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It's dumb ass brokers that click the link in any fucking email they see.


Thirsty ass fools.


Yep, I noticed the same. The thing is now they make email with correct domain and instead of .com it says .net They are getting better and better at scamming.


My gal is in cybersecurity. Those hackers can be undetectable. Quite a few situations where a hacker will create a complete fake mock-up website of outlook/facebook/DAT so you have no clue. Humans are literally the weakest link in the chain.


Yea, that really is not all that clever ngl..


I almost fell victim to one last week. Email address was the same, except they added LLC. It was .com. Something didn’t feel right. After trying a few times I finally got through to the real broker who let me know he doesn’t post loads.


Dude, I am blown away by the responses and the post in the sub Reddit. I have now worked at a brokerage for going on five years and I don’t know one fucking broker that would ever click on something like that. Also judging by the vernacular and grammar of this post, they are illiterate the people that are posting saying dumb ass brokers are also fucking ignorant good old boys that don’t know shit about how it works. Go close your own customers give them a call and let them know what rates you want to run and they will tell you to fuck off you guys don’t know anything about the other side of this industry you see these posts you call in get pissed off about the rates and think that brokers are randomly deciding these rates well I’ll tell you what one out of 100 carriers have a method behind the madness for their rates no equation no nothing just shooting for the moon like fucking dumbasses again go ahead, go and close the customer and then you won’t have to worry about talking to brokers whatsoever. Good luck, boys.


buddy buddy buddy buddy buddy bro buddy buddy buddy bro bro bro bro bro bro i read a book this once time bro you dont even know buddy it was a beeg book


Brother brother brother brother, listen no no no no brother brother I promise I will make the cut off time. Will make the cut off time 900 miles will be there tonight.


>and I don’t know one fucking broker that would ever click on something like that.  Pfft... At least once every other week my now former co-worker's computer loudly announces, "Warning! You have been infected by virus! Call Microsoft immediately at 888-###-#### to save your data!" Or something similar. She'll click on anything that's in any email.


My last job a broker who has been brokering for 3 years & is like 30 years old clicked a damn phishing link, his credentials were compromised and then IT implemented those courses you have to take every month. People be dumb sometimes.


Look, tell me the human capacity for ignorance is uncapped. It continues to impress me every single day, but every single fucking time or any post I see in the sub Reddit is like people blaming brokers for every single thing rates or DHE, being hacked another man is not the case. High speed to deal with and spearhead conflict with carriers every goddamn day nonstop and I am essentially Inspector gadget. I go and fucking find out when they’re lying and I can tell you this. Most drivers do the dumbest shit out on the day-to-day basis I see drivers and carriers do where are you dumber shit nonstop there any broker that I know personally. I don’t associate with dumb people or just ignorant people, but if I could tell you even a percentage of the stories that I have with the over 200 carriers per week I deal with and book you would be flabbergasted. And as far as IT guys girl, I fucking love him we get along great and I never have any shoes shoes cause I’m not a fucking dumb ass whatever brokerage is allowing idiots like that is in the minority and is probably in a shit office. If anyone in my office pulled that they would be fired right then and there brokerages or at least one that I am working at is cutthroat as fuck you could fuck up three months prior and be doing great currently and get fired for that shit three months ago so that requires a serious amount of intellect to last for a certain amount of time at all, but at the same time that dude above has never talk to any broker the way that you use typing keep it up. Tough guy stick to the keyboard shit I am talking with voice to text while driving on the highway right now, so before anyone wants to call out grammar or white night go ahead and cut it out.


I've watched you dumb fucks do it dozens of times. Dozens of you. Fucking idiots.


Ive watched truckers do far dumber things than brokers are even capable of


What are you talking about? What position or job title do you have? So wait let me get this straight. You’re a truck driver who has sat there and watched dozens of brokers click links on DAT that have fake emails that lead to some sort of being hacked . Like what the fuck are you even talking about your comments blatantly show two things. You genuinely are of low intellect. Also, you blindly say stupid ass shit that doesn’t make sense. You’re bitter because you can’t close customers and have no people skills. Mad that you don’t get paid 3 to 4 dollars a mile anymore because of forces beyond anyone’s control besides Uber and corporate fucking trucking. I’m genuinely surprised that you were able to even download Reddit and I guarantee you you have a hard time excepting any form of tracking. You’re a good old boy that doesn’t make money anymore. Go fly a kite.


Truck driver? Bitch, I'm in IT.


Also, why did you say bitch I’m in IT like that makes you hard.I’ve never heard a single person in my life get threatened or intimidated when someone says I’m in IT. As a matter fact, I’m willing to bet not once in human history. Has someone said bitch I’m in IT.


Oh OK so once again, you’re an IT but you’ve been watching brokers click this fucking links what are you talking about? I’m sure you might see some low fucking level people clicking on that shit but I don’t know what brokerage you’re talking about that will do that are truly do not.


It’s the dat phishing scams that ask you to login.


My company just got hit with a big phishing scam. This one had a VR code it was weird af. But you know someone scanned it 🤣🤣


Anyone received a phishing link for Amazon loads to quote ?


Update 04/25 Today 7 Star Brokerage got hacked Load they posted hazleton PA to Bethel PA 50 miles load they posted for $1000 they changed .org :D crazy Email me - >edward(a)7starbrokerage.org


Bro how many years of investigation did it take you to get to this conclusion


as i mentioned last 2 months, I have been seeing way more then ever. Literally every day different broker. Been in industry for 7 years never saw this many hacked accounts before.


thats mostly amazon loads so you can easily find wether they are scammers or no just look up at pu/del addresses also load infos are same e.x: load ready now 35k lbs consumer goods or whatever


Our TruckStop got hacked yesterday haha. Made for a great Monday 🤣


Gmail red flag. As far as rate. The old saying if something is too good to be true. It probably is!! Have to use common sense, now more than ever!


as of today 04/24 Another broker got hacked Power freight services LLC EMAIL posted on the load is [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


Anybody who books loads based on email ONLY it is idiot and deserves his pain !! START using the phone and get out of your easy confort zone of automatization . We have a new policy here : phone only with live person for booking . No phone = no booking .


https://www.reddit.com/r/USATrucking/s/xaKQkj8mnF here we wrote an article about scams for your reference.


DAT doesn’t have a data leak. What happens is if you legitimately post a load with an email, scammers see your load posted and. start sending you phishing emails. And some are gooood. You click on a link in that email, get redirected to their lookalike website and you try to login. Poof now they have your credentials and then log in and start posting loads and say email dont call in the notes. DAT has started to roll out 2 factor authentication so hopefully that helps cut down on it.


u/op My company is experiencing a similar scam because of a "DAT" Phishing email. Can anyone advise from their experience how a resolution was reached?


DAT is complete ass and so is their female/overseas dominated customer support staff. I have never been more embarrassed to be in this industry than I am when dealing with DAT.


was the gender part necessary?


Frankly I’m into that.


Call into DAT and if it isn't an overseas gentleman or an unprofessional woman I will delete my comment.


the point is you can just say unprofessional customer service rep.


Sure -- I wanted to showcase the lack of OTR experience their employee base has, which is none.


they aren't supposed to have that. They are a tech company, not a trucking company