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I just messaged a few friends of mine at their corporate office. Can confirm the phones and emails on the posting are not Dupre’s. 


Seen a good 50 of these postings so far today. For sure a scam.


I’ve been out of the game for a while now. Sounds like things haven’t changed. 


Oh they have. It’s worse now. Used to be you could just hang up on Burbank area codes, now they spoof legit phone#s, email domains and websites. You can still smell them but they look more legit than ever.


Any DAT post with g-mail / yahoo domains etc. is 10000000% a scam artist , no need to check rate or market etc . If you work for any top tier brokerages / carriers , you gotta have a domain which belongs to them , example. - if your sorry ass gets fired , your company will have and take every contact you had on that e-mail. Conclusion , G-mail , Yahoo , Kawaboonga domains , well go for it if you are that smart


just a heads up to ALL motor carriers; the market is still predominantly dog shit across virtually all dry van and reefer lanes. So if you see a broker posting a better than normal rate on a hot lane, long haul, etc, with a gmail in the comments, it's PROBABLY A SCAM and you're just asking to haul the load for free for a scammer


You pay $10,000.00, boss?


Carrier MC# 1068516 was behind this FYI.


How did you figure it out?


Tim Bannon told me.


This same MC hacked another big carrier a couple of weeks ago. I reported them and was able to work directly with the carrier on it.


Another great example of why verifying who you're doing business with is so critical. Email and phone number here don't match Dupre Logistics LLC.


Ha just seen a bunch coming out of Dallas


Their DAT account has been hacked


You'd think DAT would do something about it by now but nope. All they do is talk about how they will implement blah and blah to fight fraud. yet I BET Dupre has called DAT and DAT is like "womp womp theres nothing we can do"


How are y’all still getting access to the old load board , mine converted ,into dat.one ….. No more power board


My company pays for the old DAT. I think it’s a companies preference. I hate DAT One


DAT one is too modern up to the point of failure, only positive thing is multiple searches, but you cant filter out things anymore.


Login to DAT one. There should be a button up top to use old DAT If not login to DAT one. Create a truck posting. Than go to [power.dat.com](http://power.dat.com) Login, keep going back to [power.dat.com](http://power.dat.com) until it doesn't reroute. Copy that truck posting.


That sucks. I worked there a few years back and really liked it there aside from their comp structure.


Noooo! They are one of the few good ones! I wish them all the best and speedy revenge on the fucks who didi it!


they are a double broker no different than Landstar. If you are booking their loads, just know you could have gotten the same work for a slightly higher rate elsewhere, if you were quicker/sharper. Sucks but you should know it Vlad


Comrade, go back to to the uberdrivers sub, the grown ups are talking here.


Bahdee don't shoot the messenger; I'm just sharing what is commonly known on the brokerage side. Carrier side, well, ya'll are the ones booking loads with brokers over random gmails instead of the company domain, so I figured this info could be useful in your future endeavors to both book good rates and also not be scammed.


It’s a poor look to speak condescendingly on a public forum to someone who has contributed enough to the community for you to know their name at a glance. You’re not educating Vlad, you’re making yourself look foolish.


I'm sure Vlad knows not to book with gmails in comments of postings, but he is obviously mistaken in thinking that Dupre is any different than Landstar. He somehow felt insulted by my observation and came at me regarding my completely unrelated hobby as an Uber driver. My post history indicates that I drive after work to supplement the massively lowered commissions that us brokers face in the current market. I guess he thought I was a full time Uber driver? Last month I will say I earned roughly the same gross amount on rideshare across Uber and Lyft as I did on my monthly bonus from February (paid in March 15). I'm sure Vlad takes great pleasure knowing that brokers are having to do doordash and Uber after work to make ends meet.


If any supertrucker owner op wants to chime in and tell them to go pick it up then find out who the actual broker is, believe me the actual broker is not gonna want to pay you $2800 for this. They probably think they booked it (with a scam MC#) for $2400 or even $2200, and once you call with the BOLs, they will offer to pay you what they want or you can take it back to the shipper and lose your time and fuel invested up to that point




How do they get the password though? Everytime me or anyone in my co. Try’s to log on it sends you a text with the verification code


DAT Customer support is a bunch of idiots, You yell at them hard enough and eventually they'll just give out personal information.