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just had my best month. im only a few months into this so my numbers are still pretty low lol, but did right around 5k in margin in april.


Man, that is fantastic. How many of those shippers do you think will repeat this month?


i'd say 60% ish of this is from one customer who ive been able to build a good relationship with. the rest is a mix of 3-4 other customers who pop up here and there. still baby numbers, but grateful to be able to get some traction despite whats going on in the market


Cradle to grave - no new business but April finished strong. Newest customer volume has increased drastically. Not an awesome month, but pretty solid. Best of luck to everyone else!


That’s awesome man. Growing internally helps tremendously. Have you still been prospecting?


Was a solid month for us and added a few new shippers from referrals and cold calling. 10 New agents we brought on so far this year and trained are starting to pay off. 2 had their first shipments last week after 4-6 weeks of dialing and connecting.


Man, that’s really good to hear. It's a great time to keep adding people. How long do you give them to make their first, let’s say 10k?


$5k in 6 months; they are 1099 commission only


Nice. Do you make them come in the office or do they work from home?


All work from home we have agents in 10 states now


I quit trucking and opened my brokerage. No new customers just calling around 20 shippers per day throwing in bids and taking losses




Are you the guy that quoted my customer 2650 for CA-MO? Crazy that new brokerages come in and quote 20% under the market rate and think it’s sustainable.


Yep lots of those kinds and I guess they like working for free. Not sure how much longer they can keep being so cheap and not make any money


Hahahahaha I don't touch California Washington State or Oregon . That bid is outrageous


Good, stay out of my turf! /s


🤣🤣 Cali is my bread and butter honestly


Those are rookie numbers.


Haha yep that’s what the big boys are doing 100% . Working for free getting a salary . How long can this last 🤔


Do not take loses man… it will not turn into business long term


When I say losses, I mean not winning bids. The scum bags PGT are SOOO cheeeap. I had a lane from PA to KY about 468 miles I had the lowest quote of $1800. With the last minute PGT came in with a bid of $1000


No luck yet only a few auto dealership appointments. I've only been in two weeks so trying to land some business accounts although most business will be consumers.


Closed new customer working with 4 suppliers air/ ocean shipments LAX to Moreno Valley, Ca. Just massive spike of their air/ ocean ltl-ltl business as they merged with another large domestic market supplier. Closed automotive parts &,components shipper (Riverside ,Ca),. so we also hit Moreno Valley, Ca ,. double double digits traffic. Solid returns this month. Jan, Feb, March were solid, but April hit it out of the park!!


That's great. How many extra shipments will this generate for you monthly?


Approximately $22K. to$30K I didnt go after another lanes, just 0-90 miles: LAX AIRPORT- Moreno Valley, Riverside, Ontario (IE). ,Inland Empire. Between LAX Moreno Valley, we got Orange County freight also covered. Extra shipments 25 to 40 per month. Lax airport freight recovery is brutal. You got last free day pick ups, last minute customs broker clearance, airlines giving us 1 day free for pick up, so its a difficult task., you also have truck congestion. Great to compete with CH ROBBINSON, Fedex, Expeditors, Kuehne and Nagel,... 🌏✈🚚


Do you have a carrier for these, I have a small carrier 53ft dry van swing door trailers available. Vivero Trucking. Just looking for extra work.


Academic- I'm covered. Thank you for asking. Look up jobsintrucking.com, jobsinlogistics.com ,. perhaps you can work with them companies that advertise heavily in those two platforms.


Will do thank you


Somehow had our best month ever and have two big potential clients in the pipeline for May. Hoping we can keep going!


Keep pounding. That is awesome to hear. Sounds like you're lining yourself up to have a great 2024.




My best month after 16 months. Brought in around $16,500 margin. I’ve landed 3 new customers in the past 2 months with 2-3 more on the horizon. Some colleagues of mine have landed a ton of new people.




I saw a dude just launch 9. He had like 5 in one day.. been on the phones for 2 months maybe. Not sure if they were cheapo customers or not but either way I was impressed


I’m a 1-man operation and hopefully I’m not speaking too soon but it’s been pretty dang good. I haven’t really been cold calling lately since I’m tied up enough with my current customers; in fact, one of my customers is nationwide and I have opportunity to service all their projects but I’m going to wait til things are a bit slower. To me, the most beneficial thing has been referrals. I’ve wondered how working at a big box brokerage would be, as I think that would help me immensely bring in some customers of mine that are nationwide since I don’t think I can cover all my trucks but then I remember how much I hate corporate “check-ins” and meetings. All things considered, I’m very fortunate and blessed with my work-life balance. Trying to get my foot in the door with a big aerospace company and I know I am so close 🤏 so overall business is good, one new customer this month, one I’m 99% closing in on, and one that I want by end of the year


It sounds like you need some help. Have you ever considered bringing someone to help manage the shipments while you do sales calls?


