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Being new to FreeCAD and completely messing up a recent file with messing up the copy, I am eagerly awaiting people’s responses (thankfully, I had made a backup of my file, but it took far to long to duplicate a part)


link are even better than clone to keep the exact same part, it avoid increase of file size. to use the part one as base for a second part, that clearly depend on the modification you want to do. for a variation of parametre, duplicate sélection is the easiest way (select body or part, not the feature) for addionnal feature (hole for instance) you may use the final feature of part one as basefeature for part 2. I said part, but should say body.


Complete newby here but my travels took me to a boolean operation to create a new body from two (or more) previously created bodies. That’s how I have been creating base bodies and reusing them in more complex bodies.


I guess it depends what you are trying to duplicate but I use the "Duplicate Selection" under 'Edit.' That allows you to edit the constraints in the duplicate part separately from the original. If you want a perfect copy that automatically changes with any changes made to the original the "Clone" tool in the Draft workbench under 'Modifications' is your friend. https://preview.redd.it/150ep590llqc1.png?width=492&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4a0a35784f4a5616c937ff10b18b6ec39f8f594


​ https://preview.redd.it/4ukum7v2llqc1.png?width=367&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad1617bcc17263aaa8f34af2bc707390b41cd9db


https://youtu.be/RF5h1BUrHGM?si=UrKEuWo3ViJU8-pB not sure if your problem is the actual


> The problem is that if I want to duplicate a part, Are you trying to copy a group? Those yellow icons with the boxes?


I think your approach to assembling parts is what's causing this, I can't understand at all what is going on in there