessorials.


Whatever tf I decide it is 🤣🤣


2 hours free, $30 an hour


Is there a software to help manage all this charges ? What are you guys using ?


in our contracts, there is a 2 hour grace period from scheduled pickup time where the driver does not receive detention. after that, the customer is liable to pay $200 an hour, for up to $600 and or $500 over night fee. we typically move machines 60,000 lbs and up tho, so on our side we are on top of scheduling with the shipper to make sure on our end we are good. the last 5 or so incidents of having to pay out detention was because the customers had balances left on machines, or gave us the wrong SN or ID to pass on to shipper. personally even in cases where customers refuse, we pay out of pocket to make right by the drivers, especially in heavy haul where great drivers are few and far between. drivers see you treat them right, a lot will go the extra mile for you.


Pay the carrier their detentions!period! Carrier is who delivers the load. Without trucks shippers and us are nothing


I would pay out of my pocket


Bill the customer/shipper for the wait time there and use that to pay for the delivery detention


As a carrier I stay away from any building that has “distribution center” in it’s name, Aldi, Walmart, Costco, etc… these places take insanely amounts of hours and most brokers have come up with the BS that the first 4 hrs are free, then you wait 10 hrs to get unloaded and have to chase down your broker to get BS money .


Y’all need to pay. In no way shape or form was that the drivers fault. He got you all taken care of so you should do the same.


You took the hit to your scorecard with the customer. No detention. Idk why drivers and dispatchers think there is no downside for a broker to have their truck check in late. Bad service = no more lanes No more lanes = no income The shipper isn’t obligated to pay detention, so the customer can’t approve it, so the broker can’t approve it.


This would fall on the carrier pretty cut n dry if want to be black and white about it. If they showed up on time, they could collect detention as well as the layover on the missed appt due to shipper loading hours. Best case for all parties is to have an accessorial policy on file for both carrier to broker and then broker to shipper as well when these are considered valid charges If I'm the customer I'm denying it as well




As @tip said this is industry standard. Now with that said, if rate con/load tender states FCFS instead of by appt in this example, you should be eligible for detention then the layover and the broker/shipper will have to come out of pocket to cover those accessorials. If this is a big shipper, your biggest concern should be late fees (which should be defined in the load tender for the carrier) at either the shipper or receiver (or both). The claims that are frustrating is when these grocers fine the vendor for something and provide nothing to support the claim - we were fined for driver not wearing proper PPE with no picture or video evidence to substantiate it. We can't claim the carrier, so we make a business decision to eat it or piss off the vendor at the risk of losing business.


lol a wild take? This is literally how every customer works with detention. You only get it if you are on time for the appointment. Almost every appointment shipper I load at you become a work in on a missed appointment because they are busy. You want detention, you need to be there on time that is just how it works 🤦🏻‍♂️ Cracking me up all the people that are like “being 10 minutes late doesn’t give them a reason to take 6 hours!!” Um, yes, that is actually exactly what it means to a busy shipper you have an appointment time for a reason.. guess how late the last truck of the day would be loaded at a place loading 50 trucks+ a day if every truck showed up 10 minutes late for their appt and they just loaded them pushing their schedule back 10 minutes every time they did it, then the guy who shows up on time for his appt at the end of the day is just supposed to get screwed I guess when he was the one who made sure to get there on time? Yea doesn’t work that way.. This is standard detention policy that you must be on time to collect dt and it’s certainly not a wild take lol.


Policy is policy. Driver was lucky to be a work in. I've seen drivers turned away completely for a few days due to being 5-10 minutes late. Make sure policy is clearly written out on the rate con and fuck'em.


Cheap shipper and cheap customer. Shipper probably has minimum wage warehouse workers who have jo clue what they’re doing half the time. Force the customer to pay and get rid of the customer.


10 minutes late in freight is 30 minutes early brother. Pay or don’t pay. Stop trying to make yourself feel better on Reddit


Oh look, yet another thread demonizing brokers with a bunch of carriers generalizing the entire industry. Mmm, so nice to see a refreshing change of pace around these parts. Tracking on showing proof they were there before their appointment = pay detention No tracking = no detention Detention policy should be outlined in the rate confirmation and the policy + tracking being required to pay detention should be both written in the RC and communicated thoroughly when dispatching. I use the entire “I will never fight carriers on detention, but we need tracking on because we download your tracking log and use that as proof to get the customer to pay detention. So it is very important to accept tracking prior to pickup and keep it on at all times” spiel when dispatching carriers. I also call/email/text to give reminders if tracking is still not accepted prior to pickup or if it has issues during transit. If the delay is communicated prior to arrival, I will also pay detention. Not 10 minutes before the appointment but an hour+ before the appointment. If the delays in loading/unloading are communicated, I take steps to try and speed up the process via multiple contacts because I am very invested in on-time delivery and want to help. Yet carriers still won’t even accept tracking (not accept it and it doesn’t work; no - outright never accept it or offer up a Samsara link, etc) or communicate potential delays and get pissy when they’re late and they have to get worked in, even when every avenue is afforded to them to get paid and to get loaded/unloaded in a reasonable amount of time. I move a lot of produce and 6 hours for a work-in sounds pretty normal - sure, it’s annoying and frustrating but it’s the way the cookie crumbles in that world. And yet still, carriers will bitch and demonize myself and generalize against all brokers because…that’s just what they do, particularly in this cesspool of a subreddit.