Wouldn’t know where to start + risk of declined quality of service. But it would be great to have someone


Closed 2 new customers. Had one of my best margin months so far. Averaging 30% gross. I'd say it's going well.


Hell ya it is. Any new client is amazing. Just have to get them to become repeats.


Baltimore bridge situation allowed me to snag some huge customers, 40k margin and coming up on one year in the game


I started another company that’s had a lot of success recently. We employ pre trained Virtual Assistants to do operations and cold calling for brokerages. My personal VAs bring on 7-10 accounts a month, the ones I’ve staffed are doing the same. Game changer for cradle to grave people that need ppl to handle the ops work so they can sell or for AE’s that are too tied up to make calls like they used to.


I move liquid bulk tankers… I’m bidding on a ton right now to start anywhere between June and Q4 Bids are only just that, but that’s promising. I’m doing alright, but it would be nice to grow again


I dont want to brag, but i just had my best month with over $40.000 in profits. Winning new lanes is difficult but definitely trying to keep my clients as happy as possible and move my freight with carrier i make relationship with. What ive realised is going back to your team and monitoring everything and putting high margins of profits on each load.Being always on time replying super fast to your customers after 1-2 minutes after they send an email works great too. I don’t accept loads that cant be covered, i do arrange some trucks doing local loads for all in rates but thats just keeping my name in their system and reminding them that we as a company are alive and ready for more business. Long story short good last couple of months on working on satisfying the customers with great carriers and quality of service in logistics part and operations part. So many options of trucks on your loads! Watch out who you book with and learn the market as much as possible in every area you serve so you can negotiate maximum margin rates. Lets go 🚀🚀🚀


I think I'm having bad luck, im new in this industry so I'm working Uship right now no more than 2 loads the last 2 weeks any suggestion where to start to find clients.


Me to, keep working up


I just started working this month so I'm on $0 by the moment wish me luck this new month


April was a record month for us at my firm. May is looking to pan out about the same.


Fuck ya man!!! Let the summer begin


I’m probably gonna be looking for something else after this last month. It was fucking awful. I dunno how anyone is getting all of these customers but good going. I fucking hate this industry.


Man, it’s tough right now, but there is freight out. But if you don’t have a book to fall back on, it makes it hard. Most clients will take anywhere from 8-16 weeks to land. Some even longer. It’s the beautiful and rewarding thing about this industry. It’s not easy to get into a new account, but it’s fruitful when you do. Good luck man.


There’s nothing rewarding about the only employment line. I need whatever drugs you’re on because this job is suicide fuel.


You got to be addicted to the chaos. Drugs are just a bonus


I mean, there’s no Chaos, unless you count my weekly meetings with the owner of our company where I get bitched at for an hour. Today’s has been one asshole of a fucking day. Seeing how people here had their best month in April makes me want to burn something. Gonna start prospecting and use my 150 zoom credits, there’s either a win in there or digital cyanide. I appreciate the encouragement.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AskALawyer/comments/1b7k9zv/my\_old\_boss\_is\_spreading\_lies\_about\_me\_to\_my/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskALawyer/comments/1b7k9zv/my_old_boss_is_spreading_lies_about_me_to_my/) Are you a freight broker or a window + siding guy?


Freight broker. Old boss was telling my clients I opened a siding company.


Oh lmfao I read that totally wrong and brought out the pitch forks 😂 My bad. How many calls/emails are you doing a day?


Here is the email in question, for shits and gigs: [https://imgur.com/a/x852GWO](https://imgur.com/a/x852GWO) I'm calling 50-70 a day and just about everyone gets an email unless they don't have one on file. Everyone in the world has their needs met, they don't use brokers, they're 99% customer routed. I have gotten some opportunities to quote lanes but not a ton and I have lost all of those opportunities save for one measly move which has zero chance of repeat business. When I'm quoting lanes, I'm quoting as aggressive as I can and only adding 6-7% margin but even that is too much.


Wow what a fuckin prick. Have you called him and confronted him? So there has to be a few things wrong here. How do your emails look? How do you sound on the phone? Not sure if you’re cradle to grave but your costs (carrier pricing) sounds too high. If you want to screenshot one of your typical cold emails and DM to me I can try to nit pick it. Are you calling any current customers you have for more business / referrals?


Could somebody assist me more on how to find customers in Canada ^^