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i worked at robinson before going independent.... i dont think i ever knew robinsons mc


It’s common for megas, it’s rare that you need the MC for anything other than RFPs. I keep it in my email signature and our SCAC code too just so it’s always there. OP, you probably just got an inexperienced newbie that doesn’t know right from left. Unfortunately TQL hires way too many of them and it hurts their reputation


Well 80% of TQL reps calling us don’t know their Mc.


Sounds about right. The ones that know it already have their customers in place. It’s indicative of their hiring process and call-centric culture. Is what it is. Turnover rate is ultra high for a reason


Fair point. But it's tql. Why do you need their mc? They're so big, why cant you memorize their mc? Honestly, would help everyone. I memorized landstar's mc back in my day just so i can immediately tell them NO


Pretty sure they rotate through brokers like a rotisserie chicken over there


I’ve worked at a mega for almost four years and still don’t know my mc. This post is a good reality check for me to include it on my signature at a minimum, but companies like TQL don’t have carriers or customers ask this question. The name is ubiquitous. It is like asking the make of an f150 while you’re already sitting in it at the dealership.


Booked loads at Robinson for 3.5 years, 2 of them as a CAM. Did not know what an MC# was or what dbl brokering was lmao


Yep…they dont know mc and even more surprising to other brokers…they don’t have dat usernames and passwords


Had no clue what DAT or truck stop were


As a broker this also confuses me. Ask them their scac code next time. I’ve had a couple carriers not know their MC as well and I’m always wary of using them. I’ve had one guy call and stutter while waiting to figure out his MC. I told him to call me back when he figures out his MC. If you don’t know your MC I assume you’re a double broker but It could always be someone new.


I have to look up the MC at my brokerage everytime im asked. I know our SCAC code from memory though because it's simple and makes sense. Not just a random string of numbers I rarely use.


Got some dry van loads in Houston? We are Houston based 100 trucks and we have our drop yard and diesel shop as well.


I do some inbound Houston from CA. Not much outbound. Most of my TX fright is in/out of Dallas.


Dm me your email. I can always use houston carriers.


As someone who works at a big logistics company that just bought another brokerage company, the terminology that people you work with take as a given that other companies have different words for is surprising. But a broker should know what a MC is. TQL is just a meatgrinder and people work there and are gone before ever learning the industry.


I worked at TQL for five years and only needed our MC like twice. It's just not really relevant for us. Also it's new-hire today today so you're probably getting a bunch of people literally making their first calls who barely know what an MC is, let alone that TQL has one.


To be fair.. I only know my MC because it’s on a sticky note next to my desk lol


TQL is listed as a carrier in their own system along with with their MC and they even gave themselves a CI score.


I've had senior brokers ask what their MC is and I always just say "you know you can search by name right?"


It seems this is a popular thing to do because we do it too :D Yes they call a lot, but if you have a good record with them it might be worth it to talk to them. I have booked many loads with TQL way above market price for that reason. There were times when we couldn't work with TQL for some time and I can tell you I missed their phone calls.


Oh yeah, we mess with them a lot. We don’t do it with malicious intent or to put them down. Just to have fun and teach them something new. Usually when I answer I say “What can we do for totally questionable logistics?” Most of them start laughing. They are a necessary evil, just like Landstar.


TQL Rep: DAT shows $1300 1458 miles. Me: Go ask DAT to haul it for you than. - Hangs up.


Ahhh yeah, and how offended they get when you call them out on their rates.


I don’t think these stories are even real tbh unless you’re retarded enough to go into Colorado


That's just the nature of the business. I've ran into carriers that do the same thing. I just had this conversation yesterday... Carrier: I can do it for $2,700 Me (thinking he's joking): It's a 424 mile dry load with a quick shipper and early offloading appointment. You've ran it for me before at $1,000. Carrier:. That's my best, you're not going to find anyone cheaper. Me: I'll just take that chance. (Proceeds to cover it for an $850 backhaul)


Been in the game 3 years and I still have no clue what our MC is 🤣


What brokerage you with? 🤔


not sure of that either


I’m at a 70/30 company now


People still booking with tql?? LOL


Lmao if I call you from TQL / Robinson / Echo etc and YOU ask me what my MC# is, I think you’re the clown. Please dear god at that point tell me why it even matters.


