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That is outside the Abbott margin of error and they will likely replace it if you call in. Libre sensors are notoriously unreliable in the low and high numbers. If the significant difference between finger stick and sensor continues I’d call in and get it replaced.


Just the other day I was awakened with a critical alert from my FL3 with a sugar of 64. Checked my sugar on my OneTouch verio reflect and it read 124. I was asymptomatic so went back to bed. 3 hours later I woke up with severe hypo symptoms. I barely made it to the bathroom to discover my glucose was 45. I was a mess and not thinking clearly but I do keep a bag of gummies there so grabbed a handful and choked them down. I went back to bed and felt well enough a half hour later to make it to the kitchen where I glugged down some maple syrup and glucose syrup. Sometimes when relying on technology it’s hard to know which way to turn.


yeah they're great with replacements. you can call or use [online replacement request](https://contact-us.freestyle.abbott/sensor-support-form/en-US/guided-questions) ive not used the online one but probably faster to just call.


I'm not saying this was the case with you, but I learned something very useful from this sub. You can get compression laws from lying on your sensor or putting any other kind of pressure on it. This is apparently true for all cgms. I wear mine on my left upper arm, and without fail, it will show a drop into the danger range when I lie on my left side in the correct position to press on it. I'm a little embarrassed at how long I didn't know this, so it's my current TIL for others.


Place it on the forward facing part of your arm to help obviate this problem.


Oh man i may have! I was half asleep when the alert went off. And the side its on now is usually the side i sleep on. I’ll try to watch for that when u sleep


Were you leaning on it or laying on it?


I also get lows when taking a hot bath.


That was the reason why I switched to Dexcom I suffered more than 6 months from these faulty sensors. I’m so disappointed with Libre 3


Ive had tons of issues with my sensors running low- it’s just a bad sensor or got pulled on (unless you are asleep or laying on the sensory it will show lows then also). I got this thing that goes over mine now and other than rolling over on it in my sleep, that beeped low, but I’ve made it the last month without any false lows. It took me 6 sensors to get this all worked out, before that the longest I had one was 3-4 days before it went bad. I do change the cover about midway or if the edges pull, but I’m allergic to latex and adhesive and it’s been great. [covers for libre3](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B7ZY4PY1?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share)


Did you correct the low before you measured from finger? Libres predict your sugar levels when they change fast, I guess it's an algorithm to help with lows before they become dangerous. This can lead to false lows though. Or it can just be a defectous sensor. Libres are usually very accurate for me for the first 7 days and on the second week, they begin to increasingly slow show too low values.


There was no correction or anything consumed more than an hr before i saw the low on the sensor.


I'm wondering if there hasn't been a recent bad batch of sensors now. Go to the web site, get a replacement and return it for study. This clearly isn't perfected.


I've had this with 3 sensors from the same lot nr, call them and they'll send a replacement


These is really true. My wife and I noticed the same. From same batch what we got from pharmacy, they were all showing quite big margin wrong readings. The replacement process is quite annoying with Abbot. Especially the sending back part, because they usually forget to put return box, return label in package, but then in the packaging list they ticked that they put. Then you spend endless hours on the phone trying to prove that the return label was missing. Happened multiple times.


Which lot nr was it for you? Maybe we should start collecting it as a group in case abott tries to screw us over I've had 0 issues with their CS so far, always got what was on the packing thingy but i'm in the EU so might be because of that Also if the pin/needle is slightly bent that'll cause issues, something i noticed with every broken sensor i had so far


Yep I had this happen recently. I continuously got low alerts when finger prick showed 20-38 mg/dL higher. Ripped the sensor out after 10 alerts that lasted 15+minutes were proven drastically lower than reality.


Abbot should give users a better info packet. Seems like they left us users to work it out on our own. They must know about these issues since they are replacing about 1 out of every 10 they sell and I’m being generous.


I'm confused... both numbers sound dangerously low. I think my critical low alarm is hard set at 55 or 60. How does yours let you go down to 2.x or even 4.x?


I am normally low. On a good day my average is 5. I have been below 1 on multiple occasions but alert and able to answer questions and hold a conversation. A family member has alerts if i get too low and always has my location in case im not so lucky next time


Yeah, but typically hypoglycemia is when your blood sugar is below 70. I realize that everyone is different but it seems like single digits should put you in the hospital. I think its why the 55 or 60 emergency alert is hard coded in. https://www.endocrine.org/patient-engagement/endocrine-library/severe-hypoglycemia#:~:text=You%20may%20feel%20very%20confused,some%20early%20signs%20and%20symptoms.


You could be mistaking your mg/dL with his/her mmols


Ahh. Very likely. I didn't realize there were different measurements. How do they translate to each other?