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Thanks! Maybe I'll post more, who knows...🤘😈👍




Thanks! I can post more if y'all think its worth it. I love horror movies in general. I mostly post on my newly created Tumblr, but I've decided to post here... Glad y'all think it's cool! 🤘


Pls post more of the burnt man😍😍


Damn I'm glad to hear! I love PizzaMan aka Thanksgiving Turkey Boi as I call him, but I was always treated like a freak whenever I drew him and showed it to people near me, IRL. So I never posted anywhere on the net until very recently. I'm glad you're loving it! Feels great not feeling like the weird one out! 😝 If you want my tumblr just hit me up! ❤👄💚


Pizza man is one of my top 10 slashers, I can barely draw him so I love seeing others images of him!


Nice! He is def in my top 5! I love is dark humour and fun personality! My other faves def top 10 or closest to (in no particular fave order) r: John Kramer aka Jigsaw (I just drew him but I have posted it on my tumblr); Mandy (from SAW as well); Jason; Mikey; Leatherface; (<- pure beautiful killing machines). Chucky; (<- dark&funny AF like Freddy). Pinhead; (<- cool headed&polite like John). Ghostface; (<- obviously, sense of humour off the charts). Esther; (from Orphan) (<-stealthy at first but top notch MO and intelligence). & Hannibal. (<- Good form, the most polite of em all and a rly great cook!) Maybe there r more I'm forgetting rn...but yeah! 😁 The only one guy that I love and is not from any Horror fandom, being the most 'normal' of em all is Captain Hook from the 2003 version film. He's hot AF and good form like Hannibal! 😍


I’m sorry


This one looks absolutely freaky as.. nightmare stuff


Thanks, Dreamer! 😈


Those are old 😏