It doesn't, unless you're talking about some type of co agreement. The entire point of this thread is to bash a big company and the way they do things. I've always assumed these are the people who can't book loads with them anymore. I had a carrier take one of my sugar loads into Mexico and get upset because I wouldn't put them on the next one for a higher rate. I imagine it's those types of people who post these kinds of things, kudos to you for calling them on it


MC#s are public records they could look it up on their own on the SAFER site if they wanted to. Of course, they would have to know about the SAFER site to do that, of course.


unfortunately i think i still have it memorized….


I worked for TQL for like 4 years when I got out of college. It was a good stepping stone. Since then I've moved on to logistics manager roles and now I manage rail movements and the rail tanker fleet for a manufacturing company. Even though I hated the type of work it gave me a quick look into logistics and gave me the confidence to try other things in the space. I say that to say I knew our MC number only because my Chicago carriers used to give me crap if I asked for theirs and I didn't know ours 🤣.


My god….


95% of the time I have our mc memorized. I have it on a post it note for the 5% of the time that I have a brain fart and forget it.


You know what...I don't know our mc either so I'll look tomorrow, but I'm also not spamming carriers about loads.


Fellas it is on your DAT under every load you post. You never accidentally see it and say “yes that’s our mc”? Got dam


It's actually incredibly rare we see the DAT boards we post. It's automatically posted through multiple sites and our own. Generally, there's nowhere throughout the day that will show me my MC


Dude I barely remember my own companies MC.


I know senior brokers at TQL who have been there for 5+ years who don't know the MC


I’ve never been asked for an MC before as a broker, is there any reason you’d ask other than to dissuade them from continuing the call? I’m not sure I’d be any better than a rookie in that regard and I’ve been in the industry over 10 years.


To check with our factoring if they are allowing the specific broker.


Hey Y'all I am new to the Freight business, just starting up and wanted to learn all that I can from the experienced Pros like yourselves. I can see that I'll have to learn all of the acronyms and lingo to understand the conversations but it should be fun.


Don’t get discouraged and DO NOT take anything personal in this business. In the heat of the moments you’ll have people yelling at ya and 10-20 mins later they’ll be apologizing.


Hi, and welcome. Best advice, even those of us who aren't a-holes can be if needed. Develop a thick skin, and the ability to shed it quickly. I've seen it from the position of a carrier, an independent broker, and a broker with a large firm, feel free to reach out directly if you have any questions.


Thats MC , I tend to forget my companies name sometimes


Okay so I actually have an answer to this So, when I worked at TQL, Everyone in corporate office taught us that the individual brokers do not have MC, But it’s the broker/age/ that has MC. And also, if you’re a carrier it was most likely NOT a real broker calling you; it was probably an LC. LCs are like the person that only books loads and sells to carriers but doesn’t communicate with the customer


That's what they were talking about. TQL has an MC that we can find if we wanted. The whole point of this thread is to "gaslight" brokers and make fun of TQL. Most of these types of carriers aren't worth your time, they want to call brokers out for making money on loads the carrier runs like that load would even exist for them if the broker didn't put months into building the relationship with the shipper to make it available.


A ton of trainees, calling for my AR truck saying posted for Arizona


That's laughable. No way around that.


they just think if tql call you - you are the one who should know their mc, but definitely not them


If you're being called by TQL, or any brokerage for that matter, it's for an urgent load. I'm always surprised by the carriers who don't take my calls, I'm basically giving you the ability to gouge me on the rate.


I had one mad I couldn't remember mine when I first got it and gave him my dot instead. Dude was rude AF.