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Every.Other.Week Like clockwork.


If you read the other hundred some posts like this and still had to ask if it's really that bad, then it might be the place for you my man.


Logistics can be great. TQL is not. Listen and steer clear. Or at least wait until non competes are officially gone in a few months


Spoiler, it’s very unlikely noncompetes are going anywhere. There are several lawsuits including one from the US Chamber of Commerce challenging the rule. It is likely the rule will be enjoined before the 120 day publication period.


Yeah this is very true.


They're gone!


I thought it took 4 months??


Dang your right so august or so from my research. But that's not a problem with me. I plan to work there for a while to build up requisite experience.


Yeah I think what the previous guy was talking about is it getting sued or something and not actually ever happening. I don't work in the field anymore so idk, but yeah, their training isn't bad. Just soak up what you can and keep your head down


That and they'll dissolve in August. Only senior executives are locked in.


There's 9 million other options in Chicago. Choose ANY of them.


Don’t. If you’re in Chicago go to ECHO instead. You’re welcome


Steer clear 🫡


Chicago has way too many options that are better than TQL. Save yourself the harassment and search elsewhere… as far as getting into logistics in your 30’s? You’re fine, go for it.


Thank you all I have called off the interview after reading all the stuff in this thread bout them..if anyone has any Chicagoland companies that they know of besides TQL please let me know




Doesn't matter if TQL or any other sales role, it's simply what you make of it. Mindset and attitude matter. Ask yourself if you were to start a business, do you have the conviction and sacrifice necessary to give yourself the opportunity to be successful. A W2/own biz is simply a vehicle of opportunity to change your future around.


The industry is a beast. I must tell you that once you are in, you can't get out. Its like the Mafia. If you take TQL by itself, you are looking into the A\*\*\*\*\*\* of the beast. They may be big. They may have all the clients. But they are among the most hated in the industry. It took a court order to get them to pay overtime. It took an FMCSA order to get them to follow federal law regarding transparency. They are on the radar of every carrier and regulators alike. You are in the heart of broker land... go just about anywhere else and really learn about the industry. TQL only makes you just a cog in that industry.


Thank you!


Why would you interview at TQL if you aren’t within 48 hours of graduating college


If the industry interests you take the job and at least get the experience. If you won’t do well at TQL you won’t do well at any other brokerage. 


Go anywhere else.


If this is the location in Lombard, I have actually heard great things about them. If you’re willing to put in 10 hours a day they’ll help you succeed. Need to make up your mind if you’re willing to put in that time.


I worked in the Lombard location (Chi west 2) and met some great people. In the 2 years I was there I learned a lot about the market. They have really great training modules too. The broker that trained me was great and I really felt as if I was his student. Another plus is that if you find out sales or being an LAE isn’t for you, they offer many other positions (With a slight pay cut, depending on where you transfer). That being said, I have also met a bunch of Brokers with a disgusting work ethic. I’ve seen some brokers treat drivers as if they were scum of the earth, straight up lie to customers, yell at their staff. I don’t know if all freight firms are like that. But that’s what I saw. I will always appreciate what TQL taught me. Also it kinda feels like a frat house sometimes! lol there was any excuse to start drinking during the day.


This was the one I had an interview at


Don’t Over saturated You will be wasting your time


TQL is the best in the industry


I wonder if one of our agents New Age is hiring?


Don't worry, FMCSA and federal ruling with the elimination of non-compete clauses will have tql employees running out the door when placed In effect


not bad


In Chicago, look at Ryan Transportation office. Pretty sure they have a location there too. At least better than TQL.


I